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During a study on the impact of hydroelectric dams on the mesoclimate, a field visit was conducted to the area of influence of the Miel I dam. Duri...

During a study on the impact of hydroelectric dams on the mesoclimate, a field visit was conducted to the area of influence of the Miel I dam. During the visit, surveys were conducted with residents of the region to gather information on historical climate changes, their causes, and consequences. What was the main purpose of the field visit?

a) To gather information on the impact of hydroelectric dams on the mesoclimate.
b) To conduct surveys with residents of the region to gather information on historical climate changes, their causes, and consequences.
c) To visit the Miel I dam and conduct surveys with residents of the region to gather information on historical climate changes, their causes, and consequences.
d) To visit the Porce II dam and conduct surveys with residents of the region to gather information on historical climate changes, their causes, and consequences.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Evaluación de la precipitación como indicador de la alteración de
104 pag.

Engenharia Civil Pontificia Universidad JaverianaPontificia Universidad Javeriana

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