
Teste 05

Prévia do material em texto

5a aula 
Exercício: CEL0556_EX_A5_201703243277_V1 05/05/2018 10:09:03 (Finalizada) 
Disciplina: CEL0556 - LITERATURA INGLESA I 201703243277 
Ref.: 201703446980 
 1a Questão 
The word Renaissance literally means: 
 classical study 
Greek art 
Ref.: 201704357761 
 2a Questão 
Shakespeare is regarded as a great player beyond time. How can we explain his modernity? 
The works of Shakespeare will never continue generation after generation, throughout the countries and 
the cultures of the world. 
The works of Shakespeare continue to speak, generation after generation, but only inside England and 
for British culture. 
 The works of Shakespeare continue to speak to us, generation after generation, throughout the countries 
and the cultures of the world. 
The works of Shakespeare stopped speaking to us, generation after generation, but only inside England 
and for British culture. 
The works of Shakespeare do not speak to us, generation after generation, but only inside England and 
for British culture. 
Four hundred years have passed since William Shakespeare wrote his last play. Yet his prose, plots and 
characters are as alive today as they were when the plays were originally conceived during the late sixteenth 
and early seventeenth centuries. It is undeniable that Shakespeare survived and thrived and became an 
international famous play writer as a result of the quality of the material he wrote. There is no writer on the 
planet who has as much work so vividly present in readers¿ minds.Shakespeare¿s works are emotional, 
hilarious, pithy. But above all, he was masterful at impregnating his stories and his characters with qualities 
that audiences and readers identify with. His characters are the genuine product of common humanity, such as 
the world will always supply, and observation will always find. Besides, the language is rich, the characters 
are complex and many of his basic themes ¿ love, treachery, honor, bravery and political intrigue ¿ will always 
be essential to any living human being. Humans still experience love, loss, betrayal, war, humor and tragedy, 
which gives Shakespeare a foothold in modern times. Still, the playwright wrote for live audiences. This fact 
made him explore and sophisticate the way he, as an author, could reach and win the audience instantly and 
Ref.: 201703446990 
 3a Questão 
The goal of tragedy is to __________ us. 
Ref.: 201703446982 
 4a Questão 
The women's parts in Shakespeare's plays: 
were modeled after the queen 
caused great scandal in England 
the main ones 
 were played by male actors 
 called for powerful technique 
Ref.: 201703449033 
 5a Questão 
Beowulf is written in Anglo-Saxon language with the use of alliteration. The only existing manuscript of it 
dates from the eleventh century, but it is believed that the original poem may have been written before. What 
is the literary characteristic of Beowulf? 
It is a tragedy. 
It is a sonnet. 
 It is an epic poem. 
It is an epic poetry. 
It is a comedy. 
Ref.: 201703983530 
 6a Questão 
Shakespeare is the most famous writer in the English language. Even though not much is known about his life, 
we do know some details about it. 
How old was Shakespeare when he got married? 
He was twenty-eight. 
He was thirty. 
He was forty. 
 He was twenty-five. 
 He was eighteen. 
Ref.: 201703446983 
 7a Questão 
The Elizabethan reign was a time of: 
sadness and fear 
internal political instability 
 prosperity and conquests 
 domesticity and gentility 
religious persecution 
Ref.: 201703448886 
 8a Questão 
The medieval tragedies such as the classic, follow many of Aristotelian precepts. However, the work produced 
during the Middle Ages generally deal with other themes and their moral precepts, which are: 
 Chivalry and Christianity 
Christianity and Anglicism 
Chivalry and Anglicism 
 Celtic and Christianity 
Chivalry and Celtic

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