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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

UFRJ- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Faculdade de Letras
Departamento de Letras Anglo-germânicas
Professor: Rogerio Tilio
Alunas: Nicolle Christina Paixão Olimpio (120068702) e Gisele Silva da Costa (120088702) 
The texts used to present the linguistic discursive element are about the importance of the construction of self-esteem and confidence by young children. The material in question is intended for children who are in Elementary School. 
1. HarperKids is a channel about stories. Based on the channel's description, what topic does the channel address?
2. Watch the trailler about Grace Byer’s book "I Am Enough" and discuss the following questions.
· Have you ever head about this book?
· Do you know any other book similar to “I am enough”?
· In this context, what is the importance of a trailler?
· How the concept of self-esteem relates to the video?
Available on: https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/self-esteem
3. You are going to read the book “I am enough”. Access a biographical synopsis about the author. What information about him does the text present?
4. The book “I am enough” by Grace Byers is classified as fiction. Based on the information below, how do you expect the story to be constructed? 
Available on: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction>
5. Read the book I am enough by Grace Byers and discuss the questions below with your partner.
a. What is the main subject of the book?
b. How do you think “I Am Enough” relates to you?
c. The author of the book describes some qualities that a person must have in order to have high self-esteem. Can you describe?
d. Look at the illustrations and identify the character’s emotions. Do these emotions have anything in common? 
e. Look at the illustrations and identify the character’s emotions. Do these emotions have anything in common?
f. Based on the book, Grace Byers relates the book with self-esteem and empowerment, how do you think these ideas converge? Do you usually read books? What types do you read?
g. How may this text impact on the society? 
6. Analyze the grammatical sentences below and answer the following questions:
“Like the moon, I am here to dream”
“[...] and in the end we are right here”
“Like the heart, I’m here to love”
a) Look at the syntactic structure of the text. What type of grammatical structure is used by the author? 
In order to construct sentences in the verb to be, we use the subject + main verb be.
b) Identify the features of verb to be sentences used in the text. In pairs, create your own verb to be sentences related to being a self sufficient person. following the same structure as in the text. 
Like the sun, I am here to shine…
7. Here we have some adapted parts of the book "I am enough". The verbs used in the text are highlighted for you. Reflect on what idea is being expressed by the verbs. After that, mark TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) about what you can notice of the structure of the verb in the following text. 
Like the sun I am here to shine. Like the bird You are here to fly. Like the voice He is here to sing. Like the trees She is here to grow, It is the process of life. Like the time We are here to be. It's good. Like the heart They are here to love. We're here to say together: I'm enough. You're enough. He's enough. She's enough. They're enough. We're all different, but We are enough.
a. (F) The verbs used with the pronouns You, He and It have the same structure.
b. (T) The sentence "I am enough" is affirmation about yourself like "I am beautiful".
c. (T) The verbs used with the pronouns He, She, It have the same structure.
d. (T) The structure of verbs for plural pronouns is the same.
e. (F) The sentence "She are cute" is right.
f. (F) The structure of verbs for singular pronouns is the same.
g. (T) The verbs in the text express someone or something.
h. (T) There are two ways to use the verbs.
The objective of this activity is to make the student observe the structure of the verb through the analysis of the text.
8. When we have high self-esteem, when we like ourselves, it is much easier to love others. Below, there is an adaptation of the book by Grace Byers, referring, this time, to another person. However, there are some gaps in the book. Complete them as best you can. 
a. Like the moon, He is/ 's here to dream. 
b. Like the sun, You are/ 're here to shine.
c. Like the time, We are here to be. It is our mission in life!
d. Like the student, She is/ 's here to learn.
e. Like the voice, They are/ 're here to sing.
f. And in the end, We are/ 're right here to live a life of love not fear. 
g. We are/ 're different, and It is good!
9. A way to build self-esteem is showing respect towards others and yourself. Choose 5 people important to you and write phrases that attribute qualities to them. For example: My mother is lovely.
10. Now, let's talk about ourselves! 
 Every human being is unique. Write 3 qualities that everyone in your class shares. Remember to use the verb to be. For example: We are smart!
11. Now you!
Based on the discussion presented by this material, now it's time to transform all the learned into practice by engaging in a forum discussion. To do this activity, use our google jamboard to develop your forum discussion with your classmates. Use this question to formulate your answer:
How does the book "I am enough" relate to the concept of be confident, empowerment and respect for diversity? Is it important for the contemporary world?

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