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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

El presente del verbo TO BE
Utiliza el verbo TO BE en su forma correcta.
Principio del formulario
Jane a teacher? No, she . She a doctor. 
you American? No, I. I Australian.
John and Paul at home? No, they . They at the university.
the book on the table? No, it . It on the chair.
your father from Madrid? No, he . He from Barcelona.
Final del formulario
Final del formulario
Final del formulario
Pronombres personales sujetos
	    play tennis.
	Yo juego al tenis
	    are French.
	Tú eres francés
	    have a car.
	Nosotros tenemos un coche
	    is blond.
	Ella es rubia
	    go to the movies.
	Vosotros vais al cine
	    study English.
	Yo estudio inglés
	    speak Italian.
	Ellos hablan italiano
	    watch TV.
	Nosotros vemos la tele
	    are students.
	Vosotros sois estudiantes
	    plays football.
	Él juega al fútbol
Pronombres personales sujetos
	 I    Spanish.
	Yo soy español
	 You    old.
	Tú eres mayor
	 They    foreigners.
	Ellos son extranjeros
	 We    young.
	Nosotros somos jóvenes
	  He    here.
	Él está aquí
	 He    to study medicine.
	Él va a estudiar medicina
	 It    hot.
	Hace calor
	They    in Paris.
	Ellos están en París
Principio del formulario
1. My name  James. 
2. Mary  the secretary. 
3. John and Lucy  at school. 
4. I  a student. 
5. The boys  in the garden. 
6. He  a lawyer. 
7. Susie  a housewife. 
8. She  a student. 
9. They  my friends. 
10. You  a student.   
Final del formulario
Elija la respuesta correcta entre las disponibles.
Principio del formulario
- Hello. I'm Peter. What      your name? 
- Hello. My name is Hugh.      a student?
- Yes,     . What about you? 
- No,      a student. 
-      a teacher here? 
- Yes,      a teacher. 
-      live in London? 
- No, I     . 
- And      do you live? 
- I      in Oxford. I'm on holidays here. 
Complete los recuadros escribiendo la forma negativa de la oración. Use las formas contractadas (isn't, aren't, etc.)
Ejemplo: I play tennis - I don't play tennis.
Principio del formulario
I play tennis.
 play tennis.
He lives in London.
 in London.
You are good.
She is a teacher.
 a teacher.
They live in England.
 in England.
Joe is a doctor.
 a doctor.
Mary is a lawyer.
 a lawyer.
They have two cars.
 two cars.
We are in London.
 in London.
Transforma las siguientes frases en frases interrogativas o negativas, según se pide en las instrucciones entre paréntesis.
Principio del formulario
1. Your brother's a doctor. (frase negativa)
2. Teachers are on holiday in August. (frase interrogativa)
3. It's late. (frase interrogativa)
4. You're from Denmark. (frase negativa)
5. They're my friends. (frase negativa)
6. I'm late for class. (frase interrogativa)
7. You're at home this weekend. (frase interrogativa)
8. This seat's free. (frase interrogativa)
9. She's married. (frase negativa)
10. Mary's happy here. (frase negativa)
Final del formulario
Final del formulario
 Jane a teacher? No, she . She  a doctor. 
 you American? No, I. I Australian.
 John and Paul at home? No, they . They  at the university.
 the book on the table? No, it . It on the chair.
 your father from Madrid? No, he . He  from Barcelona.Final del formulario
Final del formulario
tema: Artículos Indeterminados: A o AN? 1 
Elige el artículo correcto: 
Principio del formulario
1. I am going to ________ concert tomorrow.
2. My boyfriend is ________ actor. 
3. Her cousin has ________ very good job. 
4. That was ________ interesting game.
5. She is ________ honest person.
6. We had ________ really good time yesterday.
7. Bring ________ umbrella. It is going to rain.
8. Tomorrow will be ________ hot day.
9. Mary is ________ good friend. 
10. I want to eat ________ apple.
Final del formulario
tema: ¿Qué palabra: DO o DOES? 
Principio del formulario
1. ________ you speak Swedish? 
2. ________ your mother cook well?
3. James ________ his homework every night.
4. I always ________ everything at the last moment.
5. ________ your brother and your sister like each other?
6. You think I don't like spinach, but I ________.
7. Both Peter and Monica ________ their homework on time.
8. Are you going to ________ this?
9. I will support him, no matter what he ________.
10. The doctor ________ these operations every day.
Final del formulario
tema: ¿Qué palabra: DON'T o DOESN'T? 
Elige la palabra correcta: 
Principio del formulario
1. I ________ know him.
2. It ________ rain in the desert very often. 
3. She ________ want to go with him.
4. They ________ have any money. 
5. Why ________ you call me anymore?
6. Why ________ your father like me?
7. I really ________ have time right now.
8. The doctor ________ smoke.
9. Many people ________ like that writer.
10. Mike ________ have a good singing voice.
Final del formulario
Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pronombre personal correcto - I, You, She, He, They, We, It, Who (ejemplo: The children are going to the movie theater = They are going to the movie theater) 
Principio del formulario
1. The people are reading. = are reading. 
2. My father and I love this team. = love this team. 
3. The car is missing a tire. = is missing a tire. 
4. The dog looks sick. = looks sick.
*Remember: if you know that an animal is a he or a she, say he or she. 
5. The police came here yesterday. = came here yesterday. 
6. My sisters and I always laugh when we're together. = always laugh when we're together. 
7. My aunt is 80 years old. = is 80 years old. 
8. My friend's uncle likes to travel. = likes to travel. 
9. Holly's boots are dirty. = are dirty. 
10. The (male) singer is very handsome. = is very handsome. 
Conteste cada pregunta, utilizando el pronombre personal correcto - I, You, She, He, They, We, It, Who (ejemplo: Are you going to tell him? = Yes, I am going to tell him.) 
Principio del formulario
1. Are the children playing in the yard? Yes, are playing in the yard. 
2. Am I smart? Yes, are smart. 
3. Is your mother from Mexico? Yes, is from Mexico. 
4. Are those cars for sale? Yes, are for sale. 
5. Are you and your brother flying to Tokyo tomorrow. Yes, flying to Tokyo tomorrow. 
6. Did you come alone? No, did not come alone. 
7. Was the toy expensive? No, was not expensive. 
8. Does your girlfriend always complain? No, doesn't always complain. 
9. Does your wife's family like you? No, don't like me. 
10. Does the CD player work? No, doesn't work. 
Completa los recuadros con las respuestas correctas. Entre paréntesis se indica el verbo que se debe utilizar.
Principio del formulario
What is she doing?
She (read) a book. 
What is she doing?
She (have) a drink. 
What are they doing?
They (dance) 
What is he doing?
He (write) a letter. 
What is he doing?
He (work) 
What are they doing?
They (watch) the eclipse. 
Completa los recuadros con las respuestas correctas. Entre paréntesis se indica el verbo que se debe utilizar.
Principio del formulario
What is he doing?
He (play) . 
What is he doing?
He (dance) . 
What is he doing?
He (read) a book.
What is she doing?
She (sing) . 
What is he doing?
He (ski) 
What is he doing?
He (eat) a sandwich. 
Final del formulario
Elige la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.
Principio del formulario
Is Brian reading a book?
Yes, he does.
Yes, he is.
What is Brian reading?
He's reading a magazine.
Yes, he does.
Is Susan writing a poem?
No, she is not.
Yes, she does.
Is thisyour book?
Yes, it's my book.
Yes, it's your book.
Is your brother playing hockey?
Yes, he is.
Yes, she is.
Does your nephew go to school?
Yes, he does.
Yes, she does.
What is your father doing?
He's working.
Yes, he is.
Is your aunt studying English?
No, he isn't.
No, she isn't.
What are you doing?
I'm studying English.
You're studying English.
Is your sister using your computer?
Yes, she does.
Yes, she is.
Final del formulario
Final del formulario
Completa los recuadros con How much o How many.
Principio del formulario
1. sugar do you need? 
I need two kilos.
2. money do you have? 
I have a lot of money.
3. students are there in this class? 
4. books do you have? 
I have five books here.
5. milk do you need? 
I need one litre.
6. tomatoes are there in the fridge? 
There are five. 
7. bottles of milk are there in the fridge? 
There are two. 
8. restaurants are there in this city? 
There are a lot of restaurants in this city. 
9. meat do you need? 
I need one kilo. 
10. cars does Mike have? 
He has only one car.
Final del formulario
Elige la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.
Principio del formulario
Are you single?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I am.
Do you have any hobby?
I play the piano.
I have two dogs.
How much is that sweater?
It's 19.99.
It's red.
How many brothers do you have?
Yes, I have.
I have three brothers.
Do you like reading?
No, I'm not fond of reading.
Yes, you are.
What time is it?
It's four o'clock.
It's Monday.
What is Steve doing?
He's writing a letter.
He's fine.
What do you do in the evening?
I usually have breakfast at 8.
I usually watch TV.
Do you have a pet?
Yes, I have two brothers.
No, I don't. 
Where does your father work?
He works in an office.
He's writing a book.

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