
Quais são as coisas mais importantes que um empregador pode destacar para atrair candidatos da geração Y e da geração Z

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1) Quais são as coisas mais importantes que um empregador pode destacar para atrair candidatos da geração Y e da geração Z?
A geração Y é composta por indivíduos que são: multitarefas, ou seja, uma das principais qualidades da geração Y é a capacidade de realizar mais de uma tarefa ao mesmo tempo; Influentes; Anseiam por feedback; Flexíveis; Trabalham com diversão; Questionadores; Procuram pelo bem-estar; Ansiosos.
Já quem nasceu na geração Z, também chamados de nativos digitais, tem uma íntima relação com o mundo digital, com a internet e com a informática. São pessoas que cresceram jogando videogames, que acompanharam de perto as inovações tecnológicas e que gostam de consumir essas inovações quando possível.
É uma geração que não costuma criar muitos vínculos duradouros com as pessoas. São pessoas que aprenderam a relacionar-se pelas redes sociais e por aplicativos, que evitam sair de casa. Quando podem, usam serviços delivery para não precisarem sair. Isso também evidencia uma forte característica dessa geração: a desigualdade social.
Enquanto uns utilizam serviços delivery para não sair de casa, outros têm que trabalhar para o delivery, evidenciando outro fator marcante do mundo habitado por millenials e nativos digitais: a dissolução cada vez maior de vínculos empregatícios (e, com isso, a dissolução dos direitos trabalhistas), que impõem aos trabalhadores mais pobres (que são, hoje, jovens das gerações Y e Z) uma rotina exaustiva, pouca remuneração e a falsa ideia de que são empreendedores.
A geração Z cresceu num ambiente inóspito e de completa insegurança em relação ao futuro. Uma graduação universitária, por exemplo, que era significado de um bom emprego para a geração X, já não tem mais valor. O mundo é marcado pela alta competitividade e pela falta de emprego. A socialização pela internet levou a uma nova configuração social dessa geração e a novos hábitos de consumo. A internet, que deixou de ser aquela rede acessível apenas em casa pelos computadores, tornou-se uma companheira constante através dos smartphones.
Essa combinação de elementos evidencia os moldes da geração Z. Uma geração que cresceu acostumada com a individualidade e com a tecnologia. Uma geração que, no caso dos mais pobres, percebeu a desigualdade social pelo fato de que não pode acessar os mesmos espaços que a classe mais alta. A classe mais alta da geração Z, filha da geração X, também percebe essas contradições do mundo contemporâneo. Alguns se revoltam e fazem da internet a interface de uma luta política, e outros (a maioria da geração Z de classe média ou alta) estão inebriados pela alta conectividade tecnológica em que estão imersos, acostumados a receberem tudo pronto dos pais."
Para atrair os indivíduos que são oriundos das gerações Y e Z, é imprescindível que as empresas estejam dispostas a se remoldarem e se adaptarem as características e exigências que estes seres humanos necessitam para se sentirem bem e motivados no trabalho, pois o seu desinteresse ou insatisfação pode afetar o seu rendimento e a qualidade do serviço prestado. 
Dentre as coisas mais importantes que os empregadores necessitam fazerem estão: 
Um programa de recompensas, seja de prêmios, valor simbólico ou folgas, após atingir as metas ou após se destacar dentro da equipe. Isso irá trabalhar a necessidade do ser reconhecido dos indivíduos dessas gerações; 
Proporcionar momentos de lazer e bem-estar por meio de parcerias com aplicativos e redes que ofertem esses serviços, a exemplo disso já existe a rede Gympass, a qual existe academias filiadas, yoga, pilates, cross; Flexibilidade do ambiente de trabalho, por meio de um sistema que permita aos servidores trabalhar em casa e na empresa; 
Rotatividade das funções, promover programas de capacitação para habilitar aos funcionários a desenvolverem diversas funções e que seja com qualidade, para que mantenha sempre motivado e que a qualidade do trabalho não seja afetado após o individuo e que não ocorra acomodação da função;
Proporcionar autonomia para decidir como fazer seu trabalho, mediante a escuta de sugestões e da apresentação de diversas formas para executar o serviço. Esse é o famoso “me diga o que fazer, mas eu decido como, quando e onde vou entregar para você”, que tem sido por muito tempo a base de uma boa gestão. Os militares chamam isso de ‘ordem de missão’ e ‘resultado desejado’, mas vamos entender como ‘tarefa’ e ‘meio de alcançar o resultado’. As gerações Z e Y cresceram com tecnologia;
Inovar as regras e formas de trabalho, pois estas gerações não querem seguir as “regras” do passado. Isso é bom para o negócio. A geração y não quer quebrar as regras ou brincar de fora da lei. O que ela busca são novas formas de fazer as coisas. Ela quer mudar as coisas para melhor;
2) O que você acha que um empregador poderia fazer com sua página de carreiras para realmente capturar sua atenção e interesse?
A atração de candidatos é um desafio para grande parte das empresas. E construir uma marca empregadora forte é um processo fundamental, que envolve diversas etapas, inclusive páginas de carreira.
Este processo começa com uma comunicação alinhada na hora da postagem das vagas, é fortificado pela exposição da marca em eventos e meetups — a fim de gerar conhecimento sobre ela — e tem continuidade em um bom fluxo de feedbacks para os candidatos sobre seu status ao longo do recrutamento e seleção.
Mas não adianta tentarmos fazer tudo de uma vez. A criação de uma marca empregadora não é um processo de curto prazo e ela começa com atitudes simples, mas que causam um grande impacto na percepção dos candidatos.
Sendo assim, uma boa forma de dar o primeiro passo em direção a uma estratégia de atração eficiente é criar uma página de carreira memorável. A página de carreiras deve conter todos os benefícios (salariais e sociais) e as opiniões de funcionários satisfeitos com o ambiente de trabalho. O diferencial que a empresa possui das outras. Todos as funções que estão disponíveis na empresa. As qualificações para se candidatar a vaga. Trabalhos com jornadas home office, trabalhos com jornadas flexíveis e mistas. Utilizar uma imagem nítida, com boa qualidade; Inserir na imagem frases convidativas sobre o processo seletivo, chamando o candidato para fazer parte da sua empresa, caso das empresas Solar Coca-Cola e Petlove; Exibir, na imagem, prêmios ligados a pessoas e/ou ambiente de trabalho que já tenha recebido, caso das empresas Olist e Ilegra; 
Exibir frase que ressalte o quanto a sua empresa valoriza pessoas, exemplo da empresa 4all; Naturalmente, os candidatos às vagas terão mais interesse em participar dos processos seletivos. O empregador representa a empresa que contrata um ou mais funcionários para a ocupação de vagas bem específicas. Desse modo, é importante reforçar que a página de carreiras deve ter o objetivo passar credibilidade e promover o interesse em cada possível candidato. Usar imagens de capa divertidas, inusitadas, caso da Aiqfome;
Colocar, na página onde existe a vaga específica, uma imagem de capa relacionada às atividades daquele cargo, também exemplo da Aiqfome. A maneira como você descreve as características da sua empresa vai mostrar ao candidato o que ele deve esperar da cultura organizacional e do seu ambiente de trabalho.
Uma descrição mais formal e direta vai indicar um ambiente tradicional, já uma mais descolada passa a ideia de um ambiente informal e flexível. 
Não existe certo e errado aqui, tudo depende de como sua empresa quer se posicionar para os futuros candidatos e quais são os valores que regem ela.
É importante pontuar que a descrição precisa estar coerente com o que o candidato vai encontrar na sua empresa, já que uma incoerência pode levar a uma quebra de expectativas por parte dele.
Para garantir uma boa descrição, veja essas dicas:
Não deixar a descrição da empresa muito grande — isso pode desestimular a leitura. Exemplos: Solar Coca-Cola e Olist;
Provas sociais geram confiança sobre sua marca e produto. As chamadas sociais proofs são uma ferramenta muitoutilizada dentro do marketing para ajudar as empresas a venderem melhor.
Quer um exemplo? É o caso de sites de reserva de hotéis: eles vêm investindo cada vez mais em espaços para que os internautas visualizem as avaliações e relatos dos antigos hóspedes, pois essas informações são bem menos enviesadas e vem de pessoas que já estiveram na mesma posição de quem está procurando um lugar para ficar.
E você pode usar dessa estratégia na sua página também, com as seguintes práticas:
Disponibilizar depoimentos dos funcionários, caso das empresas Solar Coca-Cola, Olist e Petlove;
Disponibilizar depoimentos dos candidatos sobre o processo, caso da Petlove;
Colocar depoimentos com tamanhos semelhantes para deixar o layout harmônico.
3) Além de uma página de carreiras, quais são as melhores maneiras de um empregador no setor da cadeia de suprimentos se conectar e se envolver com os candidatos da geração Y e da geração Z?
Promover diversos tipos de campanhas, principalmente por meio de vídeos curtos e chamativos nas principais redes sociais, como: Facebook, Instagram. No Youtube e por meio de propagandas nos principais aplicativos de jogos usados por esses indivíduos. Promover estes anúncios principalmente em páginas profissionais. 
Que tipo de canais e locais digitais?
Que tipo de mensagem e conteúdo (vídeo, voz, outros...) teria mais repercussão?
Numa sociedade com cada vez menos tempo e bombardeada com informações de todos os lados, recursos visuais são sempre bem-vindos.
Um vídeo permite que você transmita muito mais facilmente a atmosfera e a cultura da sua empresa, o que pode ajudar muito a encantar o candidato e fazer com que ele se enxergue na vaga!
Esses tipos de vídeos aparecem nas páginas de carreira produzidos pelos clientes ou pelos próprios funcionários são opções bem legais.
Diante disso, conforme o meio que for usar para captar novos servidores, umas estratégias diferentes seria aplicada a exemplo disso, nas redes sociais seriam vídeos curtos e imagens atrativas. Nos aplicativos seriam imagens que irão direcionar as pessoas para a pagina da empresa. 
Você acha que as mensagens de InMail do LinkedIn ou outros tipos de divulgação direta são eficazes? Porque porque não? Depende do público que a empresa quer atingir, normalmente esses sites são frequentados por pessoas que possuem alto nível de formação, se é esse público que a empresa busca é um excelente local, porém é necessário que os salários e planos de carreiras sejam compatíveis com a formação deles e que valorizem este tipo de profissional. Pois, atualmente, diversas empresas exigem diversas formações e qualificações, porém os salários não inferiores e incompatíveis com as exigências. 
1) What are the most important things an employer can highlight to attract Gen Y and Gen Z candidates?
Generation Y is composed of individuals who are: multitaskers, that is, one of the main qualities of Generation Y is the ability to perform more than one task at the same time; Influential; They crave feedback; flexible; They work with fun; Questioners; They look for well-being; looking forward
Those who were born in Generation Z, also called digital natives, have an intimate relationship with the digital world, the internet and information technology. These are people who grew up playing video games, who have closely followed technological innovations and who like to consume these innovations when possible.
It's a generation that doesn't usually create many lasting bonds with people. They are people who have learned to relate through social networks and apps, who avoid leaving home. When they can, they use delivery services so they don't have to go out. This also highlights a strong characteristic of this generation: social inequality.
While some use delivery services to stay at home, others have to work for delivery, evidencing another striking factor in the world inhabited by millennials and digital natives: the increasing dissolution of employment relationships (and, with that, the dissolution of rights workers), which impose on the poorest workers (who are, today, young people of generations Y and Z) an exhausting routine, little pay and the false idea that they are entrepreneurs.
Generation Z grew up in an inhospitable environment with complete insecurity about the future. A university degree, for example, which meant a good job for Generation X, is no longer valuable. The world is marked by high competitiveness and lack of employment. Socialization through the internet led to a new social configuration of this generation and new consumption habits. The internet, which is no longer that network accessible only at home by computers, has become a constant companion through smartphones.
This combination of elements highlights the molds of Generation Z. A generation that grew up accustomed to individuality and technology. A generation that, in the case of the poorest, perceived social inequality due to the fact that they cannot access the same spaces as the upper class. The upper class of Generation Z, the daughter of Generation X, also perceives these contradictions in the contemporary world. Some rebel and make the internet the interface of a political struggle, and others (mostly middle or upper class generation Z) are intoxicated by the high technological connectivity in which they are immersed, used to receiving everything ready from their parents."
To attract individuals from generations Y and Z, it is essential that companies are willing to reshape and adapt to the characteristics and requirements that these human beings need to feel good and motivated at work, as their disinterest or dissatisfaction may affect your income and the quality of service provided.
Among the most important things employers need to do are:
A rewards program, whether rewards, token value or time off, after reaching goals or after excelling within the team. This will work on the need to be recognized by the individuals of these generations;
Provide moments of leisure and well-being through partnerships with applications and networks that offer these services, for example, there is already the Gympass network, which has affiliated gyms, yoga, pilates, cross; Flexibility of the work environment, through a system that allows servers to work at home and in the company;
Rotation of functions, promote training programs to enable employees to develop various functions and that it is with quality, so that they are always motivated and that the quality of work is not affected after the individual and that there is no accommodation of the function;
Provide autonomy to decide how to do their work, by listening to suggestions and presenting different ways to perform the service. This is the famous “tell me what to do, but I decide how, when and where I will deliver it to you”, which has been the basis of good management for a long time. The military calls this a 'mission order' and 'desired outcome', but let's understand it as 'task' and 'means of achieving the outcome'. Generations Z and Y grew up with technology;
Innovate the rules and ways of working, as these generations do not want to follow the “rules” of the past. This is good for business. Millennials don't want to break the rules or play outside the law. What she seeks are new ways of doing things. She wants to change things for the better;
2) What do you think an employer could do with their careers page to really capture their attention and interest?
Attracting candidates is a challenge for most companies. And building a strong employer brand is a fundamental process that involves several steps, including career pages.
This process starts with an aligned communication at the time of posting the vacancies, is strengthened by the exposure of the brand in events and meetups - in order to generate knowledge about it - and continues with a good flow of feedback to candidates about its status throughout of recruitment and selection.
But it's no use trying to do everything at once. The creation of an employer brand is not a short-termprocess and it starts with simple attitudes, but which have a great impact on the perception of candidates.
So, a good way to take the first step towards an effective attraction strategy is to create a memorable career page. The careers page should contain all the benefits (salary and social) and the opinions of employees who are satisfied with the work environment. The difference that the company has from others. All the functions that are available in the company. Qualifications to apply for the job. Work with home office hours, work with flexible and mixed hours. Use a clear image, with good quality; Insert in the image inviting phrases about the selection process, calling the candidate to be part of your company, in the case of Solar Coca-Cola and Petlove;
Display, in the image, awards related to people and/or work environment that you have already received, in the case of the companies Olist and Ilegra;
Display a sentence that emphasizes how much your company values ​​people, example of the company 4all; Naturally, job applicants will be more interested in participating in the selection processes. The employer represents the company that hires one or more employees to fill very specific vacancies. Thus, it is important to reinforce that the careers page should aim to convey credibility and promote interest in each possible candidate. Use fun, unusual cover images, as is the case with Aiqfome;
Place, on the page where the specific vacancy exists, a cover image related to the activities of that position, also an example of Aiqfome. The way you describe the characteristics of your company will show the candidate what he should expect from the organizational culture and your work environment.
A more formal and direct description will indicate a traditional environment, while a more cool one conveys the idea of ​​an informal and flexible environment.
There is no right and wrong here, it all depends on how your company wants to position itself for future candidates and what are the values ​​that govern it.
It is important to point out that the description needs to be consistent with what the candidate will find in your company, as an inconsistency can lead to a breach of expectations on his part.
To ensure a good description, check out these tips:
Don't make the company description too big — this can discourage reading. Examples: Solar Coca-Cola and Olist;
Social proof builds trust about your brand and product. The so-called social proofs are a widely used tool within marketing to help companies sell better.
Want an example? This is the case of hotel booking sites: they have been investing more and more in spaces for internet users to view the reviews and reports of former guests, as this information is much less biased and comes from people who have already been in the same position as those who are looking for a place to stay.
And you can use this strategy on your page too, with the following practices:
Provide testimonials from employees, such as Solar Coca-Cola, Olist and Petlove;
Provide testimonies from candidates about the process, in the case of Petlove;
Place testimonials with similar sizes to make the layout harmonious.
3) Aside from a careers page, what are the best ways for an employer in the supply chain industry to connect and engage with Gen Y and Gen Z candidates?
Promote different types of campaigns, mainly through short and eye-catching videos on the main social networks, such as: Facebook, Instagram. On Youtube and through advertisements in the main gaming apps used by these individuals. Promote these ads primarily on professional pages.
What kind of digital channels and locations?
What kind of message and content (video, voice, others...) would have the most impact?
In a society with less and less time and bombarded with information from all sides, visual aids are always welcome.
A video allows you to convey the atmosphere and culture of your company much more easily, which can go a long way in enchanting the candidate and making them see themselves in the position!
These types of videos appear on career pages produced by clients or by employees themselves are pretty cool options.
Given this, depending on the means used to attract new servers, different strategies would be applied for example, in social networks they would be short videos and attractive images. In applications would be images that will direct people to the company page.
Do you think LinkedIn InMail messages or other types of direct outreach are effective? Why why not? It depends on the public that the company wants to reach, normally these sites are frequented by people who have a high level of training, if it is this public that the company seeks, it is an excellent place, but it is necessary that salaries and career plans are compatible with the their training and that value this type of professional. Because, currently, several companies require different training and qualifications, but salaries are not inferior and incompatible with the requirements.
1) What are the main things a business can feature to draw in Gen Y and Gen Z competitors?
Age Y is made out of people who are: multitaskers, or at least, one of the principal characteristics of Generation Y is the capacity to perform more than one undertaking simultaneously; Influential; They hunger for criticism; adaptable; They work with fun; Questioners; They search for prosperity; looking forward
The people who were brought into the world in Generation Z, likewise called advanced locals, have a personal connection with the computerized world, the web and data innovation. These are individuals who grew up playing computer games, who have firmly followed mechanical developments and who like to consume these advancements whenever the situation allows.
An age doesn't ordinarily make many enduring bonds with individuals. They are individuals who have figured out how to relate through informal communities and applications, who try not to venture out from home. At the point when they can, they use conveyance benefits so they don't need to go out. This likewise features areas of strength for an of this age: social imbalance.
While a utilization conveyance administrations to remain at home, others need to work for conveyance, confirming one more striking variable on the planet possessed by recent college grads and computerized locals: the rising disintegration of business connections (and, with that, the disintegration of privileges laborers), which force on the most unfortunate specialists (who are, today, youngsters of ages Y and Z) a debilitating daily practice, little compensation and the bogus thought that they are business people.
Age Z experienced childhood in an unwelcoming climate with complete uncertainty about what's in store. A college degree, for instance, which implied a steady employment for Generation X, is at this point not significant. The world is set apart by high intensity and absence of business. Socialization through the web prompted another social setup of this age and new utilization propensities. The web, which is as of now not that network open just at home by PCs, has turned into a dependable friend through cell phones.
This blend of components features the molds of Generation Z. An age that grew up familiar with independence and innovation. An age that, on account of the least fortunate, saw social disparity because of the way that they can't get to similar spaces as the privileged. The privileged of Generation Z, the girl of Generation X, additionally sees these inconsistencies in the contemporary world. A few revolutionary and make the web the point of interaction of a political battle, and others (for the most part center or privileged age Z) are inebriated by the high mechanical network in which they are drenched, used to getting everything prepared from their folks."
To draw in people from ages Y and Z, fundamental organizations will reshape and adjust to the qualities and necessities that these people need to feel far betterand persuaded working, as their lack of engagement or disappointment might influence your pay and the nature of administration gave.
Among the main things bosses need to do are:
A prizes program, whether rewards, token worth or downtime, subsequent to arriving at objectives or in the wake of succeeding inside the group. This will deal with the should be perceived by the people of these ages;
Give snapshots of recreation and prosperity through organizations with applications and organizations that offer these administrations, for instance, there is now the Gympass organization, which has subsidiary rec centers, yoga, pilates, cross; Flexibility of the workplace, through a framework that permits servers to work at home and in the organization;
Revolution of capacities, elevate preparing projects to empower representatives to foster different capacities and that it is with quality, so they are constantly roused and that the nature of work isn't impacted after the individual and that there is no convenience of the capacity;
Give independence to choose how to take care of their responsibilities, by paying attention to ideas and introducing various ways of playing out the assistance. This is the popular "guide me, yet I choose how, when and where I will convey it to you", which has been the premise of good administration for quite a while. The tactical calls this a 'mission request' and 'wanted result', yet we should comprehend it as 'errand' and 'method for accomplishing the result'. Ages Z and Y grew up with innovation;
Improve the principles and approaches to working, as these ages would rather not follow the "rules" of the past. This is great for business. Twenty to thirty year olds would rather not disrupt the norms or play outside the law. What she looks for are better approaches for getting things done. She needs to improve things;
2) What how about a business do with their professions page to catch their consideration and interest truly?
Drawing in competitors is really difficult for most organizations. What's more, fabricating areas of strength for a brand is an essential cycle that includes a few stages, including profession pages.
This cycle begins with an adjusted correspondence at the hour of posting the opportunities, is fortified by the openness of the brand in occasions and meetups - to create information about it - and go on with a decent progression of criticism to up-and-comers about its status all through of enrollment and choice.
In any case, it's no utilization attempting to do everything simultaneously. The production of a business brand is definitely not a transient cycle and it begins with straightforward mentalities, however which incredibly affect the impression of competitors.
In this way, an effective method for venturing out towards a compelling fascination system is to make a critical vocation page. The vocations page ought to contain every one of the advantages (pay and social) and the assessments of representatives who are happy with the workplace. The distinction that the organization has from others. Every one of the capacities that are accessible in the organization. Capabilities to go after the position. Work with work space hours, work with adaptable and blended hours. Utilize a reasonable picture, with great quality; Insert in the picture welcoming expressions about the choice cycle, calling the contender to be essential for your organization, on account of Solar Coca-Cola and Petlove;
Show, in the picture, grants connected with individuals or potentially workplace that you have proactively gotten, on account of the organizations Olist and Ilegra;
Show a sentence that underscores how much your organization values individuals, illustration of the organization 4all; Naturally, work candidates will be more keen on partaking in the determination processes. The business addresses the organization that recruits at least one representatives to fill quite certain opening. Hence, it is essential to build up that the vocations page ought to plan to convey believability and advance interest in every conceivable competitor. Utilize fun, strange cover pictures, just like with Aiqfome;
Place, on the page where the particular opening exists, a cover picture connected with the exercises of that position, likewise an illustration of Aiqfome. The manner in which you depict the attributes of your organization will show the competitor what he ought to anticipate from the authoritative culture and your workplace.
A more formal and direct portrayal will demonstrate a conventional climate, while a more cool one passes on the possibility of a casual and adaptable climate.
There is no good and bad here, everything relies heavily on how your organization needs to situate itself for future applicants and what are the qualities that administer it.
It is critical to direct out that the depiction needs toward be predictable with what the competitor will track down in your organization, as an irregularity can prompt a break of assumptions on his part.
To guarantee a decent portrayal, look at these tips:
Try not to make the organization portrayal too enormous — this can beat understanding down. Models: Solar Coca-Cola and Olist;
Social evidence assembles trust about your image and item. The supposed social verifications are a broadly utilized instrument inside promoting to assist organizations with selling better.
Need a model? This is the situation of lodging booking locales: they have been putting an ever increasing number of in spaces for web clients to see the surveys and reports of previous visitors, as this data is significantly less one-sided and comes from individuals who have proactively been similarly situated as the people who are searching for a spot to remain.
Also, you can utilize this methodology on your page as well, with the accompanying practices:
Give tributes from representatives, like Solar Coca-Cola, Olist and Petlove;
Give declarations from applicants about the cycle, on account of Petlove;
Place tributes with comparative sizes to make the format agreeable.
3) Aside from a professions page, what are the most effective ways for a business in the store network industry to associate and draw in with Gen Y and Gen Z competitors?
Advance various kinds of missions, for the most part through short and eye-getting recordings on the vitally informal organizations, for example, Facebook, Instagram. On Youtube and through notices in the primary gaming applications utilized by these people. Advance these promotions principally on proficient pages.
What sort of computerized channels and areas?
What sort of message and content (video, voice, others...) could have the most effect?
In a general public with less and less time and barraged with data from all sides, visual guides are dependably welcome.
A video permits you to convey the climate and culture of your organization considerably more effectively, which can go far in charming the up-and-comer and making them see themselves in the position!
These kinds of recordings show up on profession pages delivered by clients or by workers themselves are cool choices.
Considering this, contingent upon the means used to draw in new servers, various systems would be applied for instance, in interpersonal organizations they would be brief recordings and alluring pictures. In applications would be pictures that will guide individuals to the organization page.
Do you suppose LinkedIn InMail messages or different sorts of direct effort are successful? Why same difference either way. It relies upon the public that the organization needs to reac

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