
10e What do you think_

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1 Who do you talk to when you need advice about these things? Work in pairs. Compare
your ideas.car troublehealth worriespersonal or relationship problemsdiffi culties at work or
2 Read the email. What is the writer’s purpose? Circle the best option (a–c). What advice
would you give Kate?
a to ask for information about a job opportunity
b to get in touch with an old friend
c to ask for some help making a decision
3 Is the style of the email formal, neutral, or informal? Underline the words or expressions
that show this
4 Writing skill linking ideas
a Look at the chart. Each group of words can link ideas in the same way. Use the highlighted
words from the email to complete the chart.
1 clearly obviously
naturally of course
2in fact actually
to be honest
3 Before I forget,by the way
4 Anyway,so
5All the same,the thing is
Even so,
b Complete the sentences with expressions from Exercise 4a. Remember to add a comma
where necessary. More than one answer is possible.
1 Your problem sounds familiar. I had to make a similar decision once,actually .
2 It’s a long way to go. You’d miss your family at first,of course .
3 I hope I’ve helped you a little! By the way, how’s your sister?
4 That’s what I did. so, I hope I’ve been of some help.
5 It could be interesting. Obviously it’s going to be difficult.
5 Think about a problem you need help with. Write an email to someone in your class.
6 Use these questions to check your email. Then send your email to the person you have
• Have you used a variety of linking expressions?
• Have you used linking expressions correctly?
7 Write a reply to the email you have received.

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