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How to use the diagnostic format for asphalt pavement? 1. Fill in the information about the road, such as the address, dimensions, locality, neighb...

How to use the diagnostic format for asphalt pavement?
1. Fill in the information about the road, such as the address, dimensions, locality, neighborhood, UPZ, and the identification code of the road.
2. Indicate the general characteristics of the road, such as its use, signaling, drainage, and condition of curbs and sidewalks.
3. Record the type, severity, extension, and importance of the damage to the inspected pavement.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Guía de mantenimiento para pavimentos asfálticos de vías locales
185 pag.

Engenharia Civil Pontificia Universidad JaverianaPontificia Universidad Javeriana

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