
Questions in english intermediate level B1-B2 part seven.

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Part 1-Creativity and Imagination
1. What does creativity mean to you, and how do you express it in your daily life?
2. Can you recall a time when your imagination took you on a wild and exciting journey? Share the details.
3. How do you cultivate and nurture your creative side? Are there any specific practices or rituals you follow?
4. What role does imagination play in problem-solving and finding innovative solutions?
5. Do you believe that everyone has the potential to be creative? Why or why not?
6. Can you share a creative hobby or activity that brings you joy and allows you to freely express yourself?
7. How do you envision the future of creativity and imagination in the digital age? What opportunities or challenges do you foresee?
8. What do you think is the relationship between creativity and self-expression? How do they complement each other?
Part 2-Technology of the Future
1. What cool inventions do you hope to see in the future that would make our lives better?
2. Can you imagine a world where computers can think and learn like humans? How would it change things?
3. How do you think we will travel in the future? Will we have cars that can fly or super-fast trains?
4. How do you think our homes and cities will change with technology?
5. Can you picture a future where we can control computers or devices using our thoughts or even implant technology into our bodies?
6. How do you think robots will be used in the future? Can you imagine them helping with tasks like cleaning or cooking?
7. Can you imagine a future where we get most of our energy from the sun, wind, and other renewable sources?
8. Can you picture a future where robots that look and act like humans are a normal part of society?

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