
Complete English Grammar Rules_ Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar ( PDFDrive )-31

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

b)	abstract
3.	Is	the	following	word	concrete	or	abstract?
a)	concrete
b)	abstract
4.	Is	the	following	word	concrete	or	abstract?
a)	concrete
b)	abstract
5.	Is	the	following	word	concrete	or	abstract?
a)	concrete
b)	abstract
6.	True	or	False:	All	concrete	nouns	are	countable.
a)	True
b)	False
Countable	Nouns
Countable	nouns	(also	known	as	count	nouns)	are	nouns	that	can	be
considered	as	individual,	separable	items,	which	means	that	we	are	able	to	count
them	with	numbers—we	can	have	one,	two,	five,	15,	100,	and	so	on.	We	can
also	use	them	with	the	indefinite	articles	a	and	an	(which	signify	a	single	person
or	thing)	or	in	their	plural	forms.
Countable	nouns	contrast	with	uncountable	nouns	(also	known	as	non-count	or
mass	nouns),	which	cannot	be	separated	and	counted	as	individual	units	or
elements.	Uncountable	nouns	cannot	take	an	indefinite	article,	nor	can	they	be
made	plural.
Concrete	vs.	Abstract	Countable

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