
16 Garden Vocabulary_Speak English With Vanessa

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Gardening and Nature English Vocabulary
Dear English Learner,
Get ready to speak confidently with these common gardening and nature English
vocabulary words. I recommend reading these words out loud, finding the items in the
YouTube lesson, and using the blank space on the last page to answer my challenge
question using the vocabulary. Thanks so much for learning English with me. You rock!
Your teacher,
Types of Gardens
Landscape: different ways to shape land or make it look a certain way.
Those flower beds really improved the landscape!
A landscaper is coming to help us put in a retaining wall.
Flower garden: used for decoration
I love watching the bees and butterflies in my flower garden.
Vegetable or herb garden: used for growing food
I made this salad from things I grew in my vegetable garden.
Rock garden: used for low-maintenance or low-rain areas
I am bad at growing things, so I opted for a rock garden.
Organic garden: no pesticides; usually a term used for vegetable gardens
An organic garden is more work but it is better for the environment.
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Patch: a garden; this term is often used with “strawberry” or “potato”
We have a little potato patch beside the shed.
Sun Hat/ Baseball Cap: protects your face from the sun
My favorite sun hat has a wide brim and gives me lots of shade.
(Gardening) Gloves: protect your hands
Gardening gloves protect my hands from thorny rose bushes.
Boots: protect your toes and feet
I was thankful I had my boots on when I stepped on a sharp rock.
Shovel or spade: used for digging or moving dirt, sand, or gravel
I used the shovel to unload the dirt for the landscape project.
Trowel: *Often used in UK English more than US English; used for smaller projects, like
digging small holes for planting
I used the trowel to dig the holes for the seedlings.
Sunscreen: protect your skin from the sun
It’s a good idea to wear sunscreen if you spend a long time in the sun.
Bug spray: protect from mosquitoes
You might want to put on some bug spray. The mosquitoes are pretty bad here.
Watering can or hose: used for watering the garden or smaller areas
I filled the watering can to water my herb garden.
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Items in the Garden
Flower pot: used to plant a seed or small plant; sometimes just called a “pot”
I have pots of herbs in my windowsill that I use for cooking.
Raised bed: a style of gardening where the ground is built up in wood, concrete or rock
A raised bed can grow a lot of food in a small area.
Soil: a mix of organic matter, minerals and organisms; sometimes just called “dirt”
Soil quality can affect how well a plant grows.
Compost: decayed organic matter used to improve and fertilize soil
Fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells and leaves are all great compost
Fertilizer/ Amendments: a chemical or substance added to soil to help plants grow.
I added some fertilizer to my tomato plants, now they’re growing like crazy!
Trellis: a type of framework used to support climbing pants, like ivy or peas.
I used a metal trellis for the vining peas in my garden.
Tomato cage: a metal cage that supports a tomato plant and keeps it upright
The tomato cage helped keep my tomato plant from falling over when it was
covered in heavy, ripe tomatoes.
Hoop house: a metal and plastic structure used for growing plants in a warm
Using a hoop house will allow me to start growing my plants in the winter so that
I can plant them in the spring.
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In the Garden
A packet of seeds or a seed packet: the package or envelope containing seeds
Check the back of the seed packet for the planting directions.
Buy a start: to buy a small pre-grown plant from a plant nursery
I bought some starts for my vegetable garden. I didn’t grow them by seed.
Plant by seed: to put the seed in the soil and wait for it to sprout and grow into a plant
I planted the okra by seed, and they got huge!
To pick: usually used for a home garden
This morning, I picked some flowers, fresh mint, and strawberries from the
To harvest: usually used for a farm or to describe everything you picked in your home
garden for the whole season
My squash harvest was huge this year!
Weeds: the plants that you don’t want in your garden
My least favorite garden chore is pulling the weeds, but my kids love it!
Pests: wild animals, aphids, slugs that eat or destroy the plants in your garden
The pests seem to really be enjoying my beans. They’ve destroyed them!
Pollinators/ To pollinate: bees or other insects that take pollen from plants and help
them grow
Look at how many pollinators are helping to pollinate these flowers!
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Describe Plants
Rotten: when something dies and starts to decay or break down
This tomato is rotten. Let’s throw it in the compost bin.
Ripe: when a fruit or vegetable is ready to be picked or harvested and eaten
The watermelons are ripe and ready to harvest.
Unripe: when a fruit or vegetable needs more time to mature before it is picked
These strawberries are unripe; wait until they are bright red before you pick
Doing well/ Thriving: when a plant is growing really well and is healthy
My rose bushes are doing well/ thriving this year. They’re so full and pretty!
Not going to make it: when a plant is unhealthy and is probably going to die
The winter was hard on my peach trees. They’re not going to make it.
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Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question.
If you had a big garden, what would you like to grow?
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