
Possessive adjectives 21-1-2017

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Possessive adjectives 
CCoommpplleettee wwiitthh MMYY –– YYOOUURR –– HHEERR –– HHIISS –– IITTSS –– OOUURR –– TTHHEEIIRR 
CCoolloouurr tthhee oobbjjeeccttss aass rreeqquueesstteedd 
1-Andrew has a new schoolbag. _______ schoolbag is red 
3-George has a long pencil ________ pencil is yellow 
2-They have a dog. _________ dog is brown. 
4- I’ve got an interesting book. _______ book is pink 
5- We have a new ball. ______ ball is black and orange 
6- Doggy is a blue monster and ______ book is green 
7- Helen has a big pumpkin. _______ pumpkin is orange 
8- The elephant has a small friend. It’s a bird. 
 ________ friend is light blue. 
9- My grandparents have got a big house. 
_________ house is yellow. 
10- I’ve got two hamsters. 
______ hamsters are brown and white. 
11- You’ve got a funny dog. 
_________ dog is brown. 
12- He has got a new car. 
_________ car is red. 
13- She has got long hair. 
_________ hair is blonde 
14- They ‘ve got a book. 
________ book is green

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