
Creativity and Reinforced Variability

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Creativity and Reinforced Variability 
Allen Neuringer 
Campbell (1960) argued that random variations are essential for creativity 
because, if an act is truly novel or original, it cannot be anticipated or 
preformulated. A random process implies, according to Campbell, that 
generation of variations cannot be accounted for by knowledge of prior 
environmental events. (Ultimately the environment selects from among the 
variations [see Donahoe, this volume], but Campbell's focus, and that of the 
present paper, is on the variation process itself.) Campbell was convincing 
that variability is necessary for creativity-replication is not creative-
but contemporary research shows that the process by which variations 
are generated is in fact influenced by the environment. Variable versus 
repetitive actions, levels of variability, the set of possible variants, and the 
probability of unlikely combinations; all of these are directly affected by 
consequences. Stated simply, behavioral variability can be reinforced. To 
the extent that variability is necessary, creativity may wither in the absence 
of environmental support. This claim is both controversial, because many 
believe that reinforcement is detrimental to creativity, a claim to which I 
shall return, and important, because it indicates a direction for educational 
and social policy. 
There were many anticipators of Campbell's (1960) theory, and I will 
cite three of the most important: Epicurus, Fechner, and Skinner. Democri-
tus in the 4th century BC was one of the first to claim that atoms were the 
bases for all physical matter, and that it was interactions of these indivisible, 
basic atoms that could explain all else. Epicurus, although agreeing with 
Allen Neuringer • Psychology Department, Reed College, Portland, OR 97202. 
K. A. Lattal et al. (eds.), Behavior Theory and Philosophy
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2003
324 Allen Neuringer 
Democritus' atomic theory, objected to the strict determinism implied. If all 
things were determined, there would be no room for creativity, argued Epi-
curus, and he proposed that atoms, although normally determined in their 
movements, occasionally swerved randomly. Random swerves solved, he 
thought, not only the problem of creativity, but also that of originality and 
the initiation of action. 
More than two thousand years later, Gustav Fechner (an influen-
tial progenitor of contemporary psychophysics and cognitive psychol-
ogy) fleshed out the Epicurean theory (Heidelberger, 1987). Psychologi-
cal/behavioral phenomena were collectives of instances, with general laws 
describing the collectives-for example, as an average of many instances-
but chance governing the instances. That is, psychological laws were mani-
festations of classes, or sets, of events. Within the set, chance, or probability 
reigned. For Fechner, such probabilistic instances were a real part of the real 
world, and not due simply to faulty knowledge. Fechner, like Epicurus, 
posited chance to explain the richness that underlies novel and creative 
behavior, and thus he also invoked both deterministic and probabilistic 
It may surprise some that B. F. Skinner held views that paralleled 
Fechner's. Both Fechner and Skinner were determinists regarding general 
laws, but both argued that individual instances could not be predicted from 
knowledge of the current state of the environment. Skinner's work, more 
than any other, is responsible for current research and theory on reinforced 
variability, but at least his early work argued that the origination of behav-
ioral variability was not in the environment (Skinner, 1938; see also Moxley, 
1997). Skinner distinguished between Pavlovian reflexes, or respondents, 
and operant responses. Pavlovian reflexes were determined by prior envi-
ronmental events, conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. Operants could 
be predicted and controlled by reinforcement contingencies, but only at 
the level of the "class" of responses. Indeed, Skinner argued that each in-
stance of an operant response was a member of a generic class (Skinner, 
1935/1961), and that whereas the class could be functionally related to 
environmental events, the instance could not. For example, the class of 
lever-press responses, defined by microswitch closures, could be predicted 
and controlled, given knowledge of conditioning history and current rein-
forcement contingencies. Predictions could not readily be made, however, 
concerning the member of the class that would emerge at any given point 
of time, e.g., presses with right paw, left paw, or mouth. These seemed 
to occur randomly. Thus, at one and the same time, Skinner held to a 
determinist's belief in prediction and control of operant classes, but main-
tained that exemplars of the class could not be predicted. 
Creativity and Reinforced 325 
This point is sufficiently important that I will rephrase it. Operant 
classes are defined by the fact that different responses have the same effect 
on the environment. A given class may contain many different types of 
instances. For example, reaching one's hand to get the salt, and uttering 
the words "please pass the salt," may both be members of a single oper-
ant class, each member occurring probabilistically. (As in the example just 
given, probabilities of instances may differ, one from the other, depending 
upon the momentary context, but their emission is probabilistic nonethe-
less.) Language is another example of deterministic relations at the level of 
class, but probabilistic at the level of instance. Chomsky's (1959) objections 
notwithstanding (he argued that operant analyses cannot account for the 
richness of language-see Catania, this volume, and Chase, this volume), 
the operant nature of language helps to explain its creativity because all 
operants are (at the level of instance) probabilistic and therefore potentially 
generative (see Neuringer, 2002, for further discussion). This conceptual-
ization of Skinner's position captures his distinction between instance and 
operant class. A single intellectual line connects Epicurus, Fechner, Skin-
ner, and Campbell: sets of probabilistic instances are necessary to explain 
the creativity of thought and action, and the instance cannot be explained 
by the environment. 
Influences on Variability 
These four great thinkers agreed that variability is characteristic of 
psychological phenomena, but research over the past 40 years has gone 
beyond their claim of an omni-present variability in order to search for 
specific sources. Three important influences on variability will be identi-
fied, with the focus on the third. First, variability is influenced by states of 
illness and well-being: by clinical states (e.g., depressed individuals and 
those with autism vary less than do normals), by injury to the eNS (e.g., 
Alzheimer dementia and damage to the frontal cortex lower variability) 
and by drugs (e.g., alcohol, opioid antagonists, and benzodiazepine) (see 
Brugger, 1997, for a review). In most of these examples, which are repre-
sentative, effects are to lower variability, working in a direction opposite 
to that needed for creativity, with normal behavior manifesting relatively 
high levels of the requisite variability. 
The second source is variability elicited by adversity, e.g., resulting 
from a sudden decrease in reinforcement (Balsam, Deich, Ohyama, & 
Stokes, 1998). In particular, many studies have indicated that extinction 
elicits variability (but see Neuringer, Komell, & Olufs, 2001, for a discussion 
326 Allen Neuringer 
of both the variability-inducing and stability-maintaining aspects of extinc-
tion). Adversity-elicited variability is found across species, from bacteria 
to people, but the resulting variability is generally short-lived, because re-
sponding decreases to low, and sometimes zero levels. Variability is also 
reported to be elicited by constraints placed on the acceptableresponse 
class (see, e.g., Stokes, 2001). But temporarily increased variability, due to 
adversity or constraints, may not suffice to maintain creative activity. 
The third source is direct reinforcement. When contingent upon a par-
ticular level of behavioral variability, reinforcement generates and main-
tains it. Because this source has been largely ignored, research will be de-
scribed to show that high variability can be reinforced, including levels 
approaching randomness, and maintained indefinitely. This research is 
important for an understanding of creative behavior. 
The Control of Variability 
Maltzman (1960) began this work by asking, "How can the reinforce-
ment of one bit of uncommon behavior increase the frequency of other un-
common behaviors which by definition are different" (p. 231). Part of his 
answer was an empirical demonstration that when human subjects were 
trained to generate free associations, novelty of the associations increased 
and transfer occurred, e.g., to tests that required that subjects identify un-
usual uses for common objects. Goetz and Baer (1973) reinforced novel 
block constructions by children and observed that originality increased. 
During the same period, supportive results were obtained in animal lab-
oratories. Blough (1966) rewarded pigeons for generating Poisson distri-
butions of interpeck durations, or that expected from a random process. 
The pigeons' pecks came to approximate the output of a Geiger counter's 
response to the random emissions of atomic particles, among the most 
random of phenomena. Pryor, Haag, and O'Reilly (1969) reinforced novel 
jumps, turns, and swims by porpoises, resulting in behaviors never be-
fore observed by any of the trainers. In light of Campbell's claim, these 
early studies, and there were many others, showed that a component of 
creativity, namely variability, could in fact be increased and maintained by 
Important objections, however, were raised. A series of experiments 
appeared to show that reinforcement decreased creativity (see below) and, 
more to the point, Schwartz (1982) argued that the experiments described 
above may have been misinterpreted. According to Schwartz, variability 
may have increased for reasons other than its reinforcement. Perhaps 
Creativity and Reinforced 327 
short-term extinction was responsible, because the reinforcement opera-
tion involves both presenting reinforcers, when there is an approximation 
to a goal response, and withholding reinforcers, when approximations are 
not forthcoming. According to Schwartz and others, reinforcers increase 
the behaviors that are being reinforced, and therefore lead to stereotypy, 
not variability. One critical test was needed: to compare reinforced vari-
ability with a control condition in which exactly the same reinforcers were 
provided and withheld, but independently of the variability. This would 
control for extinction and any other correlated effects. 
Page and Neuringer (1985) performed the critical experiment with 
pigeons pecking two response keys for food rewards. In one condition, 
sequences of 8 responses across left (L) and right (R) keys had to differ 
from each of the last 50 sequences in order for the birds to be reinforced. 
For example, if the pigeons happened to peck LLRRLLLL in the current 
trial, food reinforcement was provided only if that sequence had not been 
emitted during any of the previous 50 trials (including, at the beginning of 
the current session, those from yesterday's session). The pigeons readily 
varied and maintained high levels of variability across more than 30 ses-
sions. When reinforcers were then presented independently of variability 
in the yoked control condition, but at exactly the same frequency and pat-
tern as during the previous phase, levels of variability dropped and stayed 
low: the pigeons tended to repeat one or two sequences again and again. 
Return to the variability-reinforcing phase resulted in regaining high levels 
of sequence variability. These results strongly support the operant nature 
of variability, and were soon followed by confirming evidence from other 
laboratories (e.g., Machado, 1989). 
How did the pigeons accomplish their task? The hypothesis was of-
fered that ability to vary was basic, and not derived from other competen-
cies, such as discriminative control by prior responses, or what is referred 
to as memory. It was unlikely that the pigeons were remembering each 
of their last 50 sequences (they do not have that good a memory), but to 
further rule out a memory hypothesis, Page and Neuringer (1985) showed 
that levels of variability increased when number of responses per trial in-
creased, a prediction consistent with the pigeons acting as a stochastic, or 
random, generator, but inconsistent with a memory hypothesis. Here is 
the reasoning. Assume that reinforcement accrues whenever the sequence 
of L and R responses in the current trial differs from the sequence in the 
previous trial, a Lag 1 variability contingency. Let us now ask about the ef-
fects of number of responses per trial. Because memory varies with amount 
of information to be recalled, trials consisting of 2 responses should exert 
better control, according to a memory hypothesis, than trials consisting 
328 Allen Neuringer 
of 8 responses. Speaking informally, it would be easier to remember and not 
repeat an LR sequence, than an RLLLRLRL sequence. Thus, if the pigeons 
were using the previous sequence as the controlling discriminative stim-
ulus, then with increasing numbers of responses per trial, performances 
should be degraded. On the other hand, if the pigeon were responding in 
random fashion, the probability that the current trial would repeat the 
previous trial equals 0.25 for the 2-response case (there are 4 different 
possible sequences, LL, LR, RL and RR), whereas the probability in the 
8-response case for repetition is 0.004 (there are 256 different sequences 
of length 8). Thus, the stochastic-generator hypothesis predicts that as 
number of responses per trials increases, a random generator would be 
reinforced increasingly. Memory predicts poorer performance, stochastic 
generator, better. The results supported the stochastic-generator hypothe-
sis, i.e., performance improved as responses per trial increased. 
Also against memory were findings that as the time between responses 
in a sequence was systematically increased (through imposition of time-
out periods), pigeons and rats were better able to meet a variability contin-
gency (Neuringer, 1991). When other subjects were reinforced for repeating 
a particular sequence, e.g., LLRR, it was found that as interresponse times 
increased, performances were degraded. Thus, as expected, repetitions de-
pended upon memory, but the variable operant appeared not to be based 
on memorial processes; rather memory for past responses may have inter-
fered with operant variability (Weiss, 1964). 
That variable responding is, in fact, an operant, controlled in ways 
that are similar to other voluntary operants, is indicated by four additional 
1. Variability is precisely controlled by contingencies of reinforcement 
(Machado, 1989; Page & Neuringer, 1985). 
2. Discriminative stimuli influence it; e.g., rats and pigeons learn to 
respond variably in the presence of one stimulus (light or tone) and 
repetitively in another (Denney & Neuringer, 1998). 
3. Rats and pigeons vary vs. repeat as a function of relative reinforce-
ment frequencies; i.e., they "match" their vary vs. repeat "choices" 
to reinforcement frequencies, as is the case for other operants 
(Neuringer, 1992). 
4. What is varied also depends upon the reinforcement contingencies, 
i.e., the subjects do not do just anything. This was shown by all of 
the above findings and also, more explicitly, by defining a subset 
of response sequences (e.g., only those beginning with LL ... ) and 
reinforcing variations only among that subset.Animals successfully 
delimit the domain of variations (Mook, Jeffrey, & Neuringer, 1993). 
Creativity and Reinforced 329 
Variability is multidimensioned (Knuth, 1969), requiring many differ-
ent tests to establish highest levels. In most of the above studies, one or 
two measures sufficed to establish that variability is sensitive to conse-
quences. In one study, however, the results of many more statistical tests 
were simultaneously provided to humans as reinforcing feedback. The 
question was whether humans can approach the level of a random gen-
erator (Neuringer, 1986). High-school and college students were asked to 
respond as randomly as possible on two keys of a computer keyboard. 
When reinforcing feedback was withheld in the initial baseline phase of 
the experiment, performances were readily distinguished from random, 
a results consistent with hundreds of previous studies of this sort (e.g., 
Brugger, 1997; Wagenaar, 1972). The subjects were then given feedback-
this being the first experiment in which an attempt was made to reinforce 
random responding-first from one statistical test, then another, until they 
saw feedback from 10 separate tests following each series of 100 responses. 
The feedback was in the form of a table, indicating how performances 
compared to distributions generated by the random generator. The result 
(after many sessions of training and tens of thousands of responses) was 
sequences that did not differ statistically from random according to all 10 
tests, i.e., the subjects learned to approximate a random generator. This re-
sult differs from all of the previous findings, but as indicated, this was the 
first experiment in which such behavior was explicitly reinforced. When 
people are simply asked to respond randomly, they fail, but when rein-
forced, they successfully approximate a random generator. 
Is Reinforcement Detrimental to Creativity? 
The argument to this point is that variability is a necessary part of 
creativity; that behavioral variability is an operant, it can be reinforced; 
and therefore that explicit reinforcement of variability may contribute im-
portantly to creativity (see also, Stokes, in press). In support are studies in 
which creativity is directly reinforced (e.g., Eisenberger & Armeli, 1997). 
In opposition, however, are other studies indicating that reinforcement is 
detrimental to creative work (e.g., Amabile, 1983). This is a deeply con-
troversialliterature that has been reviewed in a number of places (e.g., 
Cameron & Pierce, 1994; Cameron, Banko, & Pierce, 2001; Deci, Koestner, & 
Ryan, 1999), and I will not try to describe many of the issues involved. My 
students and I, however, have conducted two studies that may contribute 
to a resolution of some of the issues, and I shall describe these. Both con-
front the hypothesized detrimental effects of reinforcement. To anticipate 
the results of both studies, detrimental effects are real-reinforcement has 
330 Allen Neuringer 
complex effects, some of which are to decrease response strength-but the 
effects can be explained by reinforcement theory. 
A common finding in operant laboratories is that as reinforcement is 
approached, e.g., under fixed-interval and fixed-ratio schedules, animals 
and people respond faster and faster. When reinforcement depends upon 
accuracy, as in discrimination learning or matching to sample, that too is 
found to increase within the fixed interval or ratio (Nelson, 1978; Nevin, 
1967). Cherot, Jones, and Neuringer (1996) asked whether the same pat-
tern would hold for variability: would variability increase as reinforcement 
for varying was approached? The question is related to real-world cases 
where a composer is rushing to complete a composition before the sched-
uled performance, or an artist to finish a painting before an exhibition. 
With rats and pigeons serving as subjects, and a fixed-ratio 4 contingency 
(the subjects had to meet a variability contingency 4 times to be reinforced) 
the opposite result was observed: as the reinforcer was approached, the 
subjects varied less and less, that is, the probability of meeting the variabil-
ity contingency decreased. For comparison, with other animals repeating a 
particular sequence was reinforced, once again under the fixed-ratio 4. For 
these animals, probability of correct repetitions increased with proximity 
to reinforcement, a finding opposite to that for the variability group, but 
consistent with the previous literature. Thus, to the extent that creativity is 
based on variability, these results imply that approach to, or anticipation 
of, reinforcement interferes with creativity, a result consistent with those 
who argue that reinforcement exerts detrimental effects. Can these results 
be reconciled with reinforcement theory? 
One additional piece of information from Cherot et al. (1996) helps 
to resolve the inconsistency. The animals whose varying responding 
was reinforced engaged in much more variably overall than those re-
inforced for repeating. (Other studies, some mentioned above, show 
that animals rewarded for varying responded much more variably over-
all than those rewarded for repeating.) Reinforcement of variability 
appears to exert simultaneously two effects: overall variability is ele-
vated, sometimes to the highest levels; but approach to (and possibly 
focus on) the reinforcers constrains, or lowers, variability. The overall 
enhancement of variability was of much greater magnitude than the 
decrease with approach, but both effects were statistically significant. 
Disagreement concerning whether reinforcement helps or harms creativ-
ity may partly be due to exclusive emphasis on one or the other of these 
effects. Reinforcers have a multiplicity of effects, and all must be taken into 
The second experiment similarly involves detrimental effects, and the 
question can best be introduced by describing a representative experiment. 
Creativity and Reinforced 331 
Williams (1980) measured the time that 4th and 5th grade children spent 
playing with toys during Phase 1 of an experiment. In Phase 2, the chil-
dren received comic books as reinforcers contingent upon playing with 
the same toys. The third phase was a return to the conditions in Phase1, 
i.e., the same toys were available, but the comic book reinforcers were no 
longer provided. Performances in this experimental group were compared 
to a group that received the Phase 1 conditions throughout the experiment, 
i.e., they were never reinforced with comic books for playing. The main 
question was whether the two groups differed during Phase 3, and the 
answer was yes: the experimental subjects played less with the toys in 
Phase 3 than did the control subjects. Some have interpreted this find-
ing as indicating that the addition of an extrinsic reinforcer, comic books, 
detracts from the intrinsic reinforcement derived from playing with toys. 
(Note that interpretation of such results has been hotly debated, including 
by Williams, the author of the just-described study.) This experiment rep-
resents a large number of similar cases, including those involving creative 
and artistic behaviors. For example, Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett (1973) 
rewarded preschool children with gold stars for drawing with felt-tipped 
colored pens. When the rewards were no longer provided, percentage of 
time that the children chose to draw was significantly lower than in a con-
trol condition in which gold stars had not been provided. In many other 
cases, adding an extrinsic reinforcer is found to have detrimental effects 
on intrinsically maintained performances, including, as mentioned above, 
creative behaviors. The question is whether the decreases in performance 
can be explained by reinforcement principles. 
Examples of extrinsic reinforcers are gold stars, toys, money, and 
praise. Examples of intrinsic reinforcers are the consequences of pressing 
piano keys, or the results seen on a sheet ofpaper of drawing with colored 
pens. Some have emphasized the qualitative differences between these, and 
have posited that extrinsic reinforcers uniquely degrade intrinsic motiva-
tions (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Just as hammers and nails have different quali-
ties, enabling the hammer to pound the nails into wood, but not vice-versa, 
extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcers are hypothesized to have unique quali-
ties, resulting in extrinsic reinforcers weakening behaviors maintained by 
intrinsic reinforcers, but presumably not vice-versa. The next experiment 
shows that reinforcement may have detrimental effects, indeed, but that 
these effects can be explained by reinforcement theory generally, without 
hypothesizing a difference between the intrinsic vs. extrinsic nature of the 
events. The research was done by Aleksandra Donnelly in collaboration 
with me, parts of which served as her senior thesis at Reed College, and 
because the data have not previously been published, the experiment will 
be described in some detail. 
332 Allen Neuringer 
Children moved an unusual pen across a page of paper: the pen con-
tained no ink. This "colorless drawing" response was maintained by ex-
trinsic reinforcers, colored stickers, which the children enjoyed collecting. 
Because the sheet of paper remained blank, we assumed that no intrinsic 
reinforcement was present. In a second phase, we assessed the effects of 
adding the intrinsic reinforcer: we placed visible ink in the pens so that the 
children could now see their drawings as they were being created. In the 
previous research described above, responding was maintained by intrin-
sic reinforcers throughout all three phases (e.g., the drawings themselves), 
and Phase 2 presented both intrinsic plus extrinsic (e.g., drawings plus gold 
stars). In the Donnelly experiment, the same design was employed, but ex-
trinsic reinforcers (stickers) were provided throughout the three phases 
and Phase 2 contained both extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcers (stickers and 
the colored drawings). Thus, Donnelly's design was identical to previous 
work, but intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers were reversed. The question 
was whether the same results would be observed under these reversed 
The details of the experiment were as follows. Sixty-five preschool 
children, ages 3 to 6, were divided into three groups. In Phases 1 and 3, 
all subjects in all groups were rewarded with colored stickers for "draw-
ing" with colorless markers on 8.5 x 11 in white paper. If the child drew 
with the markers, that is, the tip of the marker touched the paper at any 
time during a trial, the trial ended with a sticker reward. The intervening 
phase, or Phase 2, differed among the groups. For subjects in the Exper-
imental group, the colorless markers were replaced by colored markers 
that left bright colors on the page. In all other respects, Phase 2 was identi-
cal to Phases 1 and 3 and subjects continued to be rewarded with stickers 
for drawing at any time during a trial. For subjects in the Control-Same 
group, Phase 2 was identical to Phases 1 and 3, i.e., drawing with a colorless 
marker continued to be rewarded with stickers. Because Control-Same and 
Experimental groups differed in two ways-the experimental subjects ex-
perienced colored markers during Phase 2 and also experienced a change 
in procedure between Phases 1 and 2-a second control group was added. 
In Phase 2, the Control-Erase subjects were provided with an eraser and 
told to erase pencil marks on sheets of paper. Sticker rewards were now 
contingent upon having touched the eraser to the sheet at any time during 
a trial. We hypothesized that erasing has minimal intrinsic attraction but 
provided a control for change. The main question was whether provid-
ing the Experimental subjects with intrinsic rewards for drawing in phase 
2 would decrease drawing when the intrinsic rewards were removed in 
phase 3. For some of the subjects, each of the 3 phases consisted of 10 trials, 
i.e., 10 drawings, with each trial lasting 60 s. For others, trials were 45-s 
Creativity and Reinforced 333 
in duration, and 6 trials were provided in phases 1 and 3, with 10 trials in 
phase 2. There were other minor differences in procedure, but as will be 
seen, the two procedural variants yielded the same results. 
Each subject'S time spent working, touching colorless or colored pens 
or eraser to paper, was summed across the trials within each phase and 
the time spent working was divided by the maximum total time that a 
subject could have been working, i.e., proportion of maximum time was 
the main measure. This proportion is referred to as work time. A 2 x 3 x 3, 
mixed-design ANOVA compared work times across (a) the two procedu-
ral variants of the experiment, (b) the Experimental, Control-Same, and 
Control-Erase conditions, and (c) the three phases, this last being a re-
peated measures variable. The main results were: (a) performances did not 
differ across the two procedural variants (no main effect or interaction 
involving the procedures were significant)(p > .10); (b) performances dif-
fered significantly across the three phases, F(2, 110) = 15.17, p < .0001); 
and, (c) most importantly, a significant phase x condition interaction was 
observed, F(4,110) = 10.70, p < .0001. 
Figure 1 shows the interaction between phase and condition. Most 
striking is the similarity of these functions to those previously obtained 
when extrinsic rewards were manipulated. The Experimental subjects' 
work times were influenced by phase, F(2,110) = 36.07, p < .001, with 
work time increasing when the colorless markers were replaced by col-
ored markers in Phase 2 (p < .01) and then decreasing during Phase 3 
when the colorless markers were reintroduced (p < .01). Most importantly, 
the Experimental subjects' work time during Phase 3 was significantly 
lower (p < .01) than during the identical conditions of Phase 1. Adding 
and then removing intrinsic rewards had a detrimental effect on draw-
ing. On the other hand, neither control group was affected significantly 
by phase, F(2,110) = 1.83, p > .10 for Control-Same and F(2,110) = .519, 
p> .10 for Control-Erase. 
As noted above, Phases 1 and 3 were identical to one another and 
identical across all groups. Of main interest were differences in work time 
between these two phases, and thus planned comparisons were done on 
difference scores (Phase 1 minus Phase 3 work times). The three groups dif-
fered significantly, F(2, 58) = 4.44, P < .05, with the Experimental subjects 
showing larger change scores than either of the control groups (Newman-
Keuls, p < .05). Thus, adding and taking away an intrinsic reinforcer pro-
duced detrimental effects in the Experimental subjects. 
The present findings indicate that the extrinsic/ intrinsic distinction 
may be unimportant in explaining detrimental (and facilitating) effects. 
Given that intrinsic rewards affect extrinsically motivated behavior in the 
same way that extrinsic rewards affect intrinsically motivated behavior, 
334 Allen Neuringer 
I- 60 
~ 50 
--gr--~---==lrJ ~ CON.E 
~ CON.S 
w 40 
0:: ~EXP 
Figure 1. Percentage of time spent working at the task for the experimental sub-
jects (Exp) and two groups of control subjects, Con.5 and Con.E, across the three 
phases of the experiment. During phases 1 and 3, drawing with colorless mark-
ers was extrinsically reinforced with presentations of children's "stickers." During 
phase 2, drawing with normal coloring markers was rewarded for the Exp group, 
this presumed to provide intrinsic reinforcement. In phase 2, colorless markers con-
tinued to be present for the Con.5 group, and erasing of pencil marks was rewarded 
for the Con.E group. Error bars show standard errors. 
it is unnecessary to hypothesize unique effects of either. But the question 
still remains: how are detrimental effects-produced byeither intrinsic or 
extrinsic reinforcers-to be explained? 
When the value of a reward is increased relative to a baseline phase, 
return to the original reward results in decreased responding relative to 
baseline, at least temporarily (Porac & Salancik, 1981). Such effects are dis-
cussed in terms of the relativity of reward: the value of a currently experi-
enced reward being relative to the value of the reward previously experi-
enced for the same response (see Flaherty, 1996). The results of all studies in 
which reinforcers are temporarily increased and then decreased-whether 
manipulations are of intrinsic or extrinsic reinforcers-are consistent with 
these same relative-value explanations, an observation made previously 
by others (Bandura, 1986; Flora, 1990). 
Furthermore both detrimental and incremental effects of reinforcers 
are functional, selected by evolutionary pressures. For example, decreases 
in reward magnitude, as in the transition for the experimental subjects 
from Phase 2 to Phase 3 in the current work, may result in exploration 
Creativity and Reinforced 335 
or behavioral variation, thereby possibly increasing the likelihood of dis-
covering alternative sources of reward. Behavioral variations caused by 
decreased rewards are found in organisms as simple as bacteria (Staddon, 
1983) through rats (Notterman & Mintz, 1965) to humans (Balsam, 
Paterniti, Zechowy & Stokes, 2002). Equally general are findings that re-
inforcement of one activity results in decrements in other, concurrently 
available activities (Herrnstein, 1997), and that intermittent schedules of 
reinforcement, such as fixed-interval and fixed-ratio, result in marked 
postreinforcement decrements in responding, often referred to as postre-
inforcement pauses. All of these effects indicate that response decrements 
are basic consequences of the interchange of an organism with rewards in 
its environment. Both the increases and decreases in behaviors upon which 
rewards are contingent serve important functions for the success and sur-
vival of organisms. The take-home message is that reinforcement theory 
can help to explain both increases and decreases in the behaviors required 
for creative output. Reinforcement sometimes directly engenders the vari-
ability necessary for creative work, and other times elicits such variability, 
but it is not necessary to invoke intrinsic and extrinsic concepts to explain 
these effects. 
As indicated above, the work of B. F. Skinner provides the founda-
tion for many of the studies reported in this chapter. Variability played an 
important role in Skinner's life, as well as the work he motivated, and I 
will conclude with a brief review of his writings on this matter. Skinner 
wrote explicitly about accidents, serendipity, and the importance of vari-
ability, in his life and work. "The main course of my life was set by a 
series of accidents" (Skinner, 1983, p. 400), he wrote; and "Custom is ... the 
villain. It stales our lives .... We tend to do what we are accustomed to 
do because we have done it successfully, but we suffer from the same-
ness" (Skinner & Vaughan, 1983, pp. 91-93). With respect to his research, 
three of the five basic principles described in "A Case History in Scientific 
Method" involve variability produced by accidents: " ... it is no exagger-
ation to say that some of the most interesting and surprising results have 
turned up first because of ... accidents" (Skinner, 1935/1961, p. 86); and he 
concludes that "science is a continuous and often a disorderly and acciden-
tal process" (Skinner 1935/1961, p. 98). More than most, however, Skinner 
tried to identify and generate conditions that maximized such accidents: 
" ... there are calculated ways of generating accidents ... " (Skinner, 1980, 
p. 216); "Creative people know ... how to encourage variations in their 
336 Allen Neuringer 
work ... " (Skinner, 1983, pp. 74-75); "One way to be original is to make 
deliberate changes in the ways in which you do things" (Skinner, 1983, 
p. 75); and "[The student] can learn not only to take advantage of ac-
cidents, following Pasteur's well-known dictum, but to produce them" 
(Skinner, 1968, p. 180). These musings provide only informal evidence, as 
is the case with much about creativity, but Skinner clearly believed-and 
his life exemplified-that variability-producing environments can be es-
tablished, a view consistent with current research showing that variability 
can be reinforced in order to provide the necessary substrate for creativity. 
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