
Exercicios 4

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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02/09/2023, 09:34 Estácio: Alunos
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Testes por
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Evaluation is a part of the narrative especially crafted so that the emotional impact of the narrated experience can
be transmitted to its readers or listeners. Mark the option in which hooks shares her evaluation of the narrated
events with her readers.
All the options below were retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22:
Writing Autobiography. Routledge: New York, 2015
The graph below is concerned with a comparison of food security/insecurity in Brazil between 2004 and 2020. Choose
the alternative which better describes its data:
Disc.: OFICINA DE REDAÇÃO  2023.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu EXERCÍCIO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O
mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
"Within the world of my childhood, we held on to the legacy of a distinct black culture by listening to the elders
tell their stories".
"it was also interesting to read the narrative in its entirety after I had completed the work. It had not occurred to
me that bringing one's past, one's memories together in a complete narrative would allow one to view them
from a different perspective, not as singular isolated events but as part of a continuum".
"I remembered my mother's hope chest, with its wonderful odor of cedar, and thought about her taking the
most precious items and placing them there for safekeeping".
"He drank often, smoked cigarettes, and always on the few occasions that we met him, he held us children in
tight embraces. It was the memory of those embraces--of the way I hated and longed to resist them-that I
"I had met a young black man. We were having an affair".
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Retrieved from: http://olheparaafome.com.br/VIGISAN_AF_National_Survey_of_Food_Insecurity.pdf
This table regards numerical data related to progress and completion in Panama's educational system. Choose the option
containing a true statement about it:
Retrieved from: http://uis.unesco.org/en/country/pa#slideoutmenu
The proportion of Brazilian families with proper food security tops three �fths.
In 2020, the proportion of households that faced mild food insecurity was approximately one tenth.
The country faced a staggering upsurge in moderate food insecurity in 2004, whilst there was a decreasing
trend in 2018.
In 2020, less than half of Brazilian households were food secure and there has been a steep rise in food
insecurity since 2010.
The percentage of households affected by severe hunger has slumped sharply from 2013 to 2020.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:12
The percentage linked to the 2020 survey is below 50% ("44,8%"). Besides, the increase in the yellow, red and
blue points and rates related to food insecurity indicate a rising trend in such issue.
The rates of effective transition from primary to lower secondary levels in Panama¿s educational system
�uctuated considerably in 2020.
The study estimates a slight drop in the proportion of students who are able to conclude secondary school.
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The third component of narrative chains is called the complicating action. Choose the option that best justi�es the
reason why the selected fragment can be classi�ed as part of the complicating action of hooks' narrative:
Claiming the freedom to grow as an imaginative writer was connected for me with having the courage to be open,
to be able to tell the truth of one's life as I had experienced it in writing. To talk about one's life-that I could do. To
write about it, to leave a trace-that was frightening. The longer it took me to begin the process of writing
autobiography, the further removed from those memories I was becoming. Each year, a memory seemed less and
less clear. I wanted not to lose the vividness, the recall and felt an urgent need to begin the work and complete it.
Yet I could not begin even though I had begun to confront some of the reasons I was blocked, as I am blocked just
now in writing this piece because I am afraid to express in writing the experience that served as a catalyst for that
block to move.
Retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography.
Routledge: New York, 2015.
The graph below provides an overview of average fertility rates in Algeria throughout the years. Read it and
complete the description with the appropriate expressions:
The gross intake ratio into the last grade of primary school is approximate among boys and girls.
The table shows increasing trends in the percentage of repeaters in primary throughout the years, while
transition rates from primary to lower secondary have remained steady.
According to the table, the percentage of school life expectancy halved in the last decade.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:19
The use of the expression "approximate" to characterize the noun "rates" is justi�ed because numbers related to
boys and girls are close when it comes to this line on the table: around 86%. The other options refer to trends
that are not consistent with the information provided by the table.
Because it wraps up hooks' narrative, bringing it to an end with a brief description of her �nal decisions.
Because it focuses exclusively on hooks' evaluation of the events that marked her childhood, solely aiming at
transmitting their emotional impact to those who read her text.
Because it creates a web of cause-effect relationship, describing hooks' contradictory feelings towards openly
writing about her own story.
Because it provides readers with important orienting information, allowing them to take a peek at hooks¿
childhood experiences and, thus, understand the narrator's longing to talk about her past and, by such means,
kill her former self.
Because it provides readers with important orienting information, allowing them to take a peek at hooks'
childhood experiences and, thus, understand the narrator¿s longing to talk about her past and, by such means,
kill her former self.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:23
The complicating action focuses on a series of cause-effect relationships, describing the sequence of actions that
led from the initiating event to the most reportable event. Hence, the correct answer is "Because it creates a
web of cause-effect relationship, describing hooks¿ contradictory feelings towards openly writing about her own
story". The other options refer to either the orientation (orienting information on time, place or characters), to
the evaluation (focusing on the emotional impact) or to the resolution and coda (the end of the narrative).
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Retrieved from: https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/nitv-news/article/2017/06/27/census-2016-aboriginal-and-torres-
In Algeria, women give birth to (1)_____________ of 2.535 children every year and this fertility (2)_____________ is
expected to (3)_____________ .
This wiki entry describes a typical dish named "ceviche". Read it and choose the correct alternative:
"Because the dish is eaten raw, and not cooked with heat, it must be prepared fresh and consumed immediately to
minimize the risk of food poisoning. Ceviche is often eaten as an appetizer;if eaten as a main dish, it is usually
accompanied by side dishes that complement its �avors, such as sweet potato, lettuce, maize, avocado, or cooking
banana." Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceviche
(1) an average/ (2) rate/ (3) decrease.
(1) an average/ (2) percentage/ (3) increase.
(1) approximately/ (2) estimate/ (3) plunge.
(1) the exact number of/ (2) rate/ (3) fall.
(1) an average/ (2) rate/ (3) soar.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:28
This bar graph shows average or estimative proportions of birth rates in the country. In addition, both the
numbers and the reduction of the bars from left to right indicate a decreasing pattern as years pass.
The expression "accompanied by" introduces a componential description in the de�nition.
This description provides an account of consuming rates of the dish.
Such an entry provides a chronological description of a ceviche recipe.
According to such description, about a quarter of the ingredients are raw.
It consists of a process description on how to decrease food poisoning rates caused by the consumption of the
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:32
Indeed, when listing the complements of ceviche introduced by the expression "accompanied by", the author
introduces the elements and traits that usually compose the dish. Therefore, the expression introduces a
componential element to the entry. There¿s no chronological description entailed in the entry, nor is any process
being described. Furthermore, the dish is completely raw and there is no consuming rate presented.
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We intuitively realize that narratives are not randomly structured: somehow, we know when a narrative is about to
begin or end. Based on the internal structure of narratives, read the extract below and choose the correct
Two speci�c incidents come to mind. One day in the middle of the afternoon we met at his place. We were drinking
cognac and dancing to music from the radio.
Retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography.
Routledge: New York, 2015.
The extract below describes trends in Higher Education in Brazil, according to UNESCO. Read it and choose the
option that substitutes the numbered expressions for similar ones:
"Higher education has experienced (1) very fast growth [...] in the second half of the 1990s. Growth has been most
visible in undergraduate enrolment, where the student body has (2) swelled by an extra 1.5 million students since
2008. About (3) three quarters of undergraduates (7.3 million in 2013) are enrolled in private institutions. [...]
About (4) half of the growth in private tertiary education can be attributed to distance learning programmes, a new
trend in Brazilian higher education."
Retrieved from: https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/�les/usr15_brazil.pdf
The second component of narratives is called orientation, a part of the text in which the reader is introduced to the
time, place and characters of the story. Mark the option that best describes the language employed in most
There's no chronological sequencing of independent clauses.
There's chronological sequencing of independent clauses.
The use of historical present is quite striking.
There's the employment of temporal markers to allow for alternative arrangements.
Past perfect is being used to link the clauses.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:37
The extract above, even though part of a �ashback moment, when the narrator disrupts the previous storyline to
narrate an antecedent event, presents the events in chronological sequencing introduced by the adverbial "one
day in the middle of the afternoon". No alternative arrangement is being presented and there is no use of past
perfect. What¿s more, the sentences are in the past tenses - simple past and past continuous, meaning that
historical present is not being used. The correct answer is then: "There¿s chronological sequencing of
independent clauses".
(1) a soar/ (2) increased/ (3) 75%/ (4) 50%
(1) a rapid increase/ (2) increased/ (3) 34%/ (4) 50%
(1) a rapid increase/ (2) decreased/ (3) 75%/ (4) 70%
(1) a slump/ (2) increased/ (3) 25%/ (4) 50%
(1) a plummet/ (2) increased/ (3) 34%/ (4) 50%
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:40
The noun "soar" indicates a rapid and quick rise, and the verb "swell" is equivalent to the act of becoming higher
or increasing. Moreover, the equivalent to the amount of "three quarters" is "75%", as it represents three of the
four equal parts of a whole. Finally, "50%" of an amount is the same as "half of it" or two equal parts.
It typically includes stative verbs and Present tenses.
It typically includes dynamic verbs and Past tenses.
It typically includes stative verbs and Past tenses.
It typically includes verbs de�ning a dynamic action in the future time.
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There are some basic components that account for the narrative's internal structure. Mark the alternative that
presents a correct statement about a narrative's features:
It typically includes dynamic verbs and Present tenses.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:44
According to Labov (LABOV, William. The Language of Life and Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2013.), the language employed in orientations is relatively predictable and habitually includes verbs such as to
be and to have, among other "stative verbs" - that is, verbs that de�ne a stable condition or a state of being,
rather than a dynamic action. Moreover, Past tenses - especially the Past Continuous are used. The correct
alternative is then: "It typically includes stative verbs and Past tenses".
Present tenses �gure among the most recurrent verb forms within narratives.
The Past Perfect is typically used in narratives to signal which action came about �rst.
When a logical cause-and-effect relationship unites the chain of events, the narrative tends to sound more
A narrative¿s temporal juncture is always strictly organized by the chronological sequencing of events that
make up the plot.
Actions narrated in the past tend to make experiences sound fresh and vivid, charging them with more
emotional tension.
Data Resp.: 02/09/2023 09:34:47
The past tenses are commonly used in narratives. To convey that a past action happened before another one, the
past perfect is chosen. Therefore, the past perfect plays an important function in the sequencing of past actions,
since it points out those events that happened at an earlier point in time. Cause-and-effect relationships make
the narrative sound more plausible and not the other way around. What¿s more, to make experiences sound
fresh and vivid, the historical present is usually preferred. The correct option is then: "The Past Perfect is
typically used in narratives to signal which action came about �rst."
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Testes por Temas inciado em 02/09/2023 09:33:09.

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