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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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 1. Ref.: 747153 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Human communication goes beyond the mere use of words and goes into the world of language, which is much more
complex. So, we can say that:
Communication can be either oral or non-verbal.
Communication can be only non-verbal.
 Communication can be either verbal or non-verbal.
Communication can be either written or non-verbal.
Communication can be only verbal.
 2. Ref.: 744316 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Dolz et al (2004) define the __________________as: ... um gênero textual público, relativamente formal e específico,
no qual o expositor especialista dirige-se a um auditório, de maneira estruturada (explicitamente), para lhe transmitir
informações, descrever-lhe ou explicar alguma coisa (2004:218).
 3. Ref.: 1070207 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
According to Cook (2003): 
''In ________, applied linguistics abandons its apparently neutral stance and aligns itself more explicitly
with political action. It becomes intrinsically critical in the sense of being politically committed and
challenging. The proponents of ________ argue that the discipline does not cease to be rational or factual;
on the contrary, it becomes more rational by acknowledging the inevitable.''
► Choose the alternative that best completes the previous blanks:
Pure Linguistics
 Critical Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
 4. Ref.: 205728 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
According to this excerpt: ¿It is an objective method of enquiry concerned with the systematic empirical investigation of
social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. It is outcome oriented.¿ It refers to:
Numbers and verbal language research.
Data and natural research.
All kinds of research
 Quantitative research.
Qualitative research.
 5. Ref.: 738537 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 747153.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 744316.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 1070207.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 205728.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 738537.');
In a ________________ environment, the teacher¿s job was basically to lecture, design assignments and tests, and
grade students.
 6. Ref.: 245524 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Brown (2000) explains that student-centered teaching includes the following items, EXCEPT:
Curricula that include the consultation and input of students and that do not presuppose objectives in advance.
Strategies that allow for student creativity and innovation.
Techniques that focus on or accounts for learners' needs, styles and goals.
Techniques that enhance a student¿s sense of competence and self-worth.
 Students are seen as passive learners who are not supposed to take responsibility for their own learning
 7. Ref.: 745231 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
In order to deal with daily problems and situations, laypeople tend to rely heavily on experience and authority. However,
when compared to the scientific-approach to problem-solving, it is clear to see that this common-sense knowing has
severe limitations. This is mainly due to the fact that while experience deals with events that occur in a random and
disorganized manner, research is :
free and controlled
 systematic and controlled.
oriented and controlled
systematic and free
free and oriented
 8. Ref.: 260554 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
''A process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the
techniques of research''. The previous citation refers to:
Qualitative research
Genre systems
 Action research
Classroom atmosphere
Quantitative research
 9. Ref.: 731123 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Choose the option that contais one ADVANTAGE of questionnaries as a research tool:
 They are relatively simple to administer and easy to analyze;
If any information is missing, you cannot go back to respondents;
They are impersonal;
They are inadequate for visually impaired respondents;
They are inadequate for complex issues;
 10. Ref.: 206900 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 245524.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 745231.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 260554.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 731123.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 206900.');
The main characteristic of Qualitative Research is that
 It only uses quantification when it is appropriate.
It naturally needs quantification.
It never uses quantification.
It uses quantification as much as possible.
It always uses quantification.

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