
Roteiros de Anatomia

Esta é uma pré-visualização de arquivo. Entre para ver o arquivo original

KO.echo = 1
run.fwd =6,0 
jump.neu= 0,-9.1
jump.back= -2.9, 0
jump.fwd= 3.9, 0
airjump.neu= 0,-12
;[-----------------------Force Feedback-----------------]
[State 5000, FFB Light]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = anim = 5000 || anim = 5010
persistent = 0
time = 6
waveform = square
[State 5000, FFB Medium]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = anim = 5001 || anim = 5011
persistent = 0
time = 8
waveform = sinesquare
ampl = 110,-1,-.3
[State 5000, FFB Hard]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = anim = 5012 || anim = 5002 || anim = 5030
persistent = 0
time = 15
waveform = sinesquare
ampl = 140
; Common1.cns Overide states...
;super guard
;prova superguard
[Statedef 3675]
type = S
physics = S
[State 3675, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 3675
value = 3675
;reversal attack
[Statedef 1400]
type = S
physics = S
anim = 3675
juggle = 5
velset = 0
ctrl = 0
[State 1400 , 4]
type = ReversalDef
trigger1 = time = 0
reversal.attr = SCA, NA, SA, HA
p1stateno = 1401
getpower = 450
hitsound = S4,4
pausetime = 40,50
sparkxy = -100,20
[State 1400 , 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;new state of reversal attack
;reversal attack
[Statedef 1401]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = S
anim = 3675
pos = 0,5
poweradd = 400
juggle = 5
velset = 0
ctrl = 0
[State 1400 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 0
value = 5,1
[State 1401, light]
type = Explod
trigger1 = MoveContact = 1
ID = 1401
anim = 3676
pos = 0,5
postype = p1
sprpriority = 4
supermove = 1
removetime = 70
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 1401, polvere]
type = MakeDust
trigger1 = time = 0
pos = -15,3
pos2 = -22,-3
spacing = 2
[State 1401 , 2]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time = 0
x = -13
[State 1401 , 2]
type = VelMul
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
x = 2.5
[State 1401 , 6]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = MoveContact = 1
trigger1 = Life <= 300
;trigger1 = random > 250
value = 2160
ctrl = 0
[State 1401 , 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;-----------end reversal
; Grabbed and tossed by Close Throw (P2 State)
[Statedef 910]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0,0
[State 910, 1]
type = HitBy
Trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1
[State 910, 2]
type = HitFallSet
Trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 1
[State 910, 4]
type = ChangeAnim2
Trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 910
[State 910, 5]
type = PosAdd
Trigger1 = Time = 15
x = 30
[State 910, 6]
type = Turn
Trigger1 = Time = 20
[State 910, 7]
type = PosAdd
Trigger1 = Time = 20
x = -52
y = -5 
[State 910, 8]
type = PosAdd
Trigger1 = Time = 25
x = -39
y = 5
[State 910, 9]
type = LifeAdd
Trigger1 = Time = 28
value = -150
[State 910, 10]
type = PowerAdd
trigger1 = Time = 28
value = 70
[State 910, 11]
type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = Time = 30
value = 911
; Flying Through the air!!! (P2 State)
[Statedef 911]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
[State 911, Velocity Set]
type = VelSet
Trigger1 = Time = 0
x = -4
y = -9.5
[State 911, Velocity addition]
type = VelAdd
Trigger1 = 1
y = .35 
[State 911, Self State 1] 
type = SelfState
Trigger1 = ((Vel Y > 0) && (Pos Y > 25))
value = 5100
[State 911, Self State 2] 
type = SelfState
Triggerall = ((Vel Y > -1) && (Vel Y < 40) && (alive = 1) && (CanRecover = 1))
trigger1 = Command = "recovery"
value = 5210
[State 911, Change State]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = ((Vel Y > 0) && (Pos Y >= -20) && (alive = 1) && (CanRecover = 1))
trigger1 = Command = "recovery"
value = 5200
; Swing Throw P2 hit,caught,swing 
[Statedef 3124]
type = L
movetype= H ;Get hit
physics = N
velset = 0,0
[State 3124, 1]
type = ChangeAnim2
Trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 3124
; Swing throw flying through the air
[Statedef 3125]
type = L
movetype= H ;Get hit
physics = N
velset = -5,-8
[State 3125, 2] ;Acceleration
type = VelAdd
Trigger1 = 1
y = .45
[State 3125, 3] ;Self's falling anim
type = ChangeAnim
Trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 5050
[State 3125, 3] ;Self's falling anim
type = ChangeAnim
Trigger1 = Time = 0
Trigger1 = AnimExist(5052)
value = 5052
[State 3125, 2] ;Coming down anim (normal fall type)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = anim != 5052 ;Not if in hit up anim
trigger1 = vel y >= 1
trigger1 = animexist(5060)
value = 5060
persistent = 0
[State 3125, 2] ;Coming down anim (hit up type)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = anim = 5052 ;Not if in hit up anim
trigger1 = vel y >= -2
trigger1 = animexist(5062)
value = 5062
persistent = 0
[State 3125, 4.1] ;Shake
type = EnvShake
trigger1 = vel y > 0
trigger1 = pos y >= 0
time = 18
ampl = 10
[State 3125, 4.2]
type = LifeAdd
trigger1 = vel y > 0
trigger1 = pos y >= 0
value = -40
[State 3125, 4.3] ;Hit ground
trigger1 = vel y > 0
trigger1 = pos y >= 0
type = SelfState
value = 5100
; Jump
[Statedef 50]
type = A
physics = A
[State 50, 1]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
sysvar(1) = 0
[State 50, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = ((var(10) = 1) && (command = "holdfwd") && (command != "holdback"))
x = 3
[State 50, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = ((var(10) = 1) && (command != "holdfwd") && (command = "holdback"))
x = -3
[State 50, 2]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = ifelse((vel x)=0, 41, ifelse((vel x)>0, 42, 43))
[State 50, 3]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = (Vel y > -2 && SelfAnimExist(anim + 3))
persistent = 0
value = Anim + 3
; AirJump Start
[Statedef 45]
type = A
physics = N
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
[State 45 , 0]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 6,0
[State 45, 5]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = time = 0
time = 20
FrameGap = 2
length = 10
PalBright = 0, 0, 0
PalContrast = 128,128,128
PalAdd = 0, 0, 0
PalMul = 1,1,1
Trans = Add1
[State 45, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(44)
value = 44
[State 45, 2]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = !SelfAnimExist(44)
value = 41
[State 45, 3]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
sysvar(1) = 0
[State 45, 4]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
sysvar(1) = 1
[State 45, 5]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = command = "holdback"
sysvar(1) = -1
[State 45, 6]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 2
x = ifelse(sysvar(1)=0, const(velocity.airjump.neu.x), ifelse(sysvar(1)=1, const(velocity.airjump.fwd.x), const(velocity.airjump.back.x)))
y = -12.5;const(velocity.airjump.y);da testare
[State 45, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 50
ctrl = 1
; Jump Land
[Statedef 52]
type = S
physics = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 47
[State 52, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
var(10) = 0
[State 52, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0
[State 52, 2]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0
[State 52, 3]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = Time = 3
value = 1
[State 52, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; ; GUARD (start)
[Statedef 120]
type = U ;Leave state type unchanged
physics = U ;Leave physics unchanged
[State 120, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 120 + (statetype = C) + (statetype = A)*2
[State 120, 2]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = S
physics = S
[State 120, 3]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = C
physics = C
[State 120, 4]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = A
physics = A
[State 120, 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 130 + (statetype = C) + (statetype = A)*2
; STAND GUARD (guarding)
[Statedef 130]
type = S
physics = S
[State 130, cosmos]
type = Explod
trigger1 = StateNo = 130
anim = 123
id = 123
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
sprpriority = -4
supermove = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 130, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 130
value = 130
; CROUCH GUARD (guarding)
[Statedef 131]
type = C
physics = C
[State 131, cosmos]
type = Explod
trigger1 = StateNo = 131
anim = 124
id = 124
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
sprpriority = -4
supermove = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 131, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 131
value = 131
; AIR GUARD (guarding)
[Statedef 132]
type = A
physics = N
[State 132, cosmos]
type = Explod
trigger1 = StateNo = 132
anim = 125
id = 125
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
sprpriority = -4
supermove = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 132, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 132
value = 132
[State 132, 2]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = 1
y = Const(movement.yaccel)
[State 132, 3]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
sysvar(0) = (pos y >= 0) && (vel y > 0)
[State 132, 4]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
y = 0
[State 132, 5]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
y = 0
[State 132, 6]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
trigger1 = command != "holdback"
value = 52
[State 132, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
value = 130
; GUARD (end)
[Statedef 140]
type = U ;Leave state type unchanged
physics = U ;Leave physics unchanged
ctrl = 1
[State 140, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 140 + (statetype = C) + (statetype = A)*2
[State 140, 2]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = S
physics = S
[State 140, 3]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = C
physics = C
[State 140, 4]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Time = 0 && statetype = A
physics = A
;[State 140, 5] ;Implemented within engine
;type = ChangeState
;trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
;value = (statetype = C)*11 + (statetype = A)*51
; SGUARDHIT (shaking)
[Statedef 150]
type = S
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0,0
;light guard
[State 150 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [150,151]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -30,5
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 150, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = 1
value = 150
[State 150, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = HitShakeOver
value = 151
[State 150, 3]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = time = 0
waveform = square
time = 3
; SGUARDHIT2 (knocked back)
[Statedef 151]
type = S
movetype= H
physics = S
anim = 150
[State 151, 3]
type = MakeDust
trigger1 = Time = 2
pos = -5,-2
spacing = 1
;light guard
[State 151 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [150,151]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -30,5
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 151, 1]
type = HitVelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 1
[State 151, 2]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = GetHitVar(slidetime)
trigger2 = Time >= GetHitVar(hittime)
x = 0
[State 151, 3]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = Time = GetHitVar(ctrltime)
value = 1
[State 151, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time >= GetHitVar(hittime)
value = 130
ctrl = 1
; CGUARDHIT (shaking)
[Statedef 152]
type = C
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0,0
;light guard
[State 152 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [152,153]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -5,45
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 152, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = 1
value = 151
[State 152, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = HitShakeOver
value = 153
[State 152, 4]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = time = 0
waveform = square
time = 4
; CGUARDHIT2 (knocked back)
[Statedef 153]
type = C
movetype= H
physics = C
anim = 151
[State 153, 3]
type = MakeDust
trigger1 = Time = 2
pos = -5,-2
spacing = 1
;light guard
[State 153 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [152,153]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -5,45
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 153, 1]
type = HitVelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 1
[State 153, 2]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = GetHitVar(slidetime)
trigger2 = Time >= GetHitVar(hittime)
x = 0
[State 153, 3]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = Time = GetHitVar(ctrltime)
value = 1
[State 153, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time >= GetHitVar(hittime)
value = 131
ctrl = 1
; AGUARDHIT (shaking)
[Statedef 154]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0,0
;light guard
[State 154 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [154,155]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -10,37
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 154, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = 1
value = 152
[State 154, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = HitShakeOver
value = 155 ;AGUARDHIT2
[State 154, 3]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = time = 0
waveform = square
time = 4
; AGUARDHIT2 (knocked away)
[Statedef 155]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
anim = 152
;light guard
[State 155 , 6]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(8100) = 0
trigger1 = StateNo = [154,155]
anim = 8100
id = 8100
ignorehitpause = 1
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = -10,37
bindtime = -1
supermove = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 155, 1]
type = HitVelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 1
y = 1
[State 155, 2]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = 1
y = Const(movement.yaccel)
[State 155, 3]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = Time = GetHitVar(ctrltime)
value = 1
[State 155, 4]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
sysvar(0) = (pos y >= 0) && (vel y > 0)
[State 155, 5]
type = VelSet
= sysvar(0)
y = 0
[State 155, 6]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
y = 0
[State 155, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
trigger1 = command != "holdback"
value = 52
[State 155, 8]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = sysvar(0)
value = 130
; Stand
[Statedef 0]
type = S
physics = S
sprpriority = 0
[State 0, 1]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 0 && Anim != 5
trigger2 = Anim = 5 && AnimTime = 0 ;Turn anim over
value = 0
[State -3]
type = Explod
triggerall = power >= 3000
triggerall = NumExplod(2) = 0
triggerall = stateno = 0
trigger1 = time = 0
anim = 2
id = 2
pos =0
postype = p1
sprpriority = -2
removetime = -1
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
supermove = 1
removeongethit = 1
[State 0, sound]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = power >= 3000
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 5, 0
[State 0, 2]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0
[State 0, 3] ;Stop moving if low velocity or 4 ticks pass
type = VelSet
trigger1 = abs(vel x) < 2
trigger2 = Time = 4
x = 0
; Basic Attacks, Win Poses, etc...
; Standing Light Punch 
[Statedef 200]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 1
velset = 0,0 
ctrl = 0
anim = 200
poweradd = 0
sprpriority = 2
[State 200,1]
type = Playsnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 0
[State 200, 1]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = S, NA
damage = 35, 5
getpower = 10
givepower = 5
animtype = Light 
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 3, Hit
pausetime = 5, 7
sparkno = 0 
sparkxy = -10, -86
hitsound = S3, 0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 5
ground.hittime = 12
ground.velocity = -4 
airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8
air.type = High
air.velocity = -1.4,-3
air.hittime = 12
[State 200, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Standing Medium Punch 
[Statedef 210]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
anim = 210
sprpriority = -1
[State 210, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 4, 1
[State 210, Width]
type = Width
trigger1 = (AnimElemTime (2) >= 0) && (AnimElemTime (7) < 0)
value = 15,0
[State 210, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animelem = 3
attr = S, NA
animtype = Medium
damage = 65,10
getpower = 60
givepower = 30
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 7,10
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -15,-65
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -5.5
air.velocity = -2.5,-4
[State 210, 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Standing Strong Punch
[Statedef 220]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
velset = 0
anim = 220
[State 220, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
x = 13
[State 220, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 4, 2
[State 220, 3]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 0
[State 220, 4]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 5
priority = 5
attr = S, NA
damage = 95,15
getpower = 80
givepower = 40
animtype = Hard
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 7,7
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -15,-95
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 23
ground.velocity = -7.5
air.type = Low
air.velocity = -3.1,-3.3
airguard.velocity = -3.5
[State 220, 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Standing light kick
[Statedef 230]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
anim = 230
sprpriority = 2
[State 230, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 4, 0
[State 230, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animelem = 2
attr = S, NA
animtype = Medium
damage = 35,5
getpower = 15
givepower = 5
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 5,8
sparkno = 0
sparkxy = -10,-57
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 10
ground.hittime = 12
ground.velocity = -5
air.velocity = -2.5,-3.5
[State 230, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Standing medium kick
[Statedef 240]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 5
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
anim = 240
sprpriority = 2
[State 240, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 0
[State 240, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = S, NA
animtype = Hard
damage = 65,10
getpower = 60
givepower = 30
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 8,10
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-60
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -6
air.velocity = -2.2,-3.2
[State 240, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Standing Strong kick
[Statedef 250]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 5
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
anim = 250
sprpriority = 2
[State 250, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 1
[State 250, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = S, NA
animtype = Heavy
damage = 95,15
getpower = 80
givepower = 40
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 9,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-90
hitsound = S3,1
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -6
air.velocity = -2.2,-3.2
[State 250, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;Crouching light punch
[Statedef 400]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 5
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 400
sprpriority = 2
[State 400,1]
type = Playsnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 0
[State 400, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = C, NA
damage = 35,10
priority = 3
animtype = Medium
hitflag = MAF
guardflag = L
= 10,11
sparkno = 0
sparkxy = -10,-42
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 4
ground.hittime = 12
ground.velocity = -4
air.velocity = -1.5,-3
[State 400, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
;Crouching medium punch
[Statedef 410]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 6
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 410
sprpriority = 2
[State 410,1]
type = Playsnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 0
[State 410, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = C, NA
damage = 65,10
animtype = Medium
hitflag = MAF
guardflag = M
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-55
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -4
air.velocity = -3,-4
[State 410, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
;Crouching Strong Punch
[Statedef 420]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 6
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 420
sprpriority = 2
[State 420, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 4, 0
[State 420, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = C, NA
damage = 95,20
animtype = Heavy
hitflag = MAF
guardflag = M
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-55
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -4
air.velocity = -3,-4
[State 410, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
;Crouching light kick
[Statedef 430]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 5
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 430
sprpriority = 2
[State 430, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 4, 0
[State 430, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = C, NA
damage = 35
animtype = Light
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = L
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = 0
sparkxy = -10,-8
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 6
ground.hittime = 12
ground.velocity = -5
air.velocity = -2,-2
down.velocity = -5,0
down.hittime = 20
[State 430, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
;Crouching Medium Kick
[Statedef 440]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 7
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 440
sprpriority = 2
[State 440, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 1
[State 440, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = C, NA
damage = 65
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = L
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -5,-10
hitsound = S3,0
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 10
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -1.5
air.velocity = -1.2,-2
guard.velocity = -5
[State 440, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
; Crouching Strong Kick
[Statedef 450]
type = C
movetype= A
physics = C
juggle = 7
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 450
sprpriority = 2
[State 450, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 2
[State 450, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animelem = 3
attr = C, NA
damage = 95
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = L
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -5,-10
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = Trip
ground.slidetime = 10
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = -1.5,-2
air.velocity = -1.2,-3
guard.velocity = -5
fall = 1
[State 450, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 11
ctrl = 1
;Jump Light Punch
[Statedef 600]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 2
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 600
[State 600, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 4
value = 4, 1
[State 600, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 1
attr = A, NA
animtype = ligth
damage = 35
getpower = 10
givepower = 10
guardflag = HA
priority = 3
pausetime = 10,7
sparkxy = -20,-38
sparkno = 5
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 10
ground.hittime = 16
guard.velocity = -7
guard.slidetime = 12
ground.velocity = -10,0
air.velocity = 0,-6
air.type = Low
air.animtype = medium
airguard.velocity = -6,0
airguard.ctrltime = 8
air.hittime = 22
[State 600, 4]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 48 
ctrl = 1
[State 600, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 41
;Jump Medium Punch
[Statedef 610]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 2
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 610
[state 610, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 3
id = 610
anim = 611
pos = 0, 0
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
removetime = 13
sprpriority = -1
supermovetime = 0
[State 610, removexplode]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 13
ID = 610
[State 610, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 1
attr = A, NA
animtype = ligth
damage = 65
getpower = 10
givepower = 10
guardflag = HA
priority = 3
pausetime = 0
sparkxy = -20,-38
sparkno = S3630
hitsound = S5,1
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 3
ground.hittime = 16
guard.velocity = -7
guard.slidetime = 12
ground.velocity = -10,0
air.velocity = 0,-6
air.type = Low
air.animtype = medium
airguard.velocity = -6,0
airguard.ctrltime = 8
air.hittime = 22
[State 610, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 41
;Jump Strong Punch
[Statedef 620]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 620
sprpriority = 2
[state 620, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 3
id = 620
anim = 611
pos = 0, 0
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
removetime = 13
sprpriority = -1
supermovetime = 0
[State 620, removexplode]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 13
ID = 620
[State 620, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animelem = 2
attr = A, NA
damage = 115
guardflag = HA
priority = 4
pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-55
hitsound = S1,0
guardsound = S7,0
animtype = Med
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 7
ground.hittime = 17
ground.velocity = -5
air.velocity = -3, 13
air.fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 620, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 41
;Jump Light Kick
[Statedef 630]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 3
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 630
sprpriority = 2
[State 630, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 1
[State 630, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = A, NA
damage = 35
guardflag = HA
priority = 3
pausetime = 8,8
sparkno = 1
sparkxy = -5,-35
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 6
ground.hittime = 6
ground.velocity = -4
air.velocity = -2,0
;Jump Medium Kick
[Statedef 640]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 640
sprpriority = 2
[State 640, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 1
[State 640, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = A, NA
damage = 65
guardflag = HA
priority = 4
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-40
hitsound = S3,2
guardsound = S7,0
animtype = Med
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 17
ground.hittime = 17
ground.velocity = -5
air.velocity = -3,0
;Jump Strong Kick
[Statedef 650]
type = A
movetype= A
physics = A
juggle = 4
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 650
sprpriority = 2
[State 650, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 2
value = 4, 1
[State 650, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = A, NA
damage = 95
guardflag = HA
priority = 4
pausetime = 12,12
sparkno = S3630
sparkxy = -10,-40
hitsound = S3,1
guardsound = S7,0
animtype = Med
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 17
ground.hittime = 17
ground.velocity = -5
air.velocity = -10, 4
air.fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[statedef 1100]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
velset = 0,0
anim = 1102
ctrl = 0
[state 1100,1]
type = velset
trigger1 = time = 0
y = -5
[state 1100,2]
type = velset
trigger1 = time < 25
x = -2
[State 1100, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = time = 25
value = 1101
ctrl = 0
[State 1100, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 9988
ID = 9988
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 240
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 1100, striscie2]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 1106
ID = 1106
pos = -335, -2
postype = right
sprpriority = -7
supermove = 1
removetime = 240
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[statedef 1101]
type = a
movetype= A
physics = a
juggle = 4
poweradd= -2000
velset = 0,0
anim = 1100
ctrl = 0
[State 1101, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 9988
ID = 9988
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 220
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 1101, striscie2]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 1106
ID = 1106
pos = -335, -2
postype = right
sprpriority = -7
supermove = 1
removetime = 220
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[state 1101, Screen]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = StateNo = 1101
movecamera = 1, 1 
[state 1101, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 1105
anim = 1105
pos = 0, 0
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
removetime = 120
sprpriority = -2
supermovetime = 25
[State 1101, explodere]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 105
ID = 1105
[State 1101, superpause]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
time = 30
anim = -1
movetime = 0
[State 1101, sound]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 2,2
channel = 0
[state 1101,1]
type = velset
trigger1 = NumProjID(1101) > 0
y = 0.3
[state 1101, var]
Type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 1
value = Pos Y +65
[state 1101, var]
Type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 2
value = Pos Y +25
[state 1101, var]
Type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 3
value = Pos Y -15
[state 1101, var]
Type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 4
value = Pos Y -55
[state 1101, var]
Type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 5
value = Pos Y -95
[state 1101, 1]
type = projectile
trigger1 = time = 13
trigger2 = time = 26
trigger3 = time = 33
trigger4 = time = 45
trigger5 = time = 58
trigger6 = time = 63
trigger7 = time = 75
projID = 1101
projanim = 1101
projremove = 0
velocity = 16,4
projpriority = 3
projedgebound = 100
projstagebound = 100
offset = -20, var(1)
postype = back
attr = a,hp
animtype = diagup
guardflag = LA
damage = 45,5
pausetime = 9, 9
guard.pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S1103
hitsound = S1,0
ground.velocity = -1,-2
air.velocity = -2,-1
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[state 1101, 2]
type = projectile
trigger1 = time = 12
trigger2 = time = 25
trigger3 = time = 30
trigger4 = time = 47
trigger5 = time = 52
trigger6 = time = 68
trigger7 = time = 73
projID = 1101
projanim = 1101
projremove = 0
velocity = 18,4
projpriority = 3
projedgebound = 100
projstagebound = 100
offset = -20, var(5)
postype = back
attr = a,hp
animtype = diagup
guardflag = LA
damage = 35,5
pausetime = 9, 9
guard.pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S1103
hitsound = S1,0
ground.velocity = -1,-2
air.velocity = -2,-1
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[state 1101, 3]
type = projectile
trigger1 = time = 10
trigger2 = time = 22
trigger3 = time = 29
trigger4 = time = 42
trigger5 = time = 52
trigger6 = time = 66
trigger7 = time = 78
trigger8 = time = 14
projID = 1101
projanim = 1101
projremove = 0
velocity = 18,4
projpriority = 3
projedgebound = 100
projstagebound = 100
offset = -20, var(4)
postype = back
attr = a,hp
animtype = diagup
guardflag = LA
damage = 35,5
pausetime = 9, 9
guard.pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S1103
hitsound = S1,0
ground.velocity = -1,-2
air.velocity = -2,-1
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[state 1101, 4]
type = projectile
trigger1 = time = 14
trigger2 = time = 27
trigger3 = time = 36
trigger4 = time = 45
trigger5 = time = 51
trigger6 = time = 69
trigger7 = time = 74
projID = 1101
projanim = 1101
projremove = 0
velocity = 20,5
projpriority = 3
projedgebound = 100
projstagebound = 100
offset = -20, Var(3)
postype = back
attr = a,hp
animtype = diagup
guardflag = LA
damage = 35,5
pausetime = 9, 9
guard.pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S1103
hitsound = S1,0
ground.velocity = -1,-2
air.velocity = -2,-1
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[state 1101, 5]
type = projectile
trigger1 = time = 17
trigger2 = time = 25
trigger3 = time = 37
trigger4 = time = 47
trigger5 = time = 52
trigger6 = time = 67
trigger7 = time = 74
projID = 1101
projanim = 1101
projremove = 0
velocity = 18,4
projpriority = 3
projedgebound = 100
projstagebound = 100
offset = -20, var(2)
postype = back
attr = a,hp
animtype = diagup
guardflag = LA
damage = 35,5
pausetime = 9, 9
guard.pausetime = 0, 0
sparkno = S1103
hitsound = S1,0
ground.velocity = -1,-2
air.velocity = -2,-1
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 1101, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = NumProjID(1101)= 0
trigger1 = time > 30
value = 50
ctrl = 1
;Air combo
[Statedef 1200]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = A
poweradd= 40
anim = 1200
juggle = 1
ctrl = 0
[State 1200, 1]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = time = 2
time = 35
FrameGap = 2
length = 10
PalBright = 0, 0, 0
PalContrast = 71,193,255
PalAdd = 0, 0, 0
PalMul = 1,1,1
Trans = Add1
[State 1200, 2]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = Time = 0
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
time = 13
anim = -1
movetime = 5
[State 1200 , 3]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 5
value = 6,1
[State 1200 , 3]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = time > 5
x = 20
y = 20
[State 1200 , 4]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
trigger2 = AnimElem = 2
priority = 6
attr = A, HA
damage = 100,20
getpower = 160
givepower = 35
animtype = hard
guardflag = HA
sparkno = S1103
sparkxy = 0,-25
hitsound = S3,2
;guardsound = S200,1
pausetime = 12,12
ground.hittime = 13
ground.type = high
ground.slidetime = 9
ground.velocity = -10;-25
air.velocity = -3,-3
fall = 1
[State 1200 , 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 100
value = 50
ctrl = 1
[Statedef 1300]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 0
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 1300
sprpriority = 2
[State 1300, 1]
type = HitDef
Trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = S, NT 
hitflag = M- 
priority = 1, Miss 
sparkno = -1 
sprpriority = 1 
p1facing = ifelse (command = "holdfwd", 1, 1) 
p2facing = 1 
p1stateno = 1310 
p2stateno = 1320 
guard.dist = 0 
fall = 1 
[State 1300, 2]
type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
[Statedef 1310]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = N
anim = 1310
poweradd = 60
;[State 1310 ]
;type = TargetLifeAdd
;trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
;value = -130
[State 1310, Width 2-11]
type = Width
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) >= 0 && AnimElemTime(12) < 0
edge = 60,0
[State 1310, Bind 2-4]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
pos = 58, 0
[State 1310, Bind 2-4]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
pos = 28, 0
[State 1310, Bind 2-4]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
pos = 28, -30
[State 1310, Throw 11]
type = TargetState
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = 1321
[State 1310, State End]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
[Statedef 1320]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0,0
[State 1320, 1]
type = ChangeAnim2
Trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 5999
[Statedef 1321]
type = A
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0, -9
poweradd = 40
[State 1321, 1] 
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time > 20
y = .8
[State 1321, 2] 
type = ChangeState
triggerall = Vel Y > 0
triggerall = Pos Y >= -20
triggerall = alive
triggerall = CanRecover
trigger1 = Command = "recovery"
value = 5200 
[State 1321 ]
type = LifeAdd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 5
value = -140
[State 1321, 4] 
type = SelfState
trigger1 = Vel Y > 0
trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0
value = 5100 
;Rosas rojas
[Statedef 4000]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
poweradd= -1000
velset = 0,0
anim = 1000
ctrl = 0
[State 1101, superpause]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = Time = 1
time = 30
anim = -1
movetime = 0
[State 1101, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 9989
ID = 9989
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 1101, striscie2]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 1106
ID = 1106
pos = -335, -2
postype = right
sprpriority = -7
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 4000, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 2, 8
[state 4000, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 4000
anim = 1003
pos = 0, 0
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
removeongethit = 1
sprpriority = -2
supermovetime = 0
[State 4000, removexplode]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 140
ID = 4000
[State 4000, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 15
value = 1, 1
[state 4000, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 4002
anim = 1108
pos = 0, 0
postype = left
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
removeongethit = 1
sprpriority = -5
supermovetime = 25
[State 4000, removexplode]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 140
ID = 4002
[State 4000, 2]
type = helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
id = 4001
postype = P1
pos = 50,-60
stateno = 4001
helpertype = normal
[State 4000, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
trigger1 = Numhelper(4001) = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
[State 4000, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 140
value = 0
ctrl = 1
[Statedef 4001]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = S
anim = 1002
[State 4001, 1]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = time = 2
time = 35
FrameGap = 1
length = 10
PalBright = 0, 0, 0
PalContrast = 71,193,255
PalAdd = 0, 0, 0
PalMul = 1,1,1
Trans = Add1
[State 4001, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = TimeMod = 6, 1
value = 1, 1
[State 4001, 2]
type = posadd
trigger1 = Time > 1
trigger1 = frontedgedist > -300
x = 16
[State 4001, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
trigger2 = AnimElem = 2
trigger3 = AnimElem = 3
trigger4 = AnimElem = 4
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 30,2
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1600
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 2
[State 4001, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = P2stateno = [5000,5500]
value = 4002
ctrl = 0
[State 4001, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = time=110
value = 4004
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 4002]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = S
anim = 1002
velset = 0,0
[state 4002, explode]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 4003
anim = 1500
pos = 0, 0
postype = p2
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
removeongethit = 1
sprpriority = 2
supermovetime = 25
[State 4002, removexplode]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 72
ID = 4003
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 1
trigger2 = time = 43
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1600
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 2
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 8
trigger2 = time = 57
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1601
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
= s1, 2
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 15
trigger2 = time = 36
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1602
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 2
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 22
trigger2 = time = 50
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1603
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 2
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 29
trigger2 = time = 64
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S1604
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 2
[State 4002, 4] 
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time > 67
attr = S, SP
animtype = Hard
damage = 19,1
priority = 6
hitflag = MAFD
guardflag = LA
sparkno = S3000
sparkxy = 0,0
pausetime = 0,6
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 12
ground.hittime = 15
ground.velocity = 0,0
air.velocity = 0,0
hitsound = s1, 0
[State 4002, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = time = 72
value = 4003
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 4003]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = S
anim = 1639
[State 4003, 1]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = time = 2
time = 35
FrameGap = 2
length = 10
PalBright = 0, 0, 0
PalContrast = 71,193,255
PalAdd = 0, 0, 0
PalMul = 1,1,1
Trans = Add1
[State 4003, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = TimeMod = 6, 1
value = 1, 1
[State 4003, 2]
type = posadd
trigger1 = Time > 1
trigger1 = frontedgedist > -300
x = 16
[State 4003, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = time = 34
value = 4004
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 4004]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = S
anim = 1639
[State 4004, 1]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = time = 2
time = 35
FrameGap = 2
length = 10
PalBright = 0, 0, 0
PalContrast = 71,193,255
PalAdd = 0, 0, 0
PalMul = 1,1,1
Trans = Add1
[State 4004,3]
type = veladd
trigger1 = Time > 2
trigger1 = ParentDist x <= -60
x = -8
[State 4004,3]
type = PosAdd
trigger1 = Time > 2
trigger1 = ParentDist y < 20
y = -12
[State 4004,3]
type = PosAdd
trigger1 = Time > 2
trigger1 = ParentDist y > 20
y = -2
[State 4004,4]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = ParentDist x > -70
trigger1 = time > 5
trigger2 = movetype = H
; Intro 
[Statedef 190]
type = S
[State 190, 1]
type = VarRandom
trigger1 = Time = 0
v = 1
range = 0,50
[State 190, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Var(1) <= 20
value = 191
[State 190, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Var(1) >= 21
value = 193
[Statedef 191]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 190
velset = 0,0
[State 191, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3480
ID = 3480
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 191, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3481
ID = 3481
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 191, 0]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,200]
flag = Intro
[State 1010, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 10
value = 2, 1
[State 1010, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 14
value = 2, 9
[state 191,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 10
id = 191
anim = 191
pos = 0, 0
postype = p1
removetime = -1
sprpriority = -2
[State 191,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 100
ID = 191
[state 191, 2]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = time = 120
value = 192
[State 191, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 126
value = 0
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 193]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 850
velset = 0,0
[State 193, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3480
ID = 3480
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 193, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3481
ID = 3481
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 193, 0]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,80]
flag = Intro
[State 1010, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 10
value = 2, 0
[state 193,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 851
anim = 851
pos = 50, 0
postype = p1
removetime = -1
sprpriority = 2
[State 193,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 80
ID = 851
[state 193,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 52
id = 852
anim = 852
pos = 50, 0
postype = p1
removetime = -1
sprpriority = 3
[State 193,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 80
ID = 852
[State 193, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 80
value = 194
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 194]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 855
velset = 0,0
[State 194, 0]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,155]
flag = Intro
[state 194,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 853
anim = 853
pos = 50, 0
postype = p1
removetime = 125
sprpriority = 3
[State 194,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 125
ID = 853
[state 194,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 32
id = 854
anim = 854
pos = 50, 0
postype = p1
removetime = 125
sprpriority = 1
[State 194,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 125
ID = 854
[state 194,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 859
anim = 859
pos = 50, 0
postype = p1
removetime = 125
sprpriority = 2
[State 194,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 125
ID = 859
[state 194,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 0
id = 860
anim = 860
pos = 50, -7
postype = p1
removetime = 40
sprpriority = -4
[State 194,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 40
ID = 860
[state 194,1]
type = explod
trigger1 = time = 107
id = 869
anim = 1108
pos = 0, 0
postype = left
removetime = 18
sprpriority = 6
[State 194,2]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 125
ID = 869
[state 194, flash]
type = envcolor
trigger1 = time =125
value = 255,255,255
time = 20
[state 194, 2]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = time = 125
value = 0
[State 194, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 155
value = 0
ctrl = 0
; Lose by Time Over
[Statedef 170]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 170
velset = 0,0
[State 170, 1]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1
; Win pose 
[Statedef 180]
type = S
[State 180, 1]
type = VarRandom
trigger1 = Time = 0
v = 1
range = 0,50
[State 180, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Var(1) <= 25
value = 181
[State 190, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Var(1) >= 26
value = 182
[Statedef 181]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 3330
velset = 0,0
[State 181, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3480
ID = 3480
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 181, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3481
ID = 3481
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 181, Assert]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,400]
flag = roundnotover
[State 181, 1]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1
[State 181, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Animelem = 3
value = 2,4
[Statedef 182]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 3340
velset = 0,0
[State 182, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3480
ID = 3480
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 182, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 3481
ID = 3481
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 210
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 182, Assert]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,400]
flag = roundnotover
[State 182, 1]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1
[State 182, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Animelem = 3
value = 2,6
; Taunt
[Statedef 195]
type = S
anim = 195
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = S
sprpriority = 2
ctrl = 0
[State 182, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 2, 12
[State 195, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
[Statedef -2]; -2 State Section...
[State -2,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
triggerall = NumExplod(2) = 1
trigger1 = stateno!= 0
ID = 2
[State -2,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
triggerall = NumExplod(2) = 1
trigger1 = anim =5
ID = 2
;Play "OWW!!" sound when hit
[State -2, 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = ((Time = 1) && (var(8) < 500) && (random < 600))
trigger1 = (stateno = 5001) && (random < 500) 
value = 0, 1
[State -2, 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = ((Time = 1) && (var(8) < 500) && (random < 600))
trigger1 = (stateno = 5040) && (random < 400) 
value = 0, 3
[State -2, 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = ((Time = 1) && (var(8) < 500) && (random < 600))
trigger1 = (stateno = 5050)&& (random < 400) 
value = 0, 4
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 20
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = 5,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 20
trigger1 = AnimElem = 8
value = 5,1
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 21
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = 5,1
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 21
trigger1 = AnimElem = 8
value = 5,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 41
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 6,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 42
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 6,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 43
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 6,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 47
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 8,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 52
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 8,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 100
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = 5,0
[State -2 , 1]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 100
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
value = 5,1
[State -2 , 5]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5001
triggerall = (anim >= 5000) && (anim <= 5009)
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 10,1
[State -2 , 5]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5001
triggerall = (anim >= 5010) && (anim <= 5019)
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 10,3
[State -2 , 5]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5001
triggerall = anim >= 5020
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 10,2
[State -2 , 6]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5010
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 10,2
[State -2 , 7]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5020
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 10,3
[State -2 , 7]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = stateno = 5050
trigger1 = time = 1
trigger1 = Life <= 1
value = 10,4
[State -3, target sign]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(3718) = 0
trigger1 = P2Dist y > 300
anim = 3718
id = 3718
pos = 0,-30
postype = p2
sprpriority = 4
supermove = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
ontop = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 1
facing = -1
[State -3,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = P2Dist y < 300
ID = 3718
[State -3,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = stateno!=130
trigger1 = stateno!=140
;trigger3 = stateno!=150
ID = 123
[State -3,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = stateno!=131
trigger1 = stateno!=141
;trigger3 = stateno!=151
ID = 124
[State -3,remove]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = stateno!=132
trigger1 = stateno!=142
;trigger3 = stateno!=152
ID = 125
; Piranha Rose
[Statedef 3000]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
velset = 0,0
poweradd = -2000
ctrl = 0
anim = 9000
[State 3333,0]
type = playsnd
trigger1 = time = 0
value = 3333,0
[State 6100,1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time =1
value = 1, 0
[State 3000, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
[State 3000, PosFreeze]
type = PosFreeze
trigger1 = 1
value = 1
[State 3000, tunnel]
type = Explod
= AnimElem = 1
anim = 70125
ID = 70125
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 260
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 3000, striscie2]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 6519
ID = 6519
pos = -335, -2
postype = right
sprpriority = -7
supermove = 1
removetime = 260
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6300
postype = p1
pos = 16,-93
sprpriority = 7
supermove = 1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6400
postype = p1
pos = 16,-93
sprpriority = -1
supermove = -1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6401
postype = p1
pos = 34,-120
sprpriority = -1
supermove = 1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
value = 255,255,255
under = 1
time = 5
[State 3000, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7,6
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 28
[State 3000, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,>=2
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 2
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 14
anim = 6002
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,=4
anim = 3020
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 18,=2
anim = 3021
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7,=4
anim = 3022
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 10,=4
anim = 3023
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 18,=4
anim = 3024
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 16,=4
anim = 3025
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 0
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6,=4
anim = 3026
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,=4
anim = 3027
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 8,=4
anim = 3028
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 0
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4,=4
anim = 3029
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 15
attr = S, HA
id = 3000
damage = 100,17
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s40,4
guardsound = s30,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 3000, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 20
attr = S, HA
id = 3001
damage = 50,12
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s40,4
guardsound = s30,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 3000, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 25
attr = S, HA
id = 3002
damage = 40,14
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s40,4
guardsound = s30,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 3000, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 30
trigger2 = AnimElem = 35
trigger3 = AnimElem = 40
trigger4 = AnimElem = 45
trigger5 = AnimElem = 50
attr = S, HA
id = 3003
damage = 30,13
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s40,4
guardsound = s30,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 3000, Explod]
type = Explod
triggerall = MoveHit
trigger1 = NumTarget(3000) >= 1 && AnimElem = 16
trigger2 = NumTarget(3001) >= 1 && AnimElem = 21
trigger3 = NumTarget(3002) >= 1 && AnimElem = 26
trigger4 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 31
trigger5 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 36
trigger6 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 41
trigger7 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 46
trigger8 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 51
anim = 6102
id = 6102
postype = P2
pos = -15,-80
facing = -1
sprpriority = 4
ignorehitpause = 1
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 3000, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 0 && MoveHit
trigger1 = (GameTime%2) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 3000, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 1 && MoveHit
trigger1 = (GameTime%3) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 3000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 3001
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 3001]
type = S
movetype= I
physics = S
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 3001
[State 3001, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 7,<0
value = SCA
[State 3001, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4,<=1
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 2
[State 3001, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,=4
ID = 3000
[State 3000, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 0 && MoveHit
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 3,<0
trigger1 = (GameTime%2) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 3000, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 1 && MoveHit
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 3,<0
trigger1 = (GameTime%3) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 3001, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,=4
anim = 3011
postype = p1
pos = 0,-80
sprpriority = -4
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3001, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;-- Rosas Negras --
[Statedef 6100]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
velset = 0,0
poweradd = -3000
ctrl = 0
anim = 6100
[State 6100,1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time =1
value = 3000,1
[State 6100,1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time =1
value = 1, 0
[State 6100, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
[State 6100, PosFreeze]
type = PosFreeze
trigger1 = 1
value = 1
[State 6100, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 70015
ID = 70015
pos = -320, 0
postype = right
sprpriority = -5
supermove = 1
removetime = 260
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
[State 6100, striscie2]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
anim = 6001
ID = 6001
pos = -335, -2
postype = right
sprpriority = -7
supermove = 1
removetime = 260
ignorehitpause = 1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
persistent = 0
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6800
postype = p1
pos = 16,-93
sprpriority = 7
supermove = 1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6400
postype = p1
pos = 16,-93
sprpriority = -1
supermove = -1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
anim = 6401
postype = p1
pos = 34,-120
sprpriority = -1
supermove = 1
supermovetime = 99999
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
value = 255,255,255
under = 1
time = 5
[State 6100, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7,6
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 28
[State 6100, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,>=2
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 2
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 14
anim = 6002
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,=4
anim = 4120
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 18,=2
anim = 4121
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7,=4
anim = 4122
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 10,=4
anim = 4123
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 18,=4
anim = 4124
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 16,=4
anim = 4125
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 0
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6,=4
anim = 4126
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 12,=4
anim = 4127
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = -1
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 8,=4
anim = 4128
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 0
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4,=4
anim = 4129
postype = p1
pos = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
removetime = 135
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 15
attr = S, HA
id = 6100
damage = 170,28
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s240,0
guardsound = s200,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 6100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 20
attr = S, HA
id = 3101
damage = 90,18
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s40,4
guardsound =s240
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 6100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 25
attr = S, HA
id = 3002
damage = 70,18
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s240
guardsound = s201,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 6100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 30
trigger2 = AnimElem = 35
trigger3 = AnimElem = 40
trigger4 = AnimElem = 45
trigger5 = AnimElem = 50
attr = S, HA
id = 3003
damage = 60,16
givepower = 12
animtype = up
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAF
priority = 6
pausetime = 0, 13
sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,-80
hitsound = s240
guardsound = s201,1
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime = 20
ground.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
air.velocity = -4.6,-9.4
guard.slidetime = 22
guard.hittime = 32
guard.ctrltime = 34
guard.velocity = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
[State 6100, Explod]
type = Explod
triggerall = MoveHit
trigger1 = NumTarget(3000) >= 1 && AnimElem = 16
trigger2 = NumTarget(3001) >= 1 && AnimElem = 21
trigger3 = NumTarget(3002) >= 1 && AnimElem = 26
trigger4 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 31
trigger5 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 36
trigger6 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 41
trigger7 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 46
trigger8 = NumTarget(3003) >= 1 && AnimElem = 51
anim = 6902
id = 6902
postype = P2
pos = -15,-80
facing = -1
sprpriority = 4
ignorehitpause = 1
bindtime = 1
ownpal = 1
[State 6100, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 0 && MoveHit
trigger1 = (GameTime%2) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 6100, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 1 && MoveHit
trigger1 = (GameTime%3) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 6100, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 3101
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 3101]
type = S
movetype= I
physics = S
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 3001
[State 3101, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 7,<0
value = SCA
[State 3101, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4,<=1
value = 0,0,0
under = 1
time = 2
[State 3101, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,=4
ID = 6100
[State 6100, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 0 && MoveHit
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 3,<0
trigger1 = (GameTime%2) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 6100, Pause]
type = Pause
trigger1 = var(6) = 1 && MoveHit
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,>=0 && AnimElem = 3,<0
trigger1 = (GameTime%3) =1
time = 1
movetime = 0
[State 3101, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1,=4
anim = 3011
postype = p1
pos = 0,-80
sprpriority = -4
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
[State 3101, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;Triple Combo
[Statedef 6000]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
velset = 0,0
anim = 4000
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 2
[State 3000, Width]
type = Width
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2, >= 0
value = 15,0
[State 6000, tunnel]
type = Explod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1

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