
ingles simulado 2

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Although robots have made great strides in 
manufacturing, where tasks are repetitive, they are 
still no match for humans, who can grasp things and 
move about effortlessly in the physical world. 
Designing a robot to mimic the basic 
capabilities of motion and perception would be 
revolutionary, researchers say, with applications 
stretching from care for the elderly to returning 
overseas manufacturing operations to the United 
States (albeit with fewer workers). 
Yet the challenges remain immense, far 
higher than artificial intelligence obstacles like 
speaking and hearing. “All these problems where 
you want to duplicate something biology does, such 
as perception, touch, planning or grasping, turn out 
to be hard in fundamental ways,” said Gary Bradski, 
a vision specialist at Willow Garage, a robot 
development company based in Silicon Valley. “It’s 
always surprising, because humans can do so much 
 http://www.nytimes.com, July 11, 2011. Adaptado 
1. Segundo o texto, um grande desafio da robótica é: 
a) não desistir da criação de robôs que falem e 
entendam o que ouvem. 
b) melhorar a capacidade dos robôs para a execução 
de tarefas repetitivas. 
c) não tentar igualar as habilidades dos robôs às dos 
seres humanos. 
d) voltar a fabricar robôs que possam ser 
comercializados pela indústria norte-americana. 
d) projetar um robô que imite as habilidades básicas 
de movimento e percepção dos seres humanos. 
2. De acordo com o texto, o especialista Gary 
Bradski afirma que: 
a) a sua empresa projetou um robô com capacidade 
de percepção. 
b) os robôs já estão bem mais desenvolvidos, 
c) a construção de robôs que reproduzam 
capacidades biológicas é difícil. 
d) as pessoas podem ser beneficiadas por robôs com 
capacidade de planejamento. 
e) a habilidade das pessoas em operar robôs 
sofisticados é surpreendente. 
One Man in a Boat 
Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for 
hours without catching anything. But this does not 
worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of 
catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am 
even less lucky. I never catch anything – not even 
old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the 
river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You 
must give up fishing!” my friends say. “It’s a waste 
of time.” But they don’t realize one important thing. 
I’m not really interested in fishing. I’m only 
interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at 
 LIBERATO, W. A. Inglês doorway (Coleção Delta). 
3. Embora o homem pesque com frequência, ele: 
a) só pega botas velhas e lixo; 
b) sempre pega lixo; 
c) nunca pega coisa alguma; 
d) às vezes pega um peixe; 
e) só pega sacolas velhas. 
4. Os amigos dele costumam dizer que: 
a) um dia ele será um bom pescador; 
b) ele tem de desistir de pescar; 
c) ele deve continuar tentando; 
d) ele precisa se esforçar mais; 
e) ele é um homem de sorte. 
5. Em “Fishing is my favorite sport” a palavra 
fishing é um: 
a) verbo 
b) adjetivo 
c) advérbio 
d) substantivo 
e) conjunção 
A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the 
The protests have many different origins. In 
Brazil people rose up against bus fares, in Turkey 
against a building project. Indonesians have rejected 
higher fuel prices. In the euro zone they march 
against austerity, and the Arab spring has become a 
perma-protest against pretty much everything. 
Yet just as in 1848, 1968 and 1989, when 
people also found a collective voice, the 
demonstrators have much in common. In one 
country after another, protesters have risen up with 
bewildering speed. They tend to be ordinary, 
middle-class people, not lobbies with lists of 
demands. Their mix of revelry and rage condemns 
the corruption, inefficiency and arrogance of the 
folk in charge. 
Nobody can know how 2013 will change the 
world – if at all. In 1989 the Soviet empire teetered 
and fell. But Marx’s belief that 1848 was the first 
wave of a proletarian revolution was confounded by 
decades of flourishing capitalism and 1968 did more 
to change sex than politics. Even now, though, the 
inchoate significance of 2013 is discernible. And for 
politicians who want to peddle the same old stuff, 
news is not good. 
 The Economist, June 29, 2013. Adaptado. 
6. Ao comparar os protestos de 2013 com 
movimentos políticos passados, afirma-se, no texto, 
a) nem sempre esses movimentos expressam anseios 
b) as crenças de Marx se confirmaram, mesmo após 
c) as revoltas de 1968 causaram grandes mudanças 
d) mudanças de costumes foram as principais 
consequências de movimentos passados. 
e) não se sabe se os protestos de 2013 mudarão o 
7. De acordo com o texto, após usar o Facebook, 
algumas pessoas: 
a) se sentiram insatisfeitas 
b) fizeram mais amigos 
c) questionaram umas as outras 
d) completaram rapidamente suas pesquisas 
e) se sentiram muito felizes 
8. Complete o texto com a palavra apropriada. 
a) many 
b) some 
c) much 
d) a few 
e) no 
Henry James is one of America's greatest 
novelists, and the author of The Turn of the Screw, a 
well-known short ghost story, published in 1898. 
It is a story that many people have made into films 
and operas. One of the best operas is one written by 
Benjamin Britten in the mid twentieth century. 
The book is about a governess who looks 
after two children in a house which has no near 
neighbours. The story is both haunting and 
frightening. The children, Flora and Miles, are 
charming to their teacher, but when she starts to see 
the figures of a man and woman in the gardens, she 
begins to believe that supernatural forces possess 
them, and will lead to their destruction. The reader 
and the listener sometimes wonder if the governess 
is mad, because both author and composer cleverly 
leave a lot of room for the reader’s / listeners’ own 
terrible thoughts and ideas. 
Ghost stories and music have a similar effect 
on us. The best ghost stories try to get into our 
minds, and music has the power to go past our 
conscious thought and appeal directly to our feelings 
and emotions. 
So the terrifying production that opened last night at 
Covent Garden Opera House is successful for two 
reasons: first because it has a great author and 
composer, and second because your imagination 
takes over from your sensible mind. 
9. Decide if the following statements are True or 
False according to the text and choose the correct 
I. The story takes place in a haunted castle. 
II. Henry James and Benjamin Britten worked 
together in The Turn of the Screw. 
III. The story first appeared in a book. 
a) F F T b) T T F c) T F T d) F T F e) T T T 
10. How are ghost stories and music similar? 
a) Both of them are scary. 
b) Both of them make us cry. 
c) Both of them are part of an opera. 
d) Both of them are written by the same person. 
e) Both of them appeal to our feelings and emotions.

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