
CBMERJ - Inglês - Módulo 03

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Todas os exercícios da apostila que tiverem essa câmera , estão 
gravados em vídeo para você. Nossos professores resolveram as 
questões, comentando cada detalhe para te ajudar na hora de estudar. 
Muitas questões trazem dicas preciosas. Não deixe de assistir aos 
vídeos dentro da plataforma on-line do Perspectiva e bons estudos! 
Pronomes são palavras usadas para substituir o uso de um nome ou 
referir/criar uma relação do nome que acompanha com outro, 
frequentemente pela razão do nome ao qual ele se refere já ter sido 
mencionado anteriormente. 
Os pronomes substantivos substituirão nomes a fim de evitar a 
repetição, por exemplo: 
“Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates is very rich and Bill 
Gates is married to Melinda Gates. Bill and Melinda Gates donate a lot 
of money to charity.” 
No trecho acima, encontramos uma excessiva repetição dos nomes de 
Bill Gates e sua esposa Melinda Gates. Com o uso dos pronomes 
substantivos podemos evitar tal repetição e aumentar a fluidez do 
“Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He is very rich and he is 
married to Melinda Gates. They donate a lot of money to charity.” 
BIZU: Note que a repetição de pronomes em “He is very rich and he is 
married to Melinda Gates” é tolerada na norma culta da língua, haja vista 
a simplicidade da conjugação verbal no inglês e a consequente ausência 
de uma desinência verbal rica como no português. 
Os pronomes Adjetivos irão acompanhar um nome (substantivo), 
criando uma relação deste nome com outro nome mencionado 
anteriormente ou subentendido no contexto. 
Sing. I me My mine Myself 
 You you Your yours youserlf 
 He him His his himself 
 She her Her hers herself 
 It it its its itself 
Plu. We us our ours ourselves 
 You you your yours yourselves 
 They them their theirs theirselves 
Subject pronouns: 
I – 1a pessoa do singular: Eu. De acordo com a norma culta, sempre 
deve ser escrito em letra maiúscula. 
You – 2a pessoa do singular: Tu ou Você 
He – 3a pessoa do singular: Ele – só pode ser usado para quando for 
possível determinar o sexo masculino. 
She – 3a pessoa do singular: Ela – só pode ser usado para quando for 
possível determinar o sexo feminino. Outro importante uso é para 
fenômenos naturais, embarcações e aeronaves 
It – 3a pessoa do singular: É usado para quando não podemos 
determinar o sexo do elemento ao qual nos referimos. 
We – 1a pessoa do plural: Nós 
You – 2a pessoa do plural: Vós ou Vocês 
They – 3a pessoa do pluar: Eles ou Elas – Equivale ao plural de “He”, 
“She” ou “It”. 
BIZU: Sujeito Impessoal: 
Em inglês, NÃO HÁ oração sem sujeito. O sujeito é obrigatório. 
Em português, dizemos: “Está chovendo!” Como bem o sabemos, todo 
fenômeno da natureza constitui uma oração sem sujeito em nosso 
idioma. Contudo tal situação não é possível em inglês. Em inglês 
dizemos: It is raining! 
Vejam o “It” é o sujeito da oração. Ele não terá tradução para o 
Object pronouns 
Os “Object Pronouns” equivalem aos nossos pronomes pessoais do 
caso oblíquo. Geralmente, aparecem após os verbos e após as 
Take a look!! 
Are you talking to ME? (to = preposition) 
Do you love HER? (love = verb) 
Possessive adjectives 
Ex: I have a dog. My dog is beautiful and big. 
BIZU II: “Your” refere-se à pessoa com quem se fala. 
BIZU III: “His”, “Her” ou “Its” referem-se à pessoa de quem se fala. 
Have you brought your racket, Monica? 
Monica and her brother have been here for fifteen 
Em inglês temos a expressão formada por: 
ON + Possessive Adjective + OWN = ALONE 
I live on my own. = I live alone. ( Eu moro sozinho) 
She studies on her own. = She studies alone. (Ela estuda sozinha/por 
conta prória) 
Reflexive pronouns 
Bizu dos Usos: 
01 – Sujeito sofre e pratica a ação (equivale à voz reflexiva do 
She cut herself yesterday. 
I’m dancing with myself. 
02 – Pronome enfático: 
I made the pie myself. 
The Mayor himself talked to the students. 
03 – Idiomática: 
All by myself = All on my own = All alone. 
I live by myself. = I live on my own. = I live alone. 
Pronomes interrogativos 
Os Interrogative Pronouns são pronomes utilizados na construção de 
perguntas. São eles que substituem os nomes ou frases nominais nas 
perguntas, adiantando o tipo de informação que está sendo pedida. Eles 
sempre iniciam a frase interrogativa. Os principais estão listados abaixo 
com diálogos de exemplo. 
Who: Quem (Sujeito da frase) - 
A:Who is that girl? Who plays the piano? Who is talking to james on the 
B:that girl is my sister 
Whom: Quem (Objeto direto/indireto) - 
A: Whom is my mom talking to on the phone?/ to whom is my mom 
talking on the phone? 
B: Your mom is talking to James on the phone. 
What: O que, Qual ( informação específica) - 
A: What is your favorite movie? 
B:My favorite movie is “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back”. 
Which: Qual (Info. espc. com um número mais limitado de opções no 
contexto) - 
A: Which is your favorite horror movie? 
B: My favorite horror movie is “Us” / I love “Us” 
Where: Onde (lugar) - 
A: Where do they live? 
B: They live in “Afogados da Ingazeira”. 
When: Quando (tempo - período em que o evento acontece) 
A: When Grupo Pixote’s last live? 
B: The last Grupo Pixote’s live was on April 20. 
What time: Que horas (tempo - hora em que o evento acontece) 
A: What time was Pixote’s live? 
B: Pixote’s live was at 9:00 p.m. 
Why: Por que (razão) - 
A: Why do you want to be in the military? 
B: I want to be in the military because it’s my dream. 
Whose: De quem, De qual (posse) - 
A: Whose is that house? / Whose house is that? 
B: That is my niece’s house / my house / mine 
How: Como/o quão (forma/maneira) - 
A: How do you go to “Curso Perspectiva”? 
B: I go to Perspectiva by bus. 
Bizu illuminatti: Perceba que, com pouca ou nenhuma alteração, as 
palavras da pergunta se repetem e estão acompanhadas do elemento 
que responde ao que o pronome interrogativo pergunta. 
OBS: Variações do how 
O pronome int. How apresenta variações quando combinado com 
outras palavras, vejam os principais exemplos: 
How fast: O quão rápido - 
A: How fast does this car go? 
B: This car can go over 200km/h 
How tall/high: O quão alto - 
A: How tall/high is that building? 
B That building is 300mts tall. 
How long: O quão longo ou quanto tempo (tempo/ duração do evento) 
A: How long does our class take? 
B: Our class takes 2 hours. 
How much: Quanto (Quantidade-incontáveis/preço) 
A: How much sugar do you want? 
B: I want a little sugar 
A: How much is this croissant?/How much for this croissant? 
B: It’s 3 dollars, ma’am. 
How many: Quanto (quantidade-contáveis) 
A: How many siblings do you have? 
B: I have 5 siblings, 2 brothers and three sisters. 
Pronomes relativos 
Os pronomes relativos podem exercer a função de sujeito ou objeto do 
verbo principal. Lembre-se de que quando o pronome relativo for 
seguido por um verbo, ele exerce função de sujeito. Caso o pronome 
relativo for seguido por um substantivo ou pronome, ele exerce função 
de objeto. 
Who Whom Which That 
Whose When Where What (pode ser usado como pron. rel.) 
“Who”, “Whom”, “Which” e “That” podem ter duas funções sintáticas: 
Sujeito: antecedendo verbos ou advérbios + verbos. 
J.K. Rowling is the writer who wrote “Harry Potter”. 
Objeto: não antecedendo verbos ou advérbios + verbos. 
Shakespeare is the author (whom) I studied the most at University. 
Who: refere-se a pessoas. Pode ter ambas as funções sintáticas. 
NUNCA pode vir após preposições. 
Cervantes is the author (who/that) we have been discussing about. 
Whom:também refere-se a pessoas. Só pode ser objeto, portanto, 
pode vir colocado após uma preposição. 
Cervantes is the author (whom/who/that) we have been discussing 
Which: refere-se a “não-pessoas”. Tem ambas as funções sintáticas. 
Pode vir após preposições. 
Natura® is the brand which/that I love to use. / natura is the brand 
which/that sponsored the event 
That: pode substituir “who”, “whom” ou “which”. NUNCA pode ser 
usado após vírgulas e/ou preposições. 
Hinode® is the brand that I love to use. 
“Who”, “Whom”, “Which” e “That” podem ser omitidos da frase, se, e 
somente se: 
1. tiverem a função de objeto; 
2. não estiverem após vírgulas e/ou preposições. 
I think (that) she’s beautiful. 
“There is no greater love than dying for those we love” 
Whose: posse (“cujo/cuja”) 
Vem entre dois substantivos. 
She’s the girl whose father has been looking for you. 
When: “quando”. Indica tempo. 
Pode ser substituído por “on which”(minuto, hora, dia, até 48hrs) ou 
“in which” (mês, ano, década, acima de 48hrs) 
2016 will be the year when the Rio will be chaotic. 
Where: “onde”. Indica lugar. 
Pode ser substituído por “in which”. 
Brazil is the place where people are controlled by TV. 
OBS:What as a relative pronoun 
Quando o what é usado como relative pronoun, ele não faz referencia 
para trás/dentro do contexto e por isso vem acompanhado de uma 
oração inteira fazendo função de sujeito ou objeto das frases. 
I miss what we haven’t had yet. (Saudades do que a gente não viveu 
ainda/ tradução livre) 
Na frase do nosso Adulto Ney, o que ele e a moça viveram não 
aconteceu ainda e, portanto, é um elemento externo. 
What she said made me cry. (O que ela disse me fez chorar) 
Na frase acima, enviada pessoalmente por Adulto Ney à minha pessoa 
via ZAP no dia seguinte ao evento, ele também faz uma referência a algo 
externo do contexto que temos, apesar de conhecido pelo grande público 
através da mídia, não é o conhecimento, é a presença anteriormente no 
mesmo período. 
We can’t give you what you need. 
Outras palavras que podem exercer a mesma função do what: 
whatever, whichever, where, wherever, whenever and how. 
Take whatever you want. (= Take anything that you want.) 
You can come whenever you want. (= You can come any day that you 
Look at how he treats his wife. (= Look at the way in which he treats his 
1. Complete the sentences using I, me, You, you, He, him, She, her, It, it, 
We, us, You, you, They or them. 
a.I love you. Do you love ________ ? 
b.She wants to see him, but ___ doesn’t want to see ____. 
c.He wants to see us, but ____ don’t want to see _________. 
d.I want to see her, but ____ doesn’t want to see ________. 
e.She wants to see them, but ____ don’t want to see _________. 
2. Complete the sentences using me, you, him, her, it, us, you or them: 
a) Who is that woman? Why are you looking at _______? 
b) ‘Do you know that man?’ ‘Yes, I work with _______.’ 
c) I don’t like dogs. Actually, I’m afraid of _______. 
d) I’m talking to you. Please, listen to _____. 
e) I have a new job but I don’t like ______. 
3. Complete the sentences using my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. 
Follow the model: I’m going to wash my hands. 
a) She is going to ___________________. 
b) We are going to___________________. 
c) He is going to _____________________. 
d) They’re going to __________________. 
e) You’re going to ___________________. 
4. Complete the sentences with mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours or 
a) It’s your money. It’s ________________. 
b) It’s my bag. It’s ___________. 
c) It’s our car. It’s ____________. 
d) They’re her shoes. They’re _______. 
e) It’s their house. It’s ___________. 
f) They’re your books. They’re _______. 
g) They’re my glasses. They’re ________. 
h) It’s his coat. It’s _____________. 
i) It’s its house. It’s ________________. 
A celebrity crusade 
The actress Kim Basinger has launched a crusade to help American’s 
circus animals. She complains that they are often badly treated and 
poorly looked after. “These animals are kept in horrific conditions. 
They’re dragged around cities suffering in the name of entertainment.” 
Basinger was mobilised into action following a circus tragedy in 
Albuquerque. An African elephant named Heather was found dead inside 
a steamy, poorly ventilated trailer. She belonged to the King World Circus. 
As a consequence, two circus handlers were charged with cruelty to 
animals and the travelling circus was forced to hand over its two surviving 
elephants to a local zoo park. 
(Taken from Speak Up #131) 
Dragged around = arrastados. 
5. In “...its two surviving elephants...”, the underlined word expresses the 
idea of possession related to 
a) circus 
b) handlers. 
c) zoo park. 
d) elephants. 
6. The personal pronoun “She”, underlined twice in the text, refers 
respectively to: 
a) a handler / Heather 
b) Heather / an actress 
c) a celebrity / an actress 
d) Kim Basinger / Heather. 
7. Dear Maggie, 
My son just announced that he is going away to school. Bobby is a good 
student, and I am very proud of him. Any college would be lucky to have 
him! My only concern it that he’s never lived away from home before. Will 
he be able to take care of _____? What if there’s an emergency? Give me 
some advice so that I can relax! 
Doubtful Dad 
Choose the right alternative to have the blank filled in the letter: 
a) itself 
b) herself 
c) himself 
d) yourself 
In China the government rigidly enforces a draconian formula: one couple, 
one child. After the birth of an imperfect baby – be it clubfooted, mentally 
handicapped or a girl instead of the longed-for healthy male heir – some 
Chinese families have chosen to forsake the infant in order to try again. 
Declared stillborn as a legal ruse, many of these unwanted infants are 
then left in alleyways, railroad stations and bus terminals. If found alive, 
they become wards of the country’s state-run orphanages. A Hong Kong 
source estimates that one million babies are abandoned each year. 
(Taken from Coleção Objetivo – Livro 35) 
Draconian = muito severa e cruel 
Clubfooted = pé torto 
Stillborn = feto expulso morto do útero materno 
Legal ruse = artifício jurídico 
Wards = sob tutela; guarda. 
8. What is the main idea of the text above? 
Babies born with healt issues 
a) China’s legislation on baby orphanages 
b) The results of chinese one couple, one child policy 
c) teenage pergnancy in China 
d) None of the above 
9. “it”, in bold type in the text, refers to 
a) the baby 
b) the child 
c) the couple 
d) the formula. 
10. The word THEY in the sentence “Personality questionnaires were sent 
out to more than 2000 men and women without prior selection; when 
THEY were returned, the birth dates were noted and the results were put 
through a computer”, refers to: 
a) results. b) questionnaires. c) men d) birth dates. 
11. Choose the best option to complete the sentence: 
The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. The green one is ____ car 
a) my b) her c) she d) he 
12. In the sentence "Women now become doctors at nearly the same rate 
as men, but they become physicians, not surgeons", the pronoun they 
refers to: 
a) men 
b) physicians. 
c) surgeons. 
d) women. 
13. “How old is your aunt? ______ is 29.” 
a) She’s b) He c) She d) He’s 
14. That sports car is very expensive. The car dealer told me that 
_________ price is 10,000 dollars. 
a) her b) his c) its d) their 
15. Peter brought his dogs and I brought __________. 
a) my b) your c) the mine d) mine 
16. Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below: 
Bob: Do you always get good marks on __________ examinations? 
James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do __________ homework 
assignments and study a littleevery day. 
Bob: How about Maria? Are __________ grades good too? 
James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very much. 
a) yours – my – his 
b) you – my – hers 
c) your – me – your 
d) your – my – her 
17. Our teacher gives _____ a lot of homework. 
a) us b) our c) her d) his 
18. Here is some money. Go and buy __________ some decent clothes. 
a) myself 
b) themselves 
c) himself 
d) yourself 
19. Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun 
People should know about __________. 
a) yourself b) herself c) himself d) themselves 
20. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: 
Catherine is making __________ a dress. 
a) to him b) to her c) herself d) himself 
21. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence 
Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the letters ______. 
a) yourself b) themselves c) himself d) herself 
22. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence 
I took my husband to the airport __________. 
a) himself b) oneself c) myself d) herself 
Love Among the Laundry 
When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her clothes at the 
launderette she returned it to the tall dark young man with a shy smile. 
They met there every week for several months, then were seen no more. 
One of their wedding presents had been a washing machine. 
Molly Burnett 
Launderette = Máquina de lavar 
23. The word IT in “she returned it to the tall dark young man” refers to: 
a) a smile. b) a sock. c) the launderette. d) the laundry 
24. Mexicans can thank the peso crash for one thing: IT has forced them 
to confront the country's deep-seated political problems. Disappointed 
with the ruling party, the PRI, they are demanding a truly First World 
government. – In the above text, IT refers to: 
a) Mexicans. 
b) peso crash. 
c) PRI. 
d) Mexico. 
25. Mark the option which completes the following sentences with the 
adequate pronouns: 
I. Businessmen have __________ own priorities. 
II. Everyone must feel happy with __________ working habits. 
III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time with 
__________ children. 
IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot discuss __________ 
a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their 
b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its 
c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its 
d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. Their 
26. Between 1950 and 1960, Japanese manufacturing output grew at an 
average annual rate of 16.7 per cent and __________ GNP (Gross National 
Product) at about 10 percent. 
Fill the blank in the text: 
a) theirs b) our c) it d) its 
27. His niece has __________ meals in town. 
a) her b) their c) your d) his 
28. Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. 
Let's do it: that yoga thing. 
Observe que o "it" se repete. A que se refere? 
a) Stars. b) Yoga. c) Judges. d) Sports. 
29. Fill in the blanks of the text below with the appropriate pronouns: 
Dear Debbie, 
How are you? Lisa and I are having a marvelous holiday. We are really 
enjoying __________. We brought three tubes of suntan cream with 
__________ and we've used __________all up already. Lisa is a bit annoyed 
because her suntan isn'tas good as __________. 
a) ourselves – we – them – mine 
b) ourselves – us – them – mine 
c) us – us – they – my 
d) us – we – themselves – mine 
30. Choose the alternative with the pronouns that best substitutes the 
terms in bold 
I. THE TITANIC sank in the beginning of the XX century. 
III. MY PET is the smartest of the neighborhood. Everybody enjoys seeing him. 
a) It – She – It 
b) He – She – He 
c) She – It – He 
d) She – He – He 
The human eye and the camera are remarkably similar optical devices. 
Each has a lens that forms an inverted image of what is in front of it. In 
the eye, this area is the retina, while in the camera it is the film or plate. 
Both eyes and cameras have devices which can vary in size to control the 
amount of light that passes through the lens. It is the diaphragm which 
fulfills this role for the camera and the iris for the eye. Both the eye and 
the camera possess a light-sensitive layer at the back which responds to 
the images produced by the lens. In similar ways, the shutter of the 
camera and the lid of the eye open to admit light and close keep it out. In 
both the eye and the camera the lens is adjustable and can focus on near 
or distant objects. The inside of the eye, like that of the camera, is black 
so that internal reflections are minimized. 
Dias, Reinildes. Reading Critically in English, 3rd ed. UFMG 2002. Page 127. 
31. The text shows a ___________ between the human eye and the camera. 
a) chest 
b) score 
c) hazard 
d) parallel 
32. In “Both eyes and cameras have devices which can vary”, WHICH can 
be replaced by 
a) this. 
b) that. 
c) who. 
d) whom 
33 - The black color will minimize reflections __________ the eye. 
a) near 
b) until 
c) within 
d) before 
34. The diaphragm has the same function that the ___________ has. 
a) iris 
b) light 
c) roles 
d) camera 
35. In “... and close to keep it out”, IT refers to 
a) lid. 
b) eye. 
c) light. 
d) open. 
36. About “Each has a lens that forms an inverted image” it is correct to 
say that 
a) the relative pronoun refers to “lens”. 
b) there is no indefinite article present. 
c) the verb is in the Simple Past tense. 
d) there is use of plurals in the sentence. 
37. In “The lens is adjustable”, LENS can be replaced by 
a) it. b) he. c) its. d) they. 
38. _______ campaign ________ benefits children education is worth doing. 
a) Some – which 
b) Any – whose 
c) Any – which 
d) None – that 
e) Some – what 
39. I'm a person ________ technical knowledge of computer will 
impress _________. 
a) who – everyone 
b) which – someone 
c) for whom – nobody 
d) whom – everybody 
e) whose – anyone 
40. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase 
There are many evidences that __________ can live alone. 
Those __________ marriage ends generally suffer from depression. 
a) any – who 
b) nobody – whose 
c) no – whose 
d) nobody – who 
e) any – which 
41. The expression "whatever it likes" in the text below could be 
translated as: 
The screenplay (…) dares to imagine whatever it likes about the link 
between Shakespeare's artistic passions and his mad yearning for a 
certain aristocratic beauty. 
a) qualquer que. 
b) seja lá o que for. 
c) nem tudo que. 
d) todos que. 
e) nem sempre que. 
42. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do pronome 
relativo em destaque a seguir: 
Both research and commercial perspectives are considered, making the 
event essential for all researchers, designers and manufacturers WHO 
need to keep abreast of developments in HCI. 
a) research and commercial perspectives 
b) developments in HCI 
c) interface design, user modelling, tools, hypertext, CSCW, and 
d) recent trends and issues 
e) all researchers, designers and manufacturers 
43. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do pronome 
relativo em destaque a seguir: 
Since then, microchips, satellites and nuclear power have become 
realities THAT define everyday life. 
a) every day 
b) life 
c) intellectuals 
d) realities 
e) scientists 
44. WHERE in "They are limited to texts where the possibilities of 
linguistic error are minimal" could be replaced by: 
a) that. 
b) which. 
c) whose. 
d) in which. 
e) whereby. 
45. The pronoun WHO is used in "To help anxious shopaholics, who often 
wind up with major financial and personal difficulties, researchers at 
several universities in the United States are working on a variety of 
therapeutic approaches".Mark the option in which WHO and THAT are interchangeable: 
a) The drug __________ you ordered last week has arrived. 
b) The hospital __________ your father recommended is now closed. 
c) We hope __________ the psychiatrist will arrive soon. 
d) This is the researcher __________ handled the project. 
e) I met your doctor, but he didn't know __________ I was. 
46. To make spending time outdoors safer, a company called Frogskin, 
Inc., located in Scottsdale, Arizona, is marketing a line of clothing called 
Frogware THAT, wet or dry, protects the user from the damaging effects 
of the sun more effectively than sunscreens. 
The word THAT can be replaced with: 
a) what. 
b) whose. 
c) which. 
d) who. 
e) whichever. 
47. That is the one __________ I always use. 
a) whose 
b) who 
c) what 
d) which 
e) whom 
48. The doctor to __________ Mrs. Jones went told her to eat less. 
a) where 
b) what 
c) whose 
d) who 
e) whom 
49. In "Men don't often have the lump-in-the-throat feeling that many 
women experience", the pronoun THAT could be replaced by: 
a) who. 
b) whom. 
c) whose. 
d) what. 
e) which. 
50. In the sentence "This same syndrome is reflected in the models 
who are shown in current advertising", the relative pronoun WHO could be 
replaced by THAT. The item in which the relative WHO could NOT be 
replaced by THAT is: 
a) Journalists who also write ads earn a lot of money. 
b) The girl recognized the man who had committed the crime. 
c) The salesgirl told the manager who had stolen the dress. 
d) Some advertisements show models who are quite exotic looking. 
e) One of the boys who visited us yesterday is a model. 
51. Escolha a alternativa correta para completar a frase a seguir: 
It was Eiffel __________ constructed the metal framework. 
a) whom 
b) which 
c) whose 
d) why 
e) who 
52. In the sentence "it's time to meet people who work from their 
homes", the pronoun WHO can be replaced by THAT. 
Mark the option that can only be completed with the relative pronoun 
a) That is the consultant __________ I met in São Paulo last week. 
b) My brother, __________ works as a consultant, makes much money. 
c) Would you like to work with bosses __________ are understanding? 
d) Employees __________ work from home part of the time are happier. 
e) The tele-commuter to __________ I was introduced yesterday is Asian. 
53. Fill in correctly with a relative pronoun: 
The flower exhibit ___________ was held in the Botanical Garden in 
Curitiba, last September, showed beautiful orchids from all over the 
a) that 
b) whose 
c) whom 
d) where 
e) who 
54. Insert the appropriate relative pronoun: 
Gossips, to __________ you should pay no attention, is a bad thing. Dr. 
Smith, __________ car is outside, has come to see a patient. My friend 
Jack, __________ is in hospital, is very ill. This is my Uncle John, __________ 
you have heard so muchabout. 
a) which, whose, who, whom 
b) that, whose, whom, which 
c) which, whom, that, who 
d) whom, whose, that, whom 
e) that, whom, who, which 
55. Os períodos simples provenientes do composto SHE WAS A GIRL 
a) She was a girl. Whom it was difficult to know well. 
b) She was a girl. It was difficult to know her well. 
c) She who was a girl. It was difficult to know well. 
d) She was a difficult girl. It was difficult to know well. 
e) She was a girl. It was difficult to know whom well. 
56. Complete: My neighbor, __________ is very beautiful, was here this 
a) which 
b) whose 
c) who 
d) when 
e) what 
57. Mark the sentence that can only be completed with WHOSE, the 
relative pronoun: 
a) This is Patricia, __________ sister you met last week. 
b) One should be loyal to __________ one is married. 
c) She's married to a doctor of __________ you have heard. 
d) AIDS, __________ kills thousands of people, hasn't been wiped out. 
e) I don't like people __________ lose their tempers easily. 
58. Choose the right alternative to complete the spaces: 
I. George Washington, __________ became president of the United States, 
never told a lie. 
II. In Norway, __________ is a Baltic country, you can see the midnight sun. 
III. Melanie Griffith, with __________ Antonio Banderas got married, is very 
IV. Bernard Shaw, __________ books were known in all the world, was a 
very clever writer. 
V. Le Corbusier, about __________ we are learning now, was a famous 
modernist architect. 
a) whose – that – which – who – whose 
b) whom – which – that – whose – whom 
c) who – which – whom – whose – whom 
d) which – whom – who – whom – which 
e) that – who – whose – which – who 
59. Choose the correct alternative: 
a) Caetano Veloso's, who latest CD, I bought last week, is wonderful. 
b) Caetano Veloso's latest CD, which I bought last week, is wonderful. 
c) Caetano Veloso's latest CD whom is wonderful I bought last week. 
d) Caetano Veloso, which is wonderful, I bought last week latest CD. 
e) Caetano Veloso's latest CD, whose I bought last week, is wonderful. 
60. I had just participated in a project that was to determine the 
minimum size of forest fragment necessary to save native species of 
animals and plants from extinction. With this information, scientists 
could then work to form preservation areas in the forest fragments left 
behind by cattle ranchers. 
The word THIS refers to the: 
a) utilization of many valuable native species 
b) necessity of urgently saving birds from extinction 
c) size of the forest needed for wildlife reserves 
d) destruction of thousands of native species 
Answer Key 
a - me 
b - he, her 
c - we, him 
d - she, me 
e - they, her 
a - her 
b - him 
c - them 
d - me 
e - it 
a - wash her hands 
b - wash our hands 
c - wash his hands 
d - wash their hands 
e - wash your hands 
a - yours 
b - mine 
c- ours 
d - hers 
e - theirs 
f - yours 
g - mine 
h - his 
i - its 
5. A 
6. D 
7. C 
8. C 
9. A 
10. B 
11. B 
12. D 
13. C 
14. C 
15. D 
16. D 
17. A 
18. D 
19. D 
20. C 
21. C 
22. C 
23. B 
24. B 
25. C 
26. D 
27. A 
28. B 
29. B 
30. C 
31. D 
32. B 
33. C 
34. A 
35. C 
36. A 
37. A 
38. C 
39. E 
40. B 
41. B 
42. E 
43. D 
44. D 
45. D 
46. C 
47. D 
48. E 
49. E 
50. B 
51. E 
52. B 
53. A 
54. A 
55. B 
56. C 
57. A 
58. C 
59. C 
Sugestão de tradução: 
When I first saw you 
I saw love 
When the first time you touched me 
I felt love 
And after all this time 
You're still the one that I love 
Looks like we made it 
Look how far we've come my baby 
We might took the long way 
We knew we'd get there someday 
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're 
still together still going strong 
(You're still the one) 
You're still the one I run to 
The one that I belong to 
You're still the one I want for life 
(You're still the one) 
You're still the one that I love 
The only one I dream of 
You're still the one I kiss good night 
Ain't nothing better 
We beat the odds together 
I'm glad we didn't listen 
Look at what we would be missin' 
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're 
still together still going strong 
(You're still the one) 
You're still the one I run to 
The one that I belong to 
You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one) 
You're still the one that I love 
The only one I dream of 
You're still the one I kiss good night 
(You're still the one) 
You're still the one I run to 
The one that I belong to 
You're still the one I want for life 
(You're still the one) 
You're still the one that I love 
The only one I dream of 
You're still the one I kiss good night 
I'm so glad we made it 
Look how far we've come my baby

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