
Estudos Disciplinares X (Slides de Aula) - Unidade I

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Unidade I 
Profa. Silvana Rocha 
Reading Techniques 
 O que é necessário para ler e compreender um texto? 
 Estabelecer o objetivo da leitura é primordial. 
 Figura 1 
Fonte: http://www.bikejames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Goals.jpg. Acesso em: 25 de abr. 2016. 
Reading Techniques 
 Existem diferentes estilos de leituras para diferentes situações. 
 Páginas na internet, romances, livros-textos, manuais, revistas, 
jornais e correspondência são alguns dos itens lidos por 
pessoas todos os dias. 
 Leitores eficientes e efetivos aprendem a usar muitos estilos 
de leitura para diferentes propósitos. 
Reading Techniques 
 Você pode ler por prazer; para obter informações; ou 
completar uma tarefa. 
 Figura 2 Figura 3 Figura 4 
Figura 2: http://tumalo.redmond.k12.or.us/files/2013/10/reading2.jpg. Acesso em: 25 de abr. 2016. 
Figura 3: http://www.lostartofblogging.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/magnifying-glass.JPG. 
Acesso em: 25 de abr. 2016. 
Figura 4: http://il3.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1053955/thumb/1.jpg?i10c=img.resize(height:160). 
Acesso em: 25 de abr. 2016. 
Reading Techniques 
Portanto, a técnica escolhida dependerá do objetivo da leitura. 
 Figura 5 
Figura 5: http://californiasupplementalexam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Goal.jpg. Acesso em: 25 
de abr. 2016. 
Reading Techniques 
 Scanning, skimming e leituras críticas são diferentes estilos 
de leituras. 
 Se você está procurando por informação, deve usar a 
técnica scanning para uma palavra específica. 
 Se você está explorando ou revendo um documento, deve 
usar a técnica skimming. 
 Se você está examinando minuciosamente o conteúdo, deve 
usar a leitura crítica, que é, normalmente, feita por um 
profissional experiente na área em questão, para 
diagnosticar a autenticidade e a validade do texto e, assim, 
aperfeiçoar a obra. 
Reading Techniques 
 O leitor crítico é, geralmente, chamado de “parecerista” e seu 
papel não é “gostar” ou “não gostar” da obra. Seu trabalho se 
resume em: 
 identificar possíveis incorreções no texto; 
 sugerir alterações; 
 fornecer uma consultoria especializada no conteúdo; 
 pode estimar a reação que o texto / livro provocará nos 
 Vários departamentos de jornalismos nas universidades 
contam com uma disciplina de leitura crítica. 
Reading Techniques 
 A compreensão do texto lido depende da capacidade do leitor 
 relacionar ideias; 
 estabelecer referências; 
 fazer inferências ou deduções lógicas; 
 identificar palavras que sinalizam ideias; 
 perceber elementos que colaborem na compreensão de 
palavras como: 
 prefixos; 
 sufixos; 
 palavras cognatas; 
 falsos cognatos. 
Reading Techniques 
 A capacidade de compreensão do texto lido não depende, 
simplesmente, como muitos acreditam, do conhecimento de 
 Só o conhecimento de vocabulário é insuficiente para 
compreender um texto. 
Figura 6: http://www.pequenoguru.com.br/imagens/050511_palavras_de_sucesso.jpg. Acesso em: 06 de mai. 2016 
Reading Techniques 
 Prefixos: “un”, “dis”, “anti”, “pre”, “re” etc. 
 unhappy, disable, antisocial, pre-historical, rediscover. 
 Sufixos: “ness”, “less”, “ity”, “al” , “tion” etc. 
 happiness, meaningless, reality, political, civilization. 
 Palavras cognatas: “architect”, “dentist”, “hypertension”, 
“hotel”, “industry”, “document”, “history”, “social”. 
 Falsos cognatos: “alm”, “china”, “collar”, “amass”, “tenant”, 
“pasta”, “eventually”, “pretend”. 
Reading Techniques 
Dicas para a leitura: 
 quebrar o hábito de ler palavra por palavra; 
 usar seu prévio conhecimento sobre o assunto; 
 dominar as estratégias que fortalecerão esse processo; 
 prestar atenção ao contexto em que o texto está colocado; 
 fortalecer as estruturas gramaticais que sustentam a 
formulação das ideias apresentadas. 
Text Comprehension 
(CESGRANRIO – 2010) 
 The agency model presumes the employer is able to 
accurately measure employee performance. Yet measuring 
performance is always difficult, and in knowledge work it is 
especially difficult. If you have no real chance of observing, 
understanding, or attributing the results of employee work, 
you become much more dependent on employees’ willingness 
to openly communicate the meaning of their work. (T. Austin) 
Disponível em: 
Text Comprehension 
 Análise do texto: 
 O modelo de agência presume que o empregador seja capaz 
de medir com precisão o desempenho do empregado. 
No entanto, medir o desempenho é sempre difícil, e no 
trabalho do conhecimento é especialmente difícil. Se você 
não tem nenhuma chance real de observar, compreender, e 
atribuir os resultados do trabalho do empregado, você se 
torna muito mais dependente da vontade dos trabalhadores 
para comunicar abertamente o significado de seu trabalho. 
What is the main idea of the text read? 
a) The text defines what the agency model is and discusses how 
companies control the contribution of each employee. 
b) The text discusses top priorities in defining what knowledge 
workers should do to add meaning to their personal lives. 
c) The text asserts that defining which criteria to adopt in assessing a 
knowledge worker’s output on the job is not a straightforward task. 
d) The text argues that employees need not openly discuss their 
observations and results in order to be evaluated on their 
contributions to the company. 
e) The text emphasizes that it is important to have company staff 
members communicate what they do so that managers can check if 
they have free time. 
What is the main idea of the text read? 
a) The text defines what the agency model is and discusses how 
companies control the contribution of each employee. 
b) The text discusses top priorities in defining what knowledge 
workers should do to add meaning to their personal lives. 
c) The text asserts that defining which criteria to adopt in assessing a 
knowledge worker’s output on the job is not a straightforward task. 
d) The text argues that employees need not openly discuss their 
observations and results in order to be evaluated on their 
contributions to the company. 
e) The text emphasizes that it is important to have company staff 
members communicate what they do so that managers can check if 
they have free time. 
Text Comprehension 
(CESGRANRIO – 2010) 
Ten Things I Liked (and Hated) About Your Presentation 
8:02 AM Wednesday November 4, 2009 
 You just gave an important talk about a new initiative. Maybe 
40 employees were there, all “key players,” you called us. I 
was the guy in the back of the room with the curly hair. You’ve 
seen me a bunch of times, mostly in the stairwell and the 
cafeteria. Bob is what you call me. (Name’s actually Rob, but 
I’ll try not to hold that against you.) 
 *cafeteria = refeitório (falso cognato) 
Text Comprehension 
Análise do trecho: 
 Refere-se ao importante discurso a respeito de uma novainiciativa. 
 Fala sobre os 40 funcionários que estavam presentes e que 
foram chamados de "jogadores-chave”. 
 Mostra quem ele era (“o cara com cabelo encaracolado”), 
dizendo que estava ao fundo da sala. 
 Diz que o palestrante o viu várias vezes, principalmente na 
escada e no refeitório, dizendo que foi chamado de “Bob”, 
mas que, na verdade, seu nome é “Rob”, e que não vai usar 
isso contra o palestrante. 
Text Comprehension 
 If my opinion really mattered, I’d tell you what I liked about 
your presentation to your face. I probably wouldn’t mention 
what I didn’t like. But here, why not lay it all out for you? You 
can take it or leave it. 
 Análise do trecho: 
 Diz que se sua opinião realmente importasse, falaria 
diretamente ao palestrante do que gostou, e que, 
provavelmente, não falaria sobre o que não gostou. 
Mas como está escrevendo, acha conveniente colocar 
tudo para fora, e que o palestrante pode aceitar ou 
deixar pra lá. 
Text Comprehension 
 I arrived early, and I appreciated that you were ready to start 
on time. The fact that you spent the first 12 minutes making 
the rest of us wait for our bosses to show up? Not so much. 
 Análise do trecho: 
 Diz que chegou cedo, e que apreciou a pontualidade do 
palestrante, mas critica os primeiros 12 minutos, em que 
tiveram que esperar pelos seus chefes. 
Text Comprehension 
 Your overview was good. You didn’t force us to sit through a 
bunch of stuff we already know. Thing is, one of the new items 
— the part about reconfiguring the A5 systems — was a bit of 
a shocker, and it’ll affect my work a lot. You aware of that? 
 Análise do trecho: 
 Elogia a visão geral do palestrante. 
 Diz que não foram forçados a ver coisas que já sabiam. 
 Ressalta a parte sobre como reconfigurar os sistemas A5, 
mencionando que isso afetaria muito o seu trabalho e 
questiona ainda se o palestrante tem consciência disso. 
Text Comprehension 
 Loved the flow chart, even though those are usually yawners. 
Helped me see exactly where I fit in (minus the A5 overhaul). 
But that chart and your “benchmarks table” were the only 
handouts I really needed. The others are already in the 
recycling bin. 
 Análise do trecho: 
 Elogia os fluxogramas, mesmo que normalmente causem 
sono, dizendo que eles o ajudaram a ver exatamente onde 
ele se encaixava (no caso, abaixo da revisão A5). 
 Ressalta que o gráfico e a "tabela de referência" foram 
os únicos folhetos dos quais realmente precisava, e 
que os outros já estavam na lixeira. 
Text Comprehension 
 I got the importance of aligning the new initiative with our 
current ones. But you used the word “alignment” on so many 
slides and in so many different ways that I often didn’t know 
what was being aligned with what. Kind of ironic, if you think 
about it. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Diz sobre a importância de alinhar a nova iniciativa com as 
atuais deles. 
 Critica o uso da palavra "alinhamento" em vários slides 
com diversos sentidos, dizendo que isso o atrapalhou no 
entendimento sobre “o que estava sendo alinhado com 
o que”. 
Text Comprehension 
 I appreciated the effort at humor. But most of your jokes got 
laughs only from folks at your level. It showed that you were 
more focused on them than on the rest of us. I understand the 
pressure, but I couldn’t help rolling my eyes a couple times. 
And I wasn’t the only one. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Valoriza o esforço pelo humor, mas critica a maioria das 
piadas feitas, pois conseguiram tirar gargalhadas apenas de 
pessoas no mesmo nível do palestrante, o que demonstrou 
certa preferência por uma parte da plateia. 
 Diz que essa não foi apenas a opinião dele. 
Text Comprehension 
 Analogies are cool. They usually help me understand. That 
said, why sports every single time? The three-minute riff on 
NBA players lost me completely. 
 I liked the takeaway points for employees in each unit. Hated 
that you called them “action items.” We all know terms like 
Análise do trecho: 
 Elogia as analogias, dizendo que, geralmente, ajudam-no na 
aquisição do conhecimento, mas critica porque o tema 
“esportes” foi mencionado a todo momento, o que o deixou 
completamente perdido. 
 Elogia os pontos principais para os empregados em cada 
unidade e critica o que foi chamado de "itens de ação." . 
Text Comprehension 
 Good snacks — thanks for those. It was interesting how you 
and the other bosses fell over yourselves to give us frontliners 
first dibs. I would have preferred first dibs during the Q&A. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Agradece pelos bons petiscos. 
 Diz que foi interessante como o palestrante e os outros chefes 
caíram sobre si mesmos para lhes dar primazia. 
 Diz que preferiria a primazia durante a sessão de “perguntas” 
e “respostas”. 
Text Comprehension 
 The invitation to e-mail you with questions was a nice touch. 
Unfortunately, you still haven’t answered the message I sent 
you last month (or the follow-up I sent last week). I know 
you’re busy, but empty gestures are kind of a drag. 
 Ending on time was excellent. Too bad those who showed up 
late also left early. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Elogia o convite para o envio de e-mail com perguntas, mas 
critica a falta de resposta das mensagens enviadas há um 
mês. Diz que compreende a vida ocupada do palestrante, 
mas critica esses “gestos vazios”. 
 Elogia o término da palestra na hora certa e lamenta 
por aqueles que apareceram tarde e saíram cedo. 
Text Comprehension 
 All in all, your presentation was better than most I’ve sat 
through. I’ll talk to my boss about that A5 shocker. And I might 
be following up with you about it, too. Check for e-mails from 
Rob. With an R. 
Análise do trecho: 
 No geral, dá um parecer positivo sobre a apresentação, 
dizendo que foi melhor do que a maioria as quais já havia 
 Pede para o palestrante verificar seus e-mails enviados por 
ele, ressaltando seu nome “Rob”, com “R”. 
 Adapted from http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/demaio/2009/11/ ten-things-i-liked-and-hated-a.html 
The main purpose of the text is to: 
a) praise a speaker on the presentation he gave recently in a 
large company. 
b) clarify why speakers should be able to start and finish their 
presentations on the time scheduled. 
c) identify all the linguistic problems that disturbed the 
listeners’ comprehension of the speaker’s message. 
d) criticize a speaker’s poor presentation skills and inability in 
dealing with the questions posed by the audience. 
e) point out the qualities and drawbacks of a recent business 
presentation, according to a member of the audience. 
The main purpose of the text is to: 
a) praise a speaker on the presentation he gave recently in a 
large company. 
b) clarify why speakers should be able to start and finish their 
presentations on the time scheduled. 
c) identify all the linguistic problems that disturbed the 
listeners’ comprehension of the speaker’s message. 
d) criticize a speaker’s poor presentation skills and inability in 
dealing with the questions posed by the audience. 
e) point out the qualities and drawbacks of a recent business 
presentation, according to a member of the audience. 
Text Comprehension 
(UNEMAT – 2006) 
[…] Whatever the situation may be as regards actual teaching 
practices, communicative language teaching (CLT) is well 
established as the dominant theoretical model in ELT. There have 
been recurrent attempts to take stock of CLT and to identify its 
characteristic features (e.g. Richards and Rodgers 1986) and in 
areas such as teacher training the principles of CLTare largely 
treated as clearly understood and accepted (see, for example, 
Harmer 19911). 
Análise do trecho: 
 Destaque para a abordagem comunicativa como modelo teórico 
dominante no treinamento em língua inglesa. 
Text Comprehension 
 Despite this apparent unanimity, many teachers remain 
somewhat confused about what exactly CLT is. At the more 
abstract end, there is general agreement that CLT involves an 
emphasis on communicating by means of the foreign 
language (the way in which this idea is expressed tends, as 
here, to be so vague as to make it difficult to disagree with): at 
the practical classroom end, CLT is strongly associated with a 
number of particular activity types, such as problem-solving 
and pair work. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Há certa confusão, entre os professores, sobre o que é 
realmente a abordagem comunicativa. Mas há um ponto de 
convergência no que tange a ênfase na comunicação, 
que envolve tipos de atividades específicas. 
Text Comprehension 
 But in the middle ground, the area where theory meets practice, 
things become less certain, For example, what exactly does 
CLT set out to teach? Is there such a thing as a communicative 
language syllabus? If so, what does it consist of? Is it simply 
a notional functional syllabus under a new name? 
Análise do trecho: 
 Algumas questões são levantadas, como “o que realmente se 
deve ensinar dentro da abordagem comunicativa”, e se “há um 
conteúdo programático da linguagem comunicativa”. 
 Questiona-se também “em que consiste esse conteúdo 
programático”, caso ele exista. 
Text Comprehension 
 Or does CLT only exist as a methodological approach, a way 
of helping learners to practise the skills needed to put their 
knowledge of the foreign language into use? 
 In working with colleagues around the world, with teachers 
and trainees on MA and initial TEFL courses, and with modern 
languages teachers in the UK, I am constantly struck by the 
very disparate perceptions they have of CLT. There are, I think, 
a number of reasons for the confusion, not least the fact that 
CLT has developed extremely rapidly over the past fifteen or 
so years and has now moved a considerable distance from its 
original practices (though without substantially changing its 
original principles). 
Text Comprehension 
 I believe that an ‘orthodox’ and practical form of CLT has 
emerged, not only in the writings of applied linguists such 
as Littlewood (1992) and McDonough and Shaw (1993) but, 
perhaps more importantly, in mainstream language textbooks, 
such as the Headway series and the New Cambridge English 
Course, which represent good contemporary practice. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Mostra a opinião pessoal de quem escreve o texto, 
mencionando alguns autores da Linguística Aplicada 
presentes em livros de idiomas, que apresentam boas 
práticas contemporâneas sobre a forma prática e 
“ortodoxa” da abordagem comunicativa. 
Text Comprehension 
 However, certain misconceptions about CLT continue to 
survive, making it difficult for many teachers to see clearly 
what is happening and to identify the useful innovations that 
CLT has brought. A surprisingly large number of teachers that 
I have spoken to criticize or reject CLT for what seems to me 
to be the wrong reasons. (…) 
Análise do trecho: 
 Afirma que há ainda certos conceitos errados sobre a 
abordagem comunicativa, o que dificulta a vida dos 
professores, pois não deixam claro o que acontece e nem 
identificam as inovações úteis que essa abordagem tem 
trazido. Complementa que há um número considerável de 
professores que criticam ou rejeitam tal abordagem. 
Thompson, G. Some misconceptions about communicative language teaching. 
ELT. Journal Volume 50/1 January 1996. 
Choose the alternative which does not correspond to 
Thompson’s words in paragraphs 2 and 3. 
a) There is a consensus that CLT privileges communication, 
moreover it is associated with activities such as problem 
solving and pair work. 
b) He frequently comes across with perceptions teachers have 
about CLT. 
c) When theory meets practice things become more confused. 
d) Teachers are aware of their teaching practice when dealing 
with CLT in the classroom. 
e) CLT has evolved very fast and has changed some of its 
original practices in ELT. 
Choose the alternative which does not correspond to 
Thompson’s words in paragraphs 2 and 3. 
a) There is a consensus that CLT privileges communication, 
moreover it is associated with activities such as problem 
solving and pair work. 
b) He frequently comes across with perceptions teachers have 
about CLT. 
c) When theory meets practice things become more confused. 
d) Teachers are aware of their teaching practice when dealing 
with CLT in the classroom. 
e) CLT has evolved very fast and has changed some of its 
original practices in ELT. 
Text Comprehension 
 (CESGRANRIO – 2010) 
 In 2008, for the first time, half the world’s population is living 
in towns and cities. By 2030, the urban population will reach 5 
billion — 60% of the world’s population. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Em 2008, pela primeira vez, metade da população mundial vive 
em pequenas e grandes cidades. Faz-se uma previsão de que 
por volta do ano 2030, a população urbana atingirá 5 bilhões 
(60% da população mundial). 
Text Comprehension 
 Nearly all population growth will be in the cities of developing 
countries, whose population will double to roughly 4 billion by 
2030 — about the size of the developing world’s total 
population in 1990. World Urbanization Prospects: the 2005 
Revision, prepared by the United Nations Population Division, 
presents estimates and projections of the number of people 
living in urban and rural areas for the period 1950- 2030. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Faz-se uma previsão de que o crescimento de quase toda a 
população dobrará em 2030 e se dará nas cidades de países 
Text Comprehension 
 Some of its key findings are as follows: Most of the population 
increase expected during 2005-2030 will be absorbed by the 
urban areas of the less developed regions whose population 
will likely rise from 1.9 billion in 2000 to nearly 4 billion in 
Análise do trecho: 
 A maior parte do aumento da população, esperado entre 2005-
2030, será absorvido pelas áreas urbanas de regiões menos 
desenvolvidas cuja população provavelmente aumentará de 
1.9 bilhões em 2000 para quase 4 bilhões em 2030. 
Text Comprehension 
 The urban population of the more developed regions is 
expected to increase very slowly, passing from 0.9 billion in 
2005 to 1 billion in 2030. During 2005-2030, the world’s urban 
population will grow at an average annual rate of 1.8%, nearly 
double the rate expected for the total population of the world 
(1% per year). At that rate of growth, the world’s urban 
population will double in 38 years. 
 Análise do trecho: 
 Espera-se que a população urbana das regiões mais 
desenvolvidas aumente vagarosamente, passando de 0.9 
bilhão em 2005 para 1 bilhão em 2030. De 2005-2030, a 
população urbana mundial crescerá em uma média anual 
de 1.8% Com essa taxa de crescimento, a população 
urbana mundial dobrará em 38 anos. 
Text Comprehension 
 Growth will be particularly rapid in the urban areas of less 
developed regions, averaging 2.2% per year during 2005-2030, 
consistent with a doubling time of 30 years. In contrast, the 
rural population of the less developed regions is expected to 
grow very slowly, at just 0.1% per year during 2000-2030. 
Análisedo trecho: 
 O crescimento será particularmente rápido nas áreas urbanas 
de regiões menos desenvolvidas (média de 2.2% ao ano entre 
2005-2030). Por outro lado, espera-se que a população rural de 
regiões menos desenvolvidas cresça muito lentamente (0.1% 
ao ano entre 2000-2030). 
Text Comprehension 
 The rapid increase of the world’s urban population coupled 
with the slowing growth of the rural population has led to a 
major redistribution of the population. Thus, whereas in 1950, 
30% of the world population lived in urban areas, by 2000 the 
proportion of urban dwellers had risen to 47% and is expected 
to reach 60% by 2030. The number of urban dwellers will for 
the first time have overtaken the number of rural dwellers in 
the world in 2008. 
Análise do trecho: 
 O aumento da população urbana e o lento crescimento da 
população rural levaram a uma redistribuição da população. 
 Em 1950: 30% moravam em áreas urbanas. Em 2000: 
houve um aumento de 47% e estima-se que chegue a 
um aumento de 60% em 2030. 
Text Comprehension 
 There are marked differences in the level and pace of 
urbanization among less developed regions. Latin America 
and the Caribbean are highly urbanized, with 77% of its 
population living in cities in 2000. Asia and Africa are 
considerably less urbanized, both with around 39% 
of their populations living in urban areas. 
Análise do trecho: 
 Há diferenças marcantes no nível e rítmo da urbanização entre 
as regiões menos desenvolvidas. AL e Caribe (altamente 
urbanizados: 77%, em 2000). Ásia e África (menos 
urbanizados: 39%). 
Text Comprehension 
 Being less urbanized, Africa and Asia are liable to experience 
rapid rates of urbanization during 2000-2030. Consequently, by 
2030, 54% and 55%, respectively, of their inhabitants will live in 
urban areas. At that time, 85% of the population of Latin 
America and the Caribbean will be urban. 
Análise do trecho: 
 África e Ásia são passíveis de ter rápidas taxas de urbanização 
entre 2000-2030. Respectivamente, 54% e 55% de seus 
habitantes morarão em áreas urbanas. Nessa mesma época, 
85% da população da AL e Caribe serão urbanas. 
Disponível em: http://www.peopleandplanet.net. Acesso em: 20 de mar. 2016. 
Text Comprehension 
 Less developed regions of the globe will have around twice 
as many urban inhabitants than thirty years before. 
The author’s communicative intention in the text is to: 
a) criticize the devastating impact of the sudden urban growth 
on the world’s rural population. 
b) provide solutions to the accelerated population increase in 
the less developed regions of the world. 
c) list some projections for the world’s population growth in 
rural and metropolitan areas in the next decades. 
d) compare the developed regions of the world that are likely to 
suffer from the substantial population growth in urban areas. 
e) identify the reasons why the percentage of urban dwellers in 
developed regions will not increase in the same proportion in 
less developed areas. 
The author’s communicative intention in the text is to: 
a) criticize the devastating impact of the sudden urban growth 
on the world’s rural population. 
b) provide solutions to the accelerated population increase in 
the less developed regions of the world. 
c) list some projections for the world’s population growth in 
rural and metropolitan areas in the next decades. 
d) compare the developed regions of the world that are likely to 
suffer from the substantial population growth in urban areas. 
e) identify the reasons why the percentage of urban dwellers in 
developed regions will not increase in the same proportion in 
less developed areas. 
	Slide Number 1
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	Slide Number 49

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