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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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The information in this book is for research and educational purposes only. The author and 
owner of this book hold no responsibility, nor liability, for any such action taken from the 
information provided in this guide. The author and owner of this book will not be responsible 
for any medical related incident that was a result of following information in this guide. 
Before beginning any exercise regimen or performance enhancement cycle, it’s strongly 
advised that you consult with your doctor first. There are dangers and side effects of using 
anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing compounds such as, but not limited to: 
performance enhancing peptides, human growth hormone, androgenic steroids, stimulants, 
fat burners, erectile dysfunction drugs, female hormones used for testicular recovery, 
nootropics, anti-estrogens, fatty acid based oils, and unsafe injection practices. Neither the 
author of this guide, nor owner of JohnDoeBodyBuilding.com, will hold any liability of any 
outcome, positive or negative, that comes from following the information in this guide. This 
book is strictly for entertainment and research purposes only!
The possession of anabolic and androgenic steroids is illegal without a prescription in most 
countries. Furthermore, the possession of human growth hormone and other performance 
enhancing peptides is illegal in most countries. Please check with local and state laws before 
ever attempting to purchase, sell, or possess anything discussed in this guide. This guide is 
strictly for entertainment and research purposes only. Neither the author of this guide, nor 
the owner of JohnDoeBodyBuilding.com, will be held liable for any legal consequence or 
outcome concerning information provided within this book. Again, this book is strictly for 
entertainment and research purposes only!
Text copyright © 2015 John Doe Bodybuilding, Superdrive Publishing Limited 
All rights reserved. 
This book is licensed for your personal use only and may not be re-sold or given away. 
No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, 
recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher. 
Published by Superdrive Publishing Limited 
ISBN-13: 9780996467018 
Chapter One
My Journey into Performance Enhancement............................................................1
Chapter Two
Three Basic Beginner Cycles........................................................................................4
Chapter Three
Injection Techniques......................................................................................................8
Chapter Four
Injection Complications...............................................................................................10
Chapter Five
Intermediate Cycles.....................................................................................................12
Chapter Six
Cutting Cycles and Diet...............................................................................................20
Chapter Seven
Cutting Agents..............................................................................................................24
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Insulin 101.....................................................................................................................35
Chapter Ten
Human Growth Hormone..........................................................................................37
Chapter Eleven
Advanced Building Cycles............................................................................................42
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Hormone Replacement Therapy................................................................................47
Chapter Fourteen
Low Dose Compounds that Work Well with HRT.....................................................53
Chapter Fifteen
Overcompensation Effect............................................................................................56
Chapter Sixteen
Without Health, there is No Physique.......................................................................58
I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist. I am a muscular guy who has gotten a lot of attention 
and recognition for my physique. I started with very little and I always put 110% into the 
gym and I worked hard to get to where I’m at. There are thousands of articles and studies 
out there that talk about the same things that I talk about in this guide. The difference is I’ve 
done them and I can relate. I’m not some armchair theorist who merely sites references and 
studies. Everything I talk about in this book is something I’ve done. From anabolic steroids to 
peptides, to HGH, insulin, and synthol, I’ve done it at some point in time. What I do not talk 
about in this book are things I haven’t done. A great physique can be built with everything I 
talk about here. Staying healthy and safe can be done with my advice. I don’t claim to know 
everything, but I can help you build one hell of a body!!
I was a 19 year old teenager back when I took my first cycle of steroids. I had already put in 
an honest few years of hard work and was dedicated to eating as much as I could in order to 
grow. My motto was if I didn’t puke, I continued to eat. I wasn’t going to stop until I was a very 
large guy with slabs of muscle on my frame and everyone knew who I was. Maybe you didn’t 
like me, maybe you didn’t know me personally, but you were going to know who that big 
motherfucker was that just walked through the door.
 I was pretty naïve at the time. I assumed the bigger guys took something I wasn’t using, but 
I still didn’t want to believe it. I still wanted to believe that the guy in the muscle magazine 
was taking over the counter supplements and special powdered mixes he would drink in 
order to achieve his impressive physique. I still wanted to believe that JUST MAYBE Arnold 
Schwarzenegger was all natural and just had this crazy work ethic in the gym. But I had a gut 
feeling that I could have been wrong.
As I got further along into the game of bodybuilding, I eventually realized that I couldn’t have 
been any more wrong about it!! EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE…was using something!! 
Don’t let people fool you, if they look beyond what is natural then chances are they’re not 
natural. 90% of guys over 200 lbs that are single digit body fat and not over 6’ tall are not 
natural. Many self-proclaimed natural bodybuilders are not natural. They are simply using 
compounds that they know will clear their systems before any sort of drug testing. Steroids 
are everywhere and more popular today than they’ve ever been!! Steroids today are stronger 
than before and we have compounds now that didn’t exist before. Chemists are always one 
step ahead of the game, and as long as professional sports and competitive nature exists, 
performance enhancers will always be there.
Steroids are not limited to just bodybuilders. There are guys on Wall Street using them simply 
for the fact they help them make more aggressive decisions with the stock market. Doctors 
are using them, school teachers are using them, lawyers are using them, and practically 
anybody else in any profession is using performance enhancement drugs!! Put it this way: 
there are more people usingsteroids that don’t look the part than people who do. Steroids 
are everywhere, and they will never go away.
I saved my money from mowing lawns and stocking groceries and purchased my first vial of 
testosterone from a guy in my gym. He was a couple years older than I was, but he knew a 
lot of prison guards who worked out at the gym I used to train at. I’m pretty sure to this day 
that the bottle of gear came from a prison guard, but it really didn’t matter. All I knew was I 
had gotten in good enough with him to have him trust me and hook me up. I paid $200 USD 
for a single bottle of testosterone cypionate, and then I paid an additional $50 for 8 syringes. 
This was over 15 years ago. Sources were not easy to find in the beginning, and the internet 
bodybuilding forums were pretty much unheard of. So I had no idea of whether or not I was 
getting a good deal or getting ripped off. I just forked over the hard earned cash and got the 
I went home like a kid who knew Christmas morning was almost here. I looked at the bottle 
for a while: just amazed that one tiny little bottle of liquid could possibly do so much for my 
body. I pulled out a needle and loaded oil into it, to the “½cc” mark. I dropped one pant leg to 
expose my upper glute and with shaking hands I plunged the needle all the way into my ass 
cheek and injected the oil. I can remember how I started to laugh because I was so worked up 
over nothing. The needle hardly hurt at all and the process really seemed as if it was no big 
deal. But that was it, I was no longer natural. “I’m no longer natural, I have taken the plunge!!”
Yes, no longer natural. But let’s be honest here, was I ever really natural? What is natural 
anyway? We drink fake tit milk from birth, eat processed foods all our lives, take mystery 
supplements without knowing their long-term effects, pop a pill for every cough and sneeze, 
and the list goes on and on. But when it comes to performance enhancement there is always 
this huge stigma. As I got older I started to realize that it’s really just not a big deal unless 
you make it one. Yes, steroids are illegal in most countries. Yes, in dangerously high amounts 
steroids can potentially hurt you, and when abused they can shutdown natural hormone 
production for good. But in all honesty, I just don’t think steroids are really that bad. I get my 
blood work done religiously and my last blood draw showed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING out of 
range. Issues such as out of whack cholesterol, elevated liver values, elevated red blood cell 
count, and other tell-tale signs of steroid abuse are just not there.
Now with that being said, sometimes if I’m on cycle and get a blood lab done, I will have a 
couple things slightly off. But even then it’s just SLIGHTLY OFF, and this is a false reading 
because I’m on cycle at the time of the blood work. If I come off everything besides my 
normal 200mg/wk of test, the numbers go right back to normal very quickly. I have never had 
blood pressure issues in all my 15 years of running anabolic steroids, and my normal blood 
pressure is excellent (100/60 normally). I have run so many cycles that I couldn’t tell you how 
many, and for the past 5 years straight I’ve been on cycle about 90% of the time.
I have always used low to moderate amounts of steroids. My first cycle was nothing but a 
single vial of testosterone, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way if I could change things. 
I had to bust my ass just as hard on steroids (if not harder) to get anything out of them. I do 
not believe in using steroids as a quick fix, nor do I believe in using them until you’ve climbed 
to the top of what you could most likely achieve naturally. I’m not someone who places as 
much emphasis on the age of a user as I do on development and work ethic. If a guy is 20 
years old and he comes to me at a lean 200 lbs and asks me about how to run a cycle, I’ll tell 
him what to use and how to use it. If a guy who is 140 lbs and has been in the gym 2 months 
was to ask me, I’d tell him to leave them alone.
Some of the best bodies I’ve seen have come out of guys who knew how it was to work hard. 
These may have been guys who had experience in landscaping, tree removal, mechanics, 
bricklayers, construction workers, or any other kind of physical labor. These guys know how 
it is to work hard, and when that transferred into work ethic in the gym, those types usually 
got pretty impressive from working out. I’m not condoning a lifestyle of breaking your back 
to make a few bucks, I’m just stating fact. Some kid who has been handed everything and has 
never had to work hard is most likely someone who won’t go very far development wise.
I wanted to be big at any cost. I was not your typical teenager who was out partying and only 
trying to get a piece of ass. I was sleeping, eating my ass off, and training hard!! Every time 
I would hit a wall in the gym, I’d find a way over it. I still do to this day, and those walls are 
getting much higher to climb at my level of development. You take your body with you every 
place you go and a good body cannot be bought. I don’t care what resources you have or how 
much money you have, you have to earn this through hard work and discipline. My advice 
to you is to make the best out of whatever you have available. If all you have is a bottle of 
Deca and 100 Dbol tabs, then train your ass off and get the most out of it!! I see far too many 
guys racking their brains over what they want to use for their next cycle. They overcomplicate 
the process and drive themselves absolutely nuts over something that is such a small part 
of the equation. I would say that taking steroids probably gives you an extra 5-8% in gym 
performance and development.
I get a lot of questions on whether or not I regret using steroids, and on why I decided to use 
steroids. I never did this solely for female attention, and it wasn’t because I was bullied as a 
child. I’ll admit that my confidence as a kid wasn’t very good, but that wasn’t my sole reason 
for using steroids. Back when I took that first shot I probably couldn’t give you one legitimate 
reason why I decided to use steroids. But after almost 20 years in the gym, and 15 years of 
steroid use under my belt, I can give you a reason now.
I take steroids because I’m a machine. I am programmed differently than other people and 
I always have been. There is a part of me that gets great satisfaction out of pushing myself 
beyond what I think can be achieved. I’m the most comfortable when I’m in the trenches 
going through pain. I perform my best when the odds are stacked against me, and I have to 
give it every fucking thing I have to climb to the top. With greater size and strength, come 
greater odds to defeat. Walking up to a bar on the floor and pulling it with 600 lbs on it gets 
me a lot more excited than 300 lbs. Steroids help me journey deeper into a world I find most 
comfortable to the type of person I am. I knew I’d never be a guy who walked away from 
the gym, therefore having to be on testosterone replacement therapy never bothered me. I 
never thought during my years of using steroids: “Oh my God, what if I have to take this stuff 
forever?” I was more fearful of not having them and losing that edge in life that made me feel 
so comfortable.
If you bought this book then chances are you’re planning on using steroids. I’m not here to 
give you a lesson on choices and personal dilemmas. I’m just telling you what steroids have 
done for me and my life. They’ve helped transform me into a fucking machine, and I wouldn’t 
have it any other way, PERIOD!!
- John
My first cycle was a single bottle of testosterone donein pyramid fashion. Pyramiding a cycle 
is a pretty old school way of cycling, and many advise against the pyramid cycle nowadays. 
For a first cycle I think it’s a good way of running testosterone because it allows you to make 
the most gains on as little as possible, and it allows the user to slowly adjust to the changes 
from the compound. Long acting testosterone is the best first cycle in my opinion. It’s what 
the mainframe control center of the male body consists of, and side effects are more limited 
with a low to moderate dose of testosterone than many other compounds. Side effects like 
aromatization and decreased sex drive just aren’t present with testosterone. Aromatization 
is the increase in estrogen levels in the male body. This can occur with increased levels of 
testosterone, but with a moderate dose things will be kept minimal.
I have talked about this cycle on my blog a lot and it’s the thread that gets hit on the most, by 
far. The cycle is an 8 week cycle of a single 10ml vial of testosterone pyramided up and then 
back down. You will inject once/wk, and I’d start with your glutes and just rotate sides each 
week. You won’t need to inject into any other sites besides glutes for your first cycle, unless 
you choose to.
Week 1 - 0.5cc
Week 2 - 1cc
Week 3 - 1.5cc
Week 4 - 2cc
Week 5 - 2cc
Week 6 - 1.5cc
Week 7 - 1cc
Week 8 - 0.5cc
For post cycle therapy (PCT) you will be using Clomid. Clomid is a compound that comes in 
tabs or you can order a liquid version from a peptide research website. It’s easy enough to 
find, just type in “liquid Clomid” or “peptides” in the search bar and you’ll find it. For the liquid 
version you just measure in a syringe and squirt it into your mouth. Most Clomid is dosed at 
50mg per pill, or 50mg per ml in the liquid version. You are to take 50mg/day for 20 days as 
post cycle therapy, starting 2 weeks after your last shot. You want to start 2 weeks post shot 
because you want to give the testosterone enough time to unwind and clear your body in 
order to take full advantage of your post cycle therapy.
Clomid is a female hormone and what it does is it sends a signal to your body to produce 
more testosterone naturally. Because your body has been getting synthetic testosterone 
during your cycle, your testes will stop producing their own testosterone. Since you have 
such an abundance of testosterone, they don’t think they need to make their own anymore. 
Clomid does the opposite of this by sending a signal to produce more to counterbalance the 
female hormone you’re now taking. Side effects of Clomid can include lethargy and a general 
feeling of depression. Honestly the stuff makes me feel like shit. But it’s a necessary evil in 
order to get your own test firing again. Just know it’s going to be short lived.
Side effects from this cycle include a huge increase in sex drive, possible acne, increased 
aggression, and a huge increase in your sense of well-being. I felt like Superman on my first 
cycle, and nothing could bring me down. I gained a solid 23 lbs on this cycle, but I ate like 
crazy, slept a lot, and trained my ass off. Without those factors in the equation you will get 
nothing!! Steroids do not make you grow; they simply put your body in the right environment 
to grow if everything else is in the mix!! You still have to bust your ass with training and 
nutrition, it’s not magic. You will not keep all of your gains from your cycles. I think I lost at 
least 50% of my gains after coming off my first cycle.
The type of testosterone you want for this cycle is either testosterone enanthate or 
testosterone cypionate. These are both long acting testosterones and I really place no 
emphasis on one over the other. They are both very similar. I would stay away from the 
blends for your first cycle, unless that is all that you can get your hands on. But just know that 
any type of test with a shorter chain ester will need to be injected more than once a week.
My second cycle was a Dbol only cycle. I did my second cycle about 12 weeks after my first 
cycle of testosterone. Again, you will hear many people advise against a Dbol only cycle. 
However I’m all for a Dbol only cycle for a beginner. I gained a solid 20 lbs off Dbol only. 
Plenty of old school guys ran Dbol by itself, and recovery will always be an issue whether 
testosterone is in the mix or not. I’m not saying not to use testosterone with it if you have it, 
but not having it wouldn’t keep me from using Dbol as a beginner.
There are several different brands of Dbol out there today, but the best one I’ve ever used 
were these giant white tabs from Russia called Naposims. I’m pretty sure these are almost 
non-existent now, but if you can find them then grab them!! Another kind that is good are the 
pink Thai tabs. Most Dbol comes in 5mg tabs, but several labs produce 10mg, 20mg, and even 
50mg tabs now. A good dose for a first time Dbol user is 25mg/day for 6 weeks. I always felt 
stronger when I dosed throughout the day evenly, rather than taking it all at once. So if your 
tabs are higher mg, you may want to get a pill cutter and split them up. Strength gains from 
Dbol are nothing short of insane. I got extremely strong on Dbol only, and I believe at the 
time I was benching 335 lbs for 10 reps. This was my second cycle and about 14-15 years ago.
Side effects of Dbol can include: increase or decrease in appetite, bloating, acne, 
gynecomastia, lethargy, increased sense of well-being in some users, a decrease in others, 
and possible decrease in sex drive (this is more prevalent with higher doses). But one thing’s 
for sure: the stuff can make you strong. It generally took about a good 5-7 days for me to 
really start feeling the strength from Dbol. You’ll know you’re on legit Dbol because the 
weights just feel easier. Weights you used to tap out with can become weights that feel like 
warm-up weights. But if there is one problem with Dbol it’s the fact that increases in size and 
strength go away almost as fast as they came on once you stop using it.
I never had issues with gynecomastia (development of female breast tissue) in all my years 
of steroids but I’m just not prone to gyno. However, you don’t want to find out the hard way 
that you are prone to that, so using some Nolvadex wouldn’t be a bad idea (or at least having 
it on hand just in case). Again, Nolvadex comes in tabs and also as a liquid research product. 
It’s almost always dosed at 20mg a tab or per ml in a liquid version. 20mg/day of Nolvadex 
should be more than enough if you’re using 50mg/day or less of Dbol. 10mg/day should be 
enough to suffice for most users.
For your post cycle recovery you will be using Clomid and Nolvadex together. The Nolvadex 
keeps estrogen from binding to receptors, which has a greater possibility of occurring as 
testosterone levels drop. Many users do not experience estrogen buildup until recovery, so 
taking the Nolvadex for the next month after discontinuing this cycle is a good idea. Again, 
10-20mg/day should suffice during recovery. Unlike your testosterone cycle, this recovery will 
start right away after the cycle is over with, since Dbol is out of your system much faster than 
a long acting testosterone. I’d go 20 days on the Clomid (starting the day after you stop taking 
your Dbol) and 30 days on the Nolvadex.
RIGHT AWAY, AND THEN ORDER SOME LETROZOLE. Letrozole is about the strongest thing out 
there to try to actually reverse new fibrous gyno, but I don’t think with most dosages I suggest 
it would be an issue for anyone who wasn’t severely prone to gyno. If you need something 
more aggressive to suppress the tissue formation, then go with letrozole at 2.5mg/day until 
lump subsides. Again, you canorder liquid letrozole (Femara) from research chemical sites 
online, if you have no other source and need it fast.
Trenbolone Acetate/Testosterone Propionate
After my Dbol only cycle I moved away from New York. For the next few years I was back to 
training natural, and couldn’t find a source for steroids to save my life. You have to keep in 
mind that this was before the days of internet sources and easy access. I had a friend who 
moved about 4 hours away from me, and I drove 4 hours each way to go get my next cycle. 
This cycle would consist of trenbolone acetate and testosterone propionate, and would prove 
to be a great cycle to get shredded on without breaking the bank. I had 2 bottles of each, and 
the cycle lasted 10 weeks.
Like a dumbass, I didn’t inject frequently enough. I only injected twice a week and I got acne 
that was so terrible I had to go to a dermatologist and get three different medications to 
clear up my back. My back is still scarred like crazy from not knowing what I was doing at the 
time. If you’re using this cycle, you need to inject at least Mon/Wed/Fri!! Most guys go every 
other day with these compounds, but I learned to get away with Mon/Wed/Fri without the 
side effect of acne. The acne is caused from hormone levels jumping all over the map, and 
you may also find your acne getting worse when you’re coming off cycle than when you’re on 
it. Now 2 bottles of each will only get you about 6-7 weeks, because you will be using 3cc’s/
wk of each. Therefore, I would get 3 vials of each and run it out for 9-10 weeks. You can still 
get away with a 6 week cycle of this and get great results but I just don’t see the point in only 
using compounds for 6 weeks and discontinuing right when things start looking good.
Weeks 1-10: 300mg/wk prop, 300mg/wk tren (injected Mon/Wed/Fri), and load both 
compounds in the same syringe, it’s fine. I would start going into another site besides your 
glutes since you’re injecting more frequently. I would do this: Mon - left glute, Wed - right 
glute, Fri - left shoulder (deltoid), next Mon - right shoulder (deltoid), then repeat.
This cycle will provide the user with some good, clean gains, or good definition and muscle 
retention, if you’re dieting. I used this cycle to cut up myself, and I looked pretty damn good 
when it was done with (minus my acne from being a moron). During this time I also hooked 
up with an extremely hot stripper which ended up being a benchmark in my status of banging 
super hot chicks!!
I’m going to first talk about the side effects of trenbolone. Tren can be nasty: I’m not going to 
lie. For the money I don’t believe there is a better compound than what trenbolone can do 
for you. You’ll get rock hard muscles and extremely good strength. But you may not be very 
pleasant to be around. Tren can make you meaner than a snake. You just don’t put up with 
any bullshit on tren. It’s a constant feeling of tension and aggression that at first can be kind 
of cool, but eventually gets old. Tren is not something I’d recommend using more than once a 
year. With tren you just know you’re on something, it’s very powerful.
Another side effect from tren is getting night sweats. You may wake up with your sheets 
soaked in sweat, or even have to shower halfway through the night and change your sheets. 
I always got insomnia on it too; sleep frequently went from 7-8 hours a night down to 3-4 
hours a night. This wasn’t every night, but it was a lot of them!! Tren also seemed to always 
make me look older and tired in the face. Sometimes it would affect my prostate also. I would 
frequently feel as if I had to piss, and then stand over the toilet and just have trouble going.
My sex drive on tren was through the roof. I’m not talking about just wanting to have sex with 
a girl: I’m talking about wanting to punish her with your dick!! But I definitely would not use 
tren without testosterone in the mix. This is not one you want to fly solo on. It’s harsh enough 
while using testosterone alongside it, without test it would be a nightmare!! Trenbolone is just 
something you’ll have to try. You may not get side effects as bad as another user would. As 
harsh as tren can be, I probably wouldn’t prepare for a bodybuilding competition without it, 
because I know what it does for my muscles.
Another side effect you may find when using tren is it can hamper your cardio. You may feel 
short winded easier when you’re on tren. I never really experienced this one though. Tren 
can also give the user a constant cough known as “tren cough”. It’s nothing unusual for many 
users, although this was another side effect I just never got (at least I don’t remember).
There is another type of tren called “tren enanthate”. This is just a different ester attached 
to the compound and it allows the user to go with only 2 injections per week instead of 3. 
You may also hear of a compound called “Parabolan” which some guys will try telling you is 
superior to tren. Don’t be fooled, it’s nothing more than an extremely expensive version of 
trenbolone. It’s almost no different, and won’t get you shit that tren can’t do for you. Don’t 
waste your money on Parabolan, trust me. 
The side effects from test prop will be pretty much the same as your long chain tests. 
Increased sex drive, possible acne, but water retention will be almost non-existent on 300mg/
wk of test prop. The combination of test prop and tren is potent, and the cycle is simple. As 
for dosages, I’d stick to no more than 300mg/wk of tren. I have been as high as 600mg/wk on 
it, and the benefits didn’t outweigh the side effects. I got almost nothing more on 600mg/wk 
of tren than what I got on 300mg/wk of it. 
Let’s first begin by talking about injections. For starters, you want to definitely use a new 
needle for every injection. It’s not worth risking an infection because you failed to get enough 
needles or were too cheap to spend the money on enough of them. Now, how do you acquire 
syringes? You could try a local pharmacy, but state laws differ in each state. In some areas 
you can buy them, and in others you cannot. Some pharmacies have what is called “at the 
pharmacist’s discretion”, where they are considered over the counter. But if the pharmacist 
thinks you’re some juice-head, he can deny you the right to buy them. My advice is to not go 
in there in a tank top looking the part. If you cannot buy them in the pharmacy then you can 
order them online. 
The ideal size syringe barrel you want is 3cc’s (or 3ml, a cc is the same as a ml), and ideal 
needle size is a 23 gauge, 1 inch. So if you’re trying to walk into the pharmacy to buy them 
you want to say, “Yes, I need some 23 gauge, 1 inch syringes that are 3ml’s”. Now a 25 gauge 
needle will also work, and is slightly smaller. The advantage of this is a smaller needle means 
less scar tissue. The disadvantage is it takes forever to load the oil into this, and it will take 
longer to inject due to pushing the oil through a smaller needle. Now here is what I do: I 
use an 18 gauge needle to draw up the oil, then I unscrew the needle tip and switch to a 23 
gauge, 1 inch tip. The oil pretty much falls into the barrel when using an 18 gauge needle, and 
the tips are universal so unscrewing one and screwing on another is no big deal.
So you have your syringes and you’re ready to inject. It’s a good idea to wipe off the top of 
the vial each time with an alcohol wipe, and then clean the area you will be injecting with 
an alcohol wipe. Tip your vial upside down and insert the syringe. Make sure the plunger is 
all the way forward. Next, start pulling the plunger back and fill the oil to the desired mark. 
You can pull it back further to create a stronger vacuum and load your syringe faster, then 
just push the oilback up to the desired mark. Next, you want to try and get any air bubbles 
out of the syringe so it’s just oil in the barrel and not air. You simply wait a second for the 
air bubbles to go back through the oil to the top and push the air out slowly by pushing the 
plunger forward a little. It’s also a good idea to flick the barrel a few times in order to export 
any air bubbles. Now it’s time to inject.
The best place to go for a beginner is your glute (butt cheek). You want to inject in the outer 
part of your glute and more towards the top of the glute. It’s a large area and it’s difficult 
to screw this up. But mainly you want to stay away from the inner part near your tailbone 
because you have a sciatic nerve that runs down there. The first time I injected myself I 
almost started laughing, because what you think is going to hurt like hell, isn’t shit. Push the 
needle in all the way, don’t half ass it (no pun intended).
Next, you will want to aspirate the needle. “Aspirating the needle” means you pull back on the 
plunger slightly to make sure no blood comes up into barrel. If there is blood, then you are in 
a vein, and you don’t want to inject into a vein. Simply pull it out and go into another site or 
move over an inch from where you went before. When you use steroids long enough this is 
bound to happen. Sometimes you will pull your syringe out after injecting and a small stream 
of blood will shoot out and scare the shit out of you. Do not be alarmed, this just means you 
went through a vein but didn’t inject into one and the bleeding stops after a couple seconds.
So you’ve stuck yourself and you’ve pulled back to aspirate your needle, no blood, all is clear. 
Slowly push your plunger forward and inject the oil. Injecting too quickly can often cause 
more post injection soreness so try to slow it down just a tad. Pull your needle out and wipe 
the area for any possible bleeding from the shot, then massage the site for a couple minutes 
to help disperse the oil. Again, this will also help lessen any potential soreness from the shot.
You will be sore from the shot for a few days, it’s perfectly natural. Once you get used to 
the shots, it gets a lot better. I would try to only hit a site once/wk if you can help it, and this 
means often rotating injection sites or sides. If you injected your right glute this week, go 
ahead and inject your left glute next week. If you’re injecting something twice a week, then 
go with your right cheek on Monday, and left cheek on Thursday. Once you get into a steroid 
stack or start using compounds that require more frequent injections, then you will need to 
use other sites. Steroids require intramuscular injections, and these injections are not only 
limited to your glutes. There are several muscular sites on the body that can be used. Now 
with that being said, some muscles can hurt more than others, and some muscles are near 
more veins.
Other sites I have injected include deltoids, lats, pecs, quads, biceps, triceps, calves, and I 
did traps once. Now, here is my take on other sites: I will never fucking inject a calf or a trap 
again, those sites crippled me with post injection pain!!! Pecs I’ll do if I have to, and arms 
would require a smaller needle than a 23 gauge. Deltoids are good, but they can knot up with 
scar tissue easier and it doesn’t look good when your delts become a giant ball of scar tissue 
and not muscle. But this takes many shots and years to start happening so right now it’s not a 
big deal.
My delts would be the next choice after glutes. Pec shots are a little rough because it takes 
more pressure than you think to bust through the pec muscle. You have to stab the shit out 
of it!! But don’t worry about your heart, a 1” or even 1.5” syringe won’t go nearly deep enough 
to get near your heart or lungs, and even then you’d hit a sheath you probably couldn’t 
penetrate through. Quad shots I don’t favor much either. I learned this from competing in 
bodybuilding. The shots in my quads blurred the separation in my legs a bit from swelling, 
and limping around isn’t much fun anyway. Honestly, my main sites at this point are glutes 
and lats.
Lat shots aren’t as bad as you may think. It’s a huge muscle and there is plenty of room to 
go up and down it. Gear that hurts other places isn’t as bad in the lats, especially if you inject 
them and then go train your back. I have found this to help disperse the oil and get blood 
moving in the area, and keep post injection pain to a minimum. My main area is about 3” 
below my armpit, and although you’d think there are a lot of veins in the area, I have NEVER 
hit a vein in my lats, and I’ve shot my lats probably hundreds of times by now.
A beginner would not need to be concerned about having more than a couple different 
injection areas. As I said, focus on glutes and possibly deltoids at first. It takes a while for scar 
tissue to form, and just remember: it builds quicker when you continuously hit the same area 
over and over.
Sooner or later you will run into problems when taking steroids, if you use them enough. 
There is a difference between post injection pain and an infection, and knowing the 
difference can mean the difference between healing yourself quickly, or having to go to the 
emergency room because you’re at the point you need your leg amputated (yes, this can 
Infections are usually caused by dirty gear or gear that wasn’t put together properly. In most 
cases it’s because some dumb fuck got the ratio of benzyl alcohol to benzyl benzoate wrong, 
or he tried to put too much hormone into the concentration. I will tell you this much: the 
cheapest price isn’t usually the best gear!! You get what you pay for!! I hear all of these guys 
rant and rave over different labs and comment on their extremely low prices. And then a few 
weeks later, one guy tells people he has a basketball sized knot coming out of his ass!! This is 
all too common nowadays with underground labs popping up left and right.
But let’s just say you do get an infection. An infection will be hot to the touch and the area 
will be swollen and inflamed. If this is the case then USUALLY it goes away on its own within 
a week. But it’s better to be proactive than reactive in this event, so what you’ll need to do is 
get some form of antibiotic such as doxycycline, tetracycline, amoxicillin, or penicillin. Now 
obviously going to a family care physician is the best choice, but some people don’t have the 
insurance or financial means to do so. In this case there are internet sites you can buy these 
antibiotics from, and some are even found at local pet stores. I have used tetracycline from 
the fish aquarium store on more than one occasion to clear my infections. It never hurt me a 
bit and it cleared up the infection fast.
I cannot comment on other forms of antibiotics, but for tetracycline my recommendation is 
1,000mg/day for the first few days. If the infection does not subside, bump up the dosage to 
1,500mg/day. If it doesn’t subside within 2 days, at that point then you need to go to a doctor. 
DO NOT IGNORE A BAD INFECTION! Infections of any sort can turn to gangrene and at that 
point you may be looking at having a chunk of your ass surgically removed, or an amputated 
limb. This isn’t worth trying to get muscles, so be smart about it!!!
In my 15 years of using steroids I’ve had probably less than 5 infections. And guess what? 
4 out of the 5 infections probably came from the same source!! But I’ve never had an issue 
when I’ve used quality compounds from reputable places.
I have been to the emergency room a total of one time in 15 years of anabolic usage. I 
cannot tell you exactly what happened here or why it happened. All I know is I injected some 
Sustanon and shortlyafter injecting the bottoms of my feet began hurting so bad that I 
could hardly walk. I was crawling around my apartment on my hands and knees. The next 
day the pain in my feet got slightly better, but my neck started to get stiffer and stiffer as the 
day went on. By the time I drove home from work, my neck was so stiff I couldn’t turn my 
head enough to look into my rear view mirror when driving. I had my father drive me to the 
emergency room, and they couldn’t figure it out. They asked me about anabolic steroids and 
I told them I have never used them, for fear insurance wouldn’t cover the problem. I went 
home that night and took some ibuprofen and put some icy hot gel on my neck and went 
to bed. I woke up and felt fine. I couldn’t tell you what the hell happened, but the vial was 
thrown in the garbage and discontinued immediately.
Hitting a Vein
So I’m sure one of your questions is: “What would happen if I did hit a vein?” Well, this is most 
likely what would happen with an oil based steroid. You may feel dizzy or light headed and 
have to sit down. Your chest may feel tight, and you may start coughing uncontrollably for a 
few minutes. In 95% of cases it will stop after a few minutes and you’ll feel fine again. It’s not 
going to kill you if it’s just anabolics. Now, hit a vein with something like Synthol, and it may be 
nighty night time, based on the chemical makeup of Synthol. Which for the record, Synthol is 
a stupid thing to use, and yes I have used it. But we’ll get to that later.
Coughing and Tasting Compounds
There are certain steroids that will just make you cough when you inject them. Trenbolone 
can do this to a lot of guys, and Winstrol has done it to me before as well. Sometimes you can 
taste the stuff after you inject it, it’s pretty normal with certain compounds for this to happen. 
It does not mean anything is wrong or you injected wrong, it’s just what happens when it goes 
into your body. It’s not uncommon, so don’t be alarmed if it happens to you. As I said, usually 
tren and Winny can cause this.
Poor Injection Techniques
Poor injection techniques can also be a cause for concern. Usually it’s just an increase in post 
injection pain, but if you live in a dirty place full of bacteria, that can definitely be the case as 
well. Injecting too quickly can cause more pain, and obviously injecting bacteria can cause 
infection. If your bottle of steroids fell into the dog cage and you caught your dog carrying 
around your vial in his mouth, don’t just grab the vial and draw up some oil to inject with. 
If you’re locked up in prison, I probably wouldn’t go sticking a needle in the vial after your 
significant other suit-cased it up their ass through security. You get the idea, right? Good!!
Testosterone Flu
Sometimes you can experience flu-like symptoms when you first start cycling testosterone. 
This is not uncommon, and these symptoms will usually subside after a few days into the 
cycle. Symptoms of “test flu” include headache, achiness, extreme lethargy, and loss of 
appetite. Do not be alarmed if you get test flu. It has been my experience that it normally 
goes away pretty quickly, and the more you become used to the added hormone in your 
system, the less likely this will happen.
EQ/Test Kicker
About 4-5 years into my steroid cycling I met up with a guy who turned me on to Equipoise. 
Equipoise or “EQ” would turn out to be one of my favorite compounds. EQ is probably one of 
the most versatile steroids there is, and it proves great for mass building or cutting. Another 
benefit of EQ is how affordable it is. I have found it to be a better compound for holding gains 
after discontinuing the cycle than a lot of other compounds.
I tried to grab 2 bottles and the guy who hooked me up told me: “I don’t even want to give it 
to you unless you run 3 vials of it.” So I got 3 bottles of EQ and I ran it as he told me to use it. I 
front-loaded the first 2 weeks at 800mg/wk and then dropped to 400mg/wk for the remainder 
of the cycle. He told me that front-loading it would help it “bang harder” when it got in me. I 
felt as if it took a good few weeks for it to kick in, but when it did I got crazy vascularity and 
good strength. I think all in all, it was about a 12 week cycle. I split the injections up to 3 times/
wk, and I suggest you do the same with EQ. I ran testosterone alongside it at 500mg/wk of 
test enanthate.
Week 1-2: 800mg/wk EQ, split into Mon/Wed/Fri shots of about 260mg/shot (1.3cc’s/shot 
since EQ is typically 200mg/ml), you will then drop to 400mg/wk for the next 10 weeks 
(roughly 0.7ml/shot 3x/wk). These shots may not come out to EXACTLY 800mg/wk or 
400mg/wk due to 3 shots/wk divided up, but it’s close enough and just run the vials out 
until you’re done.
Weeks 3-12: 400 - 500mg/wk test enanthate or cyp injected once/wk at 2cc’s or 2.5cc’s/
shot (depending on whether your test is 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml).
Post Cycle Therapy
On this cycle, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to up your Clomid dose a bit. I’d go 100mg/day on days 
1-10, then drop to 50mg/day on days 11-20. I’d also include Nolvadex in your recovery, and 
go with 10mg every day for a month straight, but started right after your last injection before 
your Clomid therapy begins. If any sort of water issues are a concern then you could also use 
Nolvadex during the cycle at 10 mg/day. EQ typically doesn’t hold much water, but you may 
notice a little from taking that test to 500mg/wk.
Side effects of EQ can include oily skin, increased aggression, and possible hair-loss. I have 
found EQ to also give me a mild case of paranoia if I go over 400mg’s/wk, but it’s nothing 
crazy that I can’t handle. EQ has about half the rate of water gain than testosterone, so any 
sort of water issues most likely will be due to testosterone over the EQ. 
Testosterone/Test Suspension Cycle
Testosterone suspension is basically testosterone with no ester attached to it. It gets in 
your system fast, and gives excellent strength gains for a workout. While shots can typically 
be more painful, the boost testosterone suspension can give a workout is incredible!! The 
downside of this is you need to inject frequently since there is no carrier to the hormone 
and it’s in and out of you quick. Now, most guys suggest injecting this one every day or even 
twice/day, but I never used it this way. From my experience with suspension, as long as I was 
running a long chain test behind it, I could just use it on training days and I’d inject it an hour 
before the workout. For best results, test suspension should be run for at least 6 weeks.
The good part about suspension is if you inject 100mg’s you can bet your system is getting all 
100mg’s, since there is no ester or conversion process with it. The bad side is water retention 
and estrogen related side effects such as gyno can be much more likely. You want to use 
something a little more powerful than Nolvadex with this one. I would use Arimidex with 
it, and I’d go 1mg/day of Arimidex just to be on the safe side. Suspension comes in a water 
based version as well as oil based. I would get oil based if at all possible because shots seem 
to hurt less with it. If you have water based, then I’d suggest cutting it with oil, such as B-12. 
The syringe will look a little strange with the water and oil separation, but it’s perfectly fine to 
inject with this.
As stated above, you’re going to want to run a long acting test behind this. 500mg/wk of 
testosterone cypionate or enanthate would be a good choice. I would run this cycle for 10 
weeks while using the test suspension for the first 6 weeks during the cycle. Test suspension 
is a common compound used by MMA fightersfor the rapid onset of aggression and 
intensity, and you should notice a damn good kick in your workouts with it as well. I would 
not use suspension if you’re cutting up, it’s better for rapid mass/strength cycles.
Side effects of testosterone suspension include: huge increase in aggression, oily skin, acne, 
major water retention, and possible gynecomastia. You DEFINITELY want to include Arimidex 
with this one. Nolvadex isn’t strong enough here, go with A-dex.
Weeks 1-6: 100mg test suspension an hour pre-workout on training days.
Weeks 1-10: 500mg/wk testosterone cypionate or test enanthate
Post Cycle Therapy
100mg/day of Clomid days 1-10 (started 2 weeks post last test shot), ½mg Arimidex per day 
for 4 weeks, started day after last shot and continued 2 weeks into Clomid therapy. If you 
choose to, you can continue on with Arimidex at ½mg/day throughout all of Clomid usage 
(you can do this with any cycle). While certainly not necessary, this would be a fail-safe 
method of preventing any possible estrogen rebound that could occur following the 2 weeks 
into Clomid use. While not being necessary for some, others may find this beneficial.
Deca Durabolin/Dbol/Test Cycle
Unlike a lot of users who use Deca early on, I didn’t try Deca for a long time. Then about 5 or 
6 years into my cycling I decided to give it a shot (no pun intended). Deca would prove to be a 
compound that I reacted to extremely well. The nitrogen retention and pump my muscles got 
from Deca was incredible. It also seemed to be a compound that I got improved results with 
the longer I was on it.
You see, many steroids start to fizzle out after about 5 or 6 weeks of being on them, but Deca 
was always one that just banged harder and harder for me until the end of the cycle. It does 
take a little while to get into the system, so this is one I’d suggest going at least 12 weeks on, 
and 15 weeks is probably even better. I was using this cycle sometime around 2004 when I 
was trying to just gain rapid size and didn’t care much about fat gain. No, I didn’t have visible 
abs during this time, but I was very large and as strong as an ox. I ran 35mg/day of Dbol for 6 
weeks, 500mg/wk of test cypionate for 12 weeks, and Deca for 12 weeks respectively.
Most guys will tell you to run your test at least 1 week past the end of your Deca, but I never 
had any issues stopping both at the same time. Much of the time I only had so many vials on 
hand, and trying to run certain compounds at different lengths just seemed to complicate 
things more. Now, I don’t remember a solid gain of 20 lbs on this, but also keep in mind that 
at this point I had some cycles under my belt, and those days of 20 lb gains were coming to 
an end. For someone less experienced, AN EASY 20 lbs off this cycle is attainable, maybe even 
25-30 lbs if you’re eating enough.
Weeks 1-6: 25-35mg’s/day Dbol
Weeks 1-12: 300mg/wk Deca, 500mg/wk test
On using Deca I have never found much benefit to going over 300mg’s/wk. I got everything 
I needed out of 300mg’s/wk and always have. I’m old school all the way, and I usually live by 
the rule of under a gram/wk of total steroids (that’s under 1000mg/wk total). I don’t venture 
outside of that range much at all, and I’m a pretty damn large individual. Deca needs to be 
injected at least once/wk. Twice/wk injections may be necessary if dosing higher.
Post Cycle Therapy
Continue on with ½mg per day of Arimidex for 1 month post last injection. Begin Clomid at 2 
weeks post last injection so esters are cleared before beginning Clomid. Take your Clomid at 
100mg/day for days 1-10, then 50mg/day days 11-20.
Side effects of Deca: the most common side effect is “Deca dick”. This is obviously where 
your penis has difficulty getting erect or staying erect. Now, I have experienced this a couple 
times and this is what I found with it: if I kept my Deca at 300mg/wk or less it usually never 
happened. Also, if my test was at least close to the same dose of Deca, it usually never 
happened. If I took that Deca to 400mg’s/wk or beyond, it would happen to me. The good 
news is: if this happens to you it’s usually not until a ways into your cycle. It’s probably not 
something you’ll have happen until you get about 6-7 weeks in, and at least then it’s shorter 
Another side effect more common with Deca than some other steroids can be elevated blood 
pressure. If you’re on BP meds, I’d steer clear of using Deca altogether, and even if you don’t 
have a history of elevated blood pressure, definitely keep an eye on it during your cycle. 
You should do this with any cycle, but definitely with Deca. Other side effects can include 
elevated cholesterol, hair-loss, oily skin, gynecomastia, and obviously, natural testosterone 
Deca Durabolin is a progesterone based compound. For this reason you would want to use 
Arimidex during cycles over Nolvadex. Arimidex is a far better choice with a progesterone 
over Nolvadex, and ½mg per day should suffice during this cycle. If any symptoms of gyno 
appear, discontinue the cycle and bump your Arimidex to 1mg/day until symptoms subside. 
Use this rule with any cycle if you get symptoms of gyno. Early symptoms of gyno will be 
sensitive or itchy nipples, or a small lump under the nipple. Sometimes you can also notice 
a slight discharge from your nipples if you pinch them. I have had this happen before, and 
despite having, this I never had any pain or lumps near my nipples. I kept on with the cycle, 
and kept up with my Arimidex, and nothing else ever happened. It only happened one time.
While almost any results as far as gaining body fat or water retention are MOSTLY diet 
related, this is a cycle I probably would not use if the goal was to get into single digit body 
fat for a competition. But much of this also depends on your genetic makeup. A naturally 
very lean guy (ectomorph) can get away with using this stuff and look phenomenal!! But a 
naturally bigger guy with more body fat (endomorph) would not want to use this to try to 
win a bodybuilding contest. You could run it up until a few weeks out from a competition, 
and 30 years ago it would have been a competitive cycle. But nowadays there are different 
compounds that would promote a leaner and harder look when you’re gunning for single 
digit body fat.
Dbol/Tren/Test: Super Mass Builder
I was around 24 years old when I did this cycle, and it packed on a ton of strength and mass. 
I believe I ended up around 245 lbs after this one, and I started around 225 lbs. I’m sure this 
isn’t the most pleasant cycle on the liver, but it’s not as if I never recovered from it. I had 
enough Dbol to run 6 weeks worth, enough tren to run 6 weeks worth, and enough test 
enanthate to run 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. So what I did was I split the Dbol and tren up, using 
35mg/day of Dbol the first 6 weeks, and then switching to 300mg/wk of tren the next 6 weeks. 
Obviously testosterone was run the entire 12 week duration of the cycle.
My strength was through the roof on this cycle, and for the cost it proved to be a great cycle 
for growing. I had no anti-estrogen during this cycle, but if I could go back in time, then I 
would have used it to keep water weight down. Like I said before, I’m not gyno prone, but I 
pack on water weight like anyone else. The water started falling off some when I switched 
over to the tren, but I could have looked a lot better had I had Arimidex in the mix. So I would 
be using ½mg every day of A-Dex if you can.
Weeks 1-6: 30-40mg/day Dbol (split throughout day), 500mg/wk test cyp or test enanthate 
(shot at 250mg, 2 times/wk)
Weeks 7-12: 100mg 3 times/wk tren, 500mg/wk test (shot 250mg 2 times/wk)
Post Cycle Therapy
Again, I’d go 100mg/day Clomid days 1-10, then 50mg/day Clomid on days 11-20. I would use 
½mg every day of Arimidexfor 4-6 weeks post cycle, and start it the day after your last shot. 
Again, it’s probably better if you can use Arimidex throughout the entire cycle, you’ll just look 
much better. Taking ancillary agents is highly underrated during cycle, and I have noticed 
I look much, much better if I have them in the entire cycle. Again, I understand cost can be 
an issue with some of this. Is it the end of the world if you don’t use it the entire cycle? It’s 
probably not. I have done tons of cycles without Nolvadex or Arimidex and I was fine. But 
this is going to be person specific, and until you know your own body and how it reacts to 
steroids, I’d assume it’s better to be safe and use them. If anything it’s better to be safe than 
sorry sometimes, and you never know if you’re gyno prone or prone to a progesterone based 
drug until it actually happens. 
Spring Break “Pussy Slayer” Cycle (Anavar/Winny)
I got this one from a good friend of mine who used to make these “win/var” capsules. 
Everyone loved the fucking things, and they were dosed JUST RIGHT. They consisted of 30mg 
of Anavar and 30mg of Winstrol and the synergy was incredible from those two right there. 
This cycle was mild and hella effective!! All I needed was an injectable test to use with it and 
I was good to go. For the guys who don’t mind injecting, I would go with test prop at 300mg/
wk. For the guys who hate shots, go with low dose testosterone enanthate once/wk at 200mg. 
We just want enough test to stay on the up and up here. This is a very effective 8 week cycle 
guaranteed to make the panties drop, if your diet is on track of course.
Week 1-8: 30mg/day Winny tabs, 30mg/day Anavar, 200mg/wk test enanthate (or 300mg/
wk prop). Wait 14 days post cycle to begin recovery if using test enanthate or cypionate 
(long chain test) and wait 10 days post cycle if using test prop. For recovery you will use: 
Clomid at 50mg/day for 20 days, ½mg per day of Arimidex alongside it.
Anavar breakdown: 
Anavar is probably the most mild steroid there is next to Primobolan. Anavar will not hurt 
you; you seriously have to abuse this stuff to get side effects from it. Any dosage of 100mg/
day or less is probably not going to do jack shit other than slightly elevate liver enzymes, 
which quickly return to normal after you stop cycling. Anavar should be run at least 30mg/
day to see any benefit from it, but can be taken as high as 100mg/day to see more dramatic 
results. The two side effects I noticed with taking Anavar was that it often killed my appetite 
(which wasn’t a bad thing for cutting up) and it sometimes made my stomach upset, but 
nothing I couldn’t deal with. Other than that it’s great. I never got any bad skin from it, no 
insomnia, and no depression. It’s also a very easy steroid to recover from. You typically don’t 
get the “crash” when you discontinue Anavar as you do with testosterone.
Winny breakdown: 
Every place you look now these guys are talking about using 50mg/day of Winny everyday. 
While that is the most common dosage, I’m here to tell you it can be used at 20-30mg 
everyday and still with great results. The biggest thing about Winny is its diuretic effect. 
This is something that is going to dry you out and it could potentially cause injury or joint 
pain if you’re training too heavy on it. In the above cycle the dosage is JUST RIGHT when run 
alongside the Anavar. It’s conservative enough to be mild, but the synergistic effect alongside 
Anavar is incredible. More experienced individuals who want a stronger effect can double the 
dosages and run it 60mg/60mg with Anavar and Winny, but it’s not necessary. For the guy 
with just a few hundred bucks who wants a great cycle, I strongly suggest the spring break 
“Pussy Slayer Cycle”.
Could I use this cycle with no test? Yes you could. At only 8 weeks and as mild of dosages as 
we are using here, you will not be shut down that bad if using 30mg/30mg. Also, let’s face 
it: test itself will still shut down natural production anyway. If you don’t want to use needles 
yet, then I would run this solo, but don’t go any longer than 8 weeks and keep the tabs at 
I put Primobolan in the intermediate cycle category, because Primo is a different animal 
than other types of steroids. Primo is more of a recompositioning drug than a fast mass 
builder, but everything gained from Primo is quality. It’s one of those compounds that you 
could run for a few months and discontinue and have a permanently changed look. But this 
isn’t something you’re going to gain a bunch of mass on, and as a newer user I don’t think 
I’d dabble with Primo just yet. For one, it costs too much for any gains you’re going to get. 
Secondly, if you’re still trying to put on size then I’d use something a little more potent. But if 
you’re happy with the size you have and want to refine it, then Primo can be a great drug to 
When combined with Anavar and a low dose of Deca, this cycle just kicks ass!! I got some 
damn good results on this cycle right here and it’s one of my favorites to this day. The low 
dose Deca is just enough to provide joint healing properties and increased nitrogen retention. 
The Anavar provides more bang to the Primo to help you get absolutely diced!! I found that 
I could even be a little loose on the diet and still get harder and more defined on this one. 
Primo is a very good steroid to use when dieting, and one of its traits is how muscle sparing it 
is. Drop the calories low while on Primo, and you may hold more muscle than using another 
compound. This cycle is certainly not cheap, but it’s effective and you’ll keep a lot from it. I 
myself like to pyramid Primo for cost’s sake.
Week 1-12: 200mg test enanthate
Week 1-4: 400mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Week 5-8: 600mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Week 9-12: 700mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Injection schedule:
Take 200mg per shot of Primo twice per week the first 4 weeks, hit Deca once/wk, and test 
once/wk. I would do a Mon/Wed/Fri injection schedule and do Primo on Monday and Friday, 
and do the test combined with Deca every Wednesday. That’s right: load the test and Deca in 
the same needle and poke on Wednesday. That is how I’d do it anyway. Now, the Anavar is 
mild enough to be run the entire 12 weeks, but realistically I usually only do it for 8 weeks due 
to cost. This cycle right here can get expensive, but you get what you pay for right?
When you get to weeks 5-8 you can still do the Primo twice/wk, but you’ll be loading a 3cc 
needle up all the way and doing two shots per week (i.e. every 3-4 days). Now, you may be 
able to get away with this and you may not. Primo can sometimes hurt a little bit, and 3cc’s at 
a time may be too much in one shot. It really depends on the brand and what you can handle. 
If it becomes too painful, then I’d break the injection schedule down more, and start dividing 
up equally and doing 3 times/wk shots.
When you get to the last 4 weeks you will need to do every other day shots. 200mg every 
other day will put you right at 700mg/wk on Primo. Some guys do Primo every single day at 
100mg/shot, and there is no problem with that either, if you don’t mind being a walking pin 
cushion for this duration of your cycle.
Primo is good once you get to 400mg/wk. It proves to be much weaker on anything less, but 
I have run it lower when combined with equal dosages of Masteron. Again, two of the right 
compounds stacked together can sometimes provide better synergistic results than one of 
them run solo SOMETIMES.
Post Cycle Therapy
Wait 2 weeks post last shot, then begin Clomid therapy at 100mg/day on days 1-10, then 
50mg/day on days 11-20. It would also be a wise idea to use HCG starting directly after the 
cycle. I liketo start HCG a little early to get it in my system. I would go 2,500iu/wk HCG split up 
into 2 shots of 1,250mg spread evenly during the week. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 
is a luteinizing hormone that is naturally produced in the pituitary gland of males and 
females. This hormone is naturally shut down when testosterone or a testosterone derivative 
is introduced into the body. Luteinizing hormones are what signal the gonads to produce 
their own testosterone. When natural production stops, essentially this is what causes your 
nuts to shrink. HCG usage can help prevent this or “blow them back up” but most importantly, 
it returns you to normal faster by including it in your post cycle therapy.
You could also add Arimidex to the cycle recovery, but it probably wouldn’t be necessary 
because Primobolan doesn’t cause aromatization, and your Deca and test were pretty low 
anyway. But as a failsafe you could use ½mg Arimidex every other day for a few weeks post 
A lot of post cycle therapy is so individual specific that you have to figure out what works for 
you. You’re going to read about different ways of doing post cycle therapy everywhere you 
look. But as far as I’m concerned, a lot of guys are going way too overboard with post cycle 
therapy now, and they’re running things they don’t need and throwing their estrogen and 
estradiol levels way too far the other direction. Sometimes they are causing more damage 
trying to be proactive than they would be using nothing. So I just wanted to explain that to 
you, you’ll see different post cycle therapy protocols in this book, but really you need to find 
what you do well with. Use my layouts as templates, but if you need to tweak a little bit, then 
by all means go ahead.
Sustanon/Tren/Anadrol Mass Stack
This stack right here is going to throw on some major mass. This isn’t the most moderate 
cycle by nature, but it’s going to be super effective. While I personally don’t use trenbolone or 
Anadrol anymore, I did a few years back and let me tell you, the results are quick!! This cycle 
needs an aromatase inhibitor throughout since aromatization is very possible.
Week 1-10: 750mg/wk Sustanon, 300mg/wk tren, 100mg/day Anadrol FIRST 3 WEEKS 
Injection schedule:
The injection schedule for this one is simple; just load 1cc of Sustanon with 1cc of tren in the 
same syringe and hit Mon/Wed/Fri. That puts you right at 750mg/wk Sustanon and 300mg/
wk tren. Definitely don’t use the Anadrol longer than the first 3 weeks, it can be very harsh on 
your liver!!
As for your aromatase inhibitor, you will be using 1mg/day of Arimidex the first 4 weeks. After 
you drop the Anadrol you could step down to ½mg per day Arimidex for the remainder of the 
cycle. You could also use Aromasin instead of Arimidex if you wanted to. With Aromasin you 
want to run 20mg/day the first 4 weeks, and then you could drop to 10mg/day throughout 
the remainder of the cycle. I use one or the other, depending on what I can get. Aromasin vs. 
Arimidex is pretty much like test cyp vs. test enanthate to me, I could take one or the other.
Post Cycle Therapy
Follow the same protocol as other cycles in this section.
Winstrol/Deca/Test Stack
Winstrol is a good complement to Deca because it helps keep any water issues down that you 
may acquire from Deca use. With a clean diet, water should be minimal on almost any cycle, 
but you can hold a little more with certain compounds. Whether you’re building, cutting, 
or doing a lean mass cycle, you can’t go wrong with this combo right here. Winny can also 
commonly cause joint pain while on it, and the Deca helps combat this. The two complement 
one another very well here. I talk about Winstrol more in cutting cycles, but for the cycle 
mentioned here I will lay out the basics of Winny. Winstrol comes most commonly as tabs or 
a water based injectable. There are oil based Winstrol preparations out there and I’d highly 
suggest them. I personally do not like water based Winny because the solution gets stuck 
easier in muscle tissue and can cause infections. I’d go tabs or oil based, or bust.
Remember, Deca can be shot once/wk. We will shoot test 2 times/wk for this cycle, to get to 
Weeks 1-15: 500mg/wk test (shot twice/wk at 250mg), 300mg/wk Deca (shot once/
wk), and 40-50mg/day Winstrol (taken every day). You will only be running the Winstrol 
the first 8 weeks and then dropping it. If you choose to, you can throw it in for the last 
8 weeks instead. ½mg of Arimidex or Aromasin 3 times/wk should be enough just as a 
precautionary measure for any possible aromatization from the test and Deca. 
Post Cycle Therapy
Wait 2 weeks post last shot of test/Deca to start Clomid at 100mg/day the first 10 days, then 
dropping to 50mg/day the next 10 days. Continue on with Arimidex from the end of the 
cycle to the end of Clomid therapy. HCG would be a good addition as well to keep your nuts 
full or swell them back up when cycle is complete. You can use it during the cycle at 250iu 2 
times/wk throughout, or if you do not use it during the cycle, then use 2500iu/wk the 2 weeks 
following your last test/Deca shot (split into 2 separate 1250iu dosages per week, i.e. Mon/
Before I get into some cutting cycles, let me just explain something real quick. Steroids do 
not make you cut, it’s almost all diet!! There are certain steroids that promote different 
properties, but without a good diet you’re pissing in the wind. You’ll never get shredded if you 
cannot develop the discipline to go days at a time without eating junk. I wouldn’t even waste 
my money if you can’t commit to the diet.
Now, let’s take a look at all of these bodybuilders from the “golden era of bodybuilding”. 
These guys didn’t have half of the drugs available now, and yet they looked incredible!! Yes, 
these guys were cutting on test, Dbol, and Deca. A few had access to Primobolan and Anavar, 
but that was pretty much it. I’d say most guys were using Deca and Dbol, and if they were 
lucky they had testosterone, but it really depended on which doctor you went to back then. 
There were two main docs who prescribed this stuff out in California, and a couple of the 
luckier guys were bringing in steroids from out of country that many others couldn’t get 
(specifically one from France and another from Austria). But the point is that dosages weren’t 
nearly as high, diets were tighter, and work ethic was never lacking. That is what built those 
bodies back then, not the different drugs.
Steroids during a diet do nothing but preserve muscle while in caloric deficit. Yes, there are a 
few steroids that can promote a harder look than what you could achieve naturally, but the 
major difference between a steroid user and a natural trainer is the level of muscle retention 
during dieting. This is perfectly evident by comparing a natural competitor with an enhanced 
competitor. There really isn’t a big difference in the level of body fat between the two, but 
there is when it comes to the level of development there is. The steroid user is far more likely 
to retain more muscle during a diet phase. By the way, the fact they have the same body fat 
level is perfect evidence that steroids do not outwork a shitty diet. I did a competition back in 
2005 where I was using approximately 2,500-3,000mg per week of steroids. I placed in the top 
5, but not nearly as well as I had thought I was going to. Fast forward to 2009, I looked better 
than I ever have in my life (to this day) and I was using 900mg/wk total!!
***Post Cycle Therapy protocol for cutting cycles listed below: wait 10 days after your 
last shot and use 50mg/day of Clomid for 20 days, along with½mg per day of Arimidex 
alongside Clomid and extended 1 week out past Clomid.
***Post Cycle Therapy protocol here applies to all short cycles below in this chapter
These cycles I’ve laid out are some basic cutting cycles that can yield almost anyone some 
pretty damn impressive results for not a ton of money. For more on cutting cycles, read 
ahead to competition cycles!!
My Best Cutting Cycle Ever!! (Prop/Tren/Winstrol)
This is hands down the best I have ever looked. I started my cycle at 230 lbs, and I had 
dropped down to 207 lbs on weigh-in day. But the thing about the diet was I stayed close 
to 230 lbs for a long time while getting leaner and leaner. I was a very large 207 lbs when it 
was said and done. The cycle was the most basic thing ever, and effective as hell!! Now, you 
probably won’t believe me when I tell you this, but I didn’t start using this cycle until 8 weeks 
away from the competition. I dieted for 14 weeks, and the first 6 weeks I was using nothing!! 
At the 8 week out mark, I used 300mg/wk of tren, 300mg/wk of oil based Winstrol, and 
300mg/wk of testosterone propionate. Now, one thing that I think made a huge difference 
was the fact I was using a liquid exemestane the entire time I was running the cycle. I was 
probably overboard on this, but I was using 20mg/day of exemestane each day.
Between that and the Winstrol I was dry as hell looking. Honestly I was ready for the stage at 
2 weeks out. The combination of these three compounds gave me a nasty shredded and hard 
look!! Even though I was running low dosages of each, it was the synergistic combination of 
these compounds that gave me such great results. I placed second in that show, and to this 
day I feel as if I was robbed. The guy who won had peanuts for biceps and terrible shape. 
But this is all a subjective game when it comes to judging, and definitely one of politics too. 
Anyway I looked amazing off those three things and if I ever get on the stage again, I’d run the 
same damn cycle all over again!! 
OK, so let me break down one of the components of my cutting cycle I’ve talked about. Let’s 
talk about Winstrol, or “Winny” as it’s commonly called. I like Winstrol, but it has to be either 
oil based or oral Winny. I am not a fan of water based Winstrol, and I’d dare to say this 
compound is the culprit of about 75% of infections that come from steroid shots. If water 
based is all you can get, my advice is to measure in the syringe and drink it. It’s OK to drink 
since it’s a 17-alkyloid, but it would be harsh on the liver this way. A 17-alkyloid compound 
means that the drug can be processed through ingestion. Winstrol needs to be taken at least 
every other day, or at a minimum Mon/Wed/Fri. Some guys use it every day, I never did. I 
always went every other day with it, because sticking yourself each day is a pain in the ass. 
When you’re training on Winstrol, it’s a good idea to lighten the workload. Winstrol can cause 
joint pain, and it’s much worse if you’re training too heavy. You shouldn’t need to train as 
heavy anyway if you’re cutting, so be smart about it and lighten the load. Winstrol is a “risk 
vs. reward” steroid. If you’re training wisely and getting adequate rest, it’s a great thing!! But if 
you train too heavy, it can cause injuries and joint pain that could ruin a competition prep, or 
even worse, a joint or tendon.
Side effects of Winny: 
• Accelerated hair-loss (if you’re prone to it)
• Joint pain
• Liver damage
• Diuretic effect with increased urination
• Mood swings
Winstrol can make you mean and I’m always as mean as a snake when I’m using it. But I’m an 
asshole anyway so it’s fine.
Another cycle I did once was Winny with Deca and a little test. I didn’t want to run anything 
crazy, but I wanted to get leaner with a low dose cycle. So I used 200mg/wk of Deca, 50mg/
day 3x/wk of Winny, and 200mg/wk of test cypionate. This cycle was after I got on hormone 
replacement therapy and I was always using 200mg/wk of test cypionate anyway. So all I 
really needed was a bottle of Deca and some Winny tabs (I used tabs for this one). I found the 
Winstrol complemented Deca very well, and joint pain wasn’t an issue since the Deca has joint 
lubricating properties. I ran this for 10 weeks and I looked pretty good. I wasn’t competition 
looking or anything, but I wasn’t eating as tight as when I’m show prepping either.
Masteron is another good compound for cutting up with. Masteron is a DHT derivative so 
accelerated hair-loss can definitely be an issue if you’re prone to it. I was shedding pretty 
badly about 4-5 weeks into it, but it stopped after I quit using it. It’s a good idea to use some 
finasteride if you’re worried about hair-loss, or avoid using this one if you’re that worried 
about it. Masteron is commonly dosed at 100mg/ml, so you would need a few vials of it. 
Most sources will say at least 500mg/wk on this compound, but I always got good results on 
The thing with Masteron is it does very little if you’re not already extremely lean. This 
compound does nothing more than provide a hardening effect to the muscles when you’re 
already lean. It’s not something you would take to try to get bigger and stronger. Now, 
another plus side to this drug is it’s not that harsh on your system. While it’s typically only 
run the last 6-8 weeks before a contest, I have used it longer than that alongside my test 
replacement dosage of 200mg/wk. You could go 200-300mg/wk for a period of 12-15 weeks 
if you were trying to get a little edge alongside TRT, and I have done this before with good 
results. But I usually stay very lean all year and if I wasn’t lean then I wouldn’t do it. If there is 
any other positive with Masteron, it acts as an anti-estrogen in itself. Anti-estrogens aren’t as 
necessary (or maybe not necessary at all) if you’re using Masteron.
This can be a compound that can be a little painful to inject sometimes, so my advice is to 
try a 100mg/shot first and see how you handle it before trying to take more in one shot. 
Masteron stacks very well with almost anything, but keep in mind it’s a DHT derivative, so 
if using it with another DHT drug you’d want to keep one of them on the lower side. For 
example, let’s say you were running Primobolan or Winstrol. You would want to keep those 
either lower and Masteron higher, or Masteron lower and one of those higher. We will talk 
about Primobolan more in intermediate cycles.
Masteron/Test Prop Run
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk Masteron (shot Mon/Wed/Fri) and 300mg/wk test prop 
(load into same syringe as Masteron and Mon/Wed/Fri as well)
Masteron/Test Prop/Anavar Cycle
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk test prop, 300mg-500mg/wk Masteron, and 50-100mg/
wk Anavar (again, go Mon/Wed/Fri at 100mg each, loaded into same syringe), and take Anavar 
daily, and split your dosage up throughout the day (i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
Masteron/Test Prop/Winstrol
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk of Masteron, 300mg/wk of test prop, 300mg/wk of 
Winstrol. Now, if you can get oil based Winstrol you shouldn’t have an issue shooting 100mg 
at a time. If it’s water based, I would personally drink it, but that is just me. It’s OK to swallow 
water based Winny, it won’t hurt you. Like I said, I don’t do water based Winstrol, and if I 
couldn’t get oil, then I’d get tabs.
Any of those three Masteron cycles I’ve laid out would be a great 8 week run to get in great 
condition. Even if you’re not competing, those cycles would benefit you greatly if you can get 
lean enough on your own first.
Tren/Test Prop/Halotestin/Anavar
This is a simple cycle that consists of just tren, Anavar, and test prop until the

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