
Apostila Inglês II

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

Polossemia e
Polissemia e Interdiscursividade
There are some species in the world which are in 
risk of extinction. According to the WWF (World Wild 
Foundation1), about 300 species are exhausted2 in 
rainforests each year. There is lack3 of responsibility of 
population and the government, which doesn’t usually 
stimulate the conservation of our environment4. 
There are some NGOs5 that try to motivate the 
protection of our world, but, at the same time, there 
are big industries that do not take this issue6 seriously.
1. World Wild Foundation – 
2. Exhausted – 
3. Lack – 
4. Environment – 
5. NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) – 
6. Issue – 
Questions on the text
Responda em português de acordo com o texto:
1. Quantas espécies são extintas ao ano nas
florestas tropicais, de acordo com os dados da
2. O que o texto apresenta como falha dos
governantes em relação ao cuidado do meio
3. As grandes empresas têm ajudado na
conservação do planeta? Por quê?
4. Traduza ou explique em português o seguinte
trecho do texto:
“There are some species in the world which 
are in risk of extinction.”
Grammar in use
There + to be
Singular Plural
There is a girl near the door.
There are five tickets for the show in my hands.
There was a car in front of our house yesterday.
There were some people at the party last week.
Conhecimentos da Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês
Complete these sentences with THERE IS, THERE 
1. ________ AN ENGLISH test at school today.
2. ________ SOME QUESTIONS about 
3. ________ A PARTY at Paul’s house LAST WEEK.
4. ________ TEN BOYS and five girls at the club 
5. ________ A FRENCH BOOK on the table NOW.
6. ________ A GAME on TV LAST NIGHT.
7. ________ TWELVE STUDENTS at the library 
8. ________ A CAR here two hours AGO.
9. ________ A SANDWICH in the fridge. It is a 
cheese sandwich.
10. ________ SOME CHILDREN on the street at 3 
o’clock YESTERDAY.
Try to say it very fast:
Questão 1
Na oração “According to the WWF (World Wild Foundation1), 
about 300 species are exhausted in rainforests each year.”, a 
palavra em negrito significa, em português:
a) cansadas
b) acamadas
c) extintas
d) descobertas
e) relacionadas
Questão 2
A melhor tadução em português para o termo “political 
a) dívidas políticas
b) questões políticas
c) razões políticas
d) esquemas políticos
e) reações políticas
Questão 3
___________ ten dollars in her pocket last night.
Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence 
a) There was
b) There are
c) There is
d) There were
e) There to be
Questão 4
I believe ___________ lack of responsibility from 
population that year.
a) there was
b) there to be
c) there are
d) there is
e) there wer
“There were three witches who sat 
watching three watches. If three witches 
were watching three watches, which 
witch was watching each watch?”
Traduza ou explique em português o seguinte trecho 
do texto:
“There is lack of responsibility of population 
and the government, which doesn’t usually 
stimulate the conservation of our environment.”
Questão 5
Marque as orações que estão gramaticalmente corretas:
01. There were five dollars in his pocket yesterday.
02. There was some boys on the street.
04. There are beautiful girls in our classroom.
08. There is a tall man in front of our house now.
16. There were some cheese in my sandwich.
32. There was a teacher who lived here some years
Material Complementar 
Alguns exercícios complementares e informações 
sobre os assuntos discutidos em aula você pode en-
contrar nos seguinte link:
Aconselho, também, a visitar a seguinte página da 
WEB para melhor conhecimento de textos acerca do 
assunto relacionado à essa aula:
Conhecimentos da Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês
Unidade de Linguagem em Uso e 
Textualidade: Coerência/Coesão
Disponível em: http://www.comics.com/creators/wizardofid
1. meaning –
2. earlier –
3. later –
4. development –
5. is (to be) able to – 
6. for instance – 
7. to stretch out – 
8. to consider – 
9. bring –
10. joy –
Questions on the text
Responda ás seguintes questões de acordo com o texto:
1. O pronome us sublinhado no texto refere-se:
a) a Suzan
b) ao autor do texto
c) ao autor do texto e sua esposa
d) ao bebê
e) a família
When I see my daughter Suzan trying to say her 
first words, I feel very comfortable to understand 
the real meaning1 of the miracle of life. I know 
that there are babies who begin talking much 
earlier2, as there are ones who start it later3, but 
my wife and I are happy with her development4. 
Now, she is able to5 look at us and say, in a clear 
but still infant pronounce, the words “mom” and 
“daddy”. When she sees, for instance6, a glass of 
water, she would stretch out7 her arms and say 
“please”, showing that she wants it.
It is important to observe that we always stimulate 
her to communicate. Parents should consider8 it 
when their kids are in their first phase of life.
A baby always brings9 new joy10 to a family home. 
More than that, a baby can show everybody 
how communication begins early in life and how 
interesting and intelligent this process is. 
2. It é um pronome pessoal (objective pronoun) e, 
no texto, substitui:
a) the baby
b) a glass of water
c) mom
d) daddy
e) development
3. Em “It is important to observe that we always
stimulate her to communicate”, a quem se refere 
o pronome sublinhado?
a) mom
b) daddy
c) home
d) Suzan
e) the parents
4. According to the text, “When I see my daughter
Suzan trying to say her first words, I:
a) feel enormously content to comprehend the
real significance of the miracle of life.
b) believe she can do more than that.
c) understand my wife better.
d) feel unhappy to misunderstand the words she 
e) try to help her to pronounce the words correctly.
5. A oração “…a baby can show everybody how
communication begins early in life..” significa,
em português: 
a) os bebês sempre dão um show quando
tentam se comunicar.
b) um bebê pode mostrar todo mundo quando
se comunica no início da vida.
c) um bebê pode mostrar a todos como a
comunicação principia-se no início da vida.
d) bebês sempre se comunicam no início da vida.
e) um bebê pode iniciar sua comunicação com
todos ao mesmo tempo.
Grammar in use
Personal pronouns
Subjective Case Objective Case
I You
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
You You
They Them
O SUBJECTIVE PRONOUN age sobre o verbo, ou seja, 
funciona como sujeito da oração.
Sally wants to visit her cousin in Paris next week.
Researchers develop new vaccines.
O OBJECTIVE PRONOUN recebe a ação do verbo, ou 
seja, funciona como objeto da oração.
Mr. Myers always takes care of the dogs.
We prefer to help Tina.
Substitute the following underlined nouns into 
subjective or objective pronouns:
1. Mary prefers to talk to Joe.
2. The children are playing tennis with father.
Conhecimentos da Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês
Questão 3
____ and ____ can work together.
a) You and me
b) You and I
c) He and Them
d) You and Her
e) She and us
Questão 4
He is able to speak to ______.
a) we
b) they
c) he
d) us
e) I
Questão 5
John is a student in England. ____ likes to travel a 
a) He
b) Him
c) She
f ) It
g) Us
Material Complementar
Visite o link:
3. Mary and I want to show Tom and Sally the new 
4. I will buy a book this afternoon. The book is about
5. Aunt Polly doesn’t haveto worry now. The dogs 
are sleeping.
6. Can you help me to clean these chairs?
Choose the correct alternatives or proposition(s):
Questão 1
There are some boats on the river now. _____ are 
all fishing boats.
a) Them
b) It
c) He
d) They
e) Its
Questão 2
Tom and Peggy are very good friends. There’s 
nothing wrong between _____ and _____.
a) him and she
b) he and her
c) they and them
d) he and she
e) him and her
Unidade de Linguagem em Uso e 
Textualidade: Coerência/Coesão
Disponível em: http/www.comics.com/peanuts
2. O trecho “when I look at myself - I see my
soul” do poema acima pode ser traduzido, em
português, por:
a) Quando me canso, canso minha alma.
b) Sempre que me olho, esqueço-me de minha
c) Ao olhar minha alma, vejo meu filho.
d) Quando olho para mim mesmo, vejo minha
e) Minha alma é vista por mim mesmo.
Grammar in use
I My Mine
You Your Yours
He His His
She Her Hers
It Its Its
One One's One's
We Our Ours
You your Yours
They Their Theirs
"When I look in the mirror1 - I see myself. when 
I look at myself - I see my soul2. when I look at 
my soul - I see the sky. When I look at the sky - I 
see myself."
Extracted from: www.queendom.com/mindgames
Myself (My*self”) (?), pron.; pl. Ourselves (¿). I or 
me in person; -- used for emphasis, my own self or 
person; as I myself will do it; I have done it myself; 
-- used also instead of me, as the object of the first 
person of a reflexive verb, without emphasis; as, I 
will defend myself. (-- reflexive pron. --)
1. Mirror -
2. soul -
Questions on the text
1. De acordo com o texto, o autor do poema acima:
a) Prefere não olhar para o espelho.
b) Vê sua própria alma através das estrelas.
c) Acredita que pode ver também sua própria
alma quando se vê no espelho.
d) Enxerga o céu através do espelho de seu quarto.
e) Acredita que sua própria alma reflete o espelho.
Conhecimentos da Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês
Veja estes exemplos:
My car is blue; yours is white.
I believe Glenda is here tonight. That’s her coat.
I have my money and she has hers. 
I – Use the possessive adjective or possessive 
pronouns to complete the sentences below:
1. Mrs. Sutlive is here now. That is ____ coat.
2. I have _____ own dream and you have ____.
3. We are sorry, but these are not ____ books.
4. They introduced to us some friends of ______
last night.
5. I know Jack and Sally; his house is on Wayne
Street and _____ is out of town.
II – Complete the following sentences using the 
reflexive or emphasizing pronouns:
1. The little girl always looks at ______ in the
mirror after she wakes up.
2. We should protect ______ against pollution in
big cities.
3. I ______ want to be the first to help Sally.
4. “Come on, Peggy and Nancy! You need to put
_____ in my situation to understand me.”
5. The boys will have to do everything by ________.
Questão 1
I take _____ English classes on Mondays and Tuesdays. 
____ kids have ______ on Saturdays.
a) my – Ours – his
b) my – Our – theirs
c) my – Our – hers
d) mine – Ours – theirs
e) mine – Ours – their
Questão 2
As a tool, the computer assists ___________ to 
perform a lot of activities.
a) we 
b) us
c) ourselves 
d) they
e) to us
One of my friends = A friend of mine.
Reflexive or Emphasizing Pronouns
Subjective Reflexive
I Myself
You Yourself
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself
One Oneself
We Ourselves
You Yourselves
They Themselves
usado nas seguintes situações:
1 – Para dar ênfase ao sujeito:
I myself need some more rest.
The car itself is good, but the price is not.
2 – Quando a ação retorna ao sujeito:
I cut myself shaving this morning.
The man looks at himself in the mirror.
3 – Para indicar “sozinho” ou “sem ajuda” (neste 
caso, precedidos pela preposição BY):
We will do the exercises by ourselves.
I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to be by myself 
I - Could you tell ____ what has happened in the 
II - His uncle gave ____ the money to set up his new 
III - It was kind of you to let me borrow ____ 
IV - She ignored ____ father’s warning and jumped 
into the swimming pool.
V - Just a minute, I’m going to hang ____ jacket in 
the wardrobe.
a) I – me; II – him; III – your; IV – her; V - my
b) I – them; II – her; III – your; IV – her; V – yours
c) I – him; II – them; III – his; IV – its; V – mine
d) I – her; II – us; III – their; IV – our; V – yours
e) I – us; II – his; III – her; IV – his; V – him
Material Complementar 
A portrait of myself.
Responda o questionário abaixo revelando as 
preferências, gostos, etc, para que possa conhecer 
“yourself” melhor: 
Questão 3
Have you seen Patrick? I would like to talk to 
________ as soon as possible.
I’m quite sure I’ve left my glasses in the car.
I must have left ________ there the day before 
If you see Rachel, tell ________ to give ________ a 
I guess the book over there is ________. 
________ is over here.
a) him - them - her - me - yours - mine
b) his - them - her - mine - your - my
c) him - them - her - me - your - my
d) his - their - she - me - yours - mine
e) him - their - she - mine - yours – mine
Questão 4
Have you seen Patrick? I would like to talk to________ 
as soon as possible. I’m quite sure I’ve left my glasses in 
the car. I must have left ________ there the day before 
If you see Rachel, tell ________ to give ________ a 
I guess the book over there is ________. ________ is 
over here.
a) him - them - her - me - yours - mine
b) his - them - her - mine - your - my
c) him - them - her - me - your - my
d) his - their - she - me - yours - mine
e) him - their - she - mine - yours – mine
Questão 5
Which option contains the correct use of the 
Conhecimentos da Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês
- I like sport practicing.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I have a boy-friend/girlfriend.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I study more than two hours day.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I read, at least*, five books a year.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I hate to do activities by myself.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I like to talk to people.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I like outdoor activities.
YES ( ) NO ( )
- I am an altruist person.
YES ( ) NO ( )
* at least – no mínimo
Answers: If most (or all) of your answers are “YES”, 
then you are probably an extrovert person and like 
to be with friends, but if you answered “NO” for most 
questions, then perhaps(1) you are a little shy(2) or 
prefer to spend some time(3) with yourself. 
No matter what(4) you answered to the questions 
above, you should(5) always say “YES” for the topic 
“I read, at least, five books a year.”, ok?
(1) perhaps - talvez
(2) shy – tímido
(3) to spend some time – passer algum tempo
(4) No matter what – Não importa o que
(5) should - deveria

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