
Guia 10 Reproduccion y Enfermedades Hereditarias 2310

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Guía de Aprendizaje 10. Reproducción (meisosi) y Enfermedades Hereditarias
Estas preguntas son del libro: SADAVA D. et altri. LIFE: The Science of Biology, 10th Ed. 2014. Sinauer Associates, Inc. MacMillan
Reproducción Animal (cap 43) 
1. RECAP 43.2. Sexual reproduction involves gametogenesis, mating, and fertilization. Fertilization can be external or internal and involves mechanisms for ensuring that only one sperm from the right species enters the egg. 
a. Describe the steps by which a sea urchin sperm penetrates the egg. See Figure 43.4 
b. Explain how polyspermy is prevented and why it is crucial to do so. See pp. 886-887 and Figure 43.4 
c. What reproductive adaptations made life on land possible? See p. 888 
2. RECAP 43.3. The reproductive systems of men and women produce gametes and hormones, and these functions are controlled by hypothalamic and anterior pituitary hormones. In women, the hormonal control of reproductive functions produces linked ovarian and uterine cycles. 
a. Describe the path the human sperm and ovum take in moving from their respective gonads to the point at which fertilization occurs. See Figures 43.8 and 43.11 
b. In males, increased production of GnRH at puberty stimulates the release of what two hormones of the anterior pituitary? What effect do these hormones have? See p. 892 
c. Explain the events in the ovarian cycle that result in release of a single ovum each month. What events prepare the uterus to receive the egg? See Figures 43.12 and 43.13 
3. RECAP 43.4. Controlling fertility is an important aspect of modern human life. Decreasing the probability of pregnancy is achieved through methods that prevent sperm and egg from meeting and from preventing implantation. Pregnancies can be facilitated through medical technology. 
a. Which method of contraception is the only one to offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? See Table 43.1 
b. Explain what a couple who are both carriers of a genetic dis- ease could do to ensure that their offspring would not have the disease. See p. 899
Ciclo celular y división celular (cap 11)
4. 11.4 RECAP: Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction, in which haploid gametes fuse to produce a diploid zygote. Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity, the raw material of evolution.
a. What is the difference, in terms of genetics, between asexual and sexual reproduction? See pp. 217–218
b. How does fertilization produce a diploid organism? See p. 218
c. What general features do all sexual life cycles have in common? See pp. 218–219 and Figure 11.15
Mutaciones y Medicina Molecular (cap 15) 
5. RECAP 15.2 Many genetic mutations are expressed as nonfunctional enzymes, structural proteins, or membrane proteins. Human genetic diseases may be inherited in dominant, codominant, or recessive patterns, and they may be sex-linked.
a. Describe an example of an abnormal protein in humans that results from a genetic mutation and causes a disease. See pp. 311–313
b. Describe an example of an abnormal protein in humans that results from a genetic mutation and does not cause a disease. See p. 312
c. How do expanding repeats cause genetic diseases? See pp. 313–314 and Figure 15.10
d. How do somatic mutations cause cancer? See p. 314 and Figure 15.11
6. RECAP 15.4 Genetic screening can be used to identify people who have, are predisposed to, or are carriers of, genetic diseases. Screening can be done at the phenotype level by identifying an abnormal protein such as an enzyme with altered activity. It can also be done at the genotype level by direct testing of DNA.
a. How are newborn babies screened for PKU? See p. 320 and Figure 15.17
b. What is the advantage of screening for genetic mutations by allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization relative to screening phenotype differences in enzyme activity? See p. 321 and Figure 15.18
7. Treatment of a human genetic disease may involve an attempt to modify the abnormal phenotype by restricting the substrate of a deficient enzyme, inhibiting a harmful metabolic reaction, or supplying a missing protein. By contrast, gene therapy aims to address a genetic defect by inserting a normal allele into a patient’s cells.
a. How do metabolic inhibitors used in chemotherapy function in treating cancer? See pp. 322–323 and Figure 15.19
b. How does in vivo gene therapy work? Can you give an example? See pp. 323–324 and Figure 15.20
8. Del video de David Puts hagan un resumen con mínimo 4 conceptos muy importantes que ayudan a explicar la evolución de la sexualidad humana

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