
10d First aid

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1 Work in pairs. Complete the chart with the things that cause these injuries. Some things
can cause more than one kind of injury. Add at least one more cause of each injury.
Cuts and bruises Sprains and breaks Allergic reactions
1,2,3,5 2,3,5 4,5
2 With your partner, decide what is the best treatment for each injury in the chart.
3 86 Work in pairs. Look at the expressions for describing injuries. Which expressions do
you think refer to the injuries in Exercise 1? Then listen to three conversations and check.
If I were you, I’d go to the emergency room. 1
I would keep an eye on it. 1
I wouldn’t just ignore it. 3
You should put some antihistamine cream on it.2
You’d better clean it right away. 1
Why don’t you go and see Rosana?3
It might be worth getting it X-rayed. 3
It’s probably best to get it looked at. 3
Have you tried putting cream on it?2
4 86 Listen to the three conversations again. What advice is given in each case? Write 1, 2,
or 3 next to each piece of advice.
5 Pronunciation anda 87 Listen to these expressions. Notice how and is not stressed. cuts
and bruises sprains and breaks wasp and bee stingsbites and stuff go and see Rosanna 87
Listen to the expressions again. Notice how and is linked to the word before it and how the
d isn’t pronounced. Repeat the expressions.
c Match words from A with words from
B. Practice saying the pairs of words.
A Day doctor's eyes foodfruit hands mind rich
Bbody drink ears famousknees night nurses nuts
6 Work as a class. You will be assigned a role as a patient or a doctor.
Patients: Choose one of the injuries from the box below. Visit each doctor and describe your
problem. Who gives the best advice?
Doctors: Listen to each patient and give advice. Which is the most diffi cult case to treat?

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