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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Avaliação AV
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Aluno: FERNANDA DE OLIVEIRA VIANA MACHADO Matrícula: 202001150481
Data: 13/11/2022 21:35:26 Turma: 9001
1. Veja abaixo, todas as suas respostas gravadas no nosso banco de dados.
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 1a Questão (Ref.: 202007273512)
No texto a seguir um autor busca a origem de uma atividade lúdica e corriqueira: empinar papagaios:
As ruas também podem brincar com os céus. Digo isso porque, entre os saberes universais dos humanos - falo
daqueles que não têm fronteiras -, está o de empinar papagaios; a arte de domar os ventos e rabiscar os céus.
Há quem afirme que a invenção da pipa foi chinesa e tem para mais de 3 mil anos. Aulo Gélio, gramático latino,
escreveu nas Noites áticas que Arquitas de Tarento, matemático amigo de Platão, inventou a primeira pipa. Há
quem defenda que foram hindus, polinésios, fenícios ou egípcios os inventores. A conclusão a que chego é que
diversas civilizações inventaram e empinaram papagaios. Ou deliro que as pipas são anteriores aos homens e
foram elas que nos inventaram para que alguém as empinasse.
Adaptado de: SIMAS, Luiz Antonio. O corpo encantado das ruas. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2019.
Em relação às versões sobre a origem da pipa (ou papagaio), assinale a alternativa correta.
As narrativas diferentes a respeito de um mesmo objeto podem ser reveladoras sobre a dimensão estrutural
e coletiva da cultura.
As diversas narrativas sobre o mesmo objeto destacam ainda mais as nossas diferenças, principalmente de
espaço e de tempo.
A impossibilidade de determinar a origem de uma prática cultural evidencia a falta de desenvolvimento da
arte de contar histórias.
Algumas atividades culturais são anteriores ao homem, o que demonstra a falta de vínculo entre o ser
humano e a cultura.
É mais difícil identificar a origem de um objeto cultural quando ele não está descrito em estudos
 2a Questão (Ref.: 202007273491)
O assassinato em massa dos judeus pelos nazistas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi um dos capítulos mais
perversos da história. Também conhecido como Shoah (catástrofe, em hebraico), é considerado o maior
genocídio do século XX, em que mais de 6 milhões de judeus foram mortos em nome de uma ideologia de
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superioridade racial. Entre as vítimas, há alguns que se tornaram autores de relatos sobre os horrores vividos
nos campos de concentração. Primo Levi é um dos mais representativos destes autores, nos trazendo histórias
dolorosas e difíceis de descrever, como É isto um homem?, sua obra mais conhecida. Como testemunha dos
acontecimentos, ele fala em nome de si e dos que não têm mais voz.
Baseado no texto acima e tendo em vista a relação entre narrativa e memória, pode-se afirmar que a memória
contribui para:
definir o gênero literário para apresentar os eventos passados, de maneira que o narrador exponha suas
inquietações íntimas.
transmitir a experiência vivida, pois resgata do passado não apenas os eventos, mas também as estruturas
reviver as sensações da experiência vivida, tornando mais fácil escrever uma história que convença o
entender a influência do passado sobre a construção das narrativas, apesar das limitações de seus recursos
para compor uma estrutura.
reconstituir o passado fielmente como aconteceu, independentemente da forma utilizada pelo narrador para
o relato.
 3a Questão (Ref.: 202007259044)
Epic, long narrative poem recounting heroic deeds, although the term has also been loosely used to describe
novels, such as Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, and motion pictures, such as Sergey Eisenstein's Ivan The Terrible.
In literary usage, the term encompasses both oral and written compositions.
Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Access on: https://www.britannica.com/art/epic.
I. The epic as a literary genre dates from the Middle Ages onward.
II. No one had written any Epic in Anglo-Saxon or Old English before the Middle Ages.
Regarding these affirmatives, mark the correct option.
Affirmatives I and II are false.
Affirmatives I and II are true, II is a correct justification of I.
Affirmative I is true, and II is false.
Affirmative I is false, and II is true.
Affirmatives I and II are true, but II is not a correct justification of I.
 4a Questão (Ref.: 202007258399)
Allegory, a symbolic fictional narrative that conveys a meaning not explicitly set forth in the narrative. Allegory,
which encompasses such forms as fable, parable, and apologue, may have meaning on two or more levels that
the reader can understand only through an interpretive process.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/art/allegory-art-and-literature
Around the XIX century and towards the XX century, fables became once again a rather popular means of
narrating stories. Their allegories, however, not always aged well. Choose the alternative that correctly explains
why Rudyard Kipling's stories, for instance, may not suit contemporary readers:
Talking animals became less and less popular with the advent of Artificial Intelligence.
Because allegories do not allow for multiple interpretations.
Fables are genres that could not be revamped and eventually died out.
Because of colonialist and racist worldviews.
Allegories, due to their moral purposes, usually have religious undertones.
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 5a Questão (Ref.: 202007258400)
Fables and allegories are usually correlated. Read the statements below about the nature of allegories, then,
choose the correct option:
I- An allegorical story demands no interpretative effort on the part of the reader.
II- An allegory brings a microcosm- macrocosm relationship.
III- An allegory usually has some moral significance.
Only II is correct
II and III are correct
I and III are correct
Only I is correct
I, II and III are correct.
 6a Questão (Ref.: 202007276793)
Hyperbole or auxesis is a figure of speech that emphasizes deliberately exaggerated language, whether in a
negative or positive sense, that is, it is a device employed to convey exaggerated or intensified meanings.
Hyperboles have a place in traditional legends, "as in, for example, D. T. Niane's 'Soundjata' (1960), in which
the legendary founder of the Mali empire is presented as capable of uprooting a baobab tree with his own
Extracted from: ONYEOZIRI, Gloria Nne. Shaken Wisdom: Irony and Meaning in Postcolonial African Fiction.
Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2011.
In relation to the text above, choose the correct option:
It is considered an exception the legend that uses hyperboles given the purpose of the legend in narrating
historical, evidence-based facts.
Hyperboles are only used in comic legends that have the intention to ironize features and produce humor
through over-exaggerated descriptions.
Hyperboles are utilized as writing tools which emphasize certain features and add emotive content, triggering
awe in the audience but also uncertainty regarding the veracity of the story told.
Since legends have no intention of narrating facts, hyperboles are used in abundance because the audience
is already aware of the fictionalfacet of the story told.
Hyperbole is a literary device used to make value judgments of the characters presented, inducing the
audience to create empathy or not.
 7a Questão (Ref.: 202007273073)
Folktales can easily be compared to biological species which evolve through transformations leaving little
evidence for posterior studies. Fossil records are inconsistent and insufficient, just as written folktales, so the
reconstruction of history occurs, many times, without proper physical evidence.
Select the alternative which explains the claim above:
The evolution of folktales, like that of biological species, is a necessary process because it improves the
stories first told making them develop into superior narratives.
Folktales get told and retold with minor alterations, through oral tradition. These modifications sum up
because every time they are passed on to the next generation without written documentation, they undergo
changes, and their original form can end up being lost.
The reconstruction of the original folktales is considered irrelevant because the important study comes from
the forms they have taken after undergoing the alterations each generation has produced.
Biologists should be utilized in the process of reconstructing original folktales due to their understanding of
fossil records and ability to rebuild history without sufficient physical evidence.
Folktales, unlike biological species, will never be precisely understood due to the lack of evidence, destroyed
by the passage of time. Interpreters must make their own reconstructions of the original stories, producing a
great number of diverging materials.
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 8a Questão (Ref.: 202007282566)
The narrator is "the voice" of a narrative, telling the facts and development of it. There are different types of
narrators, and the narrative focus depends on these types. One of them is known as the first-person narrator. In
which case it is classified this way? 
Narrator is one of the characters
Omniscient narrator
Narrator is the antagonist
Narrator is the protagonist
 9a Questão (Ref.: 202007282391)
"Novella, short and well-structured narrative, often realistic and satiric in tone, that influenced the development
of the short story and the novel throughout Europe"
Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/art/novella
What is the narrative focus in a novella? What type of narrator is found in this literary genre?
A witness of the narrated events.
One character who takes part in the main events.
A first-person narrator
A third-person narrator
A character who observes the whole story.
 10a Questão (Ref.: 202007282393)
Literary fairy tales were written by educated authors, who wished to demonstrate their literary skill and please a
literary audience. Supernatural characters, magical elements and transformations are elements common to oral
and written fairy tales; themes appropriate for children were not a reality in the first literary fairy tales. This
was a change that occurred gradually, following changes in society and in the concept of childhood.
The magical elements in the story.
The acts of the characters.
The mission designed for the hero.
The relationship of the characters.
The relation between events.
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