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Design of Bridge Structures: Preface and Contents
Data · February 2016
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Jayaram M.A
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
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In writing a textbook on Design of Bridges, we have been fully aware of the excellent books on 
the subject already on the market. In this instance, we have striven to fulfil four needs not 
perhaps met by these existing works. One is of the civil engineering student ,who requires a 
book that covers the subject upto, approximately, degree or diploma standard. The second is of 
the student ,who needs the hydraulic aspects and structural design aspects of the bridge in one 
cover. The third is of the student, who needs the bridge drawing in a greater detail. And fourth is 
of the practicing engineers who need a ready reckoner on hydraulic and structural design aspects 
of bridges. 
With these requirements in mind, we have set out to discuss all the aspects normally included 
under the subject by examining bodies of the most of the engineering institutes in India, The 
book opens up with two sections viz., section I and section II. 
Section –I deals with hydraulic design aspects of bridge. This section covers the importance of 
hydraulic factors in the design of bridges, computation of peak flood flows, hydraulic geometry 
of river channels, linear waterway, economic span and scour. Problems have been solved at the 
end of each topic. 
Section –II deals with structural design and drawing of Masonry arch bridge,Pipe culvert, Deck 
slab bridge, Box culvert, T-beam bridge, Plate girder bridge and composit bridge. The designs 
are made in strict compliance of various IRC codes. The designs are illustrated with figures and 
at the end of each chapter, full-fledged drawing is appended. Further, other aspects like 
design of substructures, foundations and bearings are also discussed. 
At the end of each section Computer programs coded in C-language is finished. 
SECTION-I : Hydraulic Design 
Importance of hydraulic factors in the design of bridges 
Computation of peak flood flow 
Empirical methods 
Envelop curves 
Flood flows and catchment scale small catchments characteristics 
Methods of analysis 
Rational method 
Runoff concentration 
Concentration time 
Concentration time formulae 
Application of rational method 
Composite catchments 
Types of catchment response 
Concentrated catchment 
Superconcentrated catchment 
Subconcentrated catchment 
Midsize catchment 
Methods of analysis 
Runoff curve numbers 
Unit hydrograph method 
Preparation of unit hydrograph - direct method 
Derivation of unit hydrograph from direct runoff hydrograph 
Change in unit hydrograph duration 
Super position method 
S hydrograph method (sh) 
Convolution and composite hydrographs 
Large catchments 
Frequency analysis of floods 
Plotting positions 
Curve fitting 
Normal distribution 
Lognormal distribution 
Pearson distribution 
Gumbel method 
Indirect determination of peak discharge 
Hydraulic geometry of river channels 
Sand bed channels 
Gravel bed channels 
Cohesive bed channels 
Effect of bridge on river regime 
Linear water way 
Steams with rigid boundaries 
Quasi alluvial steams 
Alluvial steams 
Sand gravel and cohesive- soil beds 
Economic span 
Derivation of equations for normal and maximum scour depths (alluvial and quasialluvial 
Maximum scour depth 
(local scour) 
Local scour at bridge piers 
Estimating local scour at non-cylindrical piers 
Estimating local scour at pile groups 
Questions and problems. 
Appendix: Computer programes 
SECTION-II : Structural Design 
Chapter 1 : Design loads for Bridges. 
1.1 Introduction. 
1.2 Design Loads. 
Chapter 2 : Masonry Arch Bridge 
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 Design Details. 
2.3 Dimensioning of substructures. 
 Example for practice. 
 Plate 1. 
 Plate 2. 
Chapter 3 : Pipe Culverts 
3.1 Introduction. 
3.2 Flow patterns in pipeculvert. 
3.3 Culvert alignment. 
3.4 Culvert entrance structures. 
3.5 Hydraulic design of pipe culvert. 
3.6 Structural design of pipe culvert. 
3.7 Classification of RCC pipes. 
3.8 Reinforcement in pipes. 
 Example for practice. 
 Plate. 3. 
 Chapter:4 Slab bridges 
4.1 Introduction. 
4.2 Wheel load on Slab 
4.3 Effective width method. 
4.4 Slab supported on two edges. 
4.5 Cantilever Slab. 
4.6 Dispersion length 
 Design problem 
 Plate 4. 
Chapter 5: Box Culverts 
5.1 Introduction 
5.2 Design method 
 Design Example 
 Example for practice 
Chapter 6: Beam and Slab bridge 
6.1 Introduction 
6.2 Design of Interior panel of slab. 
6.3 Pigeauds method. 
6.4 Design of longitudinal girders. 
6.5 Guyon-Massonet method. 
6.6 Hendry – Jaegar method. 
6.7 Courbons method 
 Example for practice 
 Plate 5. 
Chapter 7: Plate Girder bridge 
7.1 Introduction 
7.2 Elements of plate girder and their design. 
 Design example. 
 Example for practice. 
Chapter 8: Composite bridges 
8.1 Introduction.8.2 Composite action. 
8.3 Shear connectors. 
8.4 Design requirements of shear connectors. 
8.5 Composite or transformed section 
 Design Example. 
 Example for practice. 
 Plate 7 
Chapter 9: Substructures 
9.1 Abutments 
9.2 Types of Abutments. 
9.3 Abutment stability analysis. 
9.4 Piers. 
9.5 Type of piers 
9.6 Loads on piers. 
9.7 Analysis of piers. 
Chapter 10: Bridge foundations 
10.1 Types of foundations. 
10.2 Well foundations 
10.3 Open well foundations 
10.4 Well components and their functions. 
10.5 Design of Well. 
10.6 Pile foundation 
10.7 Group of piles 
10.8 Design of piles 
 Examples for practice. 
 Plate 8. 
Chapter 11: Bearings and Expansion joints 
11.1 Bearings 
11.2 Forces on bearings 
11.3 Types of bearings 
11.4 Design of unreinforced elastomeric bearings 
11.5 Basis for selection of bearings 
11.6 Expansion joints 
11.7 Closed joints 
 Examples for practice. 
Appendix: Computer Programs on Design 
1. Program for design of Pipe Culvert. 
2. Program for design of Slab Culvert. 
3. Program for design of box culvert. 
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