
Inglês - 7 ano

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Inglês – 7° ano
Hi, My name is Sara. I will tell you about my dream. One day I will go to Brazil. I will visit the North and the South. I will eat typical food, like “feijoada” and “acarajé”. I will talk to the people. I will make new friends. I will dance Brazilian music, like “Samba” and “Axé”. Yesterday I watched a programme on TV about Brazil. It is a beautiful place, I will love this country located in South America. I will see wonderful beaches and I will learn Portuguese.
1°) Read the text and mark (T) true or (F) false:
(Leia o texto e marque (T) verdadeiro ou (F) false):
She will not eat typical food, like “feijoada” and “acarajé”. ( )
She will talk to people. ( )
She will see wonderful beaches. ( )
She will go to Brazil. ( )
She will learn English. ( )
2°) Choose two sentences from the text and write them below into the negative form.
(Escolha duas frases no texto e escreva-as abaixo na forma negativa).
3°) Put the nouns from the box in the correct place.
(Coloque os substantivos do quadro no lugar correto).
	Water – bread – lemons – tea – milk – eggs – grapes – oranges – butter - coins
4°) Complete the sentences using many or much.
1. My brother is very busy. He hasn't got ___________________ time.
2. There is too _________________ noise in the street. I can't sleep.
3. How _______________ eggs do I need for an omelet.
4. Does your student know _______________________ words in English?
5. Because of e-mails, people don't receive __________________ letters nowadays.
5°) Read the postcard below and do what you ask.
(Leia o cartão postal e depois faça o que se pede).
Write an affirmative sentence.
Write a negative sentence.
Write an interrogative sentence.
6º) Choose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the sentence bellow:
(Escolha a melhor alternativa que tem o mesmo significado da frase abaixo)
	He will talk to his brother after school.
a) He going to talk to his brother after school.
b) He is going talk to his brother after school.
c) He is going to talk to his brother after school.
d) He is going talk to his brother after school.
e) He going to talk his brother after school.
7°) (UFPR) Which of the underlined expression is used correctly?
(Qual das expressões sublinhadas foram usadas corretamente?)
a) Much Brazilian children go to Disney World
b) People spend many time visiting one another
c) Many people travel during their vacations
d) Many money is spent during holidays
e) Much special fruit and vegetables are prepared during thanksgiving
8°) Read the sentences below.
(Leia as frases abaixo)
I- Can you give me some information ,please?
II- Those women are my teachers.
III- He doesn't have much money.
IV- Life is great!
Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or C (countable).
(Escolha a opção que define os substantivos sublinhados como contável ou incontável).
U - C - U - U
C - C - C - C
C - C - U - U
U - U - U - U
C - U - C – C
9°) Classify the sentences below in affirmative (A), negative (N) and interrogative (I).
(Classifique as frases abaixo em afirmativa (A), negativa (N) e interrogativa (I).
I will study with you ( )
He will stay with me ( )
They won’t get up early ( )
Will they go with us? ( )
We won’t study for this test. ( )
10°) (What is the alternative that completes the sentence correctly “_____________ more tonight?”?)
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “_____________ more tonight?”?
a) Is he going to study. 
b) Is going he to study. 
c) He is going to study. 
d) Going he is to study.
e) N.D.A.

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