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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Avaliação: CEL0550_AV_201502034557 Data: 16/06/2016 11:03:08 (A) Critério: 
Nota da Prova: 6,0 de 8,0 Nota de Partic.: 1,5 
 1a Questão (Ref.: 170526) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
What kind of paragraph is the one below? Explain you point of view. My Most Embarrassing Moment The most embarrassing 
moment of my sophomore year was how I earned my nick name, Crash. It all started right after school when I turned on to the 
busiest street by the school. First I pulled up right behind this truck at a stop sign. After a second, a fellow older student told 
me that I was really close and that I was going to hit the truck in front of me. At the moment I was trying to tell the kid that I 
was giving a ride to to get back in the car because he was hanging out the window. Since I was distracted, I thought the long 
line of traffic had started to move, but it hadn¿t. In the blink of an eye I hit the back of the truck in front of me. The 
devastation sunk in. I was so worried that I damaged the truck, but all that I did was scratch his bumper. Lucky for him! Then 
it came time to look at my car. My car was ruined. The hood was buckled, the front end was pushed back, and my headlights 
were broken. Humiliated and scared, I still had to drive my totaled care home. During School that year, I never did hear the 
end of what had happened that day. ~© Tiffany Haggerty~ 
Resposta: It's a narrative because the author is talking about himslef, telling us a story about him 
Fundamentação do Professor: Ok. 
Gabarito: Paragrafo narrativo 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 126844) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Different kinds of texts requires different postures in relation to the act of writing. Thinking about what has just been said, 
comment how a writer must behave when he is supposed to write a formal letter and an informal one. 
Resposta: To write a formal letter a writer need to use the words correctly without slangs or things like that, he/she must use a 
formal language to show rescpet to the person who is going to read. But when it comes the informal text we can write with less 
formality, we can use slangs, words that we are used to use in online chats for example. 
Fundamentação do Professor: Ok. 
Gabarito: O aluno deve discorrer sobre formalidade e informalidade. 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 9208) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
O processo de leitura étambém um ato de criação, já que o leitor participa ativamente da constituição dos sentidos do 
A leitura proporciona a quem lê um texto a capacidade de questionar, mas também de ser questionado, de rever seus 
 Um leitor proficiente precisa, apenas, saber decodificar os códigos lingüísticos para que possa atribuir significados à 
A recepção de sentido de um texto vai depender das experiências de vida e do conhecimento de mundo do leitor. 
A construção de sentido sofre influência de um maior ou menor conhecimento do código lingüístico do texto. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 24715) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que indica a razão do funeral de Jim Davis ter sido diferente dos outros: FAKE 
FUNERAL SCAM It was quite a send-off for Jim Davis, or so the people paying his funeral bills were led to believe. They were 
told Davis was laid to rest at Abbey Memorial Park in Compton after being placed in an ornate, top-of-the-line casket lined with 
elaborate floral arrangements. Altogether, the bill to bury Davis at the palm-lined cemetery came to nearly $31,000. But there 
was a problem: There was no Jim Davis. He was dreamed up by a group of scam artists, authorities say. And prosecutors say 
the coffin that was lowered into the ground was made out of cheap plywood or cardboard, filled with either rocks or animal 
bones, apparently to convince those who handled it that there was a body inside. 
e. Jim was buried naked 
 b. It cost nearly $31,000 
 a. Jim Davis was a fictitious person 
d. He was buried alive 
c. He had a top-of-the-line casket 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 9952) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Leia o texto com atenção e selecione a alternativa que apresenta a seqüência correta em que as palavras aparecem no texto 
Mama Mia: U.S. Ranks 28th in Best Place to be a Mother by Lesley Kennedy - May 5th/ Time Magazine According to the 
organization's 11th annual report, which ranks the_____________ places to be a mother, Norway and Australia are________ 
spots, while the United States places at just number 28 -- down from 27 in 2009. The reason? America's maternal______ rate 
-- one in 4,800 -- is one of the highest in the____________ world, according to Save the Children. Also factoring in: The U.S. 
ranks behind many other wealthy nations in terms of maternity__________ policies. 
 best and worst - the top - mortality - developed - leave. 
best and worst - leave - developed - the top - mortality. 
mortality - best and worst - the top - developed - leave. 
best and worst - leave - developed - the top - mortality. 
the top - leave - developed - best and worst - mortality. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 9220) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
a- Relacione as estratégias de leitura com as definições apresentadas e marque a alternativa que exprime a relação correta: 
 1- Previsão 
2- Skimming 
3- Scanning 
4- Predição 
 5- Inferência 
 A- Encontrar a idéia geral do texto após uma olhada ligeira. 
 B- Identificar idéias que não estão expressas no texto. 
 C- Ler o texto rapidamente para achar o tópico, a idéia principal e a organização do texto. 
 D- Ler o texto rapidamente para achar uma informação específica. 
E- Antecipar o que vai ser dito no texto 
1-d; 2-e; 3-b; 4-c; 5-a 
 1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-b 
1-d; 2-a; 3-e; 4-c; 5-b 
1-b; 2-c; 3-e; 4-a; 5-d 
1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d; 5-e 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 11648) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5 
Escolha a alternativa em que a palavra em negrito (SUCH) dê à frase um sentido similar ao do exemplo do enunciado. 
The service was so good we had to leave a tip. 
 It was such a good service we had to leave a tip. 
It such was a good service we had to leave a tip. 
 It was a good such service we had to leave a tip. 
It was a good service such we had to leave a tip. 
It was a service such good we had to leave a tip. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 126709) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Vocabulary can be either productive or receptive. Mark the only statement which can be considered true: 
There are no differences between productive and receptive vocabulary 
Receptive vocabulary is smaller than productive vocabulary in any language. 
Productive vocabulary is used only in the listening skill. 
 a- Productive vocabulary is more used in the speaking and writing skills. 
Productive vocabulary includes listening, writing, reading and speaking skills at the same time. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 11646) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Usando as regras gramaticais, escolha a frase que é gramaticalmente correta. 
She asked him what was he doing. 
 John asked Peter why their father was angry. 
He asked that what am I doing. 
Do you would like to come with me? 
She said that she would to come. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 126773) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5 
In an example by SalvadorDali, that you have watched in a vídeo, there is an element employed to surprise, to demonstrate 
intentional incoherence . The clocks which are deconstructed show us the rapid flowing of time. This incoherence is shown 
a structure 
 a cohesive element 
a contrast 
 a metaphor 
a proposition

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