
What are the steps to create a new folder structure according to the given figure? Open Windows Explorer and create the folder “Documents”. Create...

What are the steps to create a new folder structure according to the given figure?

Open Windows Explorer and create the folder “Documents”.
Create the folder “Consortium” inside the “Documents” folder.
Create the folders “Fiat” and “Honda” inside the “Consortium” folder.
Create the folders “UNO” and “MAREA” inside the “Fiat” folder.
Create the folders “ACCORD” and “CIVIC” inside the “Honda” folder.
Rename the folders to match the given figure.
a) I, II, III, IV, V and VI are correct.
b) II, III, IV, V and VI are correct.
c) I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
d) III, IV, V and VI are correct.

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13 pág.

Ambiente Windows Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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Aqui estão os passos para criar a nova estrutura de pastas de acordo com a figura fornecida: 1. Abra o Windows Explorer e crie a pasta "Documentos". 2. Crie a pasta "Consortium" dentro da pasta "Documentos". 3. Crie as pastas "Fiat" e "Honda" dentro da pasta "Consortium". 4. Crie as pastas "UNO" e "MAREA" dentro da pasta "Fiat". 5. Crie as pastas "ACCORD" e "CIVIC" dentro da pasta "Honda". 6. Renomeie as pastas para corresponder à figura fornecida. A alternativa correta é a letra A) I, II, III, IV, V e VI estão corretas.


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