
Complete English Grammar Rules_ Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar ( PDFDrive )-262

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•	“I	have	to	take	the	bus	into	town.”	(use	the	bus	to	travel)
•	“Don’t	forget	to	take	your	medicine.”	(ingest	your	medicine)
•	“He’s	taking	an	exam	in	the	morning.”	(complete	an	exam)
•	“Will	you	take	notes	for	me	in	class	today?”	(write	notes)
•	“He’s	been	so	sick	that	we’ve	had	to	take	his	temperature	every	hour.”
(obtain	(through	measurement)	his	temperature)
•	“It	might	not	work,	but	I’m	willing	to	take	that	chance.”	(behave	or	act	in	a
risky	way)
•	“Hey,	come	here	and	take	a	look	at	this!”	(examine	or	view	this)
•	“We’ll	just	have	to	take	your	word	for	it.”	(trust	in	what	you	say)
•	“She	took	a	seat	near	the	back.”	(assume	occupancy	of	a	seat)
(answers	start	on	page	610)
1.	Which	of	the	following	do	light	verbs	rely	on	for	their	meaning?
a)	The	subject
b)	The	predicate
c)	The	full	verb
d)	The	auxiliary	verb
2.	Identify	the	light	verb	in	the	following	sentence:
“I’m	hoping	to	train	with	the	Olympic	squad	this	summer,	but	I	am	not	sure	they
will	take	me.”
a)	hoping
b)	train
c)	am
d)	will
e)	take
3.	Which	of	the	following	is	not	another	name	for	light	verbs?
a)	delexical	verbs
b)	hollow	verbs
c)	empty	verbs
d)	thin	verbs

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