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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Place: Sala 2 - TJ - Prova On-line / Andar / Polo Tijuca / POLO UVA TIJUCA 
Academic: EAD-IL80068-20214A
Assessment: A2-
Registration: 20211301424 
Date: Nov. 25, 2021 - 8 a.m. Finished
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursive  Objective Total: 8.50/10.00
1  Código: 32389 - Enunciado: Read the sentences:a) She was a tall, medium-height, Brazilian
tutor.b) On Sunday, I woke up at 10. I had prepared my speech the night before.c) Schools can be
understood as distant from real life. Nevertheless, they should be an open space for studentsʼ
needs and experiences.Classify each sentence according to its predominant text type sequence:
 a) Narrative; argumentative; injunctive.
 b) Narrative; descriptive; argumentative.
 c) Injunctive; argumentative; narrative.
 d) Descriptive; narrative; argumentative.
 e) Argumentative; descriptive; narrative.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Descriptive; narrative; argumentative.
Justification: Correct answer:Descriptive; narrative; argumentative.The first sentence is
descriptive, since it o�ers visualization/strict contextualization; the second sentence is narrative,
since it presents a sequence of events; the third sentence is argumentative, since presents a
logical sequence leading to persuasive conclusion. Distractors:Narrative; descriptive;
argumentative. Incorrect: narrative sequences present sequences of events; descriptive
sequences o�er visualization/strict contextualization; argumentative sequences present a logical
sequence leading to persuasive conclusion.Argumentative; descriptive; narrative. Incorrect:
narrative sequences present sequences of events; descriptive sequences o�er visualization/strict
contextualization; argumentative sequences present a logical sequence leading to persuasive
conclusion. Injunctive; argumentative; narrative. Incorrect: narrative sequences present
sequences of events; injunctive sequences o�er instructions and/or direct messages to the
listener/reader; argumentative sequences present a logical sequence leading to persuasive
conclusion. Narrative; argumentative; injunctive. Incorrect: narrative sequences present
sequences of events; injunctive sequences o�er instructions and/or direct messages to the
listener/reader; argumentative sequences present a logical sequence leading to persuasive
1.50/ 1.50
2  Código: 32368 - Enunciado: Di�erent factors a�ect how a language is spoken in a country. They
can be regional (geographical), ethnic (national and racial), and social (class, age, gender,
socioeconomic status and education). All these factors are interconnected. They are reflected in
every languageʼs pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical constructions and syntax.(Adapted
from: <https://languageavenue.com>. Accessed on: Nov. 17, 2018.)Indicate the process to which
the excerpt is referring:
 a) Text type studies.
 b) Oral development.
 c) Cultural plurality.
 d) Linguistic variation.
 e) Text genre studies.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Linguistic variation.
0.50/ 0.50
Justification: Correct answer:Linguistic variation. This is the process through which language
varies, adapting to its di�erent places of use, levels of formality, identity construction
mechanisms and to levels of education. It is an intrinsic characteristic of any
language. Distractors:Text genre studies. Incorrect: this is the area in which texts are studied as
sharing use, form and function traits that can be observed across languages, therefore, are not
directly related to variations due to regional, ethnic and social implications.Oral development.
Incorrect: this is the process of developing speaking/listening skills in any communicative
interaction, therefore, is not directly related to variations due to regional, ethnic and social
implications.Text type studies. Incorrect: this is the area in which discursive sequences within
texts are studied according to their formal and functional traits. These traits can be observed
across languages, therefore, are not directly related to variations due to regional, ethnic and
social implications.Cultural plurality. Incorrect: this is the cross-cutting theme proposed by
the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN, in order to establish the means for teachers to deal
with social diversity while working on their school subjects. Therefore, it is not directly related to
any variation in linguistics, specifically, referring to a broader scope.
3  Código: 31578 - Enunciado: In many ways, the establishment of Base Nacional Comum Curricular
– BNCC is an answer to the critiques published on the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN
and their approach to speaking and listening skills. By proposing an orality axis, the
BNCC enables teachers to plan interactive lessons to integrate the four skills into genre-based
tasks. While dealing with the orality axis, teachers should:
 a) Consider them in connection to the inter-cultural competency axis to provide relevant
debate topics.
 b) Consider them in connection to the written axis to emphasize the predominance of
written skills.
 c) Consider them independently from objectives in other axes to encourage oral fluency.
 d) Focus on their connection to the linguistic-grammar axis to help students organize
systemic knowledge.
 e) Consider them in connection to all axes, allowing for development opportunities
including the four skills.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Consider them in connection to all axes, allowing for development opportunities including the
four skills.
Justification: Correct answer: Consider them in connection to all axes, allowing for development
opportunities including the four skills.As stated by the introductory text, the BNCC proposes an
integrated approach to skill teaching. Therefore, all axes must be taken into account in lesson
planning. Distractors:Consider them independently from the objectives stated in other axes to
encourage oral fluency. Incorrect: The BNCC proposes, as stated by the introductory text, an
integrative approach to skill teaching.Focus on their connection to the linguistic-grammar axis to
help students organize systemic knowledge. Incorrect: The BNCC proposes an integrative
approach. Furthermore, the objectives listed in the linguistic-grammar axis are meant to be
experienced and not only organized (as suggested by the text when referring to genre-based
tasks).Consider them in connection to the inter-cultural competency axis to provide relevant
debate topics. Incorrect: This alternative disregards the integrative aspect and ignores the real
purpose of the inter-cultural competency axis, which goes beyond providing relevant debate
topics. It is an intrinsic part of orality development.Consider them in connection to the written
axis to emphasize the predominance of written skills. Incorrect: This alternative ignores
the critiques on the PCN about little attention to orality development, as stated by the text.
0.50/ 0.50
4  0.00/ 1.50
Código: 31568 - Enunciado: The Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD, amongst its many
criteria for course book selection, observes the inclusion of genre-based activities which connect
students to their school's surroundings, encouraging them to act as transformation agents in
their communities.In view of the above, it can be stated that the type of activity described can be:
 a) A vocabulary exercise related to the appropriate use of sufixes and prefixes.
 b) A composition on the e�ects of English language speaking on students' lives.
 c) Pair work practice on how to interview using questions words and auxiliaries.
 d) An interview with students parents on the importance of English in their lives.
 e) A listening activity based on a video showcasing linguistically diverse speakers.
Alternativa marcada:
b) A composition on the e�ects of English language speaking on students' lives.
Justification: Correct answer: An interview with students parents on the importance of English in
their lives.Correct. This option considersinteraction between students and members of their
community around a meaningful topic, as proposed by the introductory text. Distrators:A
vocabulary exercise related to the appropriate use of sufixes and prefixes. Incorrect, because this
option does not consider interaction between students and their communities. Also, it does not
mention a genre-based approach.Pair work practice on how to interview using questions words
and auxiliaries. Incorrect, because this option does not consider interaction between students
and their communities. Also, it does not mention a genre-based approach.A listening activity
based on a video showcasing linguistically diverse speakers. Incorrect, because this option does
not consider interaction between students and their communities.A composition on the e�ects of
English language speaking on students' lives. Incorrect, because this option does not consider
interaction between students and their communities. Also, it does not mention a genre-based
5  Código: 31565 - Enunciado: Classifying e-texts as purely oral or written is an impossible task
since orality traits are highly integrated to online written production. One could say that, even if
this integration is not an exclusivity of e-texts, computers and the internet have highly
potentialized it and teachers need to consider this phenomenon when planning their classes.It
can be said that the social interactionist vision of electronic texts understands them as:
 a) Multimodal constructs, since they resort to visual constructs in order to clarify and
exemplify oral meanings and norms.
 b) Written-based oral texts, since they tend to represent everyday conversations and quick
information exchange.
 c) Oral-based written texts, since they focus on orality even if the use of written constructs is
dominant in their composition.
 d) Multimodal constructs, since they resort to written, oral and visual media for their basic
composition and interpretation.
 e) Written-based oral texts, since they aim at substituting oral interchange by resorting to
oral expressions and norms.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Multimodal constructs, since they resort to written, oral and visual media for their basic
composition and interpretation.
Justification: Correct answer:Multimodal constructs, since they resort to written, oral and visual
media for their basic composition and interpretation.It refers to the concept of multimodality –
more than one mode – as suggested by the introductory text and includes the three most
important modes as a basis for e-texts composition (not only as illustration or
clarification). Distractors: 
Written-based oral texts, since they tend to represent everyday conversations and quick
information exchange. Incorrect. This option does not refer to the composition of e-texts and
0.50/ 0.50
classifies e-texts in a reductive manner (in opposition to what is said in the question
statement).Written-based oral texts, since they aim at substituting oral interchange by resorting
to oral expressions and norms. Incorrect. This option does not refer to the composition of e-texts
and classifies e-texts in a reductive manner (in opposition to what is said in the question
statement).Multimodal constructs, since they resort to visual constructs in order to clarify and
exemplify oral meanings and norms. Incorrect. This option only mentions one mode and reduces
its scope to the clarification and exemplification of oral meanings.Oral-based written texts, since
they focus on orality even if the use of written constructs is dominant in their
composition. Incorrect. This option does not refer to the composition of e-texts and classifies e-
texts in a reductive manner (in opposition to what is said in the question statement).
6  Código: 32378 - Enunciado: According to Oliveira (2016), "reading activities can be a very strong
pedagogical option to promote an e�ective discussion about cultural and social issues in the
classroom." By choosing texts which deal with relevant cultural and social questions, such as:
protests, vandalism, religion, political engagement, ghetto culture, multicultural society etc.,
material designers can suggest pre-reading and post-reading activities that follow some of the
intercultural perspective conceptions with tasks that aim to stimulate learnersʼ criticism and
point of view through open-answers. However, the majority of reading activities suggested tasks
with closed-answers which emphasized the discussion of lexical and grammatical
components.Identify the criterium in the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD which the
mentioned book author does not follow:
 a) Including pre, during and post tasks.
 b) Highlighting cultural plurality traits.
 c) Contextualized linguistic knowledge.
 d) Connecting texts to students' lives.
 e) Developing socially critical awareness.
Alternativa marcada:
c) Contextualized linguistic knowledge.
Justification: Correct answer:Contextualized linguistic knowledge. This criterium indicates that
grammar should be presented within the scope of each chosen text, considering it as a whole
genre and with a focus on its communicative and social functions. Distractors:Connecting texts to
students' lives. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all tasks should be connected to students'
realities, something which is provided by the themes of social interest and the possibility of
discussing them through open-ended questions.Highlighting cultural plurality traits. Incorrect:
this criterium indicates that all tasks should include representative samples of social diversity,
something which is provided by text selections including socially relevant polemics.Including
pre, during and post tasks. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all texts should be
contextualized, worked with and lead to some kind of production, something which is provided
by the reading tasks mentioned in pre-reading and post-reading activitiesDeveloping socially
critical awareness. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all tasks should encourage autonomous
analysis of each text in order to allow students to follow through in their reading proficiency
development, something with is provided by the focus on debating socially relevant issues.
1.50/ 1.50
7  Código: 32416 - Enunciado: The Programa Nacional do Livro Didático — PNLD has established
standards for textbook production, evaluation and distribution in Brazil. Public schools that
subscribe to the program receive materials which have been designed under the Social
Interactionist approach to language, considering guidelines provided by the Base Nacional
Comum Curricular — BNCC. Teachers will work with these books according to each communities'
specific needs.List the responsibilities assigned to language teachers towards PNLD approved
1.50/ 1.50
The teachers will work on approved textbooks creating pre,during and post tasks to each unit,
helping students to create a critical view of the world while learning the language. It is important
that teachers focus on meaning, form, pronunciation as well as the four pilars of second language
teaching, speaking, writing, reading and listening. Teachers have the responsability of making
language learning fun and dinamic, helping students to learn the language without realizing it,
while sometimes using the book only as a supplement to the teacher's instruction to a given
Justification: Language teachers are expected to select which textbook will be used with each of
their class groups from a list of pre-approved PNLD collections. This choice must consider the
specific needs of each school community. Teachers are also expected to adapt the units and tasks
provided by each textbook according to each lesson dynamics and objectives. It is important to
consider that books are not to be confused with lesson plans, therefore a simple application of
the instructions provided by the teacher's guide is not enough to guarantee an adequate
teaching-learningprocess. The production of extra material, such as worksheets and special
activities, may also be required as a means to reach the goals for any given group.
8  Código: 31525 - Enunciado: According to Sheldon (1988), coursebooks "are perceived by many
to be the route map of any ELT programme, laying bare its shape, structure and destination, with
progress, programme and even teacher quality being assessed by learners in terms of sequential,
unit-by-unit coverage". However, course books are meant to o�er multiple learning opportunities
and cannot be understood as substitutes for the teacher's lesson planning.Analyze the
proposition, considering the social-interactionist approach to book design in Brazil.
Coursebooks and other published materials are known worlwide to help students lean a second
language, even though they are a part of ELT programs they are not a substitute of the teacher.
The teacher brings a social interaction factor very important for language learning, for which its
objective is to be able to communicate without using your native tongue. Therefore, it is of
utmost importance that teachers personalize their lessons to fit in their students reality and
necessity, using a textbook as a base and personalizing the speaking activities as well as the
other three areas of language learning (listening, writing and reading). Creating authentic
communicative situations in class conditions students to work outside their comfort zone,
dissasociating teaching and learning activities from the technical-didatic plan, placing them in a
personal-psychological plan.
Justification: Expected answer:Brazilian coursebook collections are based on the national
curriculum, as stated by the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), and follow methodological
and design implementation standards o�ered by the Programa Nacional do Livro
Didático (PNLD). In order to conceive their books, authors must carry on a need analysis of school
levels they mean to address and generate a basic syllabus, selecting text genres that may o�er as
many learning opportunities as possible on a given topic of interest. However, the focus of their
work is to provide a material that is as flexible, resourceful, and connected to students' lives as
possible, since these coursebooks cannot preview all of the specificities a group of students may
present. It is a teacher's role to select the book that will be used with each class group and to
adapt it, according to their needs. Most teachers also need to create their own worksheets and
handouts, in order to work with specific teaching sequences on demand. The social-interactionist
approach previews interaction and negotiation in class as two of the main tenets of the teaching-
learning process. Authentic material, such as realia, can also be added to lesson planning as
means of fostering interaction.
2.50/ 2.50