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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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16/04/2023, 18:41 Estácio: Alunos
https://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_avaliacao_parcial_resultado.asp?cod_hist_prova=306296476&cod_prova=6187223048&f_cod_disc= 1/5
Teste seu conhecimento acumulado
Aluno(a): ROBSON CANTAO GONCALVES 202107075074
Acertos: 6,0 de 10,0 16/04/2023
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
There are �ve main roles for strategic competence. Interactional strategies are one of them and underscore the
cooperative nature of discursive interactions. Choose the option that best exempli�es a comprehension check.
"Could you say that again?"
"What do you mean by...?"
"You mean...?"
 "Am I making sense?"
"Did you say...?"
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:26:50
Comprehension checks help speakers evaluate if the interlocutors can follow what has been said, if what has been
said was correct or grammatical, if the interlocutors are listening, and if the interlocutors can hear them properly. The
other options refer to meaning making strategies since the interlocutor is requesting either clari�cation or repetition.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
 A communicative approach to language teaching has many pedagogical implications. Choose the alternative
that contains one of them: 
teaching grammatical competence before sociolinguistic competence.
evaluating students based on the grammatical accuracy of their statements.
avoiding contributions from students¿ L1, due to the speci�city of L2 communicative needs.
focusing on textbook-contrived language, especially tailored for didactic purposes.
 acknowledging that mastery of the rules of grammar is one among other equally important components
of communicative competence.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:27:26
16/04/2023, 18:41 Estácio: Alunos
https://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_avaliacao_parcial_resultado.asp?cod_hist_prova=306296476&cod_prova=6187223048&f_cod_disc= 2/5
Opposing grammar centered approaches to language education, a communicative approach understands that
grammatical competence is not more nor less crucial to successful communication than the sociolinguistic, strategic
and discourse components. Therefore, grammatical competence is perceived as one of the competences to be
developed in alignment with others such as sociocultural competences, for instance. What¿s more, focusing on
communicative competence means that authentic materials and real language in use should used in the classroom.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
Dell Hymes argues that effective communication should satisfy four main criteria. Based on the criterion of
psycholinguistic feasibility, it is correct to af�rm that appropriateness depends on:
whether or not statements are accepted by context-sensitive rules.
whether and to what degree something is appropriate in relation to the context.
whether and to what extent something is grammatically possible.
 whether and to what extent something is possible in face of the limitations and possibilities imposed by
human processing abilities.
whether or not something is actually done.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:40:06
Psycholinguistic feasibility examines whether and to what degree something is possible considering the restrictions
and possibilities imposed by human processing abilities. The other criteria refer to grammatical feasibility (whether
something is grammatical possible), to whether or not it is contextually appropriate and if it actually occurs in real
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
An oral report for schools can be quite similar to presentations. Which of the options presents key stages in the
correct order that �t this sub-type of the genre?
 Greeting, introduction, main points, conclusion.
Introduction, timing, discussion, assessment.
Criticism of the topic, transcripts prepared before the presentation, discussion, feedback.
Feedback, development of the topic, comments, conclusion.
Visuals, gestures, main points, feedback.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:37:58
The students who deliver an oral report have to be aware of the key stages proposed by the institution, but, basically,
they have to greet the class, introduce the topic, talk about its mains point and reach a conclusion. Feedback and
assessment are usually done after the presentation and are given by the class and teacher. Criticism, comments,
discussion may happen, but in speci�c orders.
Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
In general, in Spoken Genres people must understand the purpose of what they are saying, the structure to be
followed, how to lead and control the interaction, interruptions and many other spoken situations that may
happen. What should the person be aware of when presenting an oral report?
16/04/2023, 18:41 Estácio: Alunos
https://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_avaliacao_parcial_resultado.asp?cod_hist_prova=306296476&cod_prova=6187223048&f_cod_disc= 3/5
 If they should prepare beforehand or if should be a spontaneous activity.
Where it will take place.
That they are dif�cult.
That they should be presented only to the teacher.
 What the structure of oral reports proposed by the institution is.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:38:47
The fact that they are dif�cult or not is something very personal and it is rarely presented only to the teacher (most
likely to teacher and class, parents, community), it usually takes place at the institution the person goes to and it must
be prepared. But one of the important aspects is knowing if the institution has a formulaic way of presentations of
oral reports.
Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
Discourse markers are extremely used when engaging in oral interactions. What is their purpose?
They are linking words that are only used in texts.
They are words that, when used, may make people understand the speech.
 They are special features that mark the dialogue.
 To ascertain the speaker that the listener is paying attention and encouraging them to go on.
They are words such as "what, when, where" used in questions.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:28:21
Discourse markers encourage and help the dialogue continue, but would not exactly be something that marks the
dialogue and they are also used orally, not only in texts. They help organize the speech; therefore, they don't provide
misunderstandings. They are also not features of WH- questions.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
An enquiry letter is a sub-genre of a formal letter, that is, it is one of the categories that are part of the bigger
genre "formal letter". Its purpose is to ask about something that the writer wants to know. What should the
conclusion of a formal enquiry letter contain?
 It should ask for action, that is, say what is expected to happen.
It should include the summary of the letter.
It should include greeting.
It should include a formal ending.
It should include the explanation of why it is being written.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:39:13
The conclusion is at the end of the letter. Therefore, it does not explain why it is being written, since it has clearly been
said. Greetings are also part of the beginning of the letter. Formal endings are "Yours sincerely", "Yours truly" and
"Yours faithfully", which is not a conclusion. Also, it does not summarize the letter, that is the characteristic of an
essay. The conclusion of an Enquiry letter asks for action, showing what the sender expects.
16/04/2023, 18:41 Estácio: Alunos
https://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_avaliacao_parcial_resultado.asp?cod_hist_prova=306296476&cod_prova=6187223048&f_cod_disc= 4/5
Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
In formal letters we expect to �nd certain expressions and chunks, either at the beginning, middle or end. How
can a letter or email which is an answer to an Enquiry letter be started?
Thanks again.
I look forwardto hearing from you.
 Thank you for your prompt reply.
 Dear Sir or Madam.
Yours faithfully.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:34:09
Since you have received an answer, it is polite to thank the sender with "Thank you for your prompt reply". "Dear Sir
or Madam" is part of the greeting; "I look forward to hearing from you" is part of the closure, such as "Yours faithfully".
"Thanks again" could come in the Middle of the letter about to �nish.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
O hábito de leitura é:
dispensável, pois somente escrevendo é possível escrever bem.
dispensável, pois não implica a melhora da escrita por ser um ato passivo.
recomendado para quem quer seguir carreira de escritor.
indispensável para quem pretende seguir carreira acadêmica.
 essencial para não só escrever bem, mas conhecer estilos diferentes de escrita.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:29:07
A resposta correta é: essencial para não só escrever bem, mas conhecer estilos diferentes de escrita.
Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
A semântica abrange:
um contexto cultural.
 o sentido geral.
 a de�nição de termos e sua organização na frase.
as �guras de linguagem.
as frases como um todo.
Respondido em 16/04/2023 18:29:19
16/04/2023, 18:41 Estácio: Alunos
https://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_avaliacao_parcial_resultado.asp?cod_hist_prova=306296476&cod_prova=6187223048&f_cod_disc= 5/5
A resposta correta é: a de�nição de termos e sua organização na frase.

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