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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 3, do total de 22 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 9, do total de 22 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

Iniciado: 15 abr em 17:11
Instruções do teste
A prova tem a duração de 90 minutos e se realizará das 14h  às 19:30 horas, horário de Brasília.
Ao clicar em Primeira Prova ON LINE, no menu “tarefas” você iniciará a prova. A partir daí, você
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Ao final da prova não se esqueça de enviá-la clicando no botão “ENVIAR TESTE”. Só utilize esse
botão quando tiver finalizado a avaliação.
Não deixe para começar no final do turno, pois assim você terá menos tempo para a realização
da avaliação.  Exemplo: a prova se encerra às 19h30min, se o aluno começar às 19 horas terá
somente 30 minutos para a realização.
Atenção, mesmo abrindo e fechando o navegador o tempo de realização continuará contando
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Utilize preferencialmente o navegador Google Chrome. 
ATENÇÃO: Todas as provas iniciadas e que não houverem sido submetidas, serão automaticamente
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Boa Prova!
2 ptsPergunta 1
Read the text:
Education in Modern Societies
1 - "Education in primitive societies is handled by the family. Children are taught by
their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other members of the extended
kinship group. The family is large, acquisition of knowledge is a part of daily life,
and skills and attitudes remain virtually unchanged for many generations. In such
circumstances a separate school is unnecessary.
2 - In industrial societies, however, the family becomes much smaller, skills cannot
be adequately learned at home, and new knowledge appears rapidly. As a result,
separate, specialized institutions are required for educating the young. The large
A escola desnecessária.
Benefícios de aprender em casa.
As consequências da estrutura social moderna para a educação das crianças.
Comparação entre sociedades primitivas e sociedades modernas.
extended family shrinks to a nucleus of mother, father, and a few siblings - or even
3 - Parents often work miles from the home and therefore have little time for
educating the children. Furthermore, many occupations have become very
specialized, requiring training that parents cannot provide by themselves. Still an
other problem is the swiftness with which new techniques emerge and previous
methods become obsolete; skills possessed by one generation may become
useless to the next generation.
4 - Such changes make it impossible for the young to learn all they need to know
from just observing their parents. Consequently, a separate institution has
developed, devoted specifically to education."
(In: Swift, David W. American Education: a sociological view, 1976 - H.M. Company,
Qual é a temática central do texto?
2 ptsPergunta 2
Leia o texto  a seguir. Lembre-se das "reading strategies" que aprendemos nas
Unidades 1 e 2: observe as imagens, as palavras cognatas, os números, veja o
vocabulário que conhece e utillize-o a seu favor. Somente após a leitura
cuidadosa e a exploração de todas as estratégias, responda à questão :
Ukraine crisis: Five reasons why Putin might not
By Frank Gardner
Should Putin invade - he is likely to face fierce resistance from Ukrainians
The optics look dreadful.
Russia has deployed more than two-thirds of its military combat capability to
within striking distance of Ukraine's borders.
Its 30,000 troops that were supposed to withdraw from neighbouring Belarus at
the weekend are still there. So are pontoon bridges and other logistic equipment
needed for an invasion.
Violence is flaring in the two Russian-backed breakaway republics in Eastern
Ukraine. Russia's demands from Nato remain unmet and diplomacy has so far
failed to bring about any significant withdrawal of Russian forces.
Meanwhile western leaders and their intelligence chiefs have been sounding the
alarm, asserting that President Putin has already given the order to invade
And yet, there are reasons to believe that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
might not happen. Here are some of them.
1. It will be bloody;
2. It won't be popular at home;
3. Western sanctions will hurt;
4. There will be a high political cost;
5. Putin has already made his point.
A invasão ameaça a popularidade de Putin.
O ocidente irá reagir.
Putin ainda não marcou sua posição.
A invasão será sangrenta.
Russian missile tests - tens of thousands of Russian troops around Ukraine has
stoked invasion fears
Fonte: BBC security correspondent. Disponível em: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-
60468264 (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60468264) . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2022.
O autor coloca em cena vários indícios de que a Rússia está a ponto de invadir a
Ucrânia. Descubra, por meio da leitura atenta do texto, quais são esses indícios e
assinale a alternativa que contém um indício que NÃO ESTÁ nele revelado. 
2 ptsPergunta 3
Leia o cartoon a seguir e responda a pergunta abaixo:
Garfield está de dieta.
estão faltando alguns donuts.
os donuts estão deliciosos.
Garfield está mentindo.
A palavra that refere-se ao fato de que
2 ptsPergunta 4
Leia o texto  a seguir. Lembre-se das "reading strategies" que aprendemos nas
Unidades 1 e 2: observe as imagens, as palavras cognatas, os números, veja o
vocabulário que conhece e utillize-o a seu favor. Somente após a leitura
cuidadosa e a exploração de todas as estratégias, responda à questão :
Leia o texto  a seguir. Lembre-se das "reading strategies" que aprendemos nas
Unidades 1 e 2: observe as imagens, as palavras cognatas, os números, veja o
vocabulário que conhece e utillize-o a seu favor. Somente após a leitura
cuidadosa e a exploração de todas as estratégias, responda à questão :
Ukraine crisis: Five reasons why Putin might not
By Frank Gardner
Should Putin invade - he is likely to face fierce resistance from Ukrainians
The optics look dreadful.
Russia has deployed more than two-thirds of its military combat capability to
within striking distance of Ukraine's borders.
Its 30,000 troops that were supposed to withdraw from neighbouring Belarus at
the weekend are still there. So are pontoon bridges and other logistic equipment
needed for an invasion.
Violence is flaring in the two Russian-backed breakaway republics in Eastern
Ukraine. Russia's demands from Nato remain unmet and diplomacy has so far
failed to bring about any significant withdrawal of Russian forces.
Meanwhile western leaders and their intelligence chiefs have been sounding the
alarm, asserting that President Putin has already given the order to invade
And yet, there are reasons to believe that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
might not happen. Here are some of them.
1. It will be bloody;
2. It won't be popular at home;
3. Western sanctions will hurt;
4. There will be a high political cost;
5. Putin has already made his point.
Russian missile tests - tens of thousands of Russian troops around Ukraine has
stoked invasion fears
Fonte: BBC security correspondent. Disponível em: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-
60468264 (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60468264) . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2022.
Qual o sentido da palavra likely, em destaque no texto, em "He is likely to face
fierce resistance from Ukrainians "?
2 ptsPergunta 5
Leia o texto abaixo e responda:
The Psychology of Career Choices: Why Personality Matters
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Ph.D.
The study of vocational interests has preoccupied Psychologists for ages. The
reasons are obvious:
1. work constitutes one of the most important activities in our lives (most adults
spend more time working than sleeping and having fun);2. even in the era of "flexi-workers" and career mobility, most people stick to the
professional area of job sector they first select;
3. just like with romantic partners, most people may have difficulties choosing
jobs or careers they really like (and they often regret their choices).
Consequently, vocational interests have been a highly applied area of Psychology
since it has implications for educators, employers, and counselors, as well as
every individual hoping to improve their understanding of their "occupational fit".
O uso da palavra since em "since it has implications" traz a ideia de 
2 ptsPergunta 6
Leia o texto abaixo e responda:
Best Careers for the Future: Jobs for 2025 and Way Beyond!
By Luke Redd (https://www.trade-schools.net/about#luke-redd)  | Last Updated July
1, 2020
What are the best careers for the future? How will everything change? Is it
possible to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow—today? We would love to have
definitive answers for these questions. But, of course, nobody can say for sure
what the future holds. The best we can do is make educated guesses based on
past and current trends.
Here's one thing we know: the world will experience social, cultural, economic,
environmental, and technological changes. Some of these changes can be
foreseen (such as the likely impact of climate change). But many of them can't be
predicted. New challenges may arise without any warning. And "happy accidents"
may lead to positive new discoveries that solve long-standing problems.
Predicting the best jobs for the future requires understanding that all kinds of
variables will interact in complex and surprising ways. Many of tomorrow's jobs
will likely result from today's scientific and technological advances. But most jobs
of the future probably don't exist yet, and a lot of them haven't even been
imagined. In fact, according to one estimate from the World Economic Forum,
Que ela tem sido estudada por cientistas em todo o mundo.
Que esse é um tipo de mudança que pode ser prevista.
Que ela pode levar a novas descobertas positivas.
Que essa mudança trará eventuais desafios sem nenhum aviso.
almost two-thirds of today's kindergarten students will eventually have
occupations that don't currently exist.
Of course, many of today's occupations will continue to be part of the future, but
they'll undergo changes just like everything else. And many occupations will
transform into something entirely new—or disappear altogether. It's a lot to think
about, let alone visualize. After all, many of us have a natural resistance to change
and uncertainty. So, we might feel a little too safe or comfortable with the status
Fonte: Disponível em:  https://www.trade-schools.net/articles/best-careers-for-
the-future. (https://www.trade-schools.net/articles/best-careers-for-the-future)
Acesso em: 12 jul. 2022. 
O que o texto aponta em relação  ao impacto da mudança climática?
2 ptsPergunta 7
Aprendemos, nos módulos I e II, que as Reading Strategies nos auxiliam, e muito,
na leitura de textos em Língua Inglesa.
Utilizando desses conhecimentos, leia, ATENTAMENTE, o texto a seguir:
What selfies really tell us about ourselves
Kate Murphy 
Psychologists, technologists and behavioral economists differ in their
interpretations of the selfie and the risks people are prepared to take socially and
physically to snap them. But there is general agreement that selfies are a form of
expression that may reveal more than the taker intended, no matter how flattering
the filter used.
“We are so bombarded by media telling us how we should look and how we should
be,” stated Jacquelyn Morie, a researcher at the University of Southern California.
“With selfies you have this authority and autonomy that you don’t have in other
parts of your life.” She said selfies are essentially avatars and foresees a day when
they will be constructed even more to our liking. As we conduct more 22 of our life
online, she suspects they will become more how we see ourselves than our real
selves. Of course, selfies can also create a historical record of our life, if maybe a
little better than reality. They show the world what you are doing and who you are
with and how incredibly fun it all is. You often hear the refrain, “Selfies or you don’t
exist,” which may explain some people’s compulsion to document their actions
even if doing so diminishes their experience and engagement in the real world.
The need to be recognised, or even adored, is perhaps why so many have become
their own Hollywood directors, attaching cameras to sticks and sometimes drones
to improve the production value of their lives. Recent selfie-stick bans have been
interpreted by some who study the selfie phenomenon as more a cultural
movement in favour of authenticity than the elimination of a possible safety
threat. There’s also the argument that rather than conferring power, selfies transfer
control to viewers because in the end they are the ones who decide whether to
post an encouraging or insulting comment, press “like” or ignore your existence all
Moreover, as facial recognition software continues to improve, frequent selfie
takers may also be giving away their very identity. The more you post pictures of
a selfie como instrumento de coptação de seguidores nas redes
o importante papel das selfies na promoção de nossa imagem
o que realmente estamos fazendo quando tiramos selfies
a importancia das selfies para nosso sucesso nas redes sociais.
yourself online, the better companies, government agencies and criminals can
identify you, not only online but sitting in a restaurant or walking down the street.
(MURPHY, Kate.  What selfies really tell us about ourselves. The New York Times.
2015. Avaiable at: www.thenewyorktimes.com.  Access: 07/03/ 2022.) 
O assunto principal do texto é:
2 ptsPergunta 8
Aprendemos, nos módulos I e II, que as Reading Strategies nos auxiliam, e muito,
na leitura de textos em Língua Inglesa.
Utilizando desses conhecimentos, leia, ATENTAMENTE, o texto a seguir:
What selfies really tell us about ourselves
Kate Murphy 
Psychologists, technologists and behavioral economists differ in their
interpretations of the selfie and the risks people are prepared to take socially and
physically to snap them. But there is general agreement that selfies are a form of
expression that may reveal more than the taker intended, no matter how flattering
the filter used.
“We are so bombarded by media telling us how we should look and how we should
be,” stated Jacquelyn Morie, a researcher at the University of Southern California.
“With selfies you have this authority and autonomy that you don’t have in other
parts of your life.” She said selfies are essentially avatars and foresees a day when
they will be constructed even more to our liking. As we conduct more 22 of our life
online, she suspects they will become more how we see ourselves than our real
selves. Of course, selfies can also create a historical record of our life, if maybe a
little better than reality. They show the world what you are doing and who you are
with and how incredibly fun it all is. You often hear the refrain, “Selfies or you don’t
exist,” which may explain some people’s compulsion to document their actions
even if doing so diminishes their experience and engagement in the real world.
The need to be recognised, or even adored, is perhaps why so many have become
their own Hollywood directors, attaching cameras to sticks and sometimes drones
to improve the production value of their lives. Recent selfie-stick bans have been
interpreted by some who study the selfie phenomenon as more a cultural
movement in favour of authenticity than the elimination of a possible safety
threat. There’s also the argument that rather than conferring power, selfies transfercontrol to viewers because in the end they are the ones who decide whether to
post an encouraging or insulting comment, press “like” or ignore your existence all
Moreover, as facial recognition software continues to improve, frequent selfie
takers may also be giving away their very identity. The more you post pictures of
yourself online, the better companies, government agencies and criminals can
identify you, not only online but sitting in a restaurant or walking down the street.
(MURPHY, Kate.  What selfies really tell us about ourselves. The New York Times.
2015. Avaiable at: www.thenewyorktimes.com.  Access: 07/03/ 2022.) 
Na oração "Moreover, as facial recognition software continues to improve,
frequent selfie takers may also be giving away their very identity.", a palavra em
destaque estabelece com a oração posterior uma relação de:
2 ptsPergunta 9
Na sociedade industrial, a família consegue ensinar seus filhos e acompanhar os
avanços tecnológicos.
Na atualidade, a escola não deve ser separada
Leia o texto:
Education in Modern Societies
1 - "Education in primitive societies is handled by the family. Children are taught by
their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other members of the extended
kinship group. The family is large, acquisition of knowledge is a part of daily life,
and skills and attitudes remain virtually unchanged for many generations. In such
circumstances a separate school is unnecessary.
2 - In industrial societies, however, the family becomes much smaller, skills cannot
be adequately learned at home, and new knowledge appears rapidly. As a result,
separate, specialized institutions are required for educating the young. The large
extended family shrinks to a nucleus of mother, father, and a few siblings - or even
3 - Parents often work miles from the home and therefore have little time for
educating the children. Furthermore, many occupations have become very
specialized, requiring training that parents cannot provide by themselves. Still an
other problem is the swiftness with which new techniques emerge and previous
methods become obsolete; skills possessed by one generation may become
useless to the next generation.
4 - Such changes make it impossible for the young to learn all they need to know
from just observing their parents. Consequently, a separate institution has
developed, devoted specifically to education."
 Swift, David W. American Education: a sociological view, 1976 - H.M. Company,
O que você compreendeu por "in such circumstances a separate school is
Nessas circunstâncias, uma escola separada seria fundamental.
Quando as crianças passam o dia com seus pais e/ou famílias, não é necessário haver
uma instituição separada chamada escola.
2 ptsPergunta 10
Leia o texto  a seguir. Lembre-se das "reading strategies" que aprendemos nas
Unidades 1 e 2: observe as imagens, as palavras cognatas, os números, veja o
vocabulário que conhece e utillize-o a seu favor. Somente após a leitura
cuidadosa e a exploração de todas as estratégias, responda à questão :
Ukraine crisis: Five reasons why Putin might not
By Frank Gardner
Should Putin invade - he is likely to face fierce resistance from Ukrainians
The optics look dreadful.
Russia has deployed more than two-thirds of its military combat capability to
within striking distance of Ukraine's borders.
Its 30,000 troops that were supposed to withdraw from neighbouring Belarus at
the weekend are still there. So are pontoon bridges and other logistic equipment
needed for an invasion.
Motivos pelos quais a Rússia deve invadir a Ucrânia
Motivos para a Rússia invadir a Ucrânia
Motivos da invasão da Rússia à Ucrânia
Violence is flaring in the two Russian-backed breakaway republics in Eastern
Ukraine. Russia's demands from Nato remain unmet and diplomacy has so far
failed to bring about any significant withdrawal of Russian forces.
Meanwhile western leaders and their intelligence chiefs have been sounding the
alarm, asserting that President Putin has already given the order to invade
And yet, there are reasons to believe that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
might not happen. Here are some of them.
1. It will be bloody;
2. It won't be popular at home;
3. Western sanctions will hurt;
4. There will be a high political cost;
5. Putin has already made his point.
Russian missile tests - tens of thousands of Russian troops around Ukraine has
stoked invasion fears
Fonte: BBC security correspondent. Disponível em: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-
60468264 (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60468264) . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2022.
O assunto principal do texto é:
Motivos pelos quais a Rússia provavelmente não irá invadir a Ucrânia
1 ptsPergunta 11
Calvin provavelmente tem um distúrbio de aprendizagem.
Calvin tem problemas para falar com seus pais.
Calvin é um garoto inteligente, mas não tira boas notas.
Calvin tem dificuldades com o dever de casa.
Leia, ATENTAMENTE, a tirinha do Calvin, a seguir:
Em relação a Calvin, com base na leitura da tirinha, podemos dizer que:
1 ptsPergunta 12
Leia atentamente o texto a seguir e responda à questão:
Medics reveal sad clue about Queen’s cause of death:
‘Chain reaction’
Experts have revealed devastating potential factors that may have contributed to
the Queen’s decline in health.
Medical professionals have revealed the devastating potential factors that may
have contributed to the Queen’s decline in health over the past year.
The 96-year-old monarch (https://7news.com.au/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-ii)
 died at Balmoral, her Scottish summer residence, on September 8, 2022. Now,
experts say loneliness and heartache may have contributed to the Queen’s
declining health.
GP Dr Deb Cohen-Jones explained to the Daily Mail
broken-heart.html) , it’s more about “losing your will than it is about your health, in
some ways”.
“From a physiological point of view, the loss of Prince Philip would have caused
her severe stress, peaking her cortisol levels, and leaving her body to deal with
that,” Cohen-Jones said.
Meanwhile, heart surgeon Nikki Stamp told the ABC
real-for-heart-disease/9523662)  the death of a spouse can trigger a stress-related
“chain reaction” that can lead to declining health.
A ‘bruise’ spotted on the hand of the Queen as she swore in Britain’s new Prime Minister sparked fresh fears over her
health. Credit: WPA Pool/Getty Images
 Fonte: 7NEWS. Disponível em: https://7news.com.au/entertainment/queen-
reaction-c-8198740 (https://7news.com.au/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-
solidão e mágoa, provocados pela morte do esposo.
graves problemas de saúde, incluindo doenças cardíacas
solidão e mágoa, provocados pelo afastamento de seu neto.
ataque cardíaco.
ii/medics-reveal-sad-clue-about-queens-cause-of-death-chain-reaction-c-8198740) .
Acesso em 12 set. 2022.
Segundo o autor do texto, a principal causa da morte da rainha Elizabeth II pode
ter sido:
1 ptsPergunta 13
Leia atentamente o texto a seguir e responda à questão:
Medics reveal sad clue about Queen’s cause of death:
‘Chain reaction’
Experts have revealed devastating potential factors that may have contributed to
the Queen’s decline in health.
Medical professionalshave revealed the devastating potential factors that may
have contributed to the Queen’s decline in health over the past year.
The 96-year-old monarch (https://7news.com.au/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-ii)
 died at Balmoral, her Scottish summer residence, on September 8, 2022. Now,
experts say loneliness and heartache may have contributed to the Queen’s
declining health.
GP Dr Deb Cohen-Jones explained to the Daily Mail
broken-heart.html) , it’s more about “losing your will than it is about your health, in
some ways”.
“From a physiological point of view, the loss of Prince Philip would have caused
her severe stress, peaking her cortisol levels, and leaving her body to deal with
that,” Cohen-Jones said.
Meanwhile, heart surgeon Nikki Stamp told the ABC
é melhor que
é mais que
é pior que
é muito mais sobre
real-for-heart-disease/9523662)  the death of a spouse can trigger a stress-related
“chain reaction” that can lead to declining health.
A ‘bruise’ spotted on the hand of the Queen as she swore in Britain’s new Prime Minister sparked
fresh fears over her health. Credit: WPA Pool/Getty Images
 Fonte: 7NEWS. Disponível em: https://7news.com.au/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-ii/medics-
death-chain-reaction-c-8198740) . Acesso em 12 set. 2022.
A expressão "it's more about", em "it’s more about  losing your will than it is about
your health, in some ways" pode ser traduzida como:
1 ptsPergunta 14
Na frase "Chopping the garlic may cause you a little concern, but the rest of it is just
measuring, pouring and layering", a linking word em destaque indica uma relação
1 ptsPergunta 15
Leia, ATENTAMENTE, a tirinha do Calvin, a seguir:
A expressão ‘yeah’, no terceiro quadrinho,  equivale a:
Nenhum dado novo para salvar. Última verificação às 17:52 
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