
Blood Development in adults

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Development of blood in adults
Klaus O. Kaefer 7th
Components of blood tissue:
Plasma (water, ions, organic molecule, vitamins, gases) 
and cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets) 
All cells are production from Blood stem cell,
 this cell is formed in the red bone marrow.
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After blood stem divided in Myeloid stem cell and lymphoid stem cell.
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Myeloid stem cell form: red blood cells (5.106 for ml/blood) and platelets (150-450.103 for ml/blood) and myeloblast (form one type white blood cells)
Lymphoid stem cells form: Lymphoblast and it form other white blood cells(4-11.103 for ml/blood)
Erythrocyte (main function is transport O2 from lung to cells by circulator system, don´t have a nucleus) is need 7 days to form in red bone marrow, need stimulation from hormone that called Erythropoietin, this hormone is formed in kidney (85%) or liver (15%) when pressure O2 is minor than 60mmHg (hypoxia)
White cell (main function is defence and immunity of the organism, have a nucleus) formed by Lymphoid stem cell and Myeloblast, divided in 5 type cells: Neutrophils(62%), Lymphocytes (30%), Monocytes (5%), Eosinophil (2,5%) and Basophils(0,75%).
Platelets (main function is haemostasis and clotting) form from fragmentation of Megakaryocytes.

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