
The psycholinguistic approach encompasses a wide range of research topics and methodologies. Concerning the alphabet, the psycholinguistic approach...

The psycholinguistic approach encompasses a wide range of research topics and methodologies. Concerning the alphabet, the psycholinguistic approach to reading understands that:

A- the visual representations of symbols determine how we translate them into a sound

B- the pervasive use of symbols ( like %, $, #, & and @) as well as existence of a nonalphabetical are indicative that reading print is not limited to the alphabet

C- non alphabetic languages like spanish and portuguese are evidence that the reading of the print does not depend exclusively on the existence of the alphabet

D- the existence of an alphabet is a sine qua non condition to reading print

e- the pervasive use of symbols ( like %, $, #, & and @) as well as existence of a nonalphabetical are indicative that reading print depends entirely on the alphabet

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A abordagem psicolinguística à leitura entende que a existência de um alfabeto é uma condição sine qua non para a leitura de impressos. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: D- a existência de um alfabeto é uma condição sine qua non para a leitura de impressos.


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