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Amadeu Marques - Ana Carolina Cardoso
Learn and Share in English 3
Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês - Ensino Médio
Manual do Professor
Amadeu Marques
Autor de diversos livros didáticos, paradidáticos, do Dicionário Amadeu Marques de Inglês-Português/ Português-Inglês e, mais recentemente, de Inglês para o Enem. Licenciado em Língua Inglesa pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Certificado de Proficiência em Inglês pelas universidades de Michigan, Estados Unidos, e Cambridge, Inglaterra. Certificado de inglês falado e compreensão com grau de distinção no exame da Arels, Inglaterra. Curso de extensão na Regent School, Londres, e na EF (Education First), Cambridge.
Ana Carolina Cardoso
Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e mestra em Linguística Aplicada pela mesma instituição. Especialista em Design Instrucional para a EaD Virtual pela Universidade Federal de Itajubá (Unifei-MG) e licenciada em Letras Português-Inglês pela UFRJ. Professora de língua inglesa do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRJ.
1ª edição
São Paulo - 2016
Diretoria editorial: Lidiane Vivaldini Olo
Gerência editorial: Luiz Tonolli
Editoria de Língua Estrangeira e Arte: Mirian Senra
Edição: Caroline Santos, Danuza Dias Gonçalves e Barbara Manholeti (estag.)
Gerência de produção editorial: Ricardo de Gan Braga
Arte: Andréa Dellamagna (coord. de criação), Erik TS (progr. visual de capa e miolo), Leandro Hiroshi Kanno (coord. e edição), Letícia Lavôr (assist.), Lívia Vitta Ribeiro (assist.) e Tangente Design (diagram.)
Revisão: Hélia de Jesus Gonsaga (ger.), Rosângela Muricy (coord.), Gabriela Macedo de Andrade, Heloísa Schiavo e Luís Maurício Boa Nova; Brenda Morais e Gabriela Miragaia (estagiárias)
Iconografia: Sílvio Kligin (superv.), Denise Durand Kremer (coord.), Carlos Luvizari e Evelyn Torrecilla (pesquisa), Cesar Wolf e Fernanda Crevin (tratamento de imagem)
Ilustrações: Malena Flores
Foto da capa: Kings Cross station roof, London, UK, detail. wellsie82/Getty Images
Protótipos: Magali Prado
Direitos desta edição cedidos à Editora Ática S.A.
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 7221, 3º andar, Setor A
Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP - CEP 05425-902
Tel.: 40 03-30 61
www.atica.com.br / editora@atica.com.br
ISBN 978850817995 4 (AL)
ISBN 978850817996 1 (PR)
Cód. da obra CL 713417
CAE 566185 (AL) / 566 186 (PR)
1ª edição
1ª impressão
Impressão e acabamento
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)
(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Marques, Amadeu
Learn and share in English : língua estrangeira moderna : inglês / Amadeu Marques, Ana Carolina Cardoso. -- 1ª ed. -- São Paulo : Ática, 2016.
Obra em 3 v.
1. Inglês (Ensino médio) I. Cardoso, Ana Carolina. II. Título.
16-01898 CDD-420.7
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Inglês : Ensino médio 420.7
Caros alunos
Este livro foi feito com muito cuidado para vocês e com muito respeito por vocês.
Nosso objetivo é ajudá-los a construir e ampliar o seu conhecimento não apenas de inglês - língua que desempenha um papel importante no mundo do trabalho, na área do desenvolvimento científico e acadêmico, na comunicação internacional, no acesso à informação e a diferentes culturas -, mas também de outras disciplinas e temas, igualmente relevantes.
Vocês serão convidados a explorar temas atuais, discutir, refletir e posicionar-se em relação a eles. São assuntos de diferentes esferas comunicativas integrados ao universo dos jovens, em constante diálogo com outras disciplinas do currículo escolar e importantes para a afirmação da cidadania. Nos textos desta coleção, serão abordadas questões a respeito de saúde, meio ambiente, educação, tecnologia, arte, igualdade social, integridade moral, coragem e superação, amizade, amor, ética, sustentabilidade e diversidade cultural.
Em todas as Unidades, não só deste livro, mas de toda a coleção, vocês terão oportunidades de compartilhar seus saberes e conhecimentos, poderão manifestar opiniões, refletir criticamente quanto aos temas, trabalhar de forma colaborativa com os colegas, usar recursos tecnológicos para pesquisar e aprofundar esses saberes e conhecimentos, estender a abordagem e promover a conscientização a respeito de questões que envolvem a comunidade escolar e seu entorno.
Dessa forma, enquanto desempenham um papel ativo nas aulas de Inglês, vocês serão protagonistas da própria aprendizagem e da sua formação como cidadãos.
No trabalho com este livro vocês serão levados a desenvolver as habilidades de compreensão e produção escrita e oral de forma integrada. Estudarão e produzirão textos de diferentes gêneros, fazendo uso da linguagem em diversas práticas sociais.
Hoje em dia, o conhecimento efetivo da língua inglesa abre portas no presente e caminhos para o futuro.
Desejamos a vocês um trabalho ao mesmo tempo eficiente, produtivo e prazeroso com esta coleção.
Agora, é só virar a página. Let's get started!
Os autores
Conheça seu livro
Esta é uma coleção didática em três volumes, projetada para os anos letivos que compõem o Ensino Médio. Conheça as Unidades e seções que encontrará ao longo do livro:
Starter Unit
Nesta Unidade você resgata assuntos previamente estudados por meio de atividades que abordam diversos temas e tipos de texto.
Abertura de Unidades
Na página dupla de abertura, você é convidado a explorar o título da Unidade e uma imagem relacionada ao seu tema central.
Learning How to Learn
Em Learning How to Learn você desenvolve estratégias para aprimorar o seu desempenho escolar e a aprendizagem de língua inglesa.
Let's Start
Ao realizar as atividades desta seção, você ativa seu conhecimento prévio e explora o vocabulário a respeito do assunto que será abordado na Unidade.
Nesta seção você explora o texto principal da Unidade, fazendo inferências, identificando sua ideia central e informações específicas, estabelecendo relações entre o texto lido e a sua realidade, refletindo e se posicionando criticamente a respeito dele.
Pronunciation Tips
Nesta seção você estuda a pronúncia, acentuação ou entonação de palavras e de expressões presentes nos textos da Unidade.
More Food for Thought
Nesta seção você explora um texto que retoma o assunto abordado no texto principal, faz associações entre eles e expressa suas opiniões a respeito do tema.
Word Study
Aqui você estuda o vocabulário de forma contextualizada.
Language Study
Em Language Study você estuda aspectos gramaticais de forma contextualizada a fim de compreender mecanismos de uso da língua inglesa.
Let's Practice
Nesta seção você realiza atividades que focalizam aspectos gramaticais da língua inglesa de forma contextualizada.
Nesta seção você interage com colegas de turma, produzindo diferentes tipos de textos orais relacionados ao seu cotidiano e ao tema da Unidade.
Nesta seção você produz diferentes tipos de textos escritos, a partir da observação daqueles explorados na Unidade.
Nesta seção você é levado a compreender diferentes tipos de textos orais e discutir os assuntos abordados neles.
Think About It
Aqui você explora outro texto relacionado ao tema da Unidade, reflete e discute a respeito dele, relacionando o assunto em destaque com a sua realidade.
Keep Exploring
Em Keep Exploring você aprofunda a compreensão de temas relacionados à Unidade com sugestões de filmes, livros, canções, vídeos e sites.
Neste momento você reflete acerca do seu aprendizado por meio de um questionário.
Check Your English
Nesta Unidade você revisa assuntos estudados a cada quatro Unidades e se prepara para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio com a seção De Olho no Enem.
Aqui você desenvolve um projeto interdisciplinar em grupo, debate com os colegas acerca de temas abordados nas Unidades e se envolve em questões referentes à comunidade escolar e seu entorno.
Starter Unit - Getting Started, p. 10
FONTE: JonFeingersh/Blend Images RM/Getty Images
Unit 1 - If You Wish to Remember Me...
Interconnections: Sociology; Biology
Life Skills: Donation as a Way of Making a Difference
Let's Start, p. 18
Reading, p. 19
To Remember Me - I Will Live Forever
Word Study, p. 22
Odd Word Out
Synonyms and Definitions
False Cognates
In Other Words
Discourse Markers
Suffixes -less and -ness
Language Study, p. 24
Conditional Sentences
(Zero and First Conditional)
Listening, p. 26
An Online Charity's Mission
Speaking, p. 27
Presenting Information about a Charity Institution
Writing, p. 27
A Campaign Poster
Unit 2 - But I Wouldn't Stop There.
Interconnection: History
Life Skills: Raising Awareness of the Importance of Fighting Prejudice and Discrimination
Let's Start, p. 32
Human Rights Defenders
Reading, p. 33
I've Been to the Mountaintop
Word Study, p. 36
Odd Word Out
Synonyms and Definitions
False Cognates
Discourse Markers
Function Words
Language Study, p. 37
Conditional Sentences
(First and Second Conditional)
Listening, p. 40
A Speech in Praise of Rosa Parks
Speaking, p. 42
Talking about Hypothetical Situations
Writing, p. 43
A Speech about Discrimination
Unit 3 - An Important Decision to Be Made
Interconnections: Biology; Physics; Geography
Life Skills: Thinking Over Aspects Involving a Professional Career
Let's Start, p. 48
Jobs and Careers
Reading, p. 49
Best Careers for the Future
Word Study, p. 52
False Cognates
Reference Words
Language Study, p. 54
The Active Voice and the Passive Voice
Writing, p. 56
A Cover Letter
Listening, p. 57
Job Interview Tips for Teenagers
Speaking, p. 58
A Job Interview
Unit 4 - She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Interconnection: Philosophy
Life Skills: Reflecting on the Meaning of True Love
Let's Start, p. 62
Reading, p. 62
Someone Who Cares
Word Study, p. 65
False Cognates
Function Words
Time Expressions
Language Study, p. 67
Direct and Indirect Speech
Listening, p. 71
Interview with the Author of a Book
Speaking, p. 72
Talking about Acts of Love and Compassion towards People
Writing, p. 72
An Inspiring Story of Love
Check Your English 1, p. 74
Project 1 English in the Job Market, p. 81
FONTE: Julia Davila-Lampe/Flickr RF/Getty Images
Unit 5 - I Wish I Could Live Without Fear
Interconnection: Sociology
Life Skills: Joining a Movement for Gender Equality
Let's Start, p. 84
Reading, p. 84
"I Wish I Could Live Without Fear"
Word Study, p. 88
Word Groups
False Cognates
Prefixes and Suffixes
In Other Words
Language Study, p. 90
I Wish...
The... the... with Comparatives
Writing, p. 92
A Comment on a Blog
Listening, p. 92
Women Empowerment
Speaking, p. 93
Talking about Wishes
Unit 6 - Why Can't I Stop Procrastinating?
Interconnections: Psychology; Biology
Life Skills: Learning How to Change Some Bad Habits
Let's Start, p. 98
School Projects and Activities
Reading, p. 98
Why Can't I Stop Procrastinating?
Word Study, p. 102
A False Cognate
Which is What?
Informal Expressions and Idioms
The Suffix -er
Language Study, p. 104
Verb + -ing Form or + the Infinitive
Future Simple vs. Future Continuous
Writing, p. 107 
The Results of a Survey
Listening, p. 108
A Report about a School Project
Speaking, p. 109
Talking about School Projects
FONTE: Stuart Miles/Shutterstock
Unit 7 - The Return of Love
Interconnection: Literature
Life Skills: Learning Life Lessons Through Literature
Let's Start, p. 114
Literary Works
Reading, p. 115
Kafka and the Doll: The Pervasiveness of Loss
Word Study, p. 120
Prefixes and Suffixes
False Cognates
In Other Words
Language Study, p. 122
Revision of Verb Tenses
Listening, p. 125
An Interview with a Nobel Prize Winner
Speaking, p. 126
Interviewing a Famous Person
Writing, p. 126
Questions for an Interview with an Author
Unit 8 - Sustainable Development Goals
Interconnections: Sociology; Geography
Life Skills: Keeping Track of Important Issues for a Better World
Let's Start, p. 130
Global Issues
Reading, p. 131
Introducing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Word Study, p. 133
False Cognates
Which is What?
In Other Words
Language Study, p. 135
General Revision
Listening, p. 138
Part of a Documentary
Speaking, p. 140
Talking about the Most Important Goals for the Community
Writing, p. 141
An Invitation to a School Conference
Check Your English 2, p. 144
Project 2 Sustainable Practices at School, p. 151
FONTE: maxstockphoto/Shutterstock
Grammar Reference, p. 152
Irregular Verbs, p. 159
False Cognates, p. 165
Glossary, p. 167
Index, p. 175
Bibliography, p. 176
Nesta Unidade Introdutória você vai:
- Discutir a respeito de diferentes temas relevantes;
- Aplicar estratégias de leitura essenciais para a compreensão textual;
- Explorar textos de diversos gêneros.
FONTE: Jon Feingersh/Blend Images RM/Getty Images
Getting Started
Atenção professor: Nesta Unidade Introdutória são apresentadas atividades que contemplam diferentes temas, gêneros textuais e aspectos linguísticos estudados nos volumes 1 e 2 desta coleção. Para ajudar os alunos a responder às atividades, incentive-os a fazer uso de estratégias de leitura (também abordadas nos volumes 1 e 2). Na seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto, você poderá saber mais a respeito delas. Explore-as com a turma nesta Unidade Introdutória e sempre que julgar necessário ao longo do ano. Fim da observação.
1. Read the text below and complete the fact file based on the information in the text. Use your notebook for that.
Banker to the Poor
Muhammad Yunus is the economist from Bangladesh who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983, fueled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so they could help themselves.
FONTE: Available at: www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2006/yunus-bio.html. Accessed on: March 2, 2016. (Fragment). (Fotografia) Jean-Pierre Muller/Agência France-Presse. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/www.nobelprize.org
Fact File
Academic qualifications of Muhammad Yunus: ____.
Resposta: Economist, professor
Country where he was born: ____.
Resposta: Bangladesh
Popular title he has been given: ____.
Resposta: Banker to the poor
International prize he has been awarded: ____.
Resposta: Nobel Peace Prize
Financial institution he started in 1983: ____.
Resposta: Grameen Bank
Fundamental human right believed by Professor Yunus and supplied by Grameen Bank: ____.
Resposta: Credit
Yunus's objective: ____.
Resposta: To help poor people escape from poverty
Yunus's ways of achieving it: ____.
Resposta: Providing loans on terms suitable to poor people and teaching them some sound financial principles
2. There is a saying that goes like this:
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
Available at: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/maimonides326751.html. Accessed on: March 2, 2016.
Read the text about Muhammad Yunus once again and transcribe the part where the same philosophy is applied by his bank.
Resposta: "[...] by teaching them a few sound financial principles so they could help themselves."
3. Now read an excerpt from one of Muhammad Yunus' books and, in your notebook, answer the questions on it.
To me, the poor are like bonsai trees. When you plant the best seed of the tallest tree in a six-inch-deep flowerpot, you get a perfect replica of the tallest tree, but it is only inches tall. There is nothing wrong with the seed you planted; only the soil base you provided was inadequate. Poor people are like bonsai people. There is nothing wrong with their seeds; only society never gave thema base to grow on.
YUNUS, Muhammad. Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism. Available at: www.goodreads.com/quotes/577633-to-me-the-poor-are-like-bonsai-trees-when-you. Accessed on: March 2, 2016.
a) Which idea does the discourse marker like express in two of the sentences in the text?
- Consequence.
- Exemplification.
- Similarity.
Resposta correta: Similarity.
b) Which idea does the discourse marker only express in two of the sentences in the text?
- Contrast.
- Alternative.
- Addition.
Resposta correta: Contrast.
c) Which are the opposites of the adjectives in bold in "When you plant the best seed of the tallest tree [...]"?
Adjectives in bold: best; tallest.
- Worse; highest.
- Worst; shortest.
- Bad; smallest.
Resposta correta: Worst; shortest.
d) Who does the pronoun their refer to in "There is nothing wrong with their seeds [...]"?
- Bonsai.
- Bonsai people.
- Poor people.
Resposta correta: Poor people.
4. Read the texts on page 12 again and complete this sentence appropriately.
Muhammad Yunus believes that to help poor people escape poverty
- society must give them a base to grow on.
- we have to supply them with seeds of better quality.
- society must stop treating them as bonsai trees.
- the whole world should provide adequate soil bases for poor people to plant their trees.
Resposta correta: society must give them a base to grow on.
5. Look at the cartoon and, in your notebook, mark True (T) or False (F) after each statement, according to the verbal and non-verbal language in the cartoon.
FONTE: Available at: www.cagle.com/2010/09/teacher-does-texting/. Accessed on: March 2, 2016. CRÉDITOS: Patrick Corrigan/Acervo do cartunista
a) The teacher decided to do texting after the students had sent a message asking him to do so.
Resposta: F
b) The teacher did not know how to text.
Resposta: F
c) The students received the teacher's message.
Resposta: T
d) The students didn't understand the language the teacher used in that message.
Resposta: F
e) The students knew that GR8 means "great".
Resposta: T
f) At least one of the students was surprised to receive that message.
Resposta: T
6. Arundhati Roy is an Indian writer and peace activist who won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel The God of Small Things. In your notebook, complete her quotation, choosing from the following alternatives.
FONTE: Hocine Zaourar/Agência France-Presse
(I) forget/forgets
(II) used to/get used to
(III) seeking/seek
(IV) pursued/pursue
(V) complicating/complicated
(VI) respect/respects
(VII) watched/watch
(VIII) understands/understand
(IX) forgetting/forget
To love. To be loved. To never (I) your own insignificance. To never (II) the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To (III) joy in the saddest places. To (IV) beauty in its lair. To never simplify what is (V) or complicate what is simple. To (VI) strength, never power. Above all, to (VII). To try and (VIII). To never look away. And never, never to (IX).
Available at: www.goodreads.com/author/show/6134.Arundhati_Roy. Accessed on: March 2, 2016.
Resposta: (I) forget; (II) get used to; (III) seek; (IV) pursue; (V) complicated; (VI) respect; (VII) watch; (VIII) understand; (IX) forget
7. Arundhati Roy clearly states what she considers really important in life. Write down the sentences below in your notebook, and write Yes or No next to them, in accordance with the author's ideas about what we should or should not do.
a) To deal with something that is not simple and try to make simpler.
Resposta: No.
b) To become accustomed to violence.
Resposta: No.
c) To forget how insignificant we all are.
Resposta: No.
d) To try to be happy even where sadness reigns.
Resposta: Yes.
e) To always keep people or things in mind.
Resposta: Yes.
8. Observe the picture below and read the message in it.
FONTE: Available at: www.pinterest.com/pin/155092780891431071/. Accessed on: March 2, 2016. CRÉDITOS: George Steinmetz/Corbis/Latinstock
According to the message,
- many people are not aware of how valuable water is.
- everybody must have the experience of carrying their own water.
- water scarcity is a world problem everybody is worried about.
- women and children in Africa share the hard task of collecting water and carrying it home.
Resposta correta: many people are not aware of how valuable water is.
9. Read the comic strip below and, in your notebook, transcribe the correct options (more than one) about it.
FONTE: Available at: www.s-anand.net/blog/calvin-and-hobbes-dad-explains-science/. Accessed on: March 2, 2016. CRÉDITOS: © 1995 Watterson/Dist. by Universal Uclick
- Calvin asks his father a question he refuses to answer.
- The answer Calvin's father gives him is scientifically correct.
- Calvin is not sure if his father's explanation is right.
- Calvin's father was busy, so he didn't bother to stop what he was doing and give his son a decent answer.
Resposta correta: Calvin is not sure if his father's explanation is right; Calvin's father was busy, so he didn't bother to stop what he was doing and give his son a decent answer.
10. Read the comic strip again and find
a) a phrasal verb that means "discover".
Resposta: find out
b) a phrasal verb that means "search for in a reference book".
Resposta: look up
c) a modal verb that expresses advice.
Resposta: should
d) a modal verb that expresses possibility.
Resposta: can
e) an adjective in the comparative form.
Resposta: nearer
Atenção professor: Momento para o aluno refletir a respeito de sua própria aprendizagem e de como desenvolver estratégias para melhorar seu desempenho. Fim da observação.
1. Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) Do you think it's important to take notes during classes?
b) Are you an organized person when taking notes?
c) How well organized is/are your notebook(s)?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Discuta com os alunos ideias para que eles possam melhorar sua prática de estudos. Se julgar conveniente, liste na lousa, com a contribuição deles, algumas dicas para que todos tenham esse registro e discutam a respeito de como fazer/ organizar anotações de aula. Fim da observação.
2. Read the text and answer the following questions in your notebook.
Note-taking Tips
Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well on all your schoolwork - everything from taking tests to researching a paper. Here are some tips.
Write down key facts. It can take some experimenting to figure out what information really is helpful, so keep trying and don't give up. Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may mention lots of dates and facts in class but only write the key ones on the board. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat a certain date or piece of information. That's a clue that it's probably important. After a while, you'll get to know a teacher's style.
Don't overdo it. Don't go crazy taking notes: You'll be frantic if you try to write down every word that's said in class. And if you focus too much on getting your notes right, you might miss important points.
Ask. Don't be afraid to ask the teacher to repeat something you miss.
Organize. Keep notes for each subject in one place so you can find everything easily when it comes time for a test. That may mean keeping a notebook or section of a notebook for each subject as you take notes in class.
FONTE: Available at: http://kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?dn=KidsHealth&lic=1&ps=207&cat_id=20980&article_set=45733. Accessed on: March 2, 2016. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/TeensHealth.org
a) Is this text useful? Why (not)?
b) Does it give you extra ideas on how to take notes and get organized? Which ones?
Personal answers.
UNIT 1 - If You Wish to Remember Me...
Nesta Unidade você vai:
- Discutir e refletir a respeito de doações;
- Compreender e usar Conditional Sentences;
- Explorar pôsteres de campanhas;- Relacionar os conteúdos com as disciplinas de Sociologia e Biologia.
FONTE: Syda Productions/Shutterstock
Observe the picture below and discuss the following questions with your classmates.
a) Do you consider blood donation an act of love?
b) Have you ever donated blood? If so, why did you do it?
c) Do you think making a donation is a way of making a difference?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Peça aos alunos que observem a imagem e proponha as perguntas para toda a turma. Neste momento, busca-se engajar todos na discussão e levantar o conhecimento prévio deles a respeito do assunto que será abordado na Unidade. A discussão pode ser feita em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são propostas atividades que visam levantar o conhecimento prévio do aluno e apresentar o vocabulário relacionado ao tema da Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Making donations is a way to help people in need. Look at the pictures below and match them to the kind of donations they represent. Use your notebook to write down the donation represented in each picture, choosing from the words listed below.
clothes - food - toys - money - blood
End of box.
FONTE: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
FONTE: Mukhina Viktoriia/Shutterstock
FONTE: 135pixels/Shutterstock
FONTE: Africa Studio/Shutterstock
FONTE: hxdbzxy/Shutterstock
Resposta: a) money; b) clothes; c) food; d) toys; e) blood
2. What other kinds of donation can you think of?
Personal answer.
Atenção professor: Pergunte aos alunos se eles acham que a doação está apenas relacionada a bens materiais. Comente que é possível, por exemplo, doar um serviço, como acontece com muitos médicos voluntários. É possível também doar o seu tempo para fazer uma visita a idosos que vivem em um asilo, ou a crianças doentes que estão em um hospital etc. Fim da observação.
3. Read the quotes below. Then do the following activities with a classmate.
"What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good."
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
Available at: www.azquotes.com. Accessed on: March 11, 2016.
a) What are those quotes about? Choose your answer (more than one option is possible) and write it down in your notebook.
- Solidarity.
- Compassion.
- Business.
- Greed.
- Indifference.
- Generosity.
Resposta correta: Solidarity; Compassion; Generosity.
b) Do you agree with the messages in those quotes? Why (not)?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades a seguir o aluno prepara-se para a leitura, levantando seu conhecimento prévio e criando hipóteses a respeito do texto. Fim da observação.
1. Observe the source of the text. What kind of donation is the text about?
Resposta: Organ donation.
2. Now read the title of the text. How do you think it might be related to the kind of donation you mentioned in the previous question?
Possible answer: When someone donates an organ, they will always be remembered by the person who received it and whose life was saved.
3. Who was the author of the text?
- A columnist of a famous magazine.
- A doctor who performed organ transplant surgeries.
- One of the first people to promote organ and tissue donations.
Resposta correta: One of the first people to promote organ and tissue donations.
Atenção professor: Oriente os alunos a passar os olhos sobre o texto e a procurar as informações a respeito do autor, dadas ao final. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que observar o título e a fonte do texto é uma estratégia de leitura importante, pois nos ajuda a identificar rapidamente de onde vem o texto, qual é seu gênero e a levantar hipóteses quanto ao assunto principal. Para saber mais, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado o texto principal, abordando temas que contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento de mundo do aluno e lhe dão a oportunidade de refletir e se posicionar criticamente. Fim da observação.
Now read the text and check your predictions.
To Remember Me - I Will Live Forever
By Robert Noel Test (1926-1994)
The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my life has stopped.
When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. And don't call this my deathbed. Let it be called the bed of life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives.
- Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman.
- Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.
- Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play.
- Give my kidneys to the one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week.
- Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk. Explore every corner of my brain.
- Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window.
- Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow.
- If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice against my fellow man.
- Give my sins to the devil.
- Give my soul to God.
If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.
About the Author
Robert N. Test was one of the pioneers in promoting organ and tissue donations. In 1976, he wrote an essay titled "To Remember Me." It was first published in The Cincinnati Post and later in Ann Landers' column, as well as in Reader's Digest.
FONTE: Available at: www.organdonorawareness.org. Accessed on: March 3, 2016. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/OrganDonorAwareness.org
General comprehension
Atenção professor: Em General Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de compreender a essência do texto. Fim da observação.
1. In your notebook, complete the following statements about the author's attitude.
When he dies, he doesn't want doctors to ____; he wants to ____.
Resposta: instill artificial life into his body; donate every part of his body
2. The two words that best explain his attitude are
Atenção professor: Para saber mais a respeito de Skimming, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
- indifference.
- pain.
- generosity.
- hope.
- truth.
- love.
- selfishness.
- innovation.
Resposta correta: generosity; love.
FONTE: Natalia Skripko e Cienpies Design/Shutterstock
Detailed Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em Detailed Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de extrair informações específicas e estabelecer relações entre as ideias apresentadas no texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Explore com os alunos as atividades abaixo antes que comecem a realizá-las. Oriente-os a ler o texto de forma direcionada para respondê-las. Circule pela sala enquanto fazem as atividades e auxilie-os em caso de dúvidas. Eles podem fazer as atividades em duplas, mas, se for mais conveniente, deixe-os fazer individualmente. Incentive-os a partilhar as respostas com um ou dois colegas antes da verificação geral. Para saber mais a respeito de Scanning, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
1. Match what the author wants to donate (column on the left) to the recipients of his donations (columnon the right). Use your notebook to do this activity.
Column on the left
a) sight
b) heart
c) blood
d) kidneys
e) bones, muscles, fibers, nerves
f) cells
Column on the right
1) a young man who has suffered a car accident
2) young people who can neither speak nor hear
3) a blind man
4) a disabled child
5) someone who depends on a machine to filter their blood
6) a cardiac person who has a lot of pain
Resposta: a) 3); b) 6); c) 1); d) 5); e) 4); f) 2)
2. In your notebook, write down complete answers to the following questions. After his death, what does the author want people to do with
a) the rest of his body?
Resposta: He wants them to burn it.
b) his faults, weaknesses and prejudice?
Resposta: He wants people to bury them.
c) his sins?
Resposta: He wants people to give them to the devil.
d) his soul?
Resposta: He wants them to give it to God.
3. According to the author, if people want to remember him after his death, what should they do?
Resposta: (They should) Help someone in need./Do a kind deed to someone in need.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são trabalhadas questões que levam o aluno a assumir uma postura crítica em relação ao assunto tratado no texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Esta atividade de pós-leitura é um momento de discussão e reflexão a respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado. Peça aos alunos que discutam as questões em pequenos grupos, em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Após alguns minutos, expanda a discussão para toda a turma e verifique o posicionamento dos alunos a respeito do assunto em questão. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions in small groups.
a) How does the author try to persuade the reader of the importance of organ donation?
Possible answer: He mentions how the organs could transform or save people's lives.
b) Why do you think the text is on the website www.organdonorawareness.org?
Possible answer: Because the website is about organ donation awareness and the text can help make people aware of its importance.
c) Do you know what one should do in order to become an organ donor in Brazil?
Possible answer: Just tell your family you want to donate your organs after your death.
d) Are you an organ donor? Why (not)?
e) Do you know of any recent campaign that aims at promoting organ donation?
f) Do you know anyone who has received an organ transplant? If so, talk about that.
Personal answers.
Boxe complementar:
Pronunciation Tips
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são destacadas a pronúncia, a acentuação ou a entonação de palavras ou expressões contidas nos textos. Fim da observação.
1. The words in the box below can all be found in the main text of this Unit. Listen to those words, paying close attention to the vowel sound in each one.
lead - death - blood - deed - devil - fault - deaf - lives - bury - muscle
End of box.
2. Now use your notebook to write down the word that rhymes with each of those words in bold. Listen again to check your answers and compare them with those of a classmate's.
a) lead rhymes with
Word in bold: lead.
Resposta: need
b) death rhymes with
Word in bold: death.
Resposta: breath
c) blood rhymes with
Word in bold: blood.
Resposta: flood
d) deed rhymes with
Word in bold: deed.
Resposta: lead
e) devil rhymes with
Word in bold: devil.
Resposta: level
f) fault rhymes with
Word in bold: fault.
Resposta: salt
g) deaf rhymes with
Word in bold: deaf.
Resposta: Jeff
h) lives rhymes with
Word in bold: lives.
Resposta: wives
i) bury rhymes with
Word in bold: bury.
Resposta: very
j) muscle rhymes with
Word in bold: muscle.
Resposta: Russell
Atenção professor: As palavras aqui destacadas quanto à pronúncia são as que aparecem no texto principal. Neste caso, lead aparece como verbo, e nesse sentido rima com need. Com a mesma grafia, mas em outro contexto, lead pode também ser um substantivo (chumbo), em cujo caso a palavra rima com dead. Lives é mais frequente como forma verbal (vive; mora), mas no texto o sentido de lives é o do substantivo (vidas), plural de life. Como substantivo, lives rima com wives, e como forma verbal rima com gives. Fim da observação.
Fim do complemento.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado um texto para ampliar a discussão e reflexão por parte do aluno a respeito do tema da Unidade e levá-lo a fazer associações com o tema do texto principal. Fim da observação.
Read the campaign poster below and discuss the following questions with a classmate.
FONTE: Available at: www.nalanda.org.my/blood-donation-campaign/. Accessed on: March 12, 2016. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/www.nalanda.org.my
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que pint (i com som /aI/) é uma unidade de medida para líquidos, que equivale a aproximadamente meio litro. No Reino Unido uma pint é igual a 0,57 ℓ, enquanto nos EUA é igual a 0,48 ℓ. Uma pint de sangue (cerca de meio litro) pode salvar até três vidas, diz o pôster da campanha de doação de sangue. Fim da observação.
a) What is the campaign about?
Resposta: Blood donation.
b) Why do you think the color red was used in the poster?
Possible answer: Because it's the color of blood, the focus of the campaign.
c) What information about blood donation is offered in the poster? Were you aware of that?
Resposta: That a pint of blood can save up to three lives and that donating is safe, painless, simple and noble. Personal answer.
d) Why do you think that information is given in the poster?
Possible answer: Because many people don't know about/are not aware of the importance of donating blood or are afraid of doing so.
e) Campaigns usually make use of strong statements in order to draw people's attention to a certain issue. Which statement do you think makes a real impact in that campaign? Why?
Possible answer: "You don't have to be a doctor to save lives", because it reminds the reader that she/he can be a hero.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são abordadas questões que destacam alguns aspectos lexicais encontrados no texto. Fim da observação.
Odd Word Out
Atenção professor: Lembre aos alunos que as palavras da sequência a são todas relacionadas às partes do corpo humano (parts of the human body), exceto wreckage (destroços); que as da letra b são do campo semântico religion, menos ashes (cinzas); que as palavras da letra c também são parts of the human body, menos corner (canto; esquina); que as da letra d se relacionam à geografia (geography), menos blood (sangue); e que as palavras do item e se referem a pessoas (people), exceto goal (objetivo). Fim da observação.
Spot the word that doesn't belong in that group in each sequence a-e. Write it down in your notebook. Then tell your classmates why each of those odd words is different from the other four words in the group.
a) brain
Resposta: wreckage (human body)
b) sin
Resposta: ashes (religion)
c) bone
Resposta: corner (human body)
d) sky
Resposta: blood (geography)
e) woman
Resposta: goal (people)
Synonyms and Definitions
Match the words and sentences on the left column to their synonyms or definitions. Go back to the text on page 19 and use the context to help you. Use your notebook to write down your answers.
Left column:
a) ceased
b) for all intents and purposes
c) attempt
d) instill
e) wreckage
f) nothing but
g) scatter
h) bury
Right column:
1) put a dead body in the ground
2) try to do something
3) stopped
4) throw things over an area
5) parts of a destroyed vehicle
6) introduce
7) for all practical reasons
8) nothing except
Atenção professor: Incentive os alunos a voltar ao texto e a tentar inferir o sentido das palavras e expressões pelo seu contexto. Fim da observação.
Resposta:a) 3); b) 7); c) 2); d) 6); e) 5); f) 8); g) 4); h) 1)
False Cognates
The words in bold look similar to other words in Portuguese, but their meanings are different. In your notebook, write down the options that correspond to their true meanings in Portuguese.
Atenção professor: Explique aos alunos que para dizer faltas no sentido de ausências, usa-se absences, e no sentido de jogadas ilegais, no futebol, usa-se fouls. Destaque que a palavra falta no sentido de carência é não contável, portanto, não pode ser usada no plural, e nesse sentido usa-se lack. Explique também que prejuízo, no sentido de dano, corresponde a damage ou harm, e no sentido de prejuízo financeiro usa-se loss. Fim da observação.
"If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice against my fellow man."
Words in bold: faults; prejudice.
a) faults
- faltas
- defeitos
- fracassos
Resposta correta: defeitos
b) prejudice
- prejuízo
- prejudicado
- preconceito
Resposta correta: preconceito
In Other Words
Use your notebook to transcribe the statements below, completing them with the words or phrases in the box.
fellow man - faults and weaknesses - deaf girl - kind deed - crippled child - the living and the dying
End of box.
Atenção professor: Explique aos alunos que o adjetivo crippled, usado por Robert N. Test em 1976, no texto To Remember Me, não é mais usado nos dias de hoje por ser considerado politicamente incorreto. Em referência a pessoas com deficiência física, o termo adequado passou a ser handicapped, sendo que este mais tarde também foi considerado inapropriado e substituído por disabled. Fim da observação.
a) A ____ is not able to walk.
Resposta: crippled child
b) My ____ are the bad parts of my character.
Resposta: faults and weaknesses
c) My ____ is another person, like me.
Resposta: fellow man
d) A ____ is something good you do to help other people.
Resposta: kind deed
e) A ____ cannot hear.
Resposta: deaf girl
f) Nurses and doctors work in hospitals, busily occupied with ____.
Resposta: the living and the dying
Observação: Na página 165 há uma lista com alguns falsos cognatos que aparecem neste volume. Vá até lá e interaja com a atividade que deverá ser realizada ao longo do ano. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Oriente os alunos a transcrever a lista de falsos cognatos da página 165 para o caderno. Ao final de cada Unidade eles devem preencher a lista com os significados dos falsos cognatos registrados. Essa é uma tarefa a ser realizada ao longo do ano e servirá ao aluno como fonte de consulta. Fim da observação.
FONTE: Macrovector/Shutterstock
Discourse Markers
Discourse markers are function words used to express different ideas: addition, contrast, consequence, purpose, comparison, condition, etc. Observe the discourse markers in bold in the sentences below, taken from the text on page 19, and decide which idea they express.
a) "Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play."
Discourse markers in bold: so that.
- purpose
- contrast
- alternative
Resposta correta: purpose
b) "Let it be called the bed of life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives."
Discourse markers in bold: and.
- consequence
- comparison
- addition
Resposta correta: addition.
c) "Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that someday a speechless boy will shout [...]."
Discourse markers in bold: so that.
- contrast
- exemplification
- purpose
Resposta correta: purpose
d) "If you do all I have asked, I will live forever."
Discourse marker in bold: If.
- addition
- purpose
- condition
Resposta correta: condition
Word Formation: suffixes -less and -ness
1. Observe the meaning of the suffix -less in the adjectives in bold. Both sentences can be found in the text on page 19. Then choose the appropriate options to complete the statements.
"[...] nothing but endless days of pain [...]"
Adjective in bold: endless.
"[...] someday a speechless boy will shout [...]"
Adjective in bold: speechless.
a) Endless means
- seeming to be at an end.
- seeming never to finish.
Resposta correta: seeming never to finish.
b) Speechless means
- without the ability to speak.
- without the ability to write a speech.
Resposta correta: without the ability to speak.
c) We add the suffix -less to some nouns when we want to form
- verbs meaning without, not having.
- adjectives meaning without, not having.
- adverbs of manner.
Resposta correta: adjectives meaning without, not having.
2. Now observe the meaning of the suffix -ness in the nouns in bold. They can also be found in the text on page 19. Then choose the appropriate options to complete the statements.
"[...] let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice [...]"
Noun in bold: weaknesses.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que neste exemplo o substantivo abstrato weakness aparece na forma plural weaknesses, o que ajuda a identificá-lo como substantivo. Esse ponto interessa, pelo fato de os adjetivos em inglês não terem forma plural e pela eventual confusão entre o sufixo -less (aplicado na formação de adjetivos) e o sufixo -ness (na formação de substantivos abstratos). Fim da observação.
"No act of kindness [...] is ever wasted."
Noun in bold: kindness.
a) My weaknesses means
- my weak points.
- my faults and efforts.
Resposta correta: my weak points.
b) An act of kindness means
- a type of wrong behavior.
- a kind action.
Resposta correta: a kind action.
c) The suffix -less is not to be confused with the suffix -ness, which is added to some adjectives to form
- abstract nouns.
- concrete nouns.
- action verbs.
Resposta correta: abstract nouns.
3. Now use your notebook to complete these sentences about the texts on pages 19 and 21 with words you find in the box. Three of those words will not be necessary.
happiness - lifeless - painless - illness - useless - sightless - kindness - careless
End of box.
a) Donating is an act of love and ____.
Resposta: kindness
b) Giving blood doesn't hurt. It's ____.
Resposta: painless
c) Someone who is ____ can still be useful, through the donation of their organs.
Resposta: lifeless
d) A ____ person can have their life changed after a transplant.
Resposta: sightless
e) Many people find ____ when they help other people.
Resposta: happiness
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são estudados alguns dos principais aspectos gramaticais com exemplos de uso presentes nos textos. Fim da observação.
Conditional Sentences
Atenção professor: Esses exemplos de Conditional Sentences usados para falar a respeito de situações no presente são também conhecidos como Zero Conditional. Nessa estrutura é também possível falar de situações reais no presente, verdades gerais ou fatos que sempre acontecem, sendo o Simple Present usado nas duas orações. Nesse tipo de estrutura é possível também o uso de when em lugar de if (If/When your brain ceases to function, you die). Fim da observação.
1. Observe the structure of these sentences, taken from the text on page 19, paying close attention to the verb tenses in bold. Then choose the correct options to complete the statements in your notebook.
"If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice against my fellow man."
Verb tenses in bold: If you must bury; let.
"If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you."
Verb tenses in bold: If, by chance, you wish; do.
We use that kind of sentences when we talk about real situations in the present, as when we (a) express our wish or give instructions/talk about actions in progress. The verb in the conditional clause (the one containing if) is used in the (b) present/past tense, while the verb in the main clause is used in the (c) past/imperative.
Resposta: a) express our wish or give instructions; b) present; c) imperative
2. Now lookat another type of Conditional Sentence, also taken from the text, and observe the sequence of verb tenses in the two parts of the sentence (the if-clause and the main clause). Then do the following activities in your notebook.
"If you do all I have asked, I will live forever."
Answer the following questions.
a) Which part of the sentence refers to a condition?
Resposta: "If you do all I have asked,"
b) Which part of the sentence refers to the result of an action?
Resposta: "I will live forever."
c) Is the situation described in the sentence about the present/future or about the past? Is it possible or impossible to happen?
Resposta: It is about the present/future. It is possible to happen.
3. Choose the correct option to complete the statements below. Use your notebook for that.
This type of conditional sentence is called First Conditional. In the First Conditional the verb in the if-clause is used in the (a) present/past, while the verb in the main clause is used in the (b) simple future (will + infinitive)/simple past.
Resposta: a) present; b) simple future (will + infinitive)
4. Now go back to the text on page 19 again and complete the sentences with the possible results of the author's attitudes. Transcribe the complete sentences in your notebook.
a) If the author donates his cells to a speechless boy, the boy will be able to ____.
b) If the author gives his blood to a teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, ____.
c) If the author donates his bones, muscles, fibers and nerves to a disabled child, ____.
d) If the author gives his sight to a blind man, ____.
Possible answers: a) speak; b) the teenager will live to see his grandchildren play; c) the child will be able to walk; d) the blind man will be able to see the sunrise
Observação: To learn more about Conditional Sentences, go to page 152. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção o aluno é levado a praticar alguns aspectos gramaticais estudados na seção Language Study. Fim da observação.
1. Read the quotes below and do the following activity in your notebook.
FONTE: Danny Martindale/WireImage/Getty Images
"There is so much each one of us can do to make a difference. We are at a dangerous juncture in the history of mankind. We need to defend our principles and values, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of international law. If we don't, our world will further descend into a state of chaos."
Bianca Jagger (Nicaraguan-born social and human rights advocate)
FONTE: Richard Drew/AP Photo/Glow Images
"Don't accept that you can't make a difference. Because if you can't make a difference, you won't make a difference, and if you put a multiplier on that we will continue on an unsustainable pathway."
Maurice Strong (Canadian businessman and former diplomat representing Canada as under-secretary general of the United Nations)
FONTE: Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images
"None of us alone can save the nation or world. But each of us can make a positive difference if we commit ourselves to do so."
Cornel West (American philosopher, academic, activist, author)
Available at: www.doonething.org/quotes/difference-quotes.htm. Accessed on: March 12, 2016. (Fragments).
Match the columns to form conditional sentences based on the quotes you've read.
Left column:
a) If we commit ourselves,
b) If we don't defend human rights,
c) If we accept we can't make a difference,
Right column:
1) we will not make a difference at all.
2) we can make a positive difference in the world.
3) our world will become chaotic.
Resposta: a) 2); b) 3); c) 1)
2. The messages in the quotes above teach us that we can make a difference in the world. We can start with small gestures. Read about some possible situations and complete the sentences with what you will do in each situation. Then, in your notebook, write down one more sentence with your own ideas.
a) If a friend is in despair, ____.
b) If a relative is in the hospital and needs blood, ____.
c) If a classmate needs to improve their grade, ____.
d) If a child is lost in a crowd, ____.
e) If someone asks you for some directions on the street, ____.
Personal answers.
Possible answers: a) I will try to cheer them up.; b) I will make a blood donation/donate some of my blood.; c) I will try to help them.; d) I will help them find their parents.; e) I will give them those directions/tell them how to get to their destination.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades desta seção é ativado o conhecimento prévio do aluno a respeito do assunto que será abordado no texto oral. Fim da observação.
Look at the picture below. What do you think DonorsChoose.org aims at?
FONTE: Reprodução/www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPBcM8RLcAE
- Supporting educational projects.
- Collecting food supplies for children in need.
Resposta correta: Supporting educational projects.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são apresentadas atividades variadas de compreensão oral. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Antes de reproduzir o áudio, peça aos alunos que leiam as atividades a que precisarão responder. Dessa forma, eles já ficam mais atentos às informações das quais precisam enquanto ouvem a faixa. Outra sugestão é reproduzir o áudio três vezes: na primeira, peça aos alunos que tentem entender a ideia geral do texto que vão ouvir. Na segunda, eles devem procurar responder às atividades. Na terceira, verificam suas respostas e tentam identificar as informações que ainda não haviam conseguido compreender anteriormente. Diga a eles que, como na leitura, não é preciso que compreendam todas as palavras que ouvirem, mas é importante que consigam entender a ideia central e algumas informações específicas para responder às questões propostas. A transcrição do áudio está na seção Audio Scripts do Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
1. DonorsChoose.org is an online charity in the United States. Listen to an audio about its mission and do the following activities in your notebook.
a) Who is the speaker referring to when she says the following sentences: "To us it's a classroom. To them it can be the center of the universe."?
- In the first sentence she is referring to teachers; in the second sentence she is referring to students.
- In the first sentence she is referring to donors; in the second sentence she is referring to teachers.
- In the first sentence she is referring to students; in the second sentence she is referring to donors.
Resposta correta: In the first sentence she is referring to teachers; in the second sentence she is referring to students.
b) How does the donation work?
- Public school students post their needs on the website and donors send them the materials.
- Public school teachers post their projects on the website and donors pay for those that interest them most.
- Donors give money to the website and then teachers from different schools develop an educational project.
Resposta correta: Public school teachers post their projects on the website and donors pay for those that interest them most.
2. What kind of items do students need? Write down three examples mentioned by the speaker.
Resposta: Art supplies, books, tablets
Atenção professor: Nesta seção, o aluno discute com seu(s) colega(s) o assunto abordado no áudio. Fim da observação.
1. Read the paragraph below, taken from DonorsChoose.org website, and answer the following questions.
We vet every classroom project request, purchase the materials and ship them directly to the school, provide photos of the project taking place, and supply a cost report showing how every dollar was spent.
Available at: www.donorschoose.org/about. Accessed on: March 12, 2016.
a) Do the teachers receive the money or the items needed for their project?
Resposta: They receive the items needed. 
b) How do the donors know that the money they gave was used properly?
Resposta: The website provides photos of the project and a cost report showing how the moneywas spent.
2. Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) Do you think DonorsChoose.org is a good idea? Why (not)?
b) Does your school need any material that might help improve your classes? What is it? How can it be gotten?
Personal answers.
Do you know of any charity institution, any non-profit organization that aims at helping people in need? Get together in small groups. Then tell your classmates about it. Don't forget to mention the following.
FONTE: wissanustock/Shutterstock
- The name of the institution or organization;
- Where it is located;
- What its mission is;
- How people can help;
- Why you consider this institution or organization important.
Atenção professor: Antecipadamente, peça aos alunos que pesquisem instituições de caridade ou organizações sem fins lucrativos que buscam ajudar pessoas de diferentes formas, em especial as que atuam no Brasil e perto de onde os alunos vivem. No dia da realização da atividade, eles devem apresentar oralmente, em inglês, as informações para os colegas de seu grupo. Em seguida, abra a discussão para toda a turma. Pergunte aos alunos quais instituições e organizações eles acharam mais interessantes e quais gostariam de ajudar. Fim da observação.
1. Read the campaign poster below and discuss the following questions with a classmate.
Atenção professor: Chame a atenção dos alunos para um exemplo de uso dos sufixos -less e -ness na palavra homelessness, em que o adjetivo homeless (sem-teto), acrescido do sufixo -ness, formou o substantivo abstrato homelessness (condição/ situação dos sem-teto). Comente com eles que Derventio Housing Trust é uma instituição sem fins lucrativos na Inglaterra que oferece abrigo e oportunidades a pessoas sem-teto: www.derventiohousing.com (acesso em: 12 mar. 2016). Fim da observação.
FONTE: Reprodução/Derventio Housing Trust
a) Who does the campaign want to help?
Resposta: Homeless people
b) Who is promoting the campaign?
Resposta: Derventio Housing Trust
c) What can people do to help?
Resposta: They can donate toiletries, food and household items;
d) How is the picture of the cardboard related to the campaign?
Possible answer: Homeless people usually use cardboard to protect themselves from the cold weather when they sleep on the streets.
2. What information is given in the poster? Write down the correct options (more than one) in your notebook.
- The institution's contact.
- Place where and time when the donations may be dropped off.
- Number of items needed for donation.
- Items suggested for donation.
Respostas corretas: The institution's contact; Place where and time when the donations may be dropped off; Items suggested for donation.
3. Now it's your turn to promote a campaign to help people in need. Get together with a classmate and decide on
a) who you want to help;
b) what kind of donation is needed; for example, toys for children at a local orphanage, toiletries for an old person's home, food for a homeless shelter, books for the school library, blood for a local hospital, hair for people at a cancer hospital, etc.
c) who your campaign is addressing: for example, your classmates, your school community, your online friends, etc.
- Write down a draft of your campaign poster. Think about the visual effects (such as the colors, the pictures, the size of the letters, etc.) and the text (such as the necessary information, a creative sentence, etc.) of your poster.
- Ask some classmates to read your draft. Get some feedback.
- Rewrite your poster using the feedback you had as a basis and make any improvements or necessary corrections.
- Proofread your work.
- Display your campaign poster at school or share it on the Internet.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos a respeito da importância de fazer um rascunho quando se escreve um texto. Nesse rascunho, podem-se inserir as ideias mais básicas e algumas palavras-chave que serão desenvolvidas futuramente. Diga-lhes que, depois de pronto, é interessante partilhá-lo com os colegas e receber um retorno deles e do professor. Comente também que, após a reescrita do texto, deve-se revisar o trabalho para evitar erros e, por fim, passá-lo a limpo. Lembre aos alunos que a troca de rascunhos e o retorno com as impressões entre eles é uma oportunidade de colaboração, em que todos partilham conhecimentos e um contribui para enriquecer o trabalho do outro. Dessa forma, eles passam a perceber que o professor não é a única pessoa a quem eles podem recorrer para pedir ajuda. A atividade pode ser feita em duplas ou em pequenos grupos. O pôster pode ser feito em papel e disponibilizado nos murais da classe ou nos corredores da escola. Ele também pode ser feito on-line, usando-se ferramentas gratuitas, como o Glogster (www.glogster.com/edu, acesso em: 12 mar. 2016), e compartilhado por meio das redes sociais. Tente fazer com que os alunos se mobilizem para divulgar suas campanhas e arrecadar doações para as pessoas que eles propuseram a ajudar. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção, o aluno reflete e discute com seu(s) colega(s) a respeito de temas que se relacionam com os textos já trabalhados na Unidade. Fim da observação.
Do you know what bone marrow is? Read the text below and find out. Then answer the following questions.
Resposta: Bone marrow significa medula óssea. Oriente os alunos a utilizar seu conhecimento de mundo e o contexto (leukemia, bone marrow transplant) para compreender o significado dessa expressão.
Students Raise Awareness for Bone Marrow Registry
Samantha Thieke
Published: May 6, 2015, 6:05 pm Updated: May 6, 2015, 6:29 pm
LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - Students at McCutcheon High School are on a mission to save a life. They're working to try and find a bone marrow donor for their ailing classmate.
Sixteen-year-old Michael Wolfe was diagnosed with leukemia last fall. A bone marrow transplant could be the key to putting him in remission. But so far, he hasn't been able to find a match.
McCutcheon's National Honor Society is hosting an event to get people to sign up for the national bone marrow registry. Student Emily Nettersheim helped organize the event, and she said it will help people understand what a difference a donor can make.
"It doesn't take a whole lot, and I think a lot of people are scared," said Nettersheim. "Maybe they're scared of needles or something, but it's really easy to save a life."
Teacher and National Honor Society sponsor Alicia Spray said she hopes the event will not only raise awareness, but get Wolfe the transplant he needs.
"We want to see Michael back in school next year," said Spray. "That is obviously the ideal situation for us. For him, to rejoin his classmates and to be able to celebrate his return to school."
The event begins at 7 p.m. on May 16 at McCutcheon High School. The event is open to public, and you must be between the ages of 18 and 44 and in good health if you'd like to register.
FONTE: Available at: http://wlfi.com/2015/05/06/students-raise-awareness-for-bone-marrow-registry/. Accessed on: March 12, 2016.
1. Use your notebook to complete the sentences below, according to the text.
Michael Wolfe is ____ years old and he goes to ____ . He has been diagnosed with ____ and now he needs a ____ transplant.
Resposta: sixteen; McCutcheon High School; leukemia; bone marrow
2. What are Michael's school friends doing to help him?
Possible answer: They are on a mission to save his life by trying to find him a bone marrow donor. They are helping the school to host an event to get people to sign up for the national bone marrow registry.
3. Use your notebook to complete these sentences with information from the text.
a) If Michael ____, he will be able to return to school soon.
Resposta: gets the transplant he needs 
b) If you want to register as a bone marrow donor, ____.
Resposta: you must be between the ages of 18 and 44
Observação: To learn more about bone marrow registry in Brazil, visit the website www.inca.gov.br/conteudo_view.asp?ID=64. (Accessed on: March 12, 2016). Fim da observação.
4. What is not true about student Emily Nettersheim, according to the text?
- She participated in organizing the school event to help Michael.
- She thinks the event can help people understand the importance of being a donor.
- She is afraid of needles.
- She thinks saving a person's life is not a difficult task.
Resposta correta: She is afraid of needles.
5. Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) What do you think of the attitude of Michael's school friends?
b) Is it important to register as a bone marrow donor? Why (not)? Would you be willing to do that?
c) Have you ever helped a friend in need? If so, in what situation?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Esta é uma oportunidade para o aluno verificar seu próprio desempenho quanto aos pontos trabalhados na Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Evaluate your performance in this Unit. Give yourself a score from 1 to 5 for each of the topics below.
Atenção professor: Incentive os alunos a refletir a respeito de sua aprendizagem, da execução das atividades e do seu desempenho em aula. Fim da observação.
Quadro: equivalente textual a seguir.
	I can...
	a) read and understand an essay about organ transplant.
	b) understand and use Conditional Sentences.
	c) create a poster campaign to help people in need.
	d) listen to and understand the mission of an online charity.
	e) present some information about a charity institution or a non-profit organization that aims at helping people in need.
1. poor
2. not so good
3. good
4. very good
5. excellent
2. Take a look at the items in activity 1 in which you gave yourself a score of 1 or 2. Talk to a classmate and think of what you can do to improve your performance. Then discuss your ideas with your teacher.
Atenção professor: Ao discutir com os alunos o que pode ser feito para a melhoria do desempenho em aula, conscientize-os de que com a autoavaliação é possível obter um diagnóstico mais preciso em relação ao aproveitamento deles quanto ao conteúdo e às habilidades trabalhadas. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são sugeridos livros, músicas, filmes e sites relacionados ao tema da Unidade. Fim da observação.
Book: SEIXAS, Lúcia. Procura-se um coração. São Paulo: FTD, 2010.
Movie: JOHN Q. [Um ato de coragem]. Directed by: Nick Cassavetes. Production: Mark Burg. USA: Warner Bros. Pictures International, 2002. 1 DVD.
Song: MARS, B.; LAWRENCE, P.; LEVINE, A. Count on Me. Performer: Bruno Mars. In: Doo-Woops & Hooligans. [S.I.]: WEA International, 2011. 1 CD.
Website: Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos: www.abto.org.br. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2016.
UNIT 2 - But I Wouldn't Stop There.
Nesta Unidade você vai:
- Refletir e discutir a respeito de discriminação racial;
- Compreender e usar Conditional Sentences;
- Explorar a temática e a linguagem de alguns discursos históricos;
- Relacionar os conteúdos com a disciplina de História.
FONTE: Bettmann/Corbis/Latinstock
Look at the picture below and discuss the following questions with your classmates.
Atenção professor: Peça aos alunos que observem a imagem e proponha as perguntas abaixo para toda a turma. Neste momento, busca-se engajar todos na discussão e levantar o conhecimento prévio deles a respeito do assunto que será abordado na Unidade. A discussão pode ser feita em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Fim da observação.
a) Do you recognize the man in the picture?
Resposta: He is Martin Luther King, Jr. 
b) Why is he famous?
Resposta: He was one of the most important leaders in the civil rights movement in the United States.
c) What do you know about him?
Personal answer.
Nesta seção são propostas atividades que visam levantar o conhecimento prévio do aluno e apresentar o vocabulário relacionado ao tema da Unidade.
1. The people in the following pictures are human rights defenders: Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Take the quiz below, extracted from the United Nations website, to test your knowledge about them.
Atenção professor: Antes de verificar os itens, peça aos alunos que comparem suas respostas com as de um colega. Fim da observação.
Tabela: equivalente textual a seguir.
Test Your Knowledge
Before being arrested in 1962 in South Africa for his fight against apartheid, Nelson Mandela became the leader of the
- Lord's Resistance Army.
- African National Congress.
- US Senate.
- South African military.
Resposta correta: African National Congress.
Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi's method of resistance during the Indian independence movement involved
- total non-violence.
- mass civil disobedience.
- peace.
- all of the above.
Resposta correta: all of the above.
Rosa Parks is best known for
- drinking out of "White Only" drinking fountains.
- her work towards the abolishment of slavery.
- refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus.
- being the inspiration for an Outkast song.
Resposta correta: refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus.
Martin Luther King, Jr. is the youngest person to receive the ____ for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent tactics.
- Civil Rights Award
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Gandhi Peace Award
- Pulitzer Prize
Resposta correta: Nobel Peace Prize
FONTE: Available at: www.un.org/en/events/humanrightsday/2010/test.asp. Accessed on: March 16, 2016. (Fragment). (Fotografias) Nelson Mandela: Georges De Keerle/Getty Images; Gandhi: Fox Photos/Getty Images; Rosa Parks: Ron Galella/WireImage/Getty Images; Martin Luther King, Jr.: Paul Schutzer/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
2. Match the words and phrases taken from the quiz above to their definitions. Use your notebook for that.
a) discrimination
b) racial segregation
c) slavery
d) apartheid
e) civil rights
1) The political system that existed in the past in South Africa, in which only white people had political rights and power.
2) The rights to full legal, social and economic equality.
3) Unfair treatment of someone because of their race, religion, sex, or other personal features.
4) The system of owning people as slaves.
5) The policy of keeping people of different races separate.
Resposta: a) 3); b) 5); c) 4); d) 1); e) 2)
3. Based on your background knowledge and the information in the quiz, discuss these questions with a classmate.
a) Who, among those human rights defenders, was the first one to use civil disobedience as a tactic to achieve their objective?
Resposta: Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi
b) Who was arrested for his fight against apartheid?
Resposta: Nelson Mandela
c) Who refused to obey a local law while riding a bus?
Resposta: Rosa Parks
d) Who used the same methods as Gandhi in his fight against racial discrimination?
Resposta: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades a seguir o aluno prepara-se para a leitura, levantando seu conhecimento prévio e criando hipóteses a respeito do texto. Fim da observação.
1. Observe the source of the text. What kind of text is it?
Resposta: It's (part of) a speech.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que observar o título, o formato e a fonte do texto é uma estratégia de leitura importante, pois nos ajuda a identificar rapidamente de onde vem o texto, seu gênero e a levantar hipóteses quanto ao assunto principal. Para saber mais a respeito de Exploring the Title and the Format, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
2. Choose the definition that fits the kind of text you answered in the previous activity.
- A formal discourse delivered to an audience.
- An informal conversation or discussion.
Resposta correta: A formal discourse delivered to an audience.
3. Look at the text source again. Who said those words? When andwhere was the speech delivered?
Resposta: Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered that speech in Memphis, USA, in 1968.
4. Read the title of the text. What do you think his speech is about? Make your predictions and check them as you read.
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Neste momento incentive os alunos a criar hipóteses (oralmente) a respeito do assunto do discurso de Martin Luther King, Jr., com base no que sabem a respeito desse líder. Depois que tiverem lido o texto, pergunte se suas hipóteses se confirmaram ou não. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado o texto principal, abordando temas que contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento de mundo do aluno, e lhe dá a oportunidade de refletir e se posicionar criticamente. Fim da observação.
Now read the text and do the following activities in your notebook.
I've Been to the Mountaintop
[...] Something is happening in Memphis; something is happening in our world. And you know, if I were standing at the beginning of time, with the possibility of taking a kind of general and panoramic view of the whole of human history up to now, and the Almighty said to me, "Martin Luther King, which age would you like to live in?" I would take my mental flight by Egypt and I would watch God's children in their magnificent trek from the dark dungeons of Egypt through, or rather across the Red Sea, through the wilderness on toward the promised land. And in spite of its magnificence, I wouldn't stop there.
I would move on by Greece and take my mind to Mount Olympus. And I would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes assembled around the Parthenon. And I would watch them around the Parthenon as they discussed the great and eternal issues of reality. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would go on, even to the great heyday of the Roman Empire. And I would see developments around there, through various emperors and leaders. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even come up to the day of the Renaissance, and get a quick picture of all that the Renaissance did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man. But I wouldn't stop there.
[...] Strangely enough, I would turn to the Almighty, and say, "If you allow me to live just a few years in the second half of the 20th century, I will be happy."
Now that's a strange statement to make, because the world is all messed up. The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land; confusion all around. That's a strange statement. But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some strange way, are responding.
Something is happening in our world. The masses of people are rising up. And wherever they are assembled today, whether they are in Johannesburg, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; New York City; Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; or Memphis, Tennessee - the cry is always the same: "We want to be free."
And another reason that I'm happy to live in this period is that we have been forced to a point where we are going to have to grapple with the problems that men have been trying to grapple with through history, but the demands didn't force them to do it. Survival demands that we grapple with them. Men, for years now, have been talking about war and peace. But now, no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it's nonviolence or nonexistence. That is where we are today.
FONTE: Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech delivered in Memphis, USA, in 1968. Available at: www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkivebeentothemountaintop.htm. Accessed on: March 16, 2016. (Fragment).
General Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em General Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de compreender a essência do texto. Fim da observação.
1. What was the purpose of Martin Luther King, Jr. when he delivered that speech?
- To encourage the audience to continue fighting for social justice.
- To persuade the audience to take a journey through History with him.
- To make his audience aware of the importance of some great philosophers.
- To make his audience understand that, in spite of its problems, there's no better time than the present.
Resposta correta: To encourage the audience to continue fighting for social justice.
Atenção professor: Para saber mais a respeito de Skimming, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
2. What is the main idea in I've Been to the Mountaintop? Choose from the following sentences and write down the correct option in your notebook.
- "Trouble is in the land; confusion all around."
- "It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it is nonviolence or nonexistence."
- "And in spite of its magnificence, I wouldn't stop there."
- "I would move on by Greece and take my mind to Mount Olympus."
Resposta correta: "It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it is nonviolence or nonexistence."
Detailed Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em Detailed Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de extrair informações específicas e estabelecer relações entre as ideias apresentadas no texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Explore com os alunos as atividades a seguir, antes de eles as realizarem. Oriente-os a ler o texto de forma direcionada para respondê-las. Circule pela sala enquanto fazem a atividade e auxilie-os em caso de dúvidas. Eles podem fazer as atividades em duplas, mas, se for mais conveniente, deixe-os fazer individualmente. Incentive-os a partilhar as respostas com um ou dois colegas antes da verificação geral. Para saber mais a respeito de Scanning, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
1. If God asked Martin Luther King, Jr. in which age he would like to live in, Dr. King would say he would like to live
- at any time in History.
- in ancient Greece, to meet some great philosophers.
- during the Roman Empire, to see some great leaders.
- during the Renaissance, to enjoy the masterpieces of that time.
- in the second half of the 20th century, just the time he was living in.
Resposta correta: in the second half of the 20th century, just the time he was living in.
2. How did Martin Luther King, Jr. describe the world he was living in?
Resposta: He described it as a messed up world. He said the nation was sick, there was trouble in the land and confusion all around.
3. What was happening in places like South Africa, Kenya, Ghana and the United States at that time, according to him?
Resposta: The masses of people in those places were rising up and fighting for freedom.
4. Check the correct answers and write them down in your notebook (more than one is possible). In the last paragraph, Martin Luther King, Jr. says that
- people need to fight against some problems that have been happening for a long time, as a way to survive.
- people have to choose between war and peace.
- violence is not an option.
- violence and nonviolence need to be balanced.
- he has been forced to do things he didn't want to do.
Respostas corretas: people need to fight against some problems that have been happening for a long time, as a way to survive; violence is not an option.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são trabalhadas questões que levam o aluno a assumir uma postura crítica em relação ao assunto tratado no texto. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions in small groups.
Atenção professor: Esta atividade de pós-leitura é um momento de discussão e reflexão a respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado. Peça aos alunos que discutam as questões em pequenos grupos, em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Após alguns minutos, expanda a discussão para toda a turma e verifique o posicionamento dos alunos a respeito do assunto em questão. Fim da observação.