
- Recuperação de Abordagem comunicativa - Maria Alice Capocchi

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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- Recuperação de Abordagem comunicativa - Maria Alice Capocchi
1 An important reasons for leaning English are
All of the above.
2 In the communicative approach, the role of the teacher is that of
An enabler
3 Which of these best describes the EFL context?
learning English in a non-English speaking country.
4 In an ESL context
students are in a country where English is the official or second language.
5 Which of these best describes the grammar-translation method?
focus on long lists of vocabulary
6 The Communicative Approach
is student-oriented.
7 What does the communicative competence in a language involve?
Being able to interpret, express and negotiate meaning.
8 Functions express
specific communication intentions.
9 The curriculum
is usually set out by the the state, district or institute administration.
10 What is the reason for the role played by teachers in the communicative approach?
because students learn better by doing.

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