
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were two important names in north-American literature. Each one has specialized in specific ways. Both,...

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were two important names in north-American literature. Each one has specialized in specific ways. Both, however, wrote about some issues that society knew at the time. Below you will find some facts or behaviors related to these two authors. Associate each writer to one sentence, according to what is stated. Please, use the following codification: I- Ralph Waldo Emerson. II- Henry David Thoreau. ( ) He lived almost two years completely isolated from other people. ( ) He was for the freedom of black people and wrote essays about humanity, the fight for rights, nature. ( ) Besides writing essays, he also wrote some poetry, for instance: The Rhodora. ( ) The Rhodora reflects the north-American romanticism spirit. Check the answer that presents the CORRECT sequence: A) I - II - I - II. B) II - II - II - I. C) II - II - I - I. D) II - I - I - I.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa C) II - II - I - I. II - Henry David Thoreau. Ele viveu quase dois anos completamente isolado de outras pessoas, em uma cabana na floresta, próximo ao lago Walden. II - Henry David Thoreau. Ele era a favor da liberdade dos negros e escreveu ensaios sobre humanidade, luta por direitos e natureza. Um de seus ensaios mais famosos é "Desobediência Civil". I - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Além de escrever ensaios, ele também escreveu poesia, incluindo "The Rhodora". I - Ralph Waldo Emerson. "The Rhodora" reflete o espírito do romantismo norte-americano, que era um movimento literário que Emerson fazia parte.

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Kadu Contábeis

A resposta correta é a alternativa C) II - II - I - I.

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