
Atps ingles IV

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Prévia do material em texto

Michele ............................. 			RA: .........
Marilza ................................... 		RA: .........
Suzana .............................			RA: .........
Verucia ...........................			RA: .........
 Atividade Prática Supervisionada (ATPS) entregue como requisito para conclusão da disciplina de Inglês IV sobre orientação da professora e tutora presencial Ingrid Saldanha.
London is a beautiful city belonging to England that is within the UK. Being the capital of England, London has great visibility in various questions, such as education, reference in the question commitment and responsibility, and chosen because of its great diversity of people, restaurants and be very welcoming to any visitor, even though as downside have its inhabitants narrated as cold and antisocial people.
London has great particularity with respect to its climate, being a well humid city and rainy most of the year. It also features the well-defined seasons, with a very clear winter and summer very clear.
The climate is very mild, summer is very light and winter is little cold, thus having a very moderate climate and well accepted by any visitor. The months of January and February are by far the cooler. However, July and August are the hottest months. London has a change of impressive time. In the summer, from June to August, rarely reach 30 °C and rarely drop below 25 °C. There is sun in this period, but it does not heat up.
The weather is unpredictable and may be cloudy or rainy any day. The rain usually mild like a drizzle. It is always recommended to leave the house with an umbrella or a jacket in case the weather changes suddenly.
The periods between December and February are the worst where the temperature may fall to below 0° C. It is a city with the usual snow, but in this period but for a few days. The snow is light, gets to have about three centimeters deep, that it's good because Britain is not a country prepared for a lot of snow because it is not very usual snow. At times when there is a lot of snow some schools come close for a while until the weather eases.
July is the month with milder temperatures, it is summer and temperatures are around 14º C minimum and maximum of 24º C, and coincide with the school holidays. As January is the most difficult month to endure, because even has a winter with minimum 1° C and maximum 6° C.
It is very common to see people in airports are surprised by the excess baggage price. In the figure the passenger exceeds couple with their luggage when the clerk will charge, they are embarrassed because they do not have the money to pay, then the couple decides to take their belongings from the bag and enters the plane dressed in all your clothes.
Many people travel by plane daily and disorders found in airports are very common around the world, so the major international and domestic airports has been studying techniques to better care for passenger comfort have a trip with satisfaction. 
Traveling is meeting new horizons is seeking new achievements and the satisfaction of living. Meet places you've never been before is very encouraging indeed. However, for all this may in fact be of great benefit, it is very necessary that organize the journey of dreams, such as airline tickets, the hosting location and language.
Have a partial knowledge of the tourist sites is critical because you will have a more significant trip, so the thought of traveling if you plan ahead, things happen even when there is a schedule.
Think of the house traffic to the airport and the airport to the hotel. It happened cases of some people losing their flew and also do not forget to take too many bags and cases can occur excess baggage and you then pay a very heavy price for it. To help you have a quiet trip follow a few steps:
1	By the cheapest airline tickets online!
2	Find out the most beautiful tourist places in the world chosen by millions of travelers.
3	Avoid excess baggage, not take glassware in luggage more expensive than as buying a computer.
4	 Check the luggage, lost luggage is worse than losing the flight.
5	Always carry a change of clean clothes in your hands is better than being cold.
6	Precaution not draw the attention of bandits, buy cheap bags is much better than buying designer bags.
7	See in advance the best way to reach the airport. In some cases, the taxi can come out as expensive as the passage.
8	Arrive at the airport with advance is more beneficial than late.
9	Go to the check-in counter of your airline, carrying the bags and identification documents and be sure to pick up your boarding pass you will be more relaxed than when you arrived at the airport.
10	 On the plane, head to the seat marked on the boarding pass it will be less disorder sit in a non-desirable location.
Polo Arctic 
So beautiful to admire and feel the glaciers that leave us frozen due to its low temperature. What about the life in it as polar bears and penguins and wolves etc., but all this beauty is about to end if no human awareness, living beings who live there depend on glacier Arctic and ask for help.
What are the possible causes of the Arctic climate are changing?
·	Felling of trees
·	Pumps capable of drilling the Arctic demand for oil
·	Decline in the food chain there is an imbalance in the ocean currents
The Greenpeace has being working for the benefit of the planet so it makes up projects and campaigns in favor of aggressive combat ecosystem. Sends petitions people, big companies to educate humans to contribute to the protection of our beautiful planet.
The text used as a reference reflects the universe of the difficult coexistence between young teens and their parents, bringing various conflicts for family living. It is an easy to understand text as well as addresses the problem of the relationship between parents and children, also brings great solutions before this confrontation. 
For many years it was known that for some families the conviviality and dialogue existed only on one side, clearly reaching a starry monologue by only one party: the parents. With the passage of time and the evolution of humanity, this has been changing. 
In the text, in English, are observed various forms for those who still have dialogue with their parents, go to have this kind of exercise in their daily lives. It explained, too, that parents are also human beings, error-prone, showing that the initial error may also come from the adult side, proving that the teenager is not always the problem and immature part. 
The text shows that the coexistence between adults and teenagers for many years has been complex, but this difficulty passes over the years and with the coming of age, sometimes by both parties. And shows that no matter how difficult it is to coexistence, dialogue is still the best way to take life on and solve many internal problems within the family. 
Nobody said it was easy, and in fact is not, but clearly dialogue, understanding, respectful coexistence of both parties make daily exercise of the conversation is more profitable. 
The text provides some tips to better develop this coexistence, how to plan a time to talk with parents, avoid talking when you're hungry, never keep the conversation only "you", forget past fights and think of the current problems, leaving the defensive, have a more open mind, and if all this is not anything useful, one idea is to call a third party, it will be like a mediating party to the conversation flow. 
And even if all attempts fail dialogue, it is important to remember that it is good to keep strong and positive. Sometimes things do not go as we wanted, But bad things come for our good and then realize it. Discussions with parents can be frustrating because it is a fight in which all love each other, andeverybody hurts. But the important thing is to remain strong, because everything happens at the end. 
For young people, going through adolescence can be like walking a tightrope. Each step may seem unknown - and scary even. For parents, they may sometimes feel they want to save their children that "walk". Of course you can not do this, but can be the equilibrium stick deles. Them parents are in a unique position to help their children stay on track and out of adolescence as responsible adults.
"I made a great effort to tell my parents¸ how I felt but could not express myself right - and they did not let me finish. It was so difficult to create the courage to open up to them, and ended up being a total disaster! "- Rosa
When I was younger, the first people who sought for advice were my parents. I told them any news, big or small. “Was the will to express my thoughts and feelings, and trusted the advice them. But now perhaps think my parents do not understand me." One night, over dinner, I started crying and I opened with them. My heard but not me. They understood. How can I talk to my parents? I kept asking myself the same question several times and the conclusion I took was that it was wrong to keep some thoughts, since I was not deceiving them and should keep trying not to give up talking to them.
Referências Bibliográficas:
acesso em 02/11/2015

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