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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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26/09/2018 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 1/4
Identify the head of the direct object in the sentence: Sally sold Molly some chocolate chip cookies.
Which word is the DIRECT object in the following sentence?
"The professor gave her class an assignment via the Web site."
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: GUSTAVO DA SILVA VIEIRA Matrícula: 201703381921
Disciplina: CEL0558 - LING.ING-ASPECT.MORF Período Acad.: 2018.3 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
 Sally sold Molly some chocolate chip cookies.
some chocolate chip cookies. = direct object
cookies = head of the direct object
Molly = indirect object
a. professor
e. site
c. assignment
a. professor b. class c. assignment d. via the Web site e. site
b. class
The professor gave her class an assignment via the Web site.
The professor = SUBJECT
gave = VERB
an assignment = DIRECT OBJECT
via the Web site. = ADVERBIAL
26/09/2018 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 2/4
In which sentence there is a linking verb?
In which sentences there is a subject complement?
He grew tired of walking.
The monkey looked for food.
I tasted the soup.
He grew tomatoes here.
Mother appeared quietly in the room.
The monkey looked for food. = LOOK FOR = TRANSITIVE VERB
I tasted the soup. = TRANSITIVE VERB
Mother appeared quietly in the room. = INTRANSITIVE VERB
He grew tomatoes here. = TRANSITIVE VERB
Gabarito Coment.
b) They elected him president.
a) We painted the door white.
d) That shrimp dish made him sick.
e) They called her a thief.
c) He seems nice.
subject complement (predicativo do sujeito)
object complement (predicativo do objeto)
He seems nice. 
Bob is a postman. 
The driver is tired.
We painted the door white. 
They elected him president. 
That shrimp dish made him sick.
26/09/2018 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 3/4
In which phrase the adnominal functor is correctly highlighted?
Select the sentence with the correct analysis.
b) notion of time (NOTION)
d) a box of paper (BOX)
a) in the Lewinsky case (LEWINSKY)
c) the Tate gallery (GALLERY)
e) one half of the cake (ONE HALF)
Adnominal functors are functors for modifications exclusively modifying (semantic)
nouns. They can be of two types:
ADNOMINAL ADJECTIVES: (adjuntos adnominais)
in the Lewinsky case
notion of time
the Tate gallery
a box of paper
one half of the cake
harsh weather
five children
a vessel with a displacement of 9700 tons
NOUN COMPLEMENT (complemento nominal)
He is interested in you.
John reads the book (the book = indirect object)
They elected him president (president = object complement)
She dances (dances = adverbial)
John's mother, Felicity, gave me a present. (me = direct object)
She listened to the radio. (to the radio = indirect object)
She dances (dances = adverbial) VERB
John reads the book (the book = indirect object) DIRECT OBJECT
John's mother, Felicity, gave me a present. (me = direct object) INDIRECT OBJECT.
She listened to the radio. (to the radio = indirect object) OBJECT OF PREPOSITION
Gabarito Coment.
26/09/2018 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 4/4
Select the sentence that contains a TRANSITIVE verb.
Mark the simple sentence which has a linking verb:
b. The doctor examined my aunt and said she could come home.
c. The train arrived.
d. He is in London at the moment.
a. My aunt, who was examined by the doctor, is coming home.
e. Tom grew insistent.
 The doctor examined my aunt and said she could come home.= MY AUNT = DIRECT OBJECT = TRANSITIVE VERB.
He explained the situation to me.
She seems tired.
Do you like flowers?
I´ve cooked a meal for you.
My father has bougt a wonderful present for me.
I´ve cooked a meal for you. = cooked = transitive verb/ a meal = direct object
My father has bougt a wonderful present for me. = ditransitive verb; a wonderful present = direct object; for me = indirect
She seems tired. tired = predicative
A linking verb connects a subject to a predicate complement (predicative):
Example: Some of us thought that the play was very good.
Do you like flowers? = like = transitive verb/ flowers = direct object
He explained the situation to me. = ditransitive verb; the situation = direct object; to me = indirect object

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