

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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3a aula
	Exercício: CEL0558_EX_A3_201708392173_V1 
	12/02/2018 11:59:42 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201708679705
	 1a Questão
	Which alternative presents an example of a quasi-modal verb?
	He might be there already.
	You can go now.
	You ought to stain your fence this year.
	He may arrive tomorrow.
	Last summer I would run every day
	Ref.: 201708609709
	 2a Questão
	 In the sentence: 'For years, we were told not to use "hopefully" at the beginning of a sentence.', the highlighted verb phrase is formed by:
	c) auxiliary + past participle
	d) modal + plain form
	a) auxiliary + plain form
	e) modal + bare infinitive form
	b) auxiliary + bare infinitive form
	Ref.: 201708613574
	 3a Questão
	What are the moods in English?
	c) progressive - imperative - conditional - subjunctive
	e) indicative - perfect- conditional - subjunctive
	b) indicative - imperative - present - subjunctive
	a) indicative - imperative - conditional - subjunctive
	d) indicative - imperative - perfect - subjunctive
	Ref.: 201708596109
	 4a Questão
	The progressive (or continuous) aspect indicates a continuous, ongoing action or event. In English, this is expressed morphologically through:
	the addition of the suffix -ing to the verb stem, which is then used with the auxiliary →have.'
	the addition of the suffix -ed to the verb stem, which is then used with the auxiliary →have.'
	the addition of the suffix -ing to the verb stem, which is then used with the auxiliary →be.'
	the addition of the suffix -ing to the verb stem, which is then used with the auxiliary will.'
	the addition of the suffix -ed to the verb stem, which is then used with the auxiliary →be.'
	Ref.: 201708679704
	 5a Questão
	Aspect is the expression of the temporal structure of an action or state. Aspect in English expresses ongoing actions or states with or without distinct end points. English has four aspects: simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect-progressive. Mood is the expression of modality of an action or state. Modality is the expression of possibility, necessity, and contingency. Modality can be expressed through modal verbs as well as through grammatical mood in English. Which alternative presents a WRONG declaration about the aspect or the mood?
	The indicative mood regards the action as not factually occurring in reality, but only as a result of a potential fulfillment of some condition.
	The Simple (or Zero) Aspect does not relate to the flow of time and merely states whether or not the action occurs.
	The Perfect-Progressive Aspect expresses incomplete or ongoing actions or states that began in the past and continue to a specific time.
	The Perfect Aspect expresses the consequences resulting from a previous action or state.
	a) The Progressive (or continuous) expresses incomplete or ongoing actions or states at a specific time.
	Ref.: 201708679703
	 6a Questão
	In which alternative the example correspond to the right analysis?
	By the time Dona had saved enough money, she bought a new car (simple past).
	Tomorrow at 12 o¿clock I will be giving a lecture at the university so I will not be answering any calls. (future progressive)
	We had been walking the streets of Paris for hours until we finally took a break. (past continuous)
	Ron has been working on the same document without a break for hours. (present continuous)
	By 14:00 the cake will have been baking for 90 minutes (simple future progressive)
	Ref.: 201708596104
	 7a Questão
	According to the verbs, aspect in English expresses ongoing actions or states with or without distinct end points. Choose the option which describes its four aspects.
	simple, past, future and perfect.
	simple, progressive, future and perfect.
	simple, past and future progressive and perfect.
	simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect-progressive.
	simple, progressive, past, future.
	Ref.: 201709007444
	 8a Questão
	Mark the option in which there is not a modal but a quasi-modal:
	ought to

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