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16/12/2022 11:26 Ilumno
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Local: Sala 1 - Sala de Aula / Andar / Polo Duque de Caxias / POLO DUQUE DE CAXIAS - RJ
Acadêmico: EAD-IL80009-20222A
Avaliação: A2-
Matrícula: 20221301175
Data: 30 de Junho de 2022 - 08:00 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 7,00/10,00
1  Código: 26341 - Enunciado: The good writing communication can only be achieved when the
author reveals his/her intention through a clear, relevant, sincere and informative message. 
Based on this information, identify which characteristic can be pointed out as basic to a good
writing in English:
 a) Texts can have unnecessary information in order to make them more attractive to its
 b) When organizing a text, grammar structures are more important than the communication
 c) Texts might always have some unfamiliar vocabulary, so readers can learn new words and
 d) Depending on what the context demands, texts may not have formal vocabulary and
 e) Texts must be clear, informative and organized, with as long and detailed sentences as
Alternativa marcada:
d) Depending on what the context demands, texts may not have formal vocabulary and structure.
Justificativa: Right answer: Depending on what the context demands, texts may not have formal
vocabulary and structure. Texts must be adapted to its communication context. Distractors: Texts
must be clear, informative and organized, with as long and detailed sentences as possible.
Wrong. Texts in English must have short and simple language. Texts can have unnecessary
information in order to make them more attractive to its audience. Wrong. Texts should be clear
and concise, without unnecessary frills. Texts might always have some unfamiliar vocabulary, so
readers can learn new words and structures. Wrong. Texts should have familiar and simple
language. When organizing a text, grammar structures are more important than the
communication context. Wrong. Both grammar and context are important in good writing.
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2  Código: 26515 - Enunciado: "A good descriptive paragraph is like a window into another world.
Through the use of careful examples or details, an author can conjure a scene that vividly
describes a person, place or thing. The best descriptive writing appeals to all five senses ― smell,
sight, taste, touch and hearing ― and is found in both fiction and
nonfiction". Source: <https://www.thoughtco.com/model-descriptive-paragraphs-
1690573>. Compare the strategies used by the authors in the texts that follow and check the
correct option:I - “Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace,
performing a dance of disdain as he slowly li�s and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet
dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time
indoors watching television and growing fat. He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for
Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His familiarity with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic
brands of cat food in favor of only the most expensive brands. Gregory is as finicky about visitors
as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against
your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favourite trousers.
Gregory does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me
because he is jealous of my friends”. (by Barbara Carter).II – “My most valuable possession is an
old, slightly warped blond guitar ― the first instrument I taught myself how to play. It's nothing
fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scu�ed and scratched and fingerprinted. At the top is a
bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The
strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers
pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow
pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been chipped and gouged
to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell o� years ago. No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but
it still lets me make music, and for that, I will always treasure it”. (by Jeremy Burden)
 a) The author in II uses personification as a literary device to show his a�ection for the guitar
he is describing.
 b) The author in I focuses on the physical appearance of the cat being described creating an
image for the mindʼs eye. 
 c) Although texts I and II are mostly narrative, it is possible to create mind pictures of the cat
and the guitar.
 d) The author in II creates an image by describing the parts of the guitar, from the strings to
the body.
 e) Text I is primarily narrative with some descriptive parts while text II is primarily
Alternativa marcada:
c) Although texts I and II are mostly narrative, it is possible to create mind pictures of the cat and
the guitar.
Justificativa: Right answer: The author in II creates an image by describing the parts of the
guitar, from the strings to the body.The author in II describes the guitar using details of its
material structure. Distractors:Text I is primarily narrative with some descriptive parts while text II
is primarily descriptive. Wrong. Text I is not primarily narrative. It is primarily descriptive as well
as text II.The author in II uses personification as a literary device to show his a�ection for the
guitar he is describing. Wrong. In text II, the author does not use personification. He uses
denotative language.The author in I focuses on the physical appearance of the cat being
described creating an image for the mindʼs eye. Wrong. The author in I focuses on the habits and
actions of the cat in her description.Although texts I and II are mostly narrative it is possible to
create mind pictures of the cat and the guitar. Wrong. Both texts I and II create mind pictures
being primarily descriptive
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3  Código: 26525 - Enunciado: It is important that teachers think about the things to be taken into
consideration before selecting a material to use in class or all their e�ort will be in vain. The
situation described next exemplifies this assertion.Nate is a teacher at a private high school
where students have a high level of English proficiency. He prepared a lesson to develop their
writing skills and selected a basic, one-page curriculum vitae to work with them. A�er ten
minutes of class, however, all students finished their task and started chatting around.Based on
the situation and the applicability of the text genres in class, evaluate the assertions and the
relation between them and check the correct option:I- The text genre selected was not
appropriate for the group.BECAUSEII - The students got frustrated with its high level of
complexity and probably gave up finishing their task.
 a) Assertions I and II are true, but II does not justify I.
 b) Assertions I and II are true, and II correctly justifies I.
 c) Assertions I and II are false.
 d) Assertion I is true and II is false.
 e) Assertion I is false and II is true.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Assertion I is true and II is false.
Justificativa: Right answer: Assertion I is true and II is false.Although the text genre selected was
not appropriate, it happened due to its lack of complexity, not the contrary. The easiness of a task
can also demotivate students, as there is no challenge to be overcome. Distractors:Assertions I
and II aretrue, and II correctly justifies I. Wrong. Although the text genre selected was not
appropriate, students got frustrated with its low level of complexity and finished their task very
fast.Assertions I and II are true, but II does not justify I. Wrong. Although the text genre selected
was not appropriate, students got frustrated with its low level of complexity and finished their
task very fast.Assertion I is false and II is true. Wrong. Assertion I is true, as the text genre selected
was not appropriate, and assertion II is false because students got frustrated with its low level of
complexity and finished their task very fast.Assertions I and II are false. Wrong. Although
assertion II is false, assertion I is true, because the text genre selected was not appropriate for the
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4  Código: 26352 - Enunciado: A descriptive text is a type of text that, focusing on one subject,
illustrates it in the clearest way possible, as we can see in the wine description next.Source:
<http://urbinavinos.blogspot.com.br/2014/06/winery-urbina-in-la-rioja-spain.html>. Analyzing
the words chosen to describe the wine, it is possible to infer that:I) Descriptive texts are majorly
made of adverbs, nouns and conjunctions.II) Descriptive texts can use sensory details, such as
smell, taste and sight.III) Descriptive texts must be precise, so they cannot use figurative
language.It is correct:
 a) I, II and III.
 b) Only III.
 c) II and III.
 d) Only I.
 e) Only II.
Alternativa marcada:
c) II and III.
Justificativa: Right answer: Only II.It is common to use the five senses, so the reader can fully
imagine the thing, person or place being described. Distractors:I. – Wrong. Although descriptive
texts may have adverbs, nouns and conjunctions, they are majorly made of adjectives.III. –
Wrong. Although descriptive texts can be precise, as an apartment add, for example, they can
also present figurative language.
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5  Código: 26353 - Enunciado: The topic sentences are the sentences that identify the primary
ideas of the paragraphs in argumentative essays. According to professor Oya Ozagak (2004), there
are three things we should take into consideration when writing the topic sentences of
argumentative essays: 1) topic sentences must be narrowed down. They must not be too
general., 2) writers must choose a side to support, and 3) writers must choose topics that can be
sustained, with statistics, for example. Based on this information, observe the excerpts next: I -
The internet is something very dangerous for kids. II - I feel that internet can be harmful to
unattended kids. III - Unattended kids are at greater risk on the internet. IV - Is the internet
something dangerous for unattended kids? V - Parents must not allow unattended kids to use the
internet. Considering the excerpts, the correct examples of topic sentences are:
 a) Only I, II.
 b) Only I, V.
 c) I, II, III, IV, V.
 d) Only III, V.
 e) Only II, III.
Alternativa marcada:
b) Only I, V.
Justificativa: Right answer: Only III, V. Both topics III and V are not general. They specify the use
of the internet by unattended kids. It is possible to see the writerʼs opinion about unattended kids
and internet. The topic sentences can be supported by statistics, examples etc. Distractors: I - 
Wrong. It is too general. The internet is not always dangerous. II - Wrong. It cannot be sustained
since the topic is based on a feeling. There is no way to persuade other people based only on it. IV
- Wrong. The writerʼs side is not clear. The use of questions must be avoided.
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6  Código: 26511 - Enunciado: “Understanding coherence and cohesion involves recognizing how
the ideas in a text are linked and how those links are expressed through the words chosen. […]
Analysing how di�erent parts of the text are related to each other helps you understand the
functions of di�erent words and phrases.”Adapted from:
<https://nyelvkonyvbolt.hu/uploads/files/ImproveFirstUse.pdf> Based on this information,
organize the parts of the following text:1 - Throwers and international media were immediately
very interested in this and every year the event gathers a wide range of people to throw their
mobile phones or to report from the championship.2 - Mobile phone throwing became a hit when
first arranged in the year 2000 in Savonlinna, Finland.3 - The first prize is, of course, a new mobile
phone.4 - It started when some people threw away their frustrations along with the mobile
phones.The correct order of the sentences is:
 a) 2, 4, 1, 3.
 b) 2, 4, 3, 1.
 c) 2, 3, 4, 1.
 d) 1, 2, 4, 3.
 e) 1, 2, 3, 4.
Alternativa marcada:
a) 2, 4, 1, 3.
Justificativa: Right answer: 2, 4, 1, 3.It is the only logical way to connect sentences. Any other
combination would make the text incoherent and non-cohesive.
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7  Código: 26343 - Enunciado: Cohesive devices are phrases, sentence structures or any other
words used to achieve cohesion. Examples of cohesive devices are pronouns, conjunctions,
synonyms and others. Thinking about the importance of the cohesion in the flow of a text, use
reasonable cohesive devices to rewrite the following excerpt making it more cohesive. Perhaps it
had something to do with living in a dark cupboard. Harry had always been small and skinny for
his age. Harry looked even smaller and skinnier than he really was. All Harry had to wear were old
clothes of Dudley's. Dudley was about four times bigger than Harry was. Harry had a thin face,
knobbly knees, black hair, bright green eyes. Harry wore round glasses. The glasses were held
together with a lot of Scotch tape because of all the times Dudley had punched Harry on the
nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead.
The scar was shaped like a bolt of lightning. Harry had had it as long as he could remember. The
first question he could ever remember asking his aunt Petunia was how he had gotten the scar.
(adapted from ROWLING, J. K. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, 1998, p. 14)
Harry had always been small and skinny for his age, notably smaller and skinnier than he really
was. Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard. All Harry had to wear were
old clothes of Dudley's, however Dudley was about four times bigger than Harry was. Harry had a
thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, bright green eyes. Harry wore round glasses, which were
held together with a lot of Scotch tape because all of the times Dudley had punched Harry on the
nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearence was a very thin scar on his forehead,
similarly a bolt of lightning. Harry had had it as long as he could remember, although he could
ever remember asking his aunt Petunia how he had gotten the scar.
Justificativa: Expected answer: “Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard,
but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. He looked even smaller and skinnier
than he really was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's, and Dudley was about
four times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green
eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape because of all the times
Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was
a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. He had had it as long as
he could remember, and the first question he could ever remember asking his aunt Petunia washow he had gotten it”. (ROWLING, J. K. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, 1998, p. 14)
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8  Código: 26509 - Enunciado: As an English teacher, you can use text genres when teaching writing
to your students. However, there are some considerations you need to make before selecting the
texts or all your work can be ine�ective.Summarize the four aspects that a teacher must take into
consideration before choosing the text genre to be used with a group of students.
1- Age;
2- Especial interests;
3-Social class;
4- hability of reading
Justificativa: Expected answer:The answers are personal, so they may vary.The four aspects a
teacher must take into consideration are:1) the social context in which the students are placed
(such as the specificities of city, neighbourhood, school etc.).2) the age of the students (even
excellent text genre activities will, probably, not work if they do not meet the students level of
maturity).3) proficiency (it is important to choose doable activities according to the students'
proficiency or it might frustrate them).4) the group itself (the teacher must know his/her group
and choose texts genres based on the group).
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