
Exercises Homework

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January 22nd, 2017
Exercises - Countable and non-countable nouns ( Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis)
1- N advice ; 2- N C program ; 3- C N news ; 4- C necklace ; 5- C color ; 6- C Orange ; 7- C Email ; 8- N hope ; 9- C ring ; 10- C file ; 11- N hate ; 12- C jewelry ; 13- N information ; 14- C Partner ; 15- C Music ; 16- C N cheese ; 17- N economics ; 18- C boy ; 19- C watch ; 20- N rain ; 21- C season ; 22- N trash ; 23- N snow ; 24- N work ; 25- N garbage ; 26- N C raindrop ; 27- N homework ; 28- N happiness ; 29- N faith ; 30- N C essay ; 31 C N flour ; 32 N english ; 33- N ocean ; 34- C leaf ; 35- C bag ; 36- N sleet ; 37- C N milk ; 38- C soldier ; 39- C child ; 40- C carrot ; 41- N C snowflake ; 42- N fidelity ; 43- N loyalty ; 44- N impatience ; 45- C peach 
1- a cup of coffee 2- A bottle OF milk 3- A bowl OF ice cream 4- A BOWL OF/ A BOX OF cereal 5- A litTer OF yogurt 6- A piece/ LOAF OF bread 7- A Gallon OF gas 8- A CAN OF tuna 9- A bottle OF coke 10 A box OF candy
1- the news are always bad on channel 46.
2- Rosa’s hair is long and blond and her clothes are very stylish.
3- the advisor gave me the wrong information. Her advice were WAS incorrect.
4- I bought two PIECES OF cheese and three bottles of milk.
5- Henry drank two CUPS OF tea.
6- Statistics are class difficult. (IS A DIFFICULT CLASS)
A mail
An advice
An apple
A traffic
A hair
An information
A job
A work
An assignment
A homework
A friend
A sand
A piece
Some news
A girl
An email
A message
A hard drive
A bus
A SOME cheese
A problem
A love
A partner
A music
A classmate
Some A woman
A book
An ant
A rice
A pen
January 30th,2017
Six women are
The mail is
Economics is
Milk is
Tigers are 
The team is
The washington post is 
Coffee is
The boys and girls are
Salt is 
Faith is 
Five emails are
Physics is
Three bowls are
 Sugar is 
The army is
The movie frozen is
Patience is 
The obamas are
The grammar books are
January 30th, 2017

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