
AULA Intergovernamentalismo Liberal 28.08.2014

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WIENER, A. & DIEZ, T. (2009)
Capítulo 4: Andrew Moravcsik and Frank Schimmelfennig 
a 'baseline theory'
Main assumptions and propositions:
1) LI is grounded in broader social science theory;
2) LI is a grand theory;
3) LI is parcimonious;
4) LI offers a multistage model: preferences, bargaining, and institutions.
At the most fundamental level, Ll rests on two basic assumptions about politics. The first is that states are actors. The second basic Ll assumption is that states are rational.
A three-stage framework
States first define preferences, then bargain to substantive agreements, and finally create (or adjust) institutions to secure those outcomes in the face of future uncertainty.
Instituições da União Europeia (Mamede, 2014)
A União Europeia compõe-se tanto de instituições supranacionais (Comissão Europeia, Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, Parlamento Europeu e Banco Central Europeu) quanto intergovernamentais (Conselho da União Europeia e Conselho Europeu).

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