
Aula 12 - Object pronouns

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Read these sentences and rewrite them replacing the words in bold by the appropriate object pronouns.
a) Having dinner with my friends! I love my friends.
b) Boyfriend traveling. I miss my boyfriend.
c) A new episode of my favorite TV series is on. I'm watching the new episode.
d) My sister is always late. I'm calling my sister now.
e) Going to the country house with my family. Friends are welcome to come and visit me and my family.
Resposta: Going to the country house with my family. Friends are welcome to come and visit us.
My sister is always late. I'm calling her now.
Having dinner with my friends! I love them.
Boyfriend traveling. I miss him
A new episode of my favorite TV series is on. I'm watching it

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