
Requisito de biologia et3

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Escuela Industrial Y Preparatoria Álvaro Obregón
Health Biology
Requirement activities
Armando González De La Rosa 	1993688 	4K1
What are our bones for?
A= They serve as a support for our body
What is the function of muscles?
A= Perform vital functions and generate our movement
Where are blood cells made?
A= Blood cells are created through the bone marrow
What is a vaccine?
A= It is a preparation that can generate an immunity against a disease
What are the different skin tones?
A= the color is due to melanin that is produced by skin cells, so the color of our skin depends on it
What is a heart attack?
A= It is an obstruction in the heart so it can generate death
Do you know the function of the lymphatic system? What is it?
A= Yes, it is in charge of eliminating infections and maintaining the balance of fluids in the body
· Immune system: it is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invading agents.
· Circulatory system: carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells and removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide.
· The lymphatic system: is the anatomical structure that carries lymph
· Muscular system: is the set of more than 650 muscles of the body, whose main function is to generate movement
· Bone marrow: Soft, spongy tissue with many blood vessels found in the center of most bones

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