
According to the first paragraph, the disturbing fact is that medical advances seem to be useless for the people in general. the longevity differen...

According to the first paragraph,
the disturbing fact is that medical advances seem to be useless for the people in general.
the longevity difference has been widening due to advances in technology, education and mainly in medicine.
developments in medicine, technology and education failed to bridge the longevity gap between rich and poor.
wealthy people not necessarily live longer, as reported by new research data.
medicine based on technological advances is usually applied to poor people first.
A) the disturbing fact is that medical advances seem to be useless for the people in general.
B) the longevity difference has been widening due to advances in technology, education and mainly in medicine.
C) developments in medicine, technology and education failed to bridge the longevity gap between rich and poor.
D) wealthy people not necessarily live longer, as reported by new research data.
E) medicine based on technological advances is usually applied to poor people first.

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UNESP - Prova de Conhecimentos Gerais modelo ENEM
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