
ava 2 aspectos discursivos da lingua inglesa

Prévia do material em texto

Universidade Veiga de Almeida
Curso de Letras - Português e Inglês 
Aluna Jéssica Fioravante
Disciplina: Literaturas e outras séries culturais
Avaliação 2 – Trabalho da Disciplina
It is very important to work with different kinds of text genres in a classroom. They can help students to get motivated about the subject the teacher is bringing to the class. But, these text genres need to be chosen so much carefully because it needs to be related to the students when we talk about age, proficiency, context, etc. 
In the situation proposed, to talk about the environment with second-year high school students that are not proficient in English, I would recommend the teacher Sarah to work with comics, in the first place, but also with blog posts and YouTube videos. Since they are not kids anymore, these text genres could be more appealing to get the attention of the students about the theme.
In an English class at school, when the students are not proficient, the teacher needs to work with text genres that do not demand a lot of vocabulary. That is why comics are so great to work in this scenario. There are draws and just a few words, so it makes the comprehension a lot easier. It also happens with blog posts, that can also be with images and easy explanations about the theme. And most of the YouTube videos have an easy language and can have an easy comprehension by the students.

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