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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Acertos: 5,0 de 10,0 10/09/2022
Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0
Narrador, personagem, espaço e tempo são elementos constituintes das narrativas. Analise o trecho a seguir,
levando em consideração seus elementos constitutivos:
Não se pode imaginar nada mais singular e extraordinário, querido leitor, do que o que se passou com o meu
pobre amigo, o jovem estudante Natanael, e que agora me disponho a narrar! Acaso alguma vez uma coisa se
apossou tão completamente do teu coração, do teu espírito e do teu pensamento que chegou a excluir tudo o
mais? Algo que tenha fermentado e fervilhado dentro de ti, fazendo com que o sangue, cheio de ardor,
corresse desabaladamente em tuas veias, incendiando-te as faces? Que tenha tornado o teu olhar estranho
como se estivesse apreendendo, no espaço vazio, formas invisíveis para todos os outros olhos, e que te haja
fragmentado as palavras em tristes soluços? E, quando os amigos te perguntavam "Que há contigo, meu caro?
Que aconteceu, querido amigo?", desejavas pintar as imagens íntimas com todo o seu vivo colorido, com suas
luzes e sombras, mas lutavas em vão para encontrar palavras com que te expressar? E te sentias como se
tivesses de condensar a totalidade dos fatos ocorridos, os fantásticos, os esplêndidos, os pavorosos, os jocosos
e os terríveis, para que o conjunto pudesse se revelar, por assim dizer, em uma única descarga elétrica.
Adaptado de: HOFFMAN, E.T.A. O homem de areia. Trad. Luiz A. de Araújo. In: CALVINO, Italo (org.). Contos
fantásticos do século XIX: o fantástico visionário e o fantástico cotidiano. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras,
Com base no texto apresentado, avalie as afirmações a seguir:
I. O foco narrativo em terceira pessoa e em diálogo com o leitor contribui para o estabelecimento de uma
cumplicidade com o narrador.
II. As indagações feitas pelo narrador servem para colocar à prova a autenticidade da narrativa.
III. O tempo psicológico contribui para que o narrador e o leitor possam criar uma relação discursiva como
estratégia narrativa.
É correto apenas o que se afirma em:
III, apenas.
I e II.
 I, apenas.
 I e III.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:45:40
O narrador fala sobre eles, mas também se insere na história por se referir ao seu "pobre amigo", "o jovem
estudante Natanael". Portanto, a focalização é em terceira pessoa, mas o narrador também é personagem, não
o principal. Em um de seus apartes ao leitor, um recurso expressivo do nível da narração, ele busca adquirir sua
confiança e, assim, convencê-lo da legitimidade do relato.
Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0
Narrativa, até há pouco, era uma narração, uma história, um conto. Os lusíadas, de Camões, era uma
narrativa poética; Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis, uma narrativa de ficção; Os sertões, de Euclides da
Cunha, uma narrativa histórica. Mas a palavra caiu para a 2ª divisão. Narrativa é agora uma história fabricada,
que se tenta impor como verdade, e assim a tratam os políticos. Quando um deles é acusado de roubar ou
mentir, diz que isso é uma "narrativa". Claro que essa resposta também é uma "narrativa".
Adaptado de: CASTRO, Ruy. Chovendo pacas - não o bicho. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 12 dez. 2021.
Disponível em: .
Considerando o texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
O cronista, por meio de tom irônico, consegue convencer o leitor de que os autores clássicos não
contribuem mais para entender o mundo em que vivemos.
O cronista demonstra que o gênero narrativo perdeu seu significado nos dias atuais, que só pode ser
encontrado nas obras clássicas.
 O cronista, apesar do tom irônico, revela a utilização, no debate contemporâneo, de uma das principais
capacidades do gênero narrativo.
 A narrativa, conforme o artigo citado, continua a ser tão importante quanto qualquer outro gênero
literário, especialmente no debate contemporâneo.
A narrativa, na definição do cronista, é um dos gêneros literários que mais se modificaram ao longo da
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:45:29
Embora a sua ironia demonstre desaprovação, o texto de Ruy Castro, na verdade, acaba expondo uma das
principais capacidades da narrativa, que é a narratividade, ou seja, é a operação realizada por um texto
narrativo para ligá-lo a um contexto social, histórico e cultural, a partir da reconstrução de uma determinada
realidade em um tempo e um espaço redimensionados pela linguagem. E essa operação se completa com a
Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0
Também chamado de flashbacks, a utilização de analepses nas narrativas é muito comum, não apenas na
literatura, mas também em outras expressões artísticas, como no teatro e no cinema. Basicamente, se refere
a um recurso narrativo que permite inserir uma lembrança do passado no presente da narração, promovendo
uma ruptura em sua cronologia. Chamamos as narrativas que fazem uso de tal recurso de não linear pois não
seguem uma sequência direta na descrição dos acontecimentos.
Em relação ao exposto, marque a alternativa correta.
 Em uma história construída por meio de recordações, o domínio do tempo e de suas possibilidades de
variação é fundamental.
As personagens se comportam de maneiras diferentes em cada volta ao passado em uma narrativa,
uma das principais características do gênero.
 O espaço e o tempo não se misturam nas narrativas que fazem uso do flashback, apenas nas
O narrador e o tempo são os únicos elementos narrativos que se transformam em uma narrativa que
recorra ao passado.
Não há como descrever um espaço físico com fidelidade em uma narrativa que faça uso de recuos ao
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:45:58
O tempo é um dos elementos principais de uma narrativa. Em uma história que recorra ao flashback, o tempo é
classificado como psicológico, pois ele transcorre na interioridade da personagem, sendo, portanto, subjetivo.
Por essa razão, ele não segue o mesmo fluxo do tempo cronológico, que é linear e igual para todos, mas o da
memória, mais diversificado e transgressor.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Definition of Epic: "An epic is a long narrative poem that is elevated and dignified in theme, tone, and style. As
a literary device, an epic celebrates heroic deeds and historically (or even cosmically) important events."
Source: https://literarydevices.net/epic/
Even though the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid are probably considered the most important references for
epic poetry, this narrative genre is not confined to the realms of Greek and Latin classical literature. About its
adaptation to the English language, it is safe to say that:
 The classic metrical scheme found in Greek and Latin epics will be found in some poems, though, their
occurrence will be rare.
The English language can adapt easily to the classic metrical scheme.
The classic metrical scheme found in Greek and Latin epics will never be found in English.
Unrhymed verses can never compose an epic poem.
Epic poems in English which do not follow the classic metrical scheme are regarded as artistic failures.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:46:09
A good example of classic metrical scheme (dactylic hexameter) in the English language can be found in the
first line of the North-American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Evangeline. However, this scheme will
hardly be found in English since its sounds are significantly different and favor other metrical feet. For example,
of one of the best well known English epics, Paradise Lost, was written in blank verse and organized through
unrhymed verses following the iambic pentameter. The correct answer is: "The classic metrical scheme found in
Greek and Latin epics will be found in some poems, though, their occurrence will be rare".
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0Even though Icelandic sagas and the chivalric romances belonged to different cultures, both genres can be
read as narrative renditions of national identities. Why is it possible to say that chivalric romances establish a
sort of national ethos?
Chivalric romances narrate a nation¿s political backdrop during the Middle Ages, in search of the
origins of many social practices.
 Chivalric romances narrate an admirable nation¿s mythical past as it follows a specific group of knights
faithful to their duty as loyal companions to one another.
Chivalric romances provide historical sources to the national identities still in vogue in the
contemporary world of politics.
Chivalric romances are interested in nationalizing Paganism as the country's past religious practices.
Chivalric romances narrate tales of disloyal knights who learned through their mistakes to be more
honorable towards one another.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:46:36
In chivalric romances the ethical code among knights and the set of morals associated with that way of life
becomes largely the hub of King Arthur's narratives. The so-called Arthurian Cycle comprises many different
tales by many different authors dealing with the "Matter of Britain" - that is to say, the matter of national
identity and its mythical construction. Like the Norse sagas, the Arthurian cycle deals with a historical past
interwoven in myth and legend. Therefore, "Chivalric romances narrate an admirable nation¿s mythical past as
it follows a specific group of knights faithful to their duty as loyal companions to one another".
Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0
[J. R. R. Tolkien] assumed, in other words, that the Beowulf poet was an imaginative writer rather than some
kind of back-formation derived from nineteenth-century folklore and philology. Tolkien's brilliant literary
treatment changed the way the poem was valued and initiated a new era - and new terms - of appreciation.
(HEANEY, 2001, p. xi)
Source: HEANEY, Seamus (trans.). Beowulf. London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
After reading the excerpt above, mark the option indicating the correct set of affirmatives.
I. Beowulf was a poem primarily regarded by scholars as a historical document.
II. The Beowulf poet was from the university himself, known to many of his time as a studious person.
III. Beowulf is regarded as the most recent English written epic.
II a III, only.
 I, only.
I and III, only.
II, only.
 I, II and III.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:46:51
For a rather long time, the common practice of students, professors, undergraduates, and scholars, regarding
the text of Beowulf revolved around its textual and philological insights into the Anglo-Saxon grammar and
vocabulary, as well as its people's worldview. There was a general wish by scholars to make historical and
genealogical comments about the dynasties of Swedes, Geats, and Danes present in several allusions
throughout the poem; besides that, there was a general interest in the worldview which contextualized the story
of Beowulf in a Germanic society organized by means of a heroic code honor. However, despite being important
contributions to the overall understanding of the poem, the debates concerning the date of composition of the
poem, linguistic style used throughout its verses, or even the original sources in legend and myth which
influenced the poet in his writing, forgot to regard the poem as an outcome of the imagination.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Saint Joan of Arc was canonized on the 16th of May 1920. She is a French national heroine, who led the army
of France believing she was acting under divine guidance. One year later she was captured and burned to
death accused of heresy. Posterior generations have distorted St. Joan's story and the importance of her
mission according to their own political and religious beliefs, excluding the understanding of the troubled
period of history she lived in.
With the text in mind, pick the correct statement:
Joan of Arc existed but it is impossible to prove she was the heroine people claim; there are many
religious and political interests involved.
The lives of saints should be studied as pure works of fiction because there is no proof that they did all
that is attributed to them.
The story of Joan of Arc has been told so many times she has become a fictious character.
 The study of the lives of saints is complex and requires a lot of caution for many versions of the legend
were told so it is important to focus on the contexts of every narrative.
The legend of Joan of Arc, like that of all saints, should not be used as historiographical evidence, but
only as mere fiction, given the numerous alterations made to corroborate the viewpoints of the author.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:47:03
The legend of Joan of Arc, like that of other saints, can be studied by artists and by historians. Many of it can't
be proven, but a great part of it can. The historical and topographical elements are fundamental for the
reconstruction of the time; however, it has undergone many changes and it shouldn't be considered pure
history. Still, it is not only fiction.
Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0
"Within two years of his death, Francis of Assisi was celebrated as the form of minors in a liturgical antiphon
composed by Cardinal Rainiero Capocci. This role given to Francis would give rise to a significant number of
hagiographical accounts in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, texts that continued to re-propose a model
of Francis to be imitated. (...) Thus, no two hagiographical accounts of Francis are the same, even those that
used the same sources (...) As long-forgotten Franciscan legends came to light in the early twentieth century
they were approached first from a philological perspective and investigated with a literary methodology. More
recently, historical criticism has been employed to unravel the relationship of these many texts, and today
scholars are able to identify the sources, the historical contexts and the authors for almost every
hagiographical account of Francis's life."
Retrieved from: BLASTIC, Michael W. Francis and his hagiographical tradition. In: ROBSON, Michael J. P. (ed.).
The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011., p. 68-83.
Considering the text above, assess the following statements and the relation between them:
I. Scholars utilize the various hagiographies on St. Francis as reliable historical pieces of evidence.
II. Given the many accounts, it is difficult to trace the life of the saint and to verify the consistency of the
Regarding the assertions, choose the correct option.
Assertion I is a true proposition, and assertion II is a false proposition.
 Assertion I is a false proposition and assertion II is a true proposition.
Assertions I and II are false propositions.
Assertions I and II are true propositions, but II does not correctly justify I.
 Assertions I and II are true propositions, and II correctly justifies I.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:47:20
Regardless of how many hagiographies there are about Saint Francis of Assisi, the fact that "scholars are able to
identify the sources, the historical contexts and the authors for almost every hagiographical account of Francis's
life", does not mean they are considered historiographical evidence, although they have a degree of historicity.
Historians use them very cautiously because of the context in which they were produced and due to their
function. Many saints have numerous legends, and it is difficult to make consistent biographies. They are still
considered partly literature and partly history.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
A narrative text is a text in which an agent or subject tells a story to a reader, viewer, or listener, in a mediumsuch as visual images or verbal language. Choose the option that contains only a narrative¿s constituent
Presentation and Character
 Space and Time
Conflict and denouement
Development and plot
Narrator and climax
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:47:28
A fictional narrative has as its constituent components: narrator, plot, characters, space, and time. All the other
elements refer to the structure of a narrative. A narrative presents a certain structure: presentation,
development, climax, and denouement. Therefore, the only option which contains only a narrative¿s
constituents is: space and time.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
A short story author chooses between telling the story using the voice of one of the characters or assuming a
detached, omniscient perspective that gives flexibility in describing the story's situations, setting and
characters. The use of dialogues is also present in short stories. Why is the use of dialogues informing readers
about characters' opinions, attitudes, and facts important in the short story form?
 Direct narration is much more concise.
Dialogues successfully introduce characters.
Dialogues present more colloquial language.
Direct narration is a more dynamic mode.
Dialogues usually express more details.
Respondido em 15/09/2022 16:47:37
The use of dialogues, the direct narration of characters' speech in quotation marks, allows the author to convey
information in a concise manner, which is important in the short story form. Through dialogues the reader is
informed about characters' opinions and attitudes, as well as facts necessary for the development of the plot.
Dialogues may or may not express more details about a subject, as well as colloquial language; dialogues might
be laconic, and even extremely formal, depending on the situation they deal with. Dynamism does not have to
do with the use of dialogues and introducing characters may be even more successful by employing a third-
person narrator's voice.

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