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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

More than half of what we communicate is communicated not through words 
but through body language. This includes our posture, facial expressions, and 
gestures. Because body language is so important, you’ll want to know what yours is 
saying and how to interpret other people’s, too. Here are some examples of body 
language and its meaning. (Note: These meanings are for North America. 
Interpretations may differ a bit in other cultures.) If your posture is slumped and your 
head is down, this could mean that you are sad or lack confidence. If your posture is 
straight, but relaxed, you are expressing confidence and friendliness. 
A smile is a sign of friendliness and interest. But people sometimes smile just 
to be polite. To get another clue from people’s faces, notice their eyes. Friendliness 
and interest are expressed when a person’s eyes meet yours (especially when you’re 
the one who’s talking) and then look away and meet yours again. A person who 
doesn’t look away is expressing challenge. A person who doesn’t look at you is 
expressing lack of interest or is shy. Hand gestures can mean a person is interested 
in the conversation. But repeated movements – like a pencil or tapping a foot – often 
mean the person is either impatient or nervous. Stay away from someone who points 
at you while talking with you: that person might be angry at you or feel surprised to 
1) Conforme o texto: 
(A) Mais da metade do que é comunicado é realizada por meio da linguagem 
(B) A linguagem corporal não é tão importante quanto a que ocorre por meio de 
(C) Menos da metade da comunicação é realizada através da linguagem corporal. 
(D) As interpretações dos sinais do corpo podem variar, de acordo com o tipo de 
pessoa que está comunicando algo. 
(E) Os significados, apresentados no texto acerca da linguagem corporal, servem 
para qualquer nacionalidade. 
2) A resposta que NÃO está correta é a: 
(A) Se sua cabeça estiver baixa, isto pode significar que você está triste ou não é 
uma pessoa que tem confiança em si mesma. 
(B) Se uma pessoa se mantém ereta em uma conversa, isto significa que ela é 
(C) Um sorriso pode significar simpatia e interesse. 
(D) As pessoas, às vezes, sorriem apenas para serem educadas. 
(E) Uma pessoa que não olha para você está mostrando falta de interesse ou que ela 
é tímida. 
3) A palavra “but” na linha 7 pode ser substituída por: 
(A) thus 
(B) and 
(C) if 
(D) however 
(E) besides 
4) A expressão sublinhada na frase, “Stay away from someone who points at 
you while talking with you”, Significa: 
(A) aproxime-se de 
(B) faça amizade com 
(C) seja amável com 
(D) sente-se perto de 
(E) fique longe de 
5) Assinale a alternativa em que as palavras apresentam a mesma classe 
(A) communicate – posture – but 
(B) words – posture – head 
(C) if – you – interpret 
(D) nervous – impatient – who 
(E) polite – smile – sometimes 
6) A colocação do adjetivo está correta em todas as alternativas, menos na 
(A) angry person 
(B) impatient people 
(C) positive responses 
(D) people shy 
(E) difficult language 
Em inglês, os verbos auxiliares modais são verbos que só ocorrem na presença 
de outro verbo, são defectivos na conjugação e não tem passado nem futuro - com 
exceção do can que tem passado e condicional. Esses verbos podem alterar ou 
completar o sentido do verbo principal. Expressam ideia de possibilidade, obrigação, 
conselho, proibição e desejo. 
Devido à alta frequência com que ocorrem na língua, os verbos modais tornam-
se imprescindíveis. Esses verbos não sofrem alteração quando conjugados nas terceiras 
pessoas do singular (He, She, It) e não necessitam de verbos auxiliares. A Língua 
Inglesa exige que para cada situação diferente se use um tipo de verbo modal. 
Confira abaixo as listas dos principais verbos modais do inglês: 
É utilizado para expressar habilidade, permissão ou possibilidade. 
 Significado de habilidade: I can speak English. 
 Eu consigo falar inglês. 
 Significado de permissão: Can I smoke here? 
 Posso fumar aqui? 
 Significado de possibilidade: It can happen to anyone. 
 Isso pode acontecer com qualquer um. 
O uso do can indicando possibilidade é raro, pois pode ser confundido com 
capacidade. Devido a isso, é sempre melhor usar o may e o might para indicar 
O could é empregado no passado, para indiciar habilidade, mas também é 
considerado um verbo modal. Em um contexto formal, esse verbo também pode indicar 
 Significado de habilidade: I couldn’t speak English before to England. 
 Eu não sabia falar inglês antes de ir para a Inglaterra. 
 Significado de poderia: You could have called me. 
 Você poderia ter me ligado. 
O may é utilizado para contextos mais formais, ao contrário do can, que é usado em 
contextos mais usuais. Ele expressa uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. 
Também pode ser utilizado para pedir permissão. 
 Significado de permissão: May i smoke here? 
 Posso fumar aqui? 
 Significado de possibilidade: It may rain today. 
 Pode ser que chova hoje. 
O might é utilizado para expressar uma remota possibilidade que ocorreu no 
passado ou que pode ocorrer no presente. 
 Significado de possibilidade: It might rain this weekend. 
 É capaz que chova no próximo fim de semana. 
O should é um verbo modal utilizado para expressar um conselho. 
 Significado de conselho: You should study more. 
 Você deveria estudar mais. 
O must é utilizado para indicar obrigação, proibição ou dedução. 
 Significado de obrigação: You must stop smoking. 
 Você tem que parar de fumar. 
 Significado de proibição: You mustn’t get of bed. 
 Você não pode sair da cama. 
Há quem classifique o will, o would e o used to como verbos modais. Nós 
preferimos deixar o will e o would como auxiliares do future e do conditional, e o used 
to como habitual, equivalente ao pretérito imperfeito do português. 
Também o verbo need pode ocorrer como modal, mas apenas nas formas 
negativa e interrogativa. Esta, entretanto, é uma ocorrência muito rara, principalmente em 
inglês norte-americano. 
Ausência de Obrigação 
Quando se quer dizer que não é necessário a pessoa fazer determinada ação 
pode-se utilizar um verbo modal no negativo ou o verbo inteiramente no negativo. Mas 
pode-se utilizar o don't have ao invés do haven't got to, que é mais informal 
1) Choose the best answer: Mark: __________ I sit here? Teacher: Yes, of course. But 
you __________ keep quiet. 
a) must; may 
b) may; can 
c) may; must 
d) may; might 
2) Choose some modals from the box to complete the sentences below: 
 If the weather is nice, I __________ go to the beach on Sunday. If I go to the beach, I 
__________ take my sunscreen to protect myself against the sun.I know I __________ 
spend hours and hours in the sun, or I’ll get a bad sunburn. 
3) Complete the text with suitable words. More than one answer is possible. 
“There ______________________ (1) be diplomacy with certain countries, Oliver. Oh 
yes, you ______________________ (2) well say tolerance is not important for you. But 
you ______________________ (3) have to go to such countries one day. Diplomacy 
and tolerance ______________________ (4) be a quite a serious problem for you. But it 
______________________ (5) an opportunity for you to go live there. And it 
______________________ (6) be that difficult to get along with people that have behave 
differently from us. You ______________________ (7) not have realized how interesting 
these countries are. For example, you ______________________ (8) find Iran a 
charming place with eccentric people. That is what makes life much interesting, doesn’t 
4) Read the sentences below and answer the question. Instituição: 
I) She has three expensive cars. She must be a rich woman. 
II) I think they might arrive tomorrow. 
III) John can speaks four languages fluently. 
IV) You ought go home and rest a little. 
V) Do Peter and his wife need take the test tomorrow? 
The correct sentences are: 
a) I, II and IV 
b) II, III and V 
c) I, II and V 
d) only I 
e) I and II 
5) The sentences above convey the meaning of: 
I) I shall be in Athens next week. 
II) He ought to have arrived by now. 
III) It must be right; his theory simply doesn’t add up. 
IV) You should always take care of your child. 
a) duty, deduction, necessity, possibility and prediction 
b) prediction, possibility, deduction, necessity and duty 
c) necessity, deduction, possibility, prediction and duty 
d) possibility, deduction, necessity, prediction and duty 
e) duty, deduction, possibility, prediction and necessity 
6) (ESPM-SP) 
Mark the alternative that substitutes “You shouldn’t worry about that” without changing 
the meaning: 
a) You must not worry about that. 
b) You may not worry about that. 
c) You ought not to worry about that. 
d) You cannot worry about that. 
e) You will not be able to worry about that. 
I – They will not be / will no doubt be / should be late for dinner; 
II – There shouldn’t / might not be a war against them, Peter; 
III – Do you think I ought to / may give Eric a CD? Choose the alternative that best fits 
the sentences above. 
a) should be / might not / ought to 
b) will no doubt be / might not be / may 
c) should be / shouldn’t be / ought to d)will not be / shouldn’t / ought to 
e) will not be / shouldn’t / may 
01 They do it late at night when their parents are asleep. 
02 They do it in restaurants and while crossing busy streets. 
03 They do it in the classroom with their hands behind their 
04 back. They do it so much their thumbs hurt. Spurred by 
05 the unlimited texting plans offered by different carriers, 
06 American teenagers sent and received an average of 
07 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 
08 2008, according to the Nielsen Company — almost 80 
09 messages a day, more than double the average of a 
10 year earlier. 
11 The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians 
12 and psychologists, who say it is leading to anxiety, 
13 distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury 
14 and sleep deprivation. Dr. Martin Joffe, a pediatrician in 
15 Greenbrae, Calif., recently surveyed students at two local 
16 high schools and said he found that many were routinely 
17 sending hundreds of texts every day. “That’s one every 
18 few minutes,” he said. “Then you hear that these kids 
19 are responding to texts late at night. That’s going to 
20 cause sleep issues in an age group that’s already plagued 
21 with sleep issues.” 
22 The rise in texting is too recent to have produced 
23 any conclusive data on health effects. But Sherry Turkle, 
24 a psychologist who […] has studied texting among 
25 teenagers in the Boston area for three years, said it might 
26 be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop. 
27 “Among the jobs of adolescence are to separate from 
28 your parents, and to find the peace and quiet to become 
29 the person you decide you want to be,” she said. “Texting 
30 hits directly at both those jobs.” 
31 Psychologists expect to see teenagers break free 
32 from their parents as they grow into autonomous adults, 
33 Professor Turkle went on, “but if technology makes 
34 something like staying in touch very, very easy, that’s 
35 harder to do; now you have adolescents who are texting 
36 their mothers 15 times a day, asking things like, ‘Should 
37 I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?’ ” As for peace 
38 and quiet, she said, “if something next to you is vibrating 
39 every couple of minutes, it makes it very difficult to be in 
40 that state of mind. If you’re being deluged by constant 
41 communication, the pressure to answer immediately is 
42 quite high,” she added. “So if you’re in the middle of a 
43 thought, forget it.” […] 
44Texting may also be taking a toll on teenagers’ 
45 thumbs. Annie Wagner, 15, a ninth-grade honor student 
46 in Bethesda, Md., used to text on her tiny phone as fast 
47 as she typed on a regular keyboard. A few months ago, 
48 she noticed a painful cramping in her thumbs. 
49 Peter W. Johnson, an associate professor of 
50 environmental and occupational health sciences at the 
51 University of Washington, said it was too early to tell 
52 whether this kind of stress is damaging. But he added, 
53 “Based on our experiences with computer users, we know 
54 intensive repetitive use of the upper extremities can lead 
55 to musculoskeletal disorders, so we have some reason 
56 to be concerned that too much texting could lead to 
57 temporary or permanent damage to the thumbs.” 
By Katie Hafner. 
The New York Times, May 25, 2009. 
“Might” in “... might be causing a shift...” (lines 25-26) and “should” in “ ‘Should I get the 
red shoes or the blue shoes?’ ” (lines 36-37) express the ideas of, respectively: 
A) ability – condition. 
B) probability – duty. 
C) possibility – advice. 
D) permission – obligation. 
E) theoretical ability – assumption. 
01 Delicious, delectable, soothing and, yes, American. Chocolate was a New World 
02 discovery, one of the most sought-after treasures brought back to Europe from the 
03 brave new land across the Atlantic. 
04 Cacao, from which chocolate is created, is said to have originated in the Amazon 
05 at least 4,000 years ago. The cacao tree was worshipped by the Mayan civilization, 06 who 
believed it to be of divine origin. Cacao is actually a Mayan word meaning “God 07 Food”, hence 
the tree’s modern generic Latin name ‘Theobrama Cacao’, meaning 
08 ‘Food of the Gods’. The word Cacao was corrupted into the more familiar ‘Cocoa’ by 09 the 
early European explorers. The ancient Maya brewed a spicy, bitter sweet drink by 10 roasting 
and grinding the seeds of cocoa beans with maize and chili and letting the mixture 
11 ferment. This drink was reservedfor use in ceremonies as well as for drinking 
12 by the wealthy and religious elite. 
13 The Aztecs of central Mexico attributed the creation of the cacao beans to their 
14 god Quetzalcoatl who, as the legend goes, descended from heaven on a beam of a 15 
morning star carrying a cacao tree stolen from paradise. In fact, the Aztecs valued the 16 beans 
so much that they used them as currency: a hundred beans bought a turkey or 17 a slave, and 
taxes were paid in cocoa beans to Aztec emperors. They prized ‘Xocolatl’ 
18 well above gold and silver so much so that, when Montezuma was defeated by Cortez 
19 in 1519 and the victorious ‘conquistadors’ searched his palace for the Aztec treasury 20 
expecting to find gold and silver, all they found were huge quantities of cocoa beans. 21 The 
Aztecs, like the Mayans, also enjoyed cacao as a beverage fermented from 
22 the raw beans, which again featured prominently in rituals and as a luxury available 23 only to 
the very wealthy. They regarded chocolate as an aphrodisiac and their Emperor, 
24 Montezuma reputedly drank it fifty times a day from a golden goblet and is quoted as 25 
saying of ‘Xocolatl’: “The divine drink, which builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A 26 cup of 
this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food”. 
27 Xocolatl or Chocolat or Chocolate, as it became known, was brought to Europe 
28 by Cortez. By this time, the conquistadors had learned to make the drink more palatable 
29 to European tastes by mixing the ground roasted beans with sugar and vanilla (a 
30 practice still continued today), thus balancing the spicy bitterness of the brew the 
31 Aztecs drank. 
THE HISTORY of chocolate. 
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 30 jun. 2009. Adaptado. 
Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions below. Make all the 
necessary changes. “ ‘A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day 
without food’ ” (l. 25-26) Use “can” instead of “permits”. 
10) Study the situations and write a new sentence using the verbs in parenthesis. 
a) The bridge collapsed. The engineer used cheap materials. (ought to/negative) 
b) Mary is getting fatter and fatter. She has been eating a lot lately. (should) 
c) I learned to read when I was five years old. (could) 
d) All the roads were wet. I guess there was some rain during the night. (must) 
e) The teacher asked the students not to write on the wall. (must /negative) 
f) I woke up very early yesterday. I am on vacation. (need/negative) 
g) John is not sure whether he will come tonight. (may) 
h) You want to talk to your boss. He is in his room now. (may/question form) 
i) Your sister has got a Ph.D. I believe she knows the answer.(must) She has a Ph.D. 
j) You are talking to a friend on the phone. There are children singing near you. 
Please, speak louder! I... 
11) Read the sentences below and choose the alternative that best explains what they 
1. When I was 7 years I could play soccer well. 
2. Can I help you with your homework? 
3. She lived 15 years in Mexico. She must speak Spanish very well. 
4. Would you live abroad if you had the opportunity to go? 
a) ability in the past; permission; logical conclusion; conditional 
b) possibility; ability in the past; logical conclusion; necessity 
c) possibility; ability; necessity; conditional 
d) ability; ability; necessity; logical conclusion 
Water is perhaps man's most important natural resource. He needs it for 
drinking and home uses, for agriculture, for the power to run his machines. and even for 
boating, fishing and relaxation. But usable water is not as abundant as the demand for it 
has been. For centuries men have fought each other over their rights to use springs, 
streams, and rivers which are so essential to life. Because the earth's water supply is not 
distributed evenly, one area suffers from floods while another is parched and dried up 
and still another enjoys ideal conditions. Much of man's energy has been spent in 
diverting rivers and streams and digging wells and canals. Unfortunately, man has not 
been very successful in his efforts to redistribute his water supply evenly. 
Man's efforts to control water were not always successful. Although wonderful 
progress was made in some areas, such as when desert regions became, green and 
fertile, in other areas great harm was done. The 
delicate balance of nature is upset by lowering water 
levels or by polluting rivers with industrial wastes. 
Sometimes the whole climate of an area is 
affected by water changes. In earlier centuries, man 
satisfied his needs by living only were water was 
abundant. If the land became damaged, he would 
move to a better location. 
Hydrologists have already discovered 
many possible ways to help the earth's water 
problems, but a practical application of many of them 
is not yet possible, mainly because of the expense. 
01) Choose the right translation: 'For centuries men have fought each other over their 
rights to use springs, streams and rivers". 
a) Durante séculos os homens lutaram sobre seus direitos para usar as fontes, 
correntes e rios. 
b) Por séculos, os homens lutaram pelos seus direitos em usar as fontes, correntes e 
c) Durante séculos os homens lutaram pelos seus direitos de usar fontes, correntes e 
02) "Unfortunately, man has not been very successful in his efforts to redistribute his 
water supply evenly". 
a) Infelizmente, os homens não foram bem sucedidos em seus esforços para redistribuir 
seu provisionamento de água com igualdade. 
b) Infelizmente, os homens não foram muito bem sucedidos em seus esforços para 
redistribuir sua provisão de água uniformemente. 
c) Infelizmente, o homem não foi bem sucedido em seu esforço para redistribuir a sua 
provisão de água igualmente. 
resource = recurso 
century = século 
to flight = lutar, combater 
evenly = uniformemente, igualmente 
flood = inundação 
parched = ressequido, tostado 
spring = fonte, primavera, mola espiral 
although = apesar de, não obstante 
harm = dano, prejuizo 
main = principal 
03) "Although, wonderful progress was made in some areas, in others great harm was 
a) Apesar de que um maravilhoso progresso foi feito am algumas áreas, em outras foi 
feito um grande beneficio. 
b) Apesar de que, em algumas áreas um grande progresso foi feito, em outras foi feito 
um grande dano. 
c) Apesar de que um maravilhoso progresso foi obtido em algumas áreas, em outras 
um grande dano foi feito. 
d) Apesar de que um grande progresso foi feito em determinadas áreas, em outras um 
grande prejuízo foi feito. 
04) "If the land became damaged, he would move to a better location". 
a) Se a terra fosse danificada, ele se mudaria para um lugar melhor. 
b) Se a terra ficasse prejudicada, ele mudaria para uma localidade melhor. 
c) Se a terra ficasse arruinada, ele mudaria para uma localidade melhor. 
d) Se a terra ficasse estragada, ele mudaria para um lugar melhor. 
05) Write "T" (True)or "F" (False) in the parentheses. The text says that: 
a) ( ) Man's most important resource is water.) 
b) ( ) Usable water is as abundant as the demand for it has been. 
c) ( ) Springs, streams, and rivers are not so essential to life. 
d) ( ) Man has been successful in redistributing his water supply evenly. 
e) ( ) Man's efforts to control water were not always successful. 
f) ( ) The climate of an area is not affected by water changes. 
g) ( ) In earlier centuries man lived only where water was abundant. 
h) ( ) In earlier centuries man moved to wherever the land was damaged. 
i) ( ) Earth's water problems are easily helped by the hydrologist's discoveries. 
06) Em poucas palavras, qual é o assunto principal do texto: 
 Os comparativos e superlativos em inglês são fundamentais. Eles ajudam você a 
descrever os objetos, pessoas e lugares a seu redor, tornando sua comunicação 
mais clara – por comparação, as pessoas formam a imagem mental do que você 
quer dizer. Pensando nisso, separamos aqui breves definições e exemplos de uso 
para você aprender a utilizá-los sempre que precisar. 
Como o nome já diz, os comparativos são adjetivos ou advérbios que comparam 
alguma coisa em relação a outra: 
 My sandwich is bigger than yours. (Meu sanduíche é maior que o seu.) 
 She is prettier now. (Ela está mais bonita agora.) 
 His car is more expensive than mine. (O carro dele é mais caro que o meu.) 
 Já os superlativos indicam que algo está acima ou abaixo de todos os outros 
itens comparados – é o mais ou o menos de alguma categoria: 
 John is the tallest man in this room. (John é o homem mais alto dessa sala.) 
 It was the happiest day of my life.(Foi o dia mais feliz da minha vida.) 
 This is the most frightening horror movie. (Esse é o filme de terror mais 
 Quanto ao processo de formação, os comparativos e superlativos funcionam de 
maneira bastante similar. Nas sentenças acima, é possível observar suas três 
formações comuns: 
1. Para adjetivos curtos (até duas sílabas) como small, tall e thin, por exemplo, basta 
acrescentar o sufixo –er para os comparativos e o sufixo –est para os superlativos. 
Esses devem ser sempre precedidos por the. Se o adjetivo acabar pela sequência 
CVC, ou seja, consoante-vogal-consoante, não se esqueça de duplicar a última letra, 
como ocorre com big, que vira bigger no comparativo e biggest no superlativo. 
2. Para adjetivos que tiverem até duas sílabas em inglês e terminarem em “y”, basta 
apagar o “y” e acrescentar –ier para os comparativos e –iest para os superlativos; 
3. Para adjetivos maiores, não precisa fazer nenhuma alteração em sua forma. Basta 
usar o more (mais) ou o less (menos) antes dos comparativos e o the most (o mais) 
ou o the least (o menos) antes dos superlativos. Aliás, vale notar que, independente 
do tamanho da palavra, todo superlativo tem “the” na frente. 
Mas, claro, também há algumas exceções para essa regra. As mais usadas ocorrem 
com as palavras good e bad. O comparativo de good é better (melhor) e seu 
superlativo é the best (o melhor), enquanto o comparativo de bad é worse (pior) e 
seu superlativo é the worst (o pior): 
 She plays volleyball better than me. (Ela joga vôlei melhor que eu.) 
 This is the worst movie ever. (Esse é o pior filme de todos.) 
 Outra maneira de fazer comparações é com a estrutura as + adjetivo + as. Com 
ela você equipara duas coisas ou pessoas: 
This house is as big as mine. (Essa casa é tão grande quanto a minha.) 
Carol is not as tall as her sister. (Carol não é tão alta quanto sua irmã.) 
1) Put the adjectives into the correct comparative form. 
a) He´s ______________________ (moderate) person I have ever met. 
b) Her necklace is her ______________________ (precious) piece of jewellery. 
c) My cousin is______________________ (old) me by 5 years. 
d)The kids seemed ______________________(quiet) usual yesterday. 
e) She was chosen as one of ______________________ (beautiful) women in the world. 
2) Read the following statements: 
I)This road is narrow than that other one; 
II) Mary´s less tallest than her two sisters; 
III) Paul and George are the better in their team; 
IV) Uncle John is elder than I am; 
V)This rope is as strong as this one. 
The correct sentences are: 
a) III, IV and V 
b) All 
c) None 
d) Only I and V 
e) Only V 
3) Complete this paragraph with the correct comparative form: 
All over the world, hunger is a major problem. Of course, in some parts the problem is 
__________ (big) in other parts and the solutions are, then, __________ (necessary). 
So, all kinds of food should be grown to solve this problem. Rice, for example, is 
__________ (important) as wheat, in some countries it is even __________ (important). 
Beans and soya beans are easy to be grown; in fact, they are __________ (easy) and 
__________ (good) to be grown than many other plants. 
4) Complete the text using the appropriate degrees of comparison. 
The current development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 
provides a ______________________ (wide) variety of ways of learning languages. 
Computer assisted learning materials that include the authentic voice of a native 
speaker, the text and even moving images can enhance______________________ 
(much/fast) your progress in language learning. Applying the internet and CD-ROMs in 
learning can be______________________ (more/much/benefic) than other ways of 
learning. Nowadays Web-based learning environments and "chat groups" link language 
learners from different countries to learn and exchange ideas together. Good 
communication between people is the______________________ (great) benefit of 
learning languages! Multilingual information society, text translators, dictionaries, ... 
MULTILINGUAL COMPREHENSION It is usually ______________________ 
(easy/much) to learn to understand a foreign language than to speak it fluently. This is 
especially the case where languages are for historical reasons 
______________________ (close) with each other than with other languages, for 
example Dutch and German or Italian and Spanish. European and international 
communication can be greatly enhanced if more people can learn to understand each 
other's languages, so that participants in multilingual conversations or correspondence 
can speak or write their own language. Fluent understanding tends to be the 
______________________ (fast) way towards fluent speech. 
http://europa.eu.int.comm/education/policies/lang/languages/lang/teaching_en.html. 26/05/2004 5) Complete these sentences with double 
5) Complete these sentences with double comparisons: 
a) The __________ I work, the __________ I earn. 
b) The __________ the day, the __________ it gets to work in here. 
c) The _________ the food, the __________ it is. 
6) Comparatives or superlatives? Choose the best alternative: In China, the production 
of wheat is __________ rice. In fact, China is __________ wheat producer in the world. 
a) the most important; larger than 
b) more important than; the largest 
c) the more important; the largestd) most important than; the larger 
7) Complete with comparatives: 
a) I’m bad at Geography, but John is _____________________. 
b) This car is cheap, but Rob’s car is ______________________. 
c) Julia is pretty, but Sue is _____________________. 
d) Today is hot, but yesterday was __________________. 
e) Brad Pitt is famous, but Tom Hanks is __________________. 
8) Match these words to form word groups: 
a) preventable ( ) plant 
b) wild ( ) diseases 
c) power( ) preservation 
d) environment ( ) outcomes 
e) program ( ) animals 
9) (Fatec-SP) Leia o texto abaixo para responder à questão. 
Back in 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore predicted that the semiconductor 
industry could double the number of transistors on a chip every 12 months (he later 
amended it to 24 months) for about the same cost. And for half a century, Moore’s Law 
has held true, making computers cheaper and faster and more powerful. It seems almost 
that long that experts have been warning that Moore’s Law would eventually run smack 
into the laws of physics, bringing everyone’s giddy ride to an end. It hasn’t happened 
yet. Justin Rattner, the chief technology officer at Intel, insists the company can keep 
doubling the number of transistors on a processor through several more generations of 
chips over the next decade. The trouble isn’t capacity; it’s speed. A few years ago 
microprocessors reached 3GHz. You can’t make them faster, or they overheat and start 
to melt. To solve that problem, the industry began making chips that do several tasks at 
once, instead of doing a single thing faster and faster. These days we’re seeing dual-
core and quad-core chips – in essence, processors with two or four tiny computer 
engines on a single chip. Within a decade we will likely see chips with 100 cores, maybe 
even more, Rattner says. 
But that raises a new problem: how to put those tiny side-by-side computer 
engines to good use. The operating systems aren’t set up for it. Neither are the 
programming languages and development tools. Neither, in fact, are the programmers 
themselves, who have all grown up writing software to run on a single engine – serially, 
that is, not in parallel. “For 50 years we’ve done thigs one way, and now we’re changing 
to a different model,” says Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft, 
which as the biggest maker of operating systems and programming tools is leading the 
drive to solve the puzzle. It’s the biggest single change Microsoft has ever faced, Mundie 
Parallel computing has been around for a long time. But it’s mostly been 
confined to high-end supercomputers. 
Writing programs for them is incredibly difficult and time-consuming. The 
challenge now is to make it possibleand cheap – for ordinary programmers to write 
programs that run in parallel. Mundie predicts big things when (he doesn’t say if) 
Microsoft works it all out. After all, the human brain is itself a massively parallel 
computer; writing programs that can operate in parallel is the key to making computers 
that seem more like us and less like machines. “In a sense we are trying to build a crude 
approximation of what nature does in your brain,” says 1 Mundie. “Parallelism is the only 
way I to get there.” 
(LYONS, Daniel. Moore’s law doesn’t matter. In: Newsweek, August 2009, p. 47.) 
Das frases reproduzidas a seguir, aquela que traz exemplos de graus de comparação 
está na alternativa 
A) “Neither, in fact, are the programmers themselves, who have grown up writing 
softwares to run on a single engine – serially, that is, not in parallel”. 
B) “For 50 years we’ve done things one way, and now we’re changing to a different 
C) “Within a decade we will likely see chips with 100 cores, maybe even more, Rattner 
D) “Moore’s Law has held true, making computers cheaper and faster and more 
powerful”. E) “Writing programs for them is incredibly difficult and time-consuming”. 
10) (ITA-SP) A pergunta corresponde ao texto a seguir: 
The Economist, de 8/8/2009. 
Assinale a opção que preenche corretamente as lacunas I e II, no último parágrafo do 
11) It is the ____________ attractive of all the houses I have ever seen. 
a) less 
b) more 
c) older 
d) least 
e) worse
Genitive Case 
 Genitive Case, também conhecido como Possessive ‘S, é um recurso gramatical 
usado em inglês para indicar que algo pertence a alguém ou a outro algo. É um 
assunto que gera dúvidas entre muitos estudantes. Isso devido às regrinhas que 
devem ser seguidas. Portanto, para ajudar quem tem dúvidas, esta dica é exclusiva 
sobre o assunto. 
 O nome – Genitive Case – pode parecer feito, estranho; mas, a ideia é bem 
simples e fácil entender. Veja os exemplos abaixo: 
 Denilso’s books are really interesting. 
 Carina’s blog is awesome. 
 Ellen’s website is really cool. 
 Observe as partes em negrito nas sentenças. Após os nomes das pessoas há um 
apóstrofo [‘] acompanhado por um ‘s’: Denilso‘s books, Carina‘s blog, Ellen‘s brother. 
Isso aí o que chamamos de Genitive Case. De modo geral, ele é usado assim 
mesmo. Ou seja, o dono do objeto + ‘s + o objeto. Veja agora os exemplos dados (e 
outros) com as traduções: 
 Denilso’s books = Os livros do Denilso 
 Carina’s blog = O blog da Carina 
 Ellen’s website = O website da Ellen 
 Rafaela’s father = O pai da Rafaela 
 Márcio’s laptop = O laptop do Márcio 
 Paulo’s new car = O carro novo do Paulo 
 Uma dúvida muito comum é: “Por que essa inversão em inglês? Não tem lógica!“. 
Se você comparar com o português realmente não há lógica. É estranho! Mas, inglês 
é uma coisa e português é outra coisa. São línguas com origens e histórias 
diferentes; logo, não dá para serem iguais em tudo. O jeito é aprender que em inglês 
é assim e ponto final. Infelizmente! 
 Outra pergunta é: Quais são as regras para usar o Genitive Case em Inglês? 
 Sempre acrescente o ‘s no final da palavra que indica a quem pertence à posse. 
 my father‘s house = a casa do meu pai 
 my mom‘s company = a empresa da minha mãe 
 my grandfather‘s farm = a fazendo do meu avô 
 João‘s car = o carro do João 
 Sandra‘s flight = o voo da Sandra 
 her sister‘s boyfriend = o namorado da irmã dela 
 the elephant‘s trunk = a tromba do elefante 
 the cat‘s tail = o rabo do gato 
 the dog‘s paw = a pata do cachorro 
 Antigamente, ensinava-se que o Genitive Case deveria ser usado apenas 
com pessoas e animais. Mas, a verdade é que podemos usá-lo também com corpos 
celestes, mundo, períodos de tempo, países, empresas e outros: 
 today‘s paper = o jornal de hoje 
 the company‘s president = o presidente da empresa 
 Brazil‘s economy = a economia do Brasil 
 the world’s climate = o clima do mundo 
 Saturn‘s rings = o anéis de Saturno 
 the Earth‘s atmosphere = a atmosfera da terra 
 an hour’s work = trabalho de uma hora 
 last night’s party = a festa de ontem à noite 
 last week’s meeting = a reunião da semana passada 
 tomorrow’s test = a prova de amanhã 
 Para indicar que algo pertence a duas pessoas – por exemplo, o carro da Maria e 
do João – devemoscoloca o ‘s apenas no segundo possuidor: 
 my mom and father‘s house = a casa do meu pai e da minha mãe 
 dad and mom‘s company = a empresa do papai e da mamãe 
 Richard and his wife’s life = a vida do Richard e da esposa dele 
 Carol e João‘s apartment = o apartamento da Carol e do João 
 Mas, para indicar que estamos falando de coisas diferentes que pertencem a 
pessoas diferentes, devemos acrescentar o ‘s aos dois possuidores: 
 my mom‘s and father‘s house = a casa do meu pai e (a casa) da minha mãe [são 
duas casas] 
 dad‘s and mom‘s company = a empresa do papai e (a empresa) da mamãe [são 
duas empresas] 
 men’s and women’s clothes = roupas de homes e (roupas) de mulheres [são 
diferentes tipos de roupas] 
 Quando o possuído estiver no plural – por exemplo, a avó dos garotos – basta 
acrescentar o ‘: 
 the boys’ grandma = a avó dos garotos 
 the computers’ wires = os fios do computador 
 the workers’ timetable = o horário dos trabalhadores 
 the birds’ nests = os ninhos dos passarinhos 
 Quando o nome de quem possui terminar em “s”, há duas possibilidades: colocar 
apenas o ‘ ou colocar o ‘s. Veja: 
 Jones’ house ou Jones’s house 
 Santos’ company ou Santos’s company 
 Mr. Williams’ car ou Mr. Williams’s car 
 Mas, se o nome for de alguma personagem clássica da mitologia, filosofia ou 
Bíblia, então o melhor é falar assim: 
 the miracles of Jesus = os milagres de Jesus (mais apropriado que Jesus’ 
 the works of Herodotus= as obras de Heródoto (mais apropriado que Herodotus’ 
 the 13 works of Hercules = os 13 feitos de Hercules (mais apropriado que 
Hercules’ 13 works) 
 the laws of Moses = as leis de Moisés (mais apropriado que Moses’ laws) 
1) Fill in the blank with the correct use of ’s. 
_______________ children are going to travel to Sydney next year. 
a) George and Lucy 
b) George and Lucy’s 
c) George’s and Lucy’s 
d) George’s and Lucy 
2) Explain the differences in meaning between the following pair of sentences: 
a) Bob and Mary’s car. 
b) Bob’s and Mary’s cars. 
3) What’s the correct answer? 
Have you met Marvin? He’s __________. 
a) a friend of Janets’. 
b) a friend of Janet’s. 
c) a friend of Janet. 
d) a friend’s of Janet. 
4) Choose the best or the correct alternative. 
a) My children’s teacher is in the teacher’s room. 
b) My childrens’ teacher is in the teachers’ room. 
c) My children’s teacher is in the teachers’s room. 
d) My children’ teacher is in the teachers’ room. 
5) How do you complete this sentence? 
My _______________ is located in a very nice place. 
a) father-in-laws’ house 
b) father-in-law’ house 
c) father’s-in-law house 
d) father-in-law’s house 
6) Choose the correct answer: 
I’ve been looking for __________ everywhere. 
a) today’s paper 
b) today’ paper 
c) todays’ paper 
d) today paper 
7) Three of the following sentences are incorrect. Mark and correct them. 
a) This is the childrens’ room. 
b) Yesterday’s newspaper had interesting articles. 
c) That is the princess’s ring. 
d) James’s teacher lives in London. 
e) These are the students’ books. 
f) This is the teachers’s room. 
g) My parents’ house is far from here. 
h) There was a three hour’s delay. 
O que você vai fazer amanhã? Mais tarde? Semana que vem? Consegue 
falar sobre seus planos para o futuro em inglês? Aqui no blog, nós já explicamos 
algumas maneiras de se referir ao futuro, seja com o uso do “ing” para formar o 
futuro ou com a forma do “Future perfect“. Então, vamos aprender uma nova 
forma, o “Future Simple. 
Para começar, você deve se lembrar de que o “will” é o auxiliar desse tempo 
verbal, e é ele que caracteriza uma frase como sendo do futuro simples. Portanto, 
para formar o “future simple”, você terá que usar o “will” + verbo no 
infinitivo (forma não conjugada) para construir sentenças afirmativas, negativas e 
Quando usar o “Future simple”? 
Esse é um futuro para ocasiões em que estiver planejando algo que ainda 
não é muito certo, ou mesmo que você pensou e decidiu no ato da fala. Veja: 
They invited me for a drink after work. I will go with them. 
(Eles me convidaram para beber algo depois do trabalho. Eu vou com eles.) 
A pessoa decidiu sair no momento em que foi chamada. 
Meg said she will get home late. 
(A Meg disse que vai chegar em casa tarde.) 
Meg comunicou que chegaria tarde ao decidir o que faria. 
When I get there, I will take a shower. 
(Quando eu chegar lá, vou tomar banho.) 
Mais uma vez, algo foi decidido sem muito planejamento. 
Para colocar uma frase do futuro na negativa, use o “not”. 
Will + not: 
She will not have dinner with us. 
(Ela não vai jantar com a gente.) 
Ou use com a forma contraída: will + not = won’t. 
He said he won’t be able to go. 
(Ele disse que não vai poder ir.) 
Lembre-se de que, para formar perguntas em inglês, o auxiliar deve ir para o começo 
da frase, e o restante permanece na forma direta. 
Will you come tomorrow? 
(Você virá amanhã?) 
Contração com “will”: 
I’ll go for a walk. (Vou dar uma caminhada.) 
You’ll find her. (Você vai encontrá-la.) 
He’ll/ She’ll get home soon. (Ele/Ela vai chegar em casa em breve.) 
We’ll talk to you at night. (Nós falamos com você à noite.) 
They’ll meet us here. (Eles vão nos encontrar aqui.) 
Desta forma: 
Afirmativa: Will + verbo no infinitivo 
Negativa: Will + not + verbo no infinitivo 
Interrogação: Will no início da frase 
1) Choose the best alternative: 
“It was in this stream that Harriet Westbrook, first wife of the English poet P. B. 
Shelley, __________ herself in 1818. However, if you cross the bridge today, you 
__________ the warning in the next picture.” 
a) would drown; would see 
b) drowned; would see 
c) drowned; saw 
d) drowned; will see 
e) will drown; will see 
2) Write the following sentences in the Indirect Speech: 
 a) “I’ll be back tomorrow”, the doctor said. The doctor said that 
b) “She doesn’t want to stay here”, Miles said. Miles said that 
c) “The plane has not arrived yet”, the clerk informed. The clerk informed that 
d) “The tornado may reach the coast tonight”, they announced. They announced that 
3) One of the sentences below is incorrect. Mark it. 
a) Will you turn off the light please? 
b) She will travel abroad next year. 
c) They won’t have dinner with us tonight. 
d) We don’t will buy a house now. 
e) Won’t you come to my party? 
4) Read what this text says about what the world will be like in 2088 and then answer 
the question below. Health 
We Will Cure Cancer, Strokes,Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease 
 The next 90 years will witness dramatic changes as medical science 
solves the mystery of common chronic diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis causing 
heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and age-related dementias like Alzheimer's 
disease. Our understanding of the brain will be dramatically different in terms of detail 
and complexity. Persons will have the potential to live out their life span (which will 
exceed 90 years) and to delay onset of disability. Medical care will be more self-
directed as information is more accessible, of higher quality, and user friendly. 
Volcanoes, Earthquakes Shatter the Northwest 
 At least two Cascade volcanoes will erupt, with at least one of them 
producing significant destruction in its vicinity with significant economic impact. 
Because of improved monitoring and understanding of volcanic processes and a pro-
active emergency management community, loss of life will be minimal. On the other 
hand, land-use planning efforts will have mostly failed and there will be very large 
losses of homes and businesses due to the pressure of development to expand into 
dangerous areas. 
 During the same period, there will be three damaging earthquakes, 
one of which will be quite significant, causing many deaths and widespread 
destruction. Because earthquake prediction science will have made some progress, 
the later of these earthquakes will have some warning ahead of time. Earthquake 
prediction capabilities will still lag significantly behind the equivalent capabilities of 
weather prediction. 
Two of the things below have not been mentioned in the text above. What are 
a) Brain research won’t be stopped. However, our understanding of the human brain 
will not be so different from what it is now. 
b) Weather prediction will continue to be more accurate than earthquake prediction in 
c) Three violent earthquakes will cause many deaths and widespread destruction. 
d) The population will not be warned of all the three earthquakes ahead of time. 
e) Some common chronic diseases will no longer mean that a person will be left 
5) (UEPB) 
 Although most cities seem to form by accident, for thousands of years, 
some of them have been designed. Whether for defense, beauty or practicality, urban 
designers have imposed their ideas of what a city should be about. […] Masdar, 
which means “the source”, is a 1,500 acre project including housing, commercial and 
manufacturing space for eco-friendly products and a university. […] The Masdar 
Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) will be dedicated to renewable energy. 
 [...] The city will also have a 10MW photo-voltaic farm. By 2010 
Masdar will be able to accommodate 2,000 people but ultimately it will be home to 
50,000. .Most of the city’s electricity will come through solar power. Renewables will 
also support a desalination plant that will provide fresh water. Creating the city is a 
feat of integration […] requiring a fusion of technologies, systems and policies. 
Finding ways of using less energy and water has been a crucial part of the planning. 
Through a smart metering system, at any given moment a citizen of Masdar will be 
aware of how much energy, water and carbon he or she is consuming compared with 
the average citizen. There is, though, more to this picture of ectopia than meets the 
eye. A huge degree of central planning, control and even restrictions on individual 
freedoms is needed to make Masdar work. […] Cars will not be permitted (the city 
provides electric pods to transport people and goods), and starting a business is not 
straightforward. Commercial activities will be restricted to those that “add value” to the 
city. To keep Masdar carbon-neutral, businesses that use lots of hydrocarbons will 
not be welcome. […] Will such a paternalistic city work well? Social factors are crucial 
in getting cities to hum. Masdar’s advertising states that “one day, all cities will be 
built like this.” This is not the case. For one thing, Masdar is experimental and a work 
in progress. What emerges will not necessarily translate well elsewhere. 
(by Natasha Loder, From The World in 2009) 
The frequent use of the modal auxiliary “will” in TEXT A indicates 
a) a situation in the present. 
b) future possibility. 
c) certainty in the future. 
d) a situation in the past. 
e) a continuing situation. 
6) May or will? Choose the correct answer: 
a) I’m going to stay home. It __________ rain later. ( ) may ( ) will 
b) I’m not sure, but Mr. Franklin __________ come tomorrow. ( ) may ( ) will 
c) In the future, scientists __________ (clone) human beings. ( ) may ( ) will 
d) If I have money, I __________ (buy) that new video game. ( ) may ( ) will 
7) Choose the best answer: What a relief! Tomorrow at this time, I __________ this 
project! It has taken me one year! 
a) had finished 
b) was finishing 
c) have finished 
d) will have finished 
8) Complete with will or would: Jones: __________ you like something to drink? 
Martha: If you have orange juice, I __________ have some. 
a) will; will 
b) would; would 
c) would; will 
d) will; would 
9) The Simple Future is often used to talk about the weather forecast. Look at the 
map and write your weather forecast. Use these words to help you. south north east 
west be cold dry earthquakes hurricanes ice lightning rain snow thunder warm wet will 
will be winds sunny cloudy windy 
10) Now, complete the sentences with Future simple (will): 
a) Jimmy: __________ you __________ (marry) me, sweetheart? Sally: Of course, I 
b) Scientists __________ (discover) a cure for certain diseases soon. 
c) If it’s sunny and hot tomorrow, I __________ (go) to the beach. 
d) Air pollution __________ (decrease/ negative) if we don’t use public transportation. 
11) A man wants to know what the future holds for him. He then goes to a clairvoyant 
and listens to what she says to him. 
Write sentences that predict his future. Example: You will meet the girl of your 
12) Fill in the blanks with the correct future form: 
a) __________ you __________ (do) a favor? 
b) The next election __________ (be) in June next year. 
c) What __________ you _________ (do) tomorrow night? 
d) If George invites me, I __________ (go) to the wedding with him. 
1) Put together the sentences and tags 
2) (Uerj) Com base no texto abaixo, responda à questão. 
 Picnics, pythons and heroes ... oh my! 
Golden Retriever rescues young girl from python It was a 
warm, sunny August afternoon, and Michelle Arnold of 
Farmingville, NY, ran inside her kitchen to pour her two 
daughters, Kaila (7) and Sara (3), a drink for their 
backyard picnic. Kaila followed her mother inside to help, 
leaving Sara to play in their new toy ball pit. Seconds 
later, Michelle heard a scream and then crying. She ran 
outside and found their pet Golden Retriever, Sundance, 
barking at a large, strangelookingsnake dead on the 
ground, and Sara crying on top of the picnic table. 
Michelle quickly checked her daughter for bites, but found 
nothing. Sundance had saved the day. The large, eight-
foot snake – a ball python – had made the Arnold’s ball 
pit its home and when Sara jumped in, it became agitated 
and started to slither toward her. Sundance, recognizing 
the danger, began to bark loudly at the reptile and eventually killed it to protect his 
young owner. The following year, Sunny won the Dog Hero of the Year Award, 
sponsored by Del Monte Pet Products. “I broke into tears”, said Michelle. “Sundance 
needs an operation to remove a few cysts from the back of his shoulders and we 
didn’t have enough money to schedule the surgery. Now, we are going to use the 
prize money for his operation. He has done so much for us, now it’s our turn to help 
him. Sundance saved my daughter’s life and, ever since that day, his official name 
became Sunny, the Hero Dog.” 
The text is an account of a dog’s good actions. The message conveyed in this text is 
best summarized in: 
a) dogs can be aggressive. 
b) pets can be our lifesavers. 
c) pet owners should train their pets. 
d) dog owners should reward their pets. 
3) What discourse marker indicates “opposition of ideas”? 
a) Nobody won the prize. Afterwards, they found out that the whole story has been a 
b) We finished the first part of the project, so it’s time to move on to the next step. 
c) All the athletes managed to finish the race, despite all difficulties and the bad 
4) According to what you have learnt, question tags are: 
a) short questions that usually come at the end of sentences. For example: The food 
wasn´t very good, was it? 
b) questions that refer to the main clause often starting with the question word. 
Example: “how long do you think (that) we should stay here?” 
c) clauses beginning with question words like “I decided who would come along 
with me” 
d) questions that the speaker may repeat : “I’m getting sick . ~ You’re getting sick?” 
e) short questions that are often used in conversation to show that the listener is quite 
aware and interested: “It was a terrible war. ~ Was it ? ~ Yes… 
5) Read the sentence below: “I don´t think there will be any kind of trouble. Two hours 
have gone and nobody has phoned so far, ______________________? So, it means 
that nothing can happen, _______________________?” The question tags that 
correctly fulfill the blankets are: 
a) has them? / can them? 
b) has they? / can they? 
c) hasn’t they? / can it? 
d) have they? / can’t they? 
e) have they? / can it? 
6) What discourse marker indicates “opposition of ideas”? 
a) Nobody won the prize. Afterwards, they found out that the whole story has been a 
b) We finished the first part of the project, so it’s time to move on to the next step. 
c) All the athletes managed to finish the race, despite all difficulties and the bad 
7) Write the correct question tag. 
a) She is in love with John, ______________________? 
b) Peter has been in London for three days, ______________________? 
c) Let’s watch a movie tonight, ______________________? 
d) Close the door when you leave, ______________________? 
e) He has never been abroad, ______________________? 
f) You’d better see a doctor, ______________________? 
g) She’d never been abroad before, ______________________? 
h) Nothing is more important than money, ______________________ ? 
i) Nobody phoned, ______________________? 
j) It’s hardly rained all summer, ______________________ ? 
k) They never smile, ______________________ ? 
l) Everybody was there, ______________________ ? 
m) There’s no milk left in the fridge, ______________________ ? 
n) Nothing matters, ______________________ ? 
o) I’m always late, ______________________ ? 

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