
Effortless Paleo Weight Loss

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📕 eBook 
How to Lose Weight 
Without Trying on a 
Paleo Diet
Let’s face it – losing weight can be hard. Really hard.
Perhaps you’ve been on a diet before, and perhaps you’ve even lost a significant amount 
of weight. But more often than not, that weight creeps back on, until suddenly you’re 
back to the weight you were at when you started dieting.
Sometimes, you end up weighing even more than you did before you went on a diet in 
the first place!
It’s enough to drive anyone crazy. But why is weight loss so difficult? And why do some 
diets work in the short term, but ultimately fail after months of hard work and dedication?
You probably know that we gain weight when we eat more calories than our bodies can 
use. But you might not know that this doesn’t need to be a huge excess. Eating just 10% 
more calories than we need on a daily basis would lead to significant weight gain over 
time. And that might only be a few bites extra at each meal, which would be hardly 
If it’s that easy to gain weight, why isn’t everyone overweight? And why is our population 
suddenly becoming heavier than we ever were in the past?
In the early 1960s only 10% of people in the U.S. were obese. Today, one-third of 
Americans are obese and another third are overweight. While many have argued that 
certain nutrients like carbs or fat are to blame, the simple truth is that we’re eating more 
than we were before.
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The problem is that to lose body fat, we need to be in what’s called a “calorie deficit” for 
an extended period of time. This means that the number of calories entering our body 
(i.e. what we eat and drink) have to be lower than the calories being used by our body 
(i.e. general metabolism and physical activity).
Seems simple, right? Just “eat less and exercise more.”
Unfortunately, this advice rarely works because the brain has powerful mechanisms for 
overriding our efforts to lose weight. If you consciously reduce the number of calories 
you eat, your body responds by lowering your metabolism to match your reduced intake. 
So as you purposefully eat less calories, your body finds ways to use less calories. All 
while ramping up hormones that raise your appetite and drive you to eat more at every 
meal to regain the fat you’ve lost.
In other words, it’s extremely difficult to eat fewer calories than your body uses through 
sheer willpower alone—and this is exactly why calorie-restricted diets fail.
The holy grail of weight loss, then, is an approach that naturally and spontaneously leads 
to lower calorie intake. In other words, eating less without trying to eat less. Many diets 
promise this, but there’s only one diet I’ve seen that actually delivers over the long-term: 
the Paleo diet.
While my clinical experience is enough to convince me that a Paleo diet is the best 
choice for weight loss, (even a few minutes searching on Google will show you 
mountains of testimonials) there is credible scientific evidence to back up this claim.
Research shows that a Paleo diet is more satiating per calorie than both a Mediterranean 
diet and a low-fat diet. That means it’s more filling for the same number of calories 
compared to other popular diet methods. This is crucial for weight loss, since it helps you 
eat less without fighting hunger or counting calories. As I mentioned before, if you’re 
constantly fighting hunger, your brain will respond by reducing your metabolic rate and 
increasing your appetite.
A Paleo diet has also been shown to help a number of diverse populations lose weight 
and improve their metabolic health, including post-menopausal women, patients with 
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type 2 diabetes, and even Aboriginal Australians returning to their natural hunter-
gatherer diets.
And not one of these groups were told to reduce their food intake or to count calories.
Not only do you not have to count calories, you don’t have to purposely restrict fat or 
carbohydrates, though you’ll naturally eat fewer carbs, simply because Paleo eliminates 
the highly processed and refined carbs (like flour and sugar) that are such a big part of 
the Standard American Diet. But there’s no need to strictly avoid any particular 
With a Paleo diet, you just eat delicious, nourishing whole foods—including foods you’ve 
been told to avoid, like red meat and eggs—and watch the pounds fall off. This explains 
why so many of my patients have lost 20, 30, even 60 pounds or more (I have patients 
that have lost upwards of 150 pounds!) on a Paleo diet without effort, even when they’ve 
tried and failed with numerous diets before.
Best of all, they’re not hungry, and they’re enjoying their food. After all, who wants to be 
on a diet that makes them miserable?
A Paleo diet can help you look and feel great without trying. In this eBook, I’ll be diving 
into even more reasons why a Paleo diet can help you lose weight and regain your 
health and vitality, all while enjoying delicious and satisfying food. 
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Why Paleo Should Be 
Ranked #1 of All Weight 
Loss Diets
Earlier in January, US News & World Report issued its annual ranking of the best diets to 
follow for several different goals and health conditions, including weight loss. As you may 
know, the Paleo diet was ranked last in the “Best Diet Overall” category of the 32 diets 
they reviewed. This review may have caused you question the benefits of the Paleo diet, 
and perhaps you even have concerns about its safety.
But are these rankings reliable? And should you take them seriously?
The experts reviewing the diets suggested that a Paleo diet is restrictive and difficult to 
follow. However, these reviewers believe a Paleo diet to be primarily lean meat and 
vegetables, and nothing else, which is far from accurate.
Most Paleo experts advocate a wide range of foods, including meats (not exclusively 
lean), fish, nonstarchy vegetables, starchy plants like potatoes and sweet potatoes, nuts 
and seeds, and even modest amounts of “non-Paleo” foods like full-fat dairy, dark 
chocolate, and alcohol when they are well tolerated.
Using this approach, my patients have been able to eat delicious, real food as their 
appetite dictates and watch the pounds fall away.
Why Paleo is Superior to Many Other Diets
So what makes Paleo a superior diet compared to the other diets on the list?
In my experience as a clinician, I’ve watched hundreds of patients transition to a Paleo 
diet and end up enjoying their diet more than they ever have in the past. One of the 
primary reasons my patients love Paleo is that they don’t have to eat bland, tasteless 
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food with little to no salt or fat. This is in stark contrast to the DASH and TLC diets – both 
ranked at the top of the US News list – which restrict the amount of sodium, fat, and 
cholesterol you’re allowed to eat.
Just looking at a daily menu for one of these top-ranked diets demonstrates how 
unappetizing most of the food is. There’s no reason to suffer through tasteless food 
simply to lose weight or gain health benefits, especially since restricting both salt and fat 
is not necessarily the healthiest dietary strategy for most people. Plus, when your food 
tastes good, you’re more likely to stick to the diet long term.
Another reason my patients love the Paleo diet is that they don’t have to count calories 
or macronutrient ratios (i.e., the percentage of fat, carbohydrate, or protein they eat). 
Unlike the Atkins and South Beach diets, you don’t have to restrict carbohydrates to lose 
weight on a Paleo diet. And unlike the Ornish and TLC diets, you are encouraged to eatplenty of healthy fats that can help you stay full longer. Not having to count every morsel 
of food that passes your lips is one of the great benefits of a Paleo diet.
When my patients switch to Paleo, they’re glad they don’t have to remove foods they 
love like red meat and eggs, which are eliminated on many of the diets on the US News 
list, including the vegan and Engine 2 Diet. Animal foods are highly nutrient dense; 
according to this study on the nutrient density of common foods, these are the most 
concentrated food sources of the vitamins, minerals, and protein the body needs to 
function properly. Diets that restrict or eliminate meat and eggs and emphasize grains 
and legumes are ultimately lower in certain easy-to-digest nutrients, potentially leading to 
deficiencies in the long run.
Your “Healthy” Diet Shouldn’t Kill You!
Speaking of nutrient dense foods, my patients are relieved that they no longer have to 
starve themselves with powdered shakes and meal replacement bars, the types of foods 
recommended by diets such as Slim Fast, ranked at #13 on the US News and World 
Report list.
These highly processed, chemically-laden diets may provide the recommended levels 
of nutrients (or at least those we’re aware of), but they’re chock full of synthetic 
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ingredients and fillers that not only do not provide the nutrition of a real food diet, but 
may also lead to negative health outcomes in the future, including cancer and diabetes.
Losing a few pounds isn’t worth the risk of developing a lethal disease in the future!
Paleo – Even Better Than The 
Mediterranean Diet?
One of the few highly ranked diets that has been shown to be effective in treating a 
variety of health conditions and promoting weight loss has been the Mediterranean diet. 
You may be surprised to learn, however, that a traditional Mediterranean diet that 
promotes longevity and good health is similar to a Paleo diet.
While our American imitation of the Mediterranean diet may be high in grains and 
legumes and low in fat, the truth is that the most beneficial components of this diet are 
found in foods that are frequently eaten on a Paleo diet, such as fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, 
full fat dairy, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.
In fact, many of my patients follow a Mediterranean-style Paleo diet. In my book, Your 
Personal Paleo Code, I encourage readers to eat many of the same foods that are found 
in a traditional Mediterranean diet, without all the grains and legumes that don’t provide 
the nutrients that help support optimal health and metabolism. (And despite the popular 
media portrayal, you won’t just be eating huge slabs of raw steak at every meal.)
Further, research has shown that Paleo is more satiating per calorie than a 
Mediterranean diet, meaning you’ll feel more satisfied on a Paleo diet.
Thousands of Years of Human Experience
Finally, you can feel confident that the Paleo diet is effective because it’s the diet humans 
have been thriving on for thousands of years. Research studies demonstrate that hunter-
gatherer populations eating their traditional diets are free of obesity and other chronic 
diseases like diabetes and heart disease, and are typically lean and quite fit. And when 
tested in controlled studies, the Paleo diet has been shown to be more effective than the 
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Mediterranean diet and the recommended Nordic diet for weight loss and metabolic 
While we need more long term studies on the effectiveness of the Paleo diet for weight 
loss, my experience as a clinician makes me confident that this method of eating is 
effective and sustainable, as well as enjoyable and environmentally-friendly.
For these reasons, I believe the Paleo diet should be ranked at the top, rather than the 
bottom, of the list of the best diets for weight loss and overall health. (And I have 
hundreds of patients who I think would agree with my assessment!)
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6 Tips for Successful 
Weight Loss On a 
Paleo Diet
Now I’d like to discuss some of the key strategies that can help make your weight loss 
journey successful. While a switch to Paleo is a great start, there are a few key lifestyle 
habits that will help you reach your weight loss goals.
1. Keep your food simple. 
As I mentioned in the first article, one of the reasons why Paleo is so effective for weight 
loss is due to its ability to help you reduce calories without consciously restricting them. 
Studies have shown that eating simpler food leads to eating less, which in turn helps you 
shed pounds without effort.
So how do you keep a Paleo diet simple? Stick to the basics of a healthy meal: a protein 
like meat or fish, plenty of non-starchy vegetables, whole foods carbohydrates from root 
vegetables or fruit, and some healthy fat. Although I love a delicious gourmet meal as 
much as the next person, it’s easy to go overboard with delicious Paleo recipes. If you’re 
trying to lose weight, you’re better off cooking simple dishes that don’t have a bunch of 
extra ingredients and additional flavoring, and saving those recipes for special occasions 
or a nice weekend dinner.
2. Be sure to eat enough.
Many Paleo newbies believe that less food is always better when it comes to losing 
weight. This belief causes you to deprive your body of the calories and nutrients it needs 
to function optimally and causes additional stress. Plus, decreasing your caloric intake 
too much lowers your resting metabolic rate (how many calories you burn just staying 
alive), which can cause weight loss to stall or even reverse. No matter what program you 
choose, dieting should never be about starving yourself. Calories do count, but when it 
comes to weight loss, undereating is just as problematic as overeating.
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What makes a Paleo diet special is that it is more satiating per calorie than other diets, 
which helps you eat less without fighting hunger or counting calories. Voluntarily 
restricting calories isn’t an effective weight loss strategy, but naturally consuming less 
food without trying is truly the holy grail of weight loss. This means you can eat meals 
that are satisfying without counting calories, and naturally eat less than you would on a 
typical American diet. This is one of the key reasons why a Paleo diet is a better choice 
for a weight loss diet than any of the popular methods out there.
3. Eat enough carbs to support your 
activity level.
Carbohydrate tolerance is highly individual, and I’ve seen patients who do quite well on a 
very low carb diet, while others crash and burn. Usually, the biggest factor is the amount 
and intensity of exercise the person is doing, as many of my patients trying to lose weight 
are participating in high intensity training programs, such as Crossfit, or spending many 
hours at the local gym.
While I don’t think it’s necessary to restrict carbohydrates, I do think it’s important to 
match your carbohydrate intake to the amount of exercise you do. Not only can a 
mismatch stall your weight loss, but it can lead to instances of fatigue and muscle 
breakdown if you’re overexercising and not eating enough carbohydrate to match your 
activity level. I’ve had many patients who, in an effort to lose weight, ramp up their 
exercise and cut back on carbohydrate intake. Many even remove carbohydrates 
entirely, avoiding even small amounts of healthy choices like sweet potatoes and fruit. 
Unfortunately, this can often do more harm than good.
If you’re relatively sedentary, or are only able to do a small amount of exercise every day 
(due to pain, health conditions, immobility, etc.), you may find that eatinga lower 
carbohydrate diet (7-15% of calories) may help you shed weight faster. If you’re highly 
active, have a physically demanding job, or have tried a low carb approach in the past 
without success, you might find a more moderate carbohydrate approach can be helpful 
(15-30% of calories) in stimulating fat loss.
4. Move throughout the day.
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Sitting too much can reduce the benefits of an exercise program and stall weight loss. 
Unfortunately, if you work in an office, commute by car and watch a few hours of TV each 
night, it’s not hard to see how you could spend the vast majority of your waking life (up to 
15 hours!) sitting on your butt. And unfortunately, exercise alone isn’t enough to reverse 
the harmful effects of too much sitting. When it comes to weight loss, getting active 
throughout the entire day, and not just the 60 minutes you spend at the gym, is a crucial 
component of a well-rounded regimen.
There are many different ways to increase your movement throughout the day, and I 
outline several of them in my article about the dangers of sitting excessively. Getting 
into the habit of moving throughout the day can not only benefit your weight and 
promote fat loss, but it can also improve your overall health and reduce your risk for 
chronic disease.
5. Don’t do it alone.
One of the hardest parts about losing weight is trying to do it all on your own. Making 
major lifestyle changes without any social support is not only difficult, but often 
unsustainable. Having friends or family around you to encourage you, or even make 
changes along with you, can greatly increase your success in any major lifestyle change, 
particularly the switch to a Paleo diet. You can share recipes, plan partner workouts, and 
encourage each other on your journey to better health.
Don’t know anyone locally who is able to support you? There is a large community of 
people following a Paleo diet and lifestyle on the ChrisKresser.com forum, and many of 
them are folks just like you getting started on a Paleo diet and looking for answers to 
their general nutrition questions. Perhaps you’ll find a buddy there who can support you 
throughout the change process and keep you motivated!
6. Address your whole life, not just diet 
and exercise.
Did you know that there’s a lot more to losing weight and keeping it off than just diet and 
exercise? For example, sleep deprivation makes us hungrier, and high levels of stress 
hormones cause us to eat more and store more fat, in turn reducing our ability to lose 
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weight and keep it off. Studies also show that those with social support, a better ability 
to handle stress, self-efficacy, and those who assume responsibility in life are more likely 
to keep weight off once they lose it.
Focus on managing your daily stress using mind-body techniques like meditation or 
yoga. Plan ahead using shopping lists and meal plans to help you reduce the stress that 
comes along with starting a big lifestyle change. Connect with friends and family, and get 
support in your weight loss efforts. You’ll be more likely to lose weight and keep it off for 
the long haul. And you’ll actually be able to enjoy your life while doing it!
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Paleo Transformations
First, I want to thank the many people who submitted their Paleo weight loss stories for 
this article. There were so many amazing transformations and it was very difficult to 
choose which ones to publish.
Know that all of your stories are truly inspiring, and I hope you’ll continue to share them 
here at ChrisKresser.com! I love reading stories about people who have regained their 
health and lost weight while enjoying healthy, nourishing, and delicious Paleo food.
With that said, here are five incredible Paleo Transformations that will blow your mind.
Read about 5 people who lost weight and regained health on a delicious #Paleo diet. 
Such amazing transformations!
Transformation #1:
I have struggled with weight loss my whole 
life. I don’t care to think about the number 
of times I lost 50+ pounds only to regain it 
again and again.
I have always been a carbohydrate and 
sugar junkie, and after I stopped drinking 
alcohol to excess… sugary foods were the 
next logical step. I moved from one 
addiction to another. When I realized what 
had happened, I was all the way up to 215 pounds. That was in 2004. My back was such 
a mess; I could hardly get out of bed in the morning. I went to the doctor and he told me 
if I kept doing this yo-yoing with my weight, I was going to kill myself. He said I may as 
well just stay fat. I set out to prove him wrong.
I started walking, a little bit every day. The more I did, the better I felt. So I looked for an 
eating plan I could live with. I changed my diet and lost 70 pounds in about 9 months and 
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found racewalking. I never knew I had a competitive bone in my body… now I was racing 
regularly and have even won a few walking competitions.
Fast forward to January 2, 2011, driving home from Phoenix after completing 100 miles in 
this third attempt at the distance. I was ready to give up on my goal of walking 100 miles 
in a 24 hour period because I had let my food addictions take over yet again and was 
back up to 170. I was 30 pounds overweight, and yes, I did just walk 100 miles, but it took 
me 45 hours of a 48 hour race. The more I trained for ultra marathons, the more crap I 
ate. I was desperately trying to keep my energy level up.
Trapped in a low fat, high carbohydrate cycle, I gained all the weight I had lost back on a 
Mediterraneanesque diet, a couple of pounds at a time. I mulled this over and finally 
posted something silly on Facebook about the Bataan Memorial Death March Marathon. 
If they would count the 30 extra pounds I am carrying around, I could just add a 5 pound 
pack and enter the heavy division of the marathon. A new, awesome friend saw it and 
sent me a private message about Paleo, and the rest is history.
January 12, I flipped the switch and removed everything containing sugar from my food 
intake. It is amazing how when I set my mind to NO SUGAR, I was able to just quit, cold. 
January 18 2011 I quit grains. It took a couple of weeks to learn to eat when hungry and to 
stop obsessing over food logging, and I lost 6.5 pounds by January 22. It was so easy; I didn’t 
even feel like I was depriving myself of anything. My energy level had increased dramatically!
I didn’t start my serious training until after I had lost a total of 12 pounds, which was 
January 30. Can you believe it? I lost 12 pounds in 18 days with little effort, and this time, I 
can actually see the weight coming off my waistline. It’s like a miracle for me, as I have 
ALWAYS been fat, even when I was thin. I know a lot of people who read this will 
understand that statement.
Today is February 5, 2014. I am in the 140 pound range, but care less what the exact 
number is anymore. I have not been near a scale in quite some time. I finally had blood 
work done last May. Before Paleo, my HDL was around 36 and my total cholesterol was 
98. No amount of endurance exercise could bring it up. After Paleo, my HDL is 72 and 
the total cholesterol is 170.
I still find it hard to believe that my weight loss happened so effortlessly and was so easy 
to maintain this time.
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Transformation #2:
I finally decided enough was enough. I saw 
a picture of myself where I really looked big 
and it struck a cord. I knew I had to do 
something. I had weight problems as a kid 
eating lots of sugar and lost my “baby fat” 
in high school due to being more active 
and watching how much I ate. I workedout 
and went into the Army. Boot camp and 
Infantry school really whooped me into 
shape. I got out and stayed pretty lean until 
my mid 20′s.
Then the weight started to creep back on. I couldn’t eat crap and get away with it 
anymore. I went from a lean 175 up to 220, at my heaviest in my middle 30′s. I decided to 
do some research on losing weight and having success with the Atkins diet earlier, I 
started with the low carb diet. I downloaded a Jimmy Moore podcast and one of the first 
one’s I listened to was with Mark Sisson. I bought Mark’s book, The Primal Blueprint, and 
that’s where it all started. I made a lifestyle change and learned all I could about the 
Paleo or Primal way of eating.
I eventually found your podcast and learned a lot from listening you your show. I went 
from a very chubby 220 down to 180 pounds with not much effort! My heartburn, sore 
joints, bad skin (pimples) and other health issues disappeared. Once I went Paleo the fat 
started melting away and there it was, the muscle I knew I had! I was lean again and felt 
and looked much younger than I am. Many guys my age don’t look anything like they did 
in their early 20′s but going on the Paleo diet will give you that body you once had. Give 
your cells the right fuel and they’ll do the rest.
I’ll never go back. Now that I learned what the human body does with certain foods it’s 
easy to say no to sugar and grains. I feel better at 41 years old than I did at 26, it’s 
amazing. I try to share with anyone ready to listen. It was a great journey learning all this 
new information and I still am hungry for more, we can never stop learning.
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My wife has been a huge support for me and we do it as a family, kids and all. It can be 
tough sometimes with treats in school and the constant sugar that is thrown at our kids 
now a days but we keep up the good fight. Thanks for doing what you do Chris! I enjoy 
your website and can’t wait to read your book.
Transformation #3:
I had resigned to being overweight forever. 
I steadily gained weight until I reached 25 
years of age and weighed in at 313lbs.
My wake up call was a photo of me that a 
relative posted on Facebook. It was then 
that I realized my denial and I decided to 
make a permanent change. I created a 
blog to chart my journey and began 
seeking information regarding effective 
weight loss strategies. I found a podcast via a “diet and weightloss” search on iTunes. 
The Rebooted Body w/ host Kevin Geary was my gateway into the Paleo world.
From there I subscribed to dozens of other great podcasters like Jimmy Moore, Dave 
Aspry, and Robb Wolf just to name a few. I’m definitely still learning and I’m still working 
on losing more weight but so far I’ve lost 111 lbs since I began my Paleo lifestyle back in 
May 2013 (a little over 8 months of eating clean).
Losing weight has been incredibly easy and fun. I’ve averaged a 14 pound loss per month 
and I’ve gone from a size 28 to size 16 in pants. I don’t see food the same way anymore. 
I’ve trained myself to filter out processed junk and I find joy in eating healthy whole 
foods. My kitchen is now my favorite place to be. New recipes make me giddy.
I would have never guessed I would ever be the type to get excited about a new cooking 
pan or fresh spices. Before going Paleo, the extent of my cooking skills was warming up 
a hot pocket in the microwave.
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Transformation #4:
I found out about the Paleo diet shortly 
after trying the vegan diet for a very short 
period of time. Something just didn’t feel 
right to me about the diet so I started 
reading articles and books about food/
nutrition and that was when I really made 
the connection with Paleo.
Learning about grassfed meats and what it 
meant to eat meat from pastured animals 
just made sense to me, so I quickly abandoned the vegan thing. It was never an ethical 
issue for me although I completely detest the inhumane way animals are treated in these 
factory farms.
During that time I had heard about Paleo from other people but really didn’t pay it any 
attention. Once I started to research it more it just started to make sense. I jumped into it 
very slowly but in a way that I could commit to. Before I made any changes to what I was 
eating I asked myself if it was sustainable and something I was willing to commit my 
entire life to.
Over the next couple of years I had already learned quite a bit about nutrition so 
combing my knowledge with the Paleo lifestyle, everything just started coming together. I 
was very active and feeling very healthy and it was just a snowball effect. The weight 
started to come off very easily.
I’ve never enjoyed counting calories or keeping track of my macronutrients so one thing I 
really enjoyed about Paleo was not having to do that and still seeing results. I have to 
recognize that Mark Sisson and his awesome blog really helped me understand what 
foods to avoid and how to make lifestyle changes that were conducive to becoming lean 
and healthy.
Although I don’t even like to label the way I eat, the majority of my eating is Paleo-like. 
For the most part I don’t eat grains, bread, beans, processed foods, sugar, etc. However 
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from time to time I do indulge in all of these foods. Some of these types of foods I’ve lost 
interest in entirely, however I don’t deprive myself from things I still do enjoy and I eat 
them when I want, it just happens to be very little these days.
I think having a healthy relationship with foods means being able to eat the things you 
enjoy however the awareness that comes with it is what’s important. My goal is to 
eventually have NO interest in these foods but everyday my diet/lifestyle evolves and I 
let things these occur naturally.
The icing on the cake in my story is that this journey has also been my wife’s and 
although I’m the one with more of an interest and passion in this area she is right along 
with me and I attribute a lot of my success to having her as a willing and supporting 
Transformation #5:
Last year I was 35 years old (I felt like I was 
50, though) and about 50 lbs overweight. I 
have hypothyroidism due to a goiter, so my 
thyroid levels are never quite right. I was 
extremely tired ALL OF THE TIME!
At the time, I wanted to find a new 
endocrinologist because I felt my current 
one wasn’t very helpful. I found a new 
doctor who performed various tests, and 
found that not only was my thyroid still not 
acting right, but also that I had Pre-
Diabetes! That doctor’s visit was a wake-up 
call for me, to say the least. I decided then 
and there that I was going to get healthy no 
matter what.
I had tried Weight Watchers in the past and 
had success with it, though it was a slow 
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process, so I thought I would just do that. At the same time, my husband happened to 
mention to a co-worker how unhappy I was with my health and my thyroid problems, and 
she gave him a book for me to read that she had read when she discovered she had a 
gluten allergy. That book was Robb Wolf’s The Paleo Solution. And the rest, as they say, 
When I did Weight Watchers in the past, it took me 1 year to lose 25 lbs. In doing the 
Paleo diet, plus exercising, I lost 50 lbs in 6 months! I have NEVER felt better in my entire 
life! I have energy that I never thought I could ever have. I feel better now than I did in my 
20s. Paleo has been a huge blessing in my life. I look great, I feel great, but more 
importantly I have learned how to live healthy forever.
P.S. My husband also started the diet with me and lost 30 lbs.
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