
Aula 9

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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		One of the best results of Feminism in our contemporary society is
	A process of violent and global revolution about men's dignity and emancipation.
	A process of intense and global discredit about women's dignity and emancipation.
	A process of intense and global consciousness about men's dignity and emancipation.
	A process of intense and global consciousness about women's dignity and emancipation.
	A process of violent and global revolution about women's dignity and emancipation.
		The strength of postmodern feminism is that it moves beyond simplistic notions of ---------- based on distinctions between opposites such as being either male or female, or black or white.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		The strength of postmodern feminism is that it moves beyond simplistic notions of identity based on distinctions between opposites, such as being either male or female, or black or white. It suggests that identity is more -------------.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Studies about Feminism content are important, especially in Latin America because
	The political reality in this continent is marked by women crises, the decrease of social differences and prejudice against women.
	The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the increase of women differences and prejudice against men.
	The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the decrease of social differences and valorization of women.
	The political reality in this continent is marked by women crises, the increase of social differences and prejudice against men.
	The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the increase of social differences and prejudice against women.
		Feminism ideology can take many different forms. In the 1970's, women started developing a theory which helped to explain their oppression. By the 1980's, feminists started disagreeing on particular issues linked to feminism. What was once one theory, began to branch out into many theories that focused on different feminist issues.
What is the main focus of radical feminism?
	Radical feminists believe that society must be changed at its core in order to dissolve matriarchy, not just through acts of legislation. Unfortunately, this type of feminism also attracts a lot of negative media attention creating a negative view of feminism. Radical feminists believe that the domination of men is the oldest and worst kind of oppression in the world so their focus is on young girls who should be brought up to rule the world and banish men from their pedestal.
	Radical feminism is a "current" within feminism that focuses on the theory of patriarchy as a system of power that organizes society into a complex of relationships based on an assumption of "female supremacy" used to oppress men. Radical feminism aims at challenging and at overthrowing patriarchy by opposing standard gender roles and the female oppression of men, and calls for a radical reordering of society.
	Radical feminists tend to be more militant in their approach (radical as "getting to the root"). Radical feminism opposes existing political and social organization in general because it is inherently tied to matriarchy.
	Radical feminism focuses on men as oppressors. Radical feminists view prostitution as a reinforcement, perpetuation, subordination, and exploitation of women.
	Radical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of men by women.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Mark the correct option as far as the Post-Structuralism movement is concerned:
	One important factor is that the Post-Structuralism never inaugurated and registered Nietzsche's French reception, which provided inspiration to many of his theoretical innovations.
	The most important factor is that the Post-Structuralism refuses to inaugurate and register Nietzsche's French reception, which provided inspiration to many of his theoretical innovations.
	One important factor is that the Post-Structuralism inaugurates and registers Nietzsche's French reception, which provided inspiration to many of his theoretical innovations.
	One important factor is that the Post-Structuralism inaugurates and registers a small French reception, which provided inspiration to many theoretical innovations.
	The least important factor is that the Post-Structuralism inaugurates and registers Nietzsche's French reception, which provided inspiration to many of his theoretical innovations.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		A group, normally support its social types. They place themselves as well as others into social types, and then try to be up to group expectation. Therefore, social types as a model that guide positively by imitational ways and negatively by -----------------.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		All women must be free from the constraints of belonging to a specific gender. This is called
	diligent feminism
	multi feminism
	special feminism
	global feminism.
	local feminism

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